year later














Three days…



It now turned to a week…



Two weeks aren’t enough…



A month my heart is still beating the way it should be with you…



Two months I still want you….



Bottles are scattered on my floor. It’s my new life. Drinking until I fell asleep. I am sleeping to dream that you are here. To feel your warm embrace, to be with you and most importantly to be love by you is all just in my dreams. I want to make a world where it’s you and I that stay together forever but things turn to nightmares because you are not here.



I am such a fool to let things happen. It was me who lose you forever. I wasn’t able to protect you. I wasn’t there to take care of you. Now that you’re gone, I miss you. I realized that I love you. I realize that if its living in this human world would hinder our love, I’d rather die this very moment just to be with you.



Now I know why people turn alcoholic. It is because there are pains that medicine can’t cure but can be remedied by forgetting through drinking. I realized that tears wouldn’t kill me it would just stop naturally but why can’t this pain be gone like that. I want to die now that tiffany’s gone. Yes, this stupid person did nothing to save her. I am such a useless person.



Knocks. I can hear them but what’s the use of opening them if she’s not the one in front of my door. I’ll just let them get tired and just leave me. The knocks are getting louder but I can’t let myself believe it was her. It would never be her. Please stop knocking on my door. Stop it for each knock keeps reminding it was not her and I would see her again.



I get my phone and open it. It’s the only picture of her that I have. Her smile would never light up my life. Her cheerfulness that I would never see again. Finally, her love for me that wouldn’t be mine for she lost it as well as her life. Tiffany would never be back from where she is right now but I can go next to her just one thing to do.



The door swings open revealing Yoona. She rushed to me and hugs me. She was not alone. She was with Yuri. “Taeyeon, please stop doing this. Go back to work please. Don't kill yourself.” Yuri was just looking at me with pity in her eyes. I just nodded. I just nodded. “But Yoona promise me you would let me go over time as much as I want. I want to tire myself up so that there wouldn’t be any time for me to think about her.” “I promise. I’ll see you next week.” “No. I’ll start tomorrow please.”



Yoona and Yuri go back to work after I promise that I won’t drink anymore. I took a bath and get myself ready. It is not for work because I’ll go back to work tomorrow. I need to meet someone that I think I should talk to or ask a favor. I know she can do this favor. It’s just a simple favor though. I get in my car and started to drive. I never heard from the radio for a long time ago because it reminds me of how she would sing for me.



I reached my destination after a ten minutes ride. I go out and get inside a building. I tried to smile to the officers. “Good morning. How may I help you?” “Good morning. I want to see an old friend of mine. Is the visiting hour over?” the office then look at the clock and look back at me. “There is still 30 minutes to visit your friend.” “Thank you sir.”



There is a small table with two chairs. I prefer to sit on the right chair and waited for her to arrive. I only have one thing in mind. It is my favor. My moment was ruin when she enters the room. She seems not to be happy seeing me. She seat on the left chair facing me. The officer then left and instructed me to tell if she do anything to me.



There was silence over the place but I wanted to say the reason why I’m here. “I just want to…” “Are you happy now?”  She didn’t let me finish what I wanted to say. “Why would I be happy?” “Because I’m already behind those cold bars.” “You don’t remember? You make that one chance of mine to get her back vanish the moment you…you did that.”



“Are you here to tell me that? It has been two months Taeyeon. Move on.” That’s the same thing I heard from everybody else. I think they don’t understand how it hurts. “I can’t…I can’t move on without her…” “Unfortunately she’s gone…FOREVER GONE…” those words hurt me the most. The truth that she is really gone forever.



“Yes she’s gone because you did nothing that night…” “I know it was my fault but you did this…” “You pushed me to do this Taeyeon. You and your love for someone else…”  I get to my limit. I stand up and grab her collar. “She’s NOT just someone else, Sunny…She’s the girl who loved me for who I am…the girl that I wanted to love more…but you just came into the scene and ruin everything…”



I release her from my grip. “I just want you to remember Taeyeon that things between the two of you are broken even before I got in the scene…” she was right about that. Now there’s nothing I have but this favor I want her to do. “Do you want to go out of this jail Sunny?” “Honestly yes…” “Then I’ll let you out of here but do one favor for me…” “What is it?”




“Kill me.”













“YURI!” she was really shocked when I shouted at her. “Why? And do you really need to shout at me?” “I’m sorry but can you go with me?”  She looks at me then back to her laptop. “Just go with Sica…I need to do this at the office right now…”  I pouted but she seems to ignore me. “Please Yuri…please…”



“I need to finish things here Yoona…it's for your company okay?” “Yuri…please…please…” “Just go with Sica…” I look at her and she look at me. ”Okay…I’ll call Sica for you...” she gets her phone and called Sica. “Sica…can you…”  I get her phone and hold it down. “Why did you do that? Give me my phone…” “I don’t want…I’ll talk to her…”



“Sica…can you eat with me?” “Yes ofcourse…good thing…haven’t eaten yet…” “That’s good…” “Wait why don’t you eat with Yuri instead?” “She’s going with us...” Yuri looks at me with shock but I just ignore her. “See you Sica on the main entrance…” “See you Yoon...” I ended the call and put Yuri’s phone on her desk while she was still shock.



“Why did you told her that I’m going with you?” I smiled at her. “So that you’ll eat with me…” “I told you I have many things to do right?” “I’m more important those…” “But..” “I’m your boss and when I order you to do that then you should follow…get yourself ready okay?.. And by the way don’t call anyone else…”



Yuri and I go to the main entrance. Sica was there and give me a hug. Yuri drives my car and both Sica and I sit at the back seat. “Yoon, why are you using Yuri’s phone?” I look at Yuri who was seriously driving. “Why is it bad to use someone else’s phone?” “No Yoon but people might think the wrong way about it…”



“What do you mean?” the car stop at our destination. “She means that people might think that were a couple if you did that again.” Yuri gets out of the car and opens the door for me and Sica. “Well Yoon that’s what I really want to say…Both of you are single that’s why if you want to people to think the correct way don’t do that again."



I was still thinking of what Sica and Yuri told me. I mean she was right but why do I feel like doing thing like that to Yuri. Then, my phone ring. It was Seohyun texting me she’ll be out with her friends. I miss my sister too. “Who is it Yoon?” “Its Hyunie she told me she’s going to an amusement park with her friends.” “Oh amusement parks are fun…” “Let’s go there tonight…”



“I’ll go with you Yoon how about you Yuri?” “I need to finish things at the office and I think I’ll be going home late.” She really loves her work more than Sica and I. “I’m excited for that sica.”  We eat and after that Yuri drive us back to the office. She goes straight to her desk and started to work.



My phone ring after a few hours and it was Sica telling me she has an emergency meeting that she can’t go with me tonight. I was so sad because Yuri was busy and Sica cancelled our trip to the amusement park. It was merely nine in the evening when I heard a knock on my door. Yuri entered my office and go straight to my desk.



“Sica told me that you are not going to the amusement park anymore…but would you like to some place with me?” I look at her and smiled. I nodded then she signaled me to go now. “We are going to an arcade by bus. If it’s okay with you?” “Yes I want to go there…look there is the bus..” I hold her hand and go inside the bus.



I was sitting next the window. “Yuri look it looks so cute…” “We’ll go there when we have time…” the trip was really pretty for it makes me see places that I rarely see when I’m driving my car. “Wow!” “That’s the dancing fountain…when it’s really late at night it moves gracefully like it was dancing.” I just smiled at her and continued to watch the beautiful view.



We arrived at the arcade. There are a lot of things that I want to play but Yuri told me to take my time and enjoy everything. I played every game I found that looks cool. Yuri was just following me where ever I go. I was like a kid having her first time on an arcade. “Yuri plays with me…” “Okay…how do we play this thing?”



“It's like this…” I hold her hand and position her hand on the toy. I was really hugging her from the back. Yuri was happily playing the game. I slowly rested my head on her back. I really miss you. I never thought the places like this could turn into my own kind of heaven. We stayed at that position until the game was over. I just wish it never ended.



We were riding the bus again from the arcade. It was really fun yet tiring.  There are places that interest me the most. Then I saw the fountain Yuri told me as the dancing fountain. “Yuri…look the fountain is really dancing…” I was amazed and after the bus passed the fountain. I looked at Yuri and see that she was sleeping.








“Yuri you look so cute…” I put my phone back at my bag after I take a picture of the sleeping Yuri. “You must be so tired…but you enjoy this night with me right? Because I…I enjoy it while holding your hand…thank you for being with me…” I tighten my grip on her hand and lean closer. I kissed her on her cheek and put my head on her shoulder. I feel comfortable that slowly I drifted to my own dream land.












I didn’t realize that I fell asleep. I check where we are and I realize that it’s far from the station we will go down. When I turn to see Yoona, she was sleeping with her head on my shoulder. She really looks like my very own kind of angel. I think she got tired from playing around at the arcade. I never thought she would enjoy such place.



When I look at her, I can never see that she gone through so much last two months. I become some kind of her personal assistant. She brings me wherever she wants just like this lunch. I can never say I didn’t enjoy that because anywhere as long as she is there it would turn to be some kind of paradise for me.



I look at my hand I realize that she was still holding my hand. I tried to loosen my grip on it and to release my hand from hers but she tightens her grip. I have no choice but to tighten my grip as well. I really find it cute of her that she does thing like this. She is still the girl I love before but I changed. But even if I change, I still love her no matter what.




There are only two streets away from the terminal that I think I should wake her up. “Yoona…Yoona…Yoona” she them slowly open her eyes and look at me. “We are almost at the terminal. You okay?” she looks at the window and realizes that I’m saying the truth. “I’m okay. Why?” “You seem to be so tired. You must sleep well tonight.”



We go out of the bus with our hands intertwined. We entered the building and got into the elevator. I was cherishing the moment that she was holding my hand. She was silent the whole elevator ride. We walk to her apartment door. “Go in first manager.” She flashes a smile but I was surprised when she hugs me.



“Thank you for today. Good night.” She broke the hug and I look at her straight to her eyes. “Anything for you. Next time we’ll go to places that you want. So you better save a lot of energy.” I pinch her nose and she pouted. “You go in and sleep you got things to do early tomorrow at the office.”



She got in to her apartment and I proceed to mine. It has been a tiring but happy one. I decided to take a bath before I go to bed. After I take a bath, I get my phone and texted her for sweet dreams. She didn’t reply that means she is already asleep. She must really get tired. Well, who wouldn’t be?



I was in my couch watching late night shows to make me asleep when I heard someone shouting near my place. “Yoona! Talk to me! I need to talk to you!” I decided to go outside to see whose disturbing Yoona’s sleep. I go to my door and slowly open it. I was shocked to see Taeyeon sitting on the floor she seems to be drunk.



“Taeyeon, I think Yoona’s fast asleep right now.” She looks at me and I know that she’s feeling lonely again. She’s acting like this since Tiffany was gone. “Is that so?” “But you can talk to me if you want. I’m willing to listen to you.”  She didn’t react so I get it as no. turn around and step toward my door.



“Yuri…” I turn around and she was tearing up. I walk to her and sit next to her. “I’m ready to listen…” “I got to Sunny earlier…and I ask her one favor…to kill me…” I was shock to hear that she visited Sunny. “But she just slaps me…and told me she understand why Tiffany just chose to die than to be with me…”



“Even I would do that…”  I didn’t look at her. “Why?” “Can't you see she loves you a lot? She can’t do that…the moment she kidnapped Tiffany she already admit that she will never be loved by you…she was hurting like you did or worst than you…you were like me before…” I smiled weakly at her and she was still processing what I told her earlier.



“How…How did you do it…living without Yoona?” I look forward to the blank white wall. “It was never easy…it would never be…but I realized that I need to live…without her…but the reason I have will always be her…for short I lived for her.” I stand up and she followed my action. “Live for her…live for Tiffany.” I tap her shoulder and she weakly smile at me. Taeyeon then go and I was about to enter my apartment when I heard someone.



“Thank you for talking to her Yuri.” I turn around and see Yoona. “It's nothing for a friend who need someone…she’s just in the moment when she thinks that the things she wants are taken away from her…don’t worry about her…she’ll be able to move on…” I weakly smile at her. “Does it really hurt?” “What?” she was looking straight at me.



“Being in that state?” “Yes…but it’s the time when you’ll learn many things…” “Like what?” “Loving someone is not the time when you have her but the moment you cherish her with the memories you know you can live with the rest of your life…”  her eyes are teary while her was looking straight at me.



“I never thought I hurt you too much before…” I never thought that we would end up talking about the two of us. “It’s the past Yoona…don’t bring it up again…” “I’m sorry…” I walk next to her and wipe her tears. “Don’t worry I’ll never let you hurt me again so that I’ll never see you cry like this…I don’t want you to cry any more so I…”





“I’ll resign.”







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Chapter 39: Vuelve a actualizar
Chapter 39: Update update update!!!
Chapter 39: Por supuesto que espero nuevo capitulo :D
Chapter 30: Update author.
Autor actualiza por fa... extraño mucho esta historia y quiero saber que mas pasa.
Chapter 11: please update soon
Trackstar #6
Chapter 38: So now soo will be with sica? Author more yoonyul moments pls!
soshi1990 #7
Chapter 38: update soon author amd next yoonyul moment. .
Chapter 37: myy..
just found this story.
btw, thanks for still writing about yoonyul :) i am really happy about it ..
Chapter 37: Hope fany not falling in love with sooyoung!!
Thanks for updating author ^^