Finding the One


“Lauren, hurry up and get over here! The performance is starting!” Hana yells from my living room.

“Coming, coming!” I run over and sit down next to Hana. B1A4’s performance starts and we’re both cheering. Jinyoung is on camera and we both cheer loudly.

“It’s your fiancé!!!” Hana yells, and I laugh. Hana knows about our engagement, but she is sworn to secrecy. Jinyoung and I discussed it and we concluded that it wouldn’t be a good idea to go public with our relationship. I’m okay with it because I know how bad it could get for both of us and to B1A4 if it went public. And we’re both very careful when we go out.

Hana and I continue watching the performance, when another one of Jinyoung’s parts come up. As he’s singing and dancing the choreography, his hands come onto the screen and both Hana and I see the couple ring that we got together after our engagement. We both point it out and start screaming in excitement.



I just wanna say, if you have come this far, thank you for reading my fanfic! It's finally done! I was on hiatus for so long, but today I was determined to finish it :D Every time I get subscribers or story comments, I feel so grateful that someone is actually willing to read what I write. I am forever thankful!! *90 degree bow* <3 

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sarahsohn77 #1
Chapter 9: Loved it <3
sarahsohn77 #2
Chapter 6: He will find her number somehow..... Let's hope :(