The Encounter

Till Our Last Breaths


May 12, 2004

He was 15 and she was 13.


It was 2pm in the afternoon and Seohyun was seated all alone in the Seoul Middle School’s library. School was over and the library was quiet.


Seohyun was seated at her favourite spot, the reading table at the far right corner. She especially liked this seat because it was beside a full-length glass window that allowed her to oversee the school’s field, side gate and basketball court. Due to the library being located on the fourth storey, the view also included the bustling streets outside of school. Tiffany and Taeyeon had gone home for the day. It is only Seohyun that liked to stay back to continue revising her homework on her own, or just take an hour or two to read a few of her favourite self-improving books from the library.


Today, she had put on her earpiece as she continued with her daily activities. Listening to her favourite playlist, she gazed out of the window, taking a break from her books. She had always liked Spring. It was also her mother’s favourite season out of the four. She had childhood memories of going on small picnic trips with her family to enjoy the beautiful scenery filled with cherry blossoms, yet sadly, these days do not last.


Her vision focused on the basketball court. Ever since that day Tiffany had introduced the two famous guys to her, she had been keeping a lookout for them. She had never noticed them playing basketball at the courts ever since she started schooling and found her favourite spot in the library. Now that she knew of their existence, she couldn’t help it but notice every time she sees the basketball court.


Her eyes scanned the people playing basketball and her vision fell on Mr. Dimples a.k.a Lee Jonghyun. Needless to say, she watched him play.  She had ever wondered what it felt like to have a crush on an opposite gender, and she wasn’t sure whether this was the feeling she was feeling just then. Of course, she had dismissed the thought of asking her two best friends, as that would be too embarrassing.


Her life had been mundane so far. Everyday she would visit the library for self-studying or to read books, then on every even day of the week, she would reach home by 4pm to have her piano lesson taught by her very own mother. At 6pm she would tune in to her favourite FM channel on the radio while watching her mother get ready for her second job of the day. Yes, she works doubles everyday. Ever since Seohyun’s dad got into a car accident and passed on, her mother took on the breadwinner position in the family and strived hard to cater to the needs of her child.


Being the only child, Seohyun was independent since young. She was well taught and mannered by her parents. When she was 7, her dad passed on. Since then, she knew the heartaches and hardships her mother was facing. And it was then, she was determined to work even harder, be understanding and filial as ever. Her mother was always grateful that her daughter was such an obedient child and this drives her to make sure Seohyun gets the best out of her abilities.


Seohyun blinked. She had been gazing at the court for some time. Giving a last glance, she gave a small pout and with a sigh, she returned to her books. She had not completed her homework of that day.




“Mum, stop it! Basketball is my passion. I want to be in the national team. I want to represent Korea. Why can’t you accept that?” Jung Yonghwa was half-shouting at his mother.


“Yonghwa, please be sensible. You know our family couldn’t allow that. You’d better get that idea out of your head fast. From now onwards, you are not to join Jonghyun for any basketball practices,” Yonghwa’s mum replied coldly. She walked out of the room and closed the door firmly.


Seated on his bed, Yonghwa was fuming. He was angry that his parents were controlling his life. Sometimes, he hated the fact that he was in this family. He hated that he was surnamed Jung.


Being the second son, he had always thought that the responsibility of taking over his father’s position in the company would be his older brother’s. However, a year ago, his older brother had been deemed unfit to take over because of his poor health. They simply could not allow a sickly person to take on such a huge responsibility. Since then, his parents had been putting all their attention and hope on him. And yes, he hated it. He wanted his freedom, and he wanted to lead his own life.


With all angry thoughts flooding his mind, he jumped off his bed, grabbed his jacket that was on his chair, and made his way out of the house.


He did not stop walking when he heard his caretaker call him. He did not stop walking when his mother ordered him to go back to his room. He had enough. He wanted to get out of the house fast. Then, he quickened his footsteps.


Out of his house, he walked along the stretch of road leading to the park near his house. He decided quickly that he would meet Jonghyun along the way. He needed to talk to his best friend, who would have by this time, finished his basketball practice.


He fastened his footsteps again.


Swerving at a corner to his school, he hit into something hard. There was a loud noise of objects scattering all over the ground.


Gathering himself from the shock, he realized that he had knocked into a student from his school. She was squatting on the floor trying to gather all her books that had fallen during the collision.


“Jwesonghamnida! I’m really sorry,” The girl he had collided with was apologizing to him while picking up her books.


Yonghwa was mad. He was not in the right mood.


“Hey, watch where you are going next time will you! Do others a favour.” He snapped.


The girl stopped what she was doing and looked up at him, in shock at his outburst. Immediately Yonghwa found her really familiar. She had that same clear eyes and facial features.


“Ah… Jwesonghamnida… Are you okay?” The girl asked, her face flustered red with embarrassment. She got up quickly and adjusted her books and her attire.


“Na… Nae. Just… watch where you are going ok. Those books could kill someone,” Yonghwa shifted his eyes uncomfortably. He did not dare to look in her eyes and he stammered uncontrollably. Excusing himself quickly, he carefully walked past her with his head down.


He quickened his footsteps again. He needed his best friend. However, he could not get that girl with the clear eyes out of his mind. Somehow, he had this feeling that he had seen her somewhere, and that occasion must had left an impression deep enough for him to wonder about her now.


Seohyun turned back and looked. Isn’t that Jung Yonghwa from her school? She wondered why he was in such a rush. Frowning, she could not believe that a person that famous in school and being admired by thousands of female students would be so rude. Not only did he not help her with picking up the fallen books, he even blamed her for being in his way.


Seohyun mentally thought that she would cite this incident first thing to her best friends tomorrow when she sees them. She looked at her watch on her left wrist.


“Ah! I’m late!”


Clutching her books with both hands, she ran towards the direction of her home. It was just 5 minutes away from the time of her piano lesson.


Hi all again, 
I'm really touched by all the support you guys had given me despite only uploading a chapter..
Therefore, here's another!! 
To all my 17 subbers and 225 viewers. *Cheers*


*Please also note that i'll be inactive for about 2 weeks. I'll be overseas. 
**Keep the subs and comments coming in okay? :)


19/5/13, 11:24pm


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yongseoshipper #1
I sense some angst coming!! Update soon!! You've done a fantastic job so far! =]]
NickisFace #2
yaaaaaaaaaaaay i love this LOL new reader! :3
babypillow #3
Chapter 3: Oh ..... exciting!! Can't wait for the update!@!
Chapter 3: Gahh.. I knew it.. Seohyun adore jonghyun not yonghwa.. I wonder how will it be when yonghwa find about it x((

Omg, the things will be complicated with fany crushing on yonghwa. I also curious if jonghyun also crushing on someone too between the three bestfriend. This gonna be a big storm!
I guess I have to prepare my umbrella or my bucket for my tears kkkkk

Hwaiting for the next update ^^
jcrazilyloved #5
Chapter 2: Author nim!
I'm your favourite girl and number 1 supporter! XD
babypillow #6
Chapter 2: i am so glad i went shopping for new yongseo fanfics and found yours! it sounds so promising and hope u update soon!
gogumacop #7
Chapter 2: Hi,the story is very interesting. I just wish the chapters were longer, though. Fighting! ^^
Chapter 1: I'm so excited about this story... And I love your writing style.. ^^

have you post yongseo story in another web? I would love to know because I really want to read your stories.
I cant wait to read when they reach 20s xD