The Deal

Gangster Teacher

The next day, Sooyoung entered 3-E and saw that the students present were the ones who went to school the day before.


"Where's everyone else? When are they going to school?" She asked, unable to hide her disappointment. She saw Woohyun cutely waving at her. Kai winked at her. She briefly smiled at them and glanced around the near-empty classroom.


"They have their own schedule, Miss Choi." Daehyun answered.


"What do you guys think they're doing now?" They all shrugged, except for Kris who was sleeping. "Is he ever awake?" Sooyoung gestured to him and asked.


"Yeah, but most of the time he's sleeping." Suho replied.


"Is he going through something serious? Is he always like that?"


"He's been like that since he transferred." Chen shrugged. "Anyway, Yongguk hyung and the others like playing sports… We play basketball or football sometimes."


"Sometimes, we go to the arcade." Lay answered.


"Other times they just go out and beat random people up."


Suddenly, she stood up from her chair and stretched her limbs. "Okay then! I'll find them and try to convince them to go to school."


"But that's impossible!" Sungjong yelled.


She stopped and thought about what Sungjong said. "Well, it's definitely not easy, but it's not impossible either! Stay here and behave, all right?"


"Miss Choi, don't go!" Woohyun whined.


"Don't worry! I'll be back soon! Read your books, or else!" Sooyoung smiled and bolted out of the classroom. The students tried chasing her but she was too fast.


"Do you guys think she can find them?" Chen asked, his eyes still lingering on the hall.


"Of course not! She doesn't even know what they look like."


"She's pretty reckless, I'll give you that."


She's really something. L chuckled to himself.


Meanwhile, after running aimlessly, Sooyoung somehow stumbled upon an empty lot with about 15 guys.


"Hey guys, don't you have school today? You're even wearing your school uniforms!" She asked and pointed at their dirtied uniforms.


"Why do you care? Who the hell do you think you are?" A guy with blonde hair and tan skin asked.


"Hey Yongguk hyung!" A tall and derp-faced guy with curly hair hit him. "She's still a girl. A cute girl at that." He smiled and winked at Sooyoung.


"Do you even know us?"


"Yeah, I do." She saw a football lazily rolling on the grass. "Can I play football with you guys?"


"You know how?" A fair-skinned guy with rainbow-colored hair asked.


"Of course I do."


"Cool!" The derpy guy smiled cutely. "Let's play!"


"I'm not playing with some girl you just met." Yongguk grumbled on as he sat on the side of the field.


"Who's the girl?" A guy with red hair and small eyes asked him and pointed at Sooyoung who started playing with the other guys.


"Beats me." Yongguk shrugged. "Sunggyu hyung, you're not playing again?"


"I get tired easily!" He laughed. "Oh, Woohyun's calling, wait!"


"Sunggyu hyung! What are you guys doing?"


"They're playing football, Yongguk and I are watching them. What's up?"


"I have something big to tell you! We have a new teacher!"


"You're calling just to tell me that? I don't care!"


"I'm not yet finished, okay! Our new teacher's a girl! A hot girl!"


He snorted. "Really? The chairman must be pretty desperate to have hired a female teacher." He replied in disinterest. He was watching Sooyoung single-handedly steal the ball and kick it into the goal. "She's pretty awesome." He commented as he watched her and her teammates celebrate.




"There's this girl who came up to us and-" He trailed off. "Hey Woohyun, what does the teacher look like?"


"She's tall and slim! She has tan skin, big and pretty eyes, pink lips, long brown hair. You're interested in her, aren’t you hyung? She's hot, wait till you see her!"


Sunggyu's normally tiny eyes widened. ". I'll call you later." He hung up and ran to the field. "Hey, stop playing!"


"Why? I was about to score my second  goal!" Sooyoung stomped her foot on the ground.


"She's our teacher!" He pointed at Sooyoung and looked at the guys.


They all turned to her, eyes widened. "What?"


"But she's hot and she's good in football. How can she be our teacher?"


A cute guy with slits for eyes and chubby cheeks turned to Sunggyu. "How'd you know this, anyway?"


"Woohyunnie called me! He told me she was gonna convince us to go to school."


"Unbelievable." The rainbow-haired guy mumbled to himself. "But wait! If you're a teacher, why'd you play with us? I even thought you were a great teammate."


"I like football, that's all." She answered casually. "Anyway, you guys had your fun. Could you guys please go to school? Your classmates are waiting for you!" She smiled broadly.


"You left them there alone?"


"Did our guys tell you where we are?" A guy with big and round eyes asked.


She shook her head. "I looked for you guys."


"What?!" They asked in unison.


"It wasn't that hard, really."


"We're not going to school." A tough-looking guy with jet-black hair and small eyes said.


"Why not?"


"Look, stop pretending to care, okay?" Yongguk yelled at her.


"But I really do care! I want you guys to go to school!"


"Okay, we'll all go to school..." Yongguk replied. "…on one condition."


She raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"


"You'll have to beat me in a fight. If I win, you'll have to resign from your job and disappear from our lives."


"What if I win?"


Yongguk laughed humorlessly. "Do you really think you'd win? Okay, if you beat me, we'll go to school for the rest of the year starting tomorrow and we'll even call you boss. How does that sound?"


"Okay!" She smiled.


"Does she even know what she has gotten herself into?" Sunggyu whispered to the rainbow-haired guy as they watched Yongguk and Sooyoung prepare themselves.


"She's headed straight for a trip to the emergency room!" A guy with purple hair and heavily lined eyes shuddered.


"Don't worry, Baekhyun. I think she's got this." The big-eyed guy smacked Baekhyun's arm.


"You didn't have to hit me, you bastard." Baekhyun shook his head in annoyance, glaring at him.


"You can back away before it's too late! I'd love to date you after the school year ends!" A brown-haired guy yelled.


"This is not the time for that!" Sooyoung yelled back to him.


"Too late!" Yongguk threw a punch and nearly hit Sooyoung in the face.


"Whoa!" Sooyoung almost stumbled but luckily she was able to get back on her feet.


Yongguk kept on throwing punches. "How long are you gonna keep on running?"


"Hey Yongguk, can we please stop before one of us gets hurt?"


"You should've said that before we started. I'm not afraid to hurt you!" He yelled as he threw another punch that Sooyoung successfully avoided. Yongguk got ready to attack her again but Sooyoung was faster.


"Forgive me for doing this, Yongguk!" Sooyoung said as she punched his stomach, causing him to fall over.


The other guys who were watching gasped loudly. "Holy ."


"I beat you! You're going to school tomorrow, okay?"


"Not yet!" He stood up and continued to throw punches aimlessly.


Sooyoung exhaled loudly. "Let's finish this."


No one saw how it exactly happened, but again, Sooyoung hit Yongguk's abdomen but this time, with much more force. Once again, Yongguk fell over. He glared at her and tried to stand up but he was unable to do so.


The guys went over to him and examined him. "Are you okay, Yongguk?" Sunggyu asked.


Yonggyu nodded, a tight expression on his face. With much difficulty, he stood up, still clutching his abdomen. He walked away but not before casting his last glare on Sooyoung. The other guys followed him, muttering their own complaints.


"I'll see you guys in school tomorrow, okay?" She yelled to the guys who were walking away. Hearing no response from them, she heaved a deep sigh.


Suddenly, the derpy guy placed his hand on Sooyoung's shoulder. "Don't worry, Yongguk's a man of his word. How'd you do that, you fight so well!"


Sooyoung smiled as a reply. "Looks like you don't wanna tell me. It's alright. See you in class tomorrow, boss!" He grinned at her. "I'm Chanyeol, by the way. And this is Sungyeol!" He pointed at the tall guy beside him.


"See you tomorrow, boss!" Sungyeol waved at her and jumped on Chanyeol's back. Chanyeol shook him away and punched him repeatedly. Sooyoung watched them catch up to Yongguk's group.


She brushed the dirt off her hands and made her way back to SM High School. She made a quick trip to the bathroom and tried to fix her disheveled clothes and hair.


Meanwhile, the students left in 3-E were deep in sleep. They were woken up by Woohyun's ringtone. He angrily dug his phone out of his bag and answered it.


"Who is this?" He hissed.


"Don't you have caller ID, Woohyun?"


He snarled. "If you called just to piss me off..."


"Jeez, looks like someone's in a bad mood. Anyway, I just called to tell you that she found us."


Woohyun stiffened in his seat. "What the-"


"What is it, Woohyun?" Suho tapped his desk impatiently. The rest of them leaned closer to Woohyun's desk, trying to hear the rest of the conversation.


"Did the hyungs get in trouble?" Sungjong asked no one in particular.


Chen shrugged. "I hope not."


"So you're telling me that our teacher found you, played football with you, and-" Woohyun stopped when Sooyoung opened the front door and sit on her chair in exhaustion. "I'll call you later, Hoya."


Sooyoung plastered a huge smile on her face. "So, did you guys read your books?"


"We did! We were amazing!" Kai said proudly.


"Miss Choi, did you really beat Yongguk up?"


Everyone gasped loudly and shot a shocked look at Sooyoung and Woohyun. "No way!" Lay shook his head madly.


"Who told you?"


"Hoya called me just now." Woohyun held up his phone.


"Did you really fight with him?" Suho asked her.


Sooyoung exhaled. "Yeah." Again, the students gasped. "I'm sorry, okay! Yongguk said if I beat him in a fight they'll go to school for the rest of the year! It was for the greater good!"


"Holy ." Daehyun cursed.


"Please don't tell your other teachers. I don't wanna get kicked out, I did it for academic purposes. This is just my second day!" She bowed to them.


"You're awesome, Miss Choi!" Suho flashed her a thumbs up.


She straightened up. "I am?"


"Yes, you are!" Sooyoung turned to her right and saw Kai and his puckered up lips, trying to kiss her. She pushed his face away, leaving him disappointed.


"Finding them in this huge city is one thing, but beating Yongguk hyung up is another thing!" Jongup grinned at her.


"You're probably the first one to do that! No, Kris hyung beat him up once!" Daehyun glanced at Kris who was still fast asleep. "But I'm sure you're the first girl to do that!"


"We're not gonna tell anyone! You're too awesome to get fired in just two days!"


Kris' head suddenly shot up from the noise. He sleepily scratched his head and yawned. He looked around and saw L staring amusedly at the scene in front of them. His classmates were crowding around the teacher's table. "What’s happening?" He pointed to the front.


"Our new teacher just beat Yongguk up." L had to stifle his laughter when he saw the look of confusion on Kris' face.


"What the hell? But she's a girl, right?" He tilted his head to the side.


L nodded. "That's what I heard from them." He stood up and waited for Kris to do the same.


Suho saw L and Kris from the corner of his eye. "Hey, Kris is awake!"


"Finally." Kai chuckled to himself.


"We thought we needed a prince to wake you, Sleeping Beauty!" Chen joked.


Sooyoung stood up and waved at Kris. "Hi there! I'm Choi Sooyoung, your new homeroom adviser and English teacher! It's good to finally see you awake!"


Kris simply nodded to her direction and sat on the nearest empty seat. "I heard you fought with Yongguk."


Sungjong squeezed Sooyoung's arm. "Promise to take care of yourself, Miss Choi!"


"Those guys are gonna get back at you, especially Yongguk hyung. He hates teachers and girls. And you are both a teacher and a girl, so…" Jongup added.


"It's alright. Thanks for the concern!" She smiled brightly. "Anyway, they're going back to school starting tomorrow. I'm excited!"


"She's screwed." Daehyun couldn't help but worry for her. After all, Sooyoung was the first teacher that got to him and he was sure that she got to the others as well.

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swift98 #1
Chapter 8: This story is really great. Why wont you update T_T
ReenRieX #2
Chapter 8: Chapter 7 : please update more !! This is amazing story.. I love it so much !! Imma curious of what happen next after the provoking scene between them.. Please update ~ buing buing ~
Chapter 8: omo ! Update soon authornim ! >< this is so funny and i'm curious what happen in the next chapter :D
Chapter 8: the chairman and the vice chairman are soooo annoying!
i'm laughing at 'the most unmanly place in korea' like ahahahahah xD
Chapter 8: Yay finally an update! :3 this is getting interesting update soon author-nim! o/
Chapter 8: yes finally ! you've updated !!!!
waiting for the next chappie !
update soon, hwaiting !
Chapter 8: Poor Dongwoo .... the heck Dongwoo, Hoya, Luhan and Xiumin go to Dog cafe XD - Yuki
Chapter 8: Pairings please author nim. <3
Exited that u're finally back
Chapter 8: Omo omo... you finally updated... yaaaa... I really like your story author-nim
Chapter 8: Is it gonna be SOOKRIS? Hahaha!!