
Goodbye, Hello
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A/N: I hope you're still here with me even if I rarely update this. Please hang on? :)

Enjoy this fluffy chapter :D




“We’re going shopping today.” Taeyeon sat beside Tiffany on the couch.


“Really? Why!?” It was clear that Tiffany was excited. Rarely did she go out of the apartment. If she did, it was only around the neighbourhood and because she wanted to keep herself sane.


“My friend’s getting married in a few days. I already told you that, right? And you’re coming with me.”


“Where are we going?”


“I’ll bring you to Seoul. You must be itching to go out already. It’s been months since you’ve locked yourself here. I feel like I’ve kidnapped you.”

The last sentence came out faintly. She was kind of guilty for not really helping Tiffany gain back her memories. She enjoyed the latter’s company too much that she had almost forgotten that everything was temporary.


Tiffany noticed the expression on Taeyeon’s face. “You DID NOT kidnap me. You’re helping me. And I’m grateful for that. Please don’t make yourself look bad.”


Taeyeon forced a smile. “I’m just doing what I think I should’ve done a long time ago.”


Tiffany stayed quiet, patiently waiting for Taeyeon to continue what she was saying.


“Take you out on a da-“ Taeyeon cut herself midway. She didn’t want to make it seem like she’s hitting on her. “Day-shopping. Yes, shopping on a da-daytime.” She felt her cheeks burning. ‘Great. Now I’m even stuttering?’


Tiffany laughed at the flustered face of her friend. She pinched Taeyeon’s cheek and whispered nonchalantly, “Cute.”


Taeyeon cursed herself for acting like a lovesick teenager. But she managed to cover it up by running towards her room.

“Go get ready! I’ll just shower a bit!” she shouted from behind the door, leaned against it and closed her eyes. ‘She just pinched your cheek for God’s sake! Why are you feeling all giddy? Stop thaaaaat.’




Taeyeon had been stealing glances at the person next to her whenever she had the chance. She was driving her car with Tiffany on the passenger’s seat.

She was secretly grinning at the sight of the other girl who’s popping her head out of the window, squealing as if she were a pet who had just gone out of its cage.

“Have I kept you for too long, my Fany pet?”


Tiffany was smiling from ear to ear when she finally closed the window. “What kind of owner are you? You should always take your pet out on a walk!”

Taeyeon just chuckled.

“No I take that back! You should go on drives and take your pet with you all the time!” Tiffany’s voice was loud. The radio was on but her loudness overpowered the music.


“Aish. Why is my pet so noisy!?” Taeyeon ruffled Tiffany’s hair when the stoplight turned red.


“You really are enjoying this, aren’t you?”




“This. Me being your pet.”


Taeyeon had to admit it to herself. But she could never say it out loud. At least, not yet.

“Whatever. You like it.”


Their teasing stopped when the green light took its turn.




Their first stop was at a famous coffee shop. Taeyeon insisted that they eat breakfast first before shopping so they’d have enough energy for the day.


“Would you like to have some coffee, Taeyeon-ssi?” Tiffany randomly blurted out with her index finger above her upper lip, mimicking a beard.


Taeyeon laughed at the randomness. “Silly pet. I’m gonna order for us. What would you like to have?”


Tiffany pursed her lips to think. “I’m gonna go for my favourite, Strawberries and crème frappe.”


Taeyeon nodded and went to the counters. And suddenly, it hit her. ‘Her favourite?’


Tiffany stared out the glass windows and observed the busy streets. It gave her a familiar feeling. ‘Why does it feel like this has happened before?’


Taeyeon came back with two drinks in her hands. She took the seat across from the other girl.

“Fany-ah, you said this is your favourite.” She pushed the drink towards her, giving the latter a questioning look.


“I did?” Tiffany drank a gulp and it gave her a familiar taste. She tightly shut her eyes and tried her best to remember something- but nothing came out of it.


Although it was frustrating, she was still relieved. ‘Am I starting to remember now?’


“This is a good sign, right? Taeyeon-ah?” She smiled widely; unaware of what the other girl was thinking.


“Yes, it is.”


Taeyeon nodded. She was genuinely happy for Tiffany. But there was a small part of her wishing that the girl would stay a bit longer with her. ‘But I know it’s impossible.’




“Taeyeon-ah… How old do you think I am?”

Tiffany popped the question while they were walking and a game station came into view.



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Chapter 5: omg jut saw this story dang iiiitttttt.
fatmiboo #2
Chapter 1: I'm your fans start right now. I love your story soooooo much..
please complete this story soon, pretty please. and take care of your health too :D
Chapter 5: Wow i love this story! Pls update soon :)
bvnnyloves #4
Chapter 5: Omo..please update again please please
Chapter 5: Omo~ Khuntora?eh? hahaha. Thankyou author~ I thought you're not going to update this story anymore >.<
Chapter 5: ASDFGHJKL!! Finally author-shi~ you have updated. hahahahahaha. :)))) and good thing also that TaeNy had a chance to develop their feelings. ^__^ Will wait for the chap~ thanks for the update. :D
ffanyysue #7
Chapter 5: Ahhh hopefully taeny expressed their feelings to each other before nickhun comes~ hehe.
Thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 5: come on~ build your more feeling towards Tae, Fany-ah......
Tae is waiting for your signal kekeke~
Chapter 5: aww so cute they love each other but i so hope tiffany and taeyeon get to be together :)!