
Goodbye, Hello
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LA, California



“Miss Hwang, your appointment with the publisher of Posh Inc. is already set. I’m sorry but we can’t cancel it now.”


The brunette was continuously tapping her fingers on her office desk. “Can you just be my proxy for that meeting?”


“But the publisher personally wants to talk to you.”


“Well, just tell her I have some personal business to attend to. That way, she can’t argue anymore. So just please, go there and attend that meeting for me, okay?” She leaned back on her chair and huffed. “You may go now, Vic.”


“Okay, I’ll call her. Sorry again, Miss Hwang.” Her office assistant immediately stood up and left the brunette all alone.


Seeing the fully-packed schedule on her calendar made her sigh. ‘I need a break from all this.’

She stared at the picture frame on her office desk. It was her last memory of her mother. They were wearing genuine smiles on their faces.


‘I’m sorry I haven’t visited you in years, mom. I miss you so much.’





“I trust you in this, Vic. I know you can handle everything. It’s just for 2 weeks anyway.” She handed out a pile of papers to her assistant.

“But Miss Hwang, I’m not sure if--”

“You should know that I feel old when you address me like that. So just call me Stephanie.” She smiled sincerely, “And I’m not just your boss. I’m also your friend.”


Victoria smiled in reluctance. She wasn’t used to a very warm boss. “Yes, Stephanie. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll try my best.”


“Just use Skype if ever you have questions, okay?”
















“Are you breaking up with me?”


“What!? No!”


“Why won’t you let me come with you?”


“I told you, I need this short break. I just need to be away from all this for a while. You understand me, right?”


The guy pulled Stephanie in his arms. “I already miss you, babe. Be back whole. I want my Stephanie back soon.”


Stephanie tip toed to reach his face and gently kissed him. “2 weeks, babe. I’m pretty sure I’ll be back in no time.”


She grabbed hold of the luggage and started walking towards the passenger’s entrance. She turned her back for the last time. “Goodbye for now… And Behave! I’ll scare all those office flirts away if you--”

“Trust me, babe! I only love you. Go on. The airplane’s waiting for you.” He chuckled as he waited for the brunette to enter the doors.


He took out a box from his pocket. He opened it and stared at the shimmering golden objects.


‘I’ll wait for you, Steph… I just can’t wait to call you my wife.’












The airplane was jolting in a swift motion. It seemed like the engines weren’t functioning perfectly and it was overlooked by the technical staff.


“We are truly sorry for the technical problem we are experiencing right now. May we request all the passengers to stay calm? Do not panic.” The flight attendant tried to keep calm as much as possible. But she herself couldn’t help but be scared.


Some passengers were blaming the crews. And some were just crying. Stephanie was silently praying while everyone started following the instructions of the flight attendant.


‘Is this it? Are we gonna see each other soon, mom?’





Busan, South Korea




“This song is dedicated to all the lovers out there. Hope you continue loving each other.” The blonde started strumming her acoustic guitar with her eyes closed.


For her avid fans, it was a lucky day to see their favourite country singer. For Kim Taeyeon, it was just another night, nothing special. She was already grateful to be doing what she loved the most- singing. But a part of her seemed incomplete.

Money? Not really.

Fame? She had that. Though she wasn’t known in the entire country, it was enough for her to be popular among the people in Busan.

Family? She had wonderful parents. Even though she was raised without any siblings, her parents made sure that she didn’t feel lonely.



BOOM. Maybe.





Taeyeon made her way towards the bar after her performance and ordered a drink for two; one for her and one for her best friend.


“Taeng, seriously, you should just date! You look miserable.”


“WOW. That really sounds nice coming from you.”


“Are you saying I look miserable, too?”


“I didn’t say that.”


The bartender cleared his throat and started doing his tricks in front of the girls. He threw one bottle and caught it using his other hand with his eyes closed and carefully poured out the liquid in the wine glasses.

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The mystery guy is revealed.


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Chapter 5: omg jut saw this story dang iiiitttttt.
fatmiboo #2
Chapter 1: I'm your fans start right now. I love your story soooooo much..
please complete this story soon, pretty please. and take care of your health too :D
Chapter 5: Wow i love this story! Pls update soon :)
bvnnyloves #4
Chapter 5: Omo..please update again please please
Chapter 5: Omo~ Khuntora?eh? hahaha. Thankyou author~ I thought you're not going to update this story anymore >.<
Chapter 5: ASDFGHJKL!! Finally author-shi~ you have updated. hahahahahaha. :)))) and good thing also that TaeNy had a chance to develop their feelings. ^__^ Will wait for the chap~ thanks for the update. :D
ffanyysue #7
Chapter 5: Ahhh hopefully taeny expressed their feelings to each other before nickhun comes~ hehe.
Thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 5: come on~ build your more feeling towards Tae, Fany-ah......
Tae is waiting for your signal kekeke~
Chapter 5: aww so cute they love each other but i so hope tiffany and taeyeon get to be together :)!