Chapter 5

Zelo's First Love


I'm sooooooooo sorry it took so long to get this chapter up >__< Please forgive me~

Things didn’t get easier for Zelo. B.A.P had their Pacific tour coming up for which he had to practice ridiculously. But the worst thing was that he would be traveling back and forth almost two months. Honestly, he didn’t know how Mirinae put up with him. She had considered giving up training but in the end she continued. She knew her mom would have wanted her to pursue her dream instead of wallowing in grief.

The day before Zelo left for the tour Mirinae came over to say goodbye to him and his hyungs. After she gave an individual cake to each member designed with their bunnies she turned to Zelo and handed him his. HimChan cleared his throat and announced that he was going to head to bed. The others immediately agreed and left Zelo and Mirinae on their own.

Zelo accepted his cake and set in on the living room table.

“I have something for you,” he said.

Mirinae raised her eyebrows.

Zelo reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, velvet box.

“Oh my gosh, JunHong, you really didn’t –”

“Shh,” Zelo said and handed her the box. “Open it.”

Mirinae bit her lip and opened the box. She gasped and almost dropped it when she saw the beautiful necklace inside.

“JunHong…” she breathed. Her eyes started to water and she sniffed. “You didn’t have…”

Zelo smiled at her and stepped closer.

“I know, but I wanted to.”

“Will you put it on for me?” Mirinae asked.

Zelo nodded and she carefully removed the necklace from the box and handed it to him. She turned around and lifted her long hair and Zelo brought the chain around her neck. His heart started to beat faster when he noticed how close they were and he slowly clipped the chain. Zelo had never though a girl’s shoulder could be y but Mirinae’s definitely was.

Before she could put her hair down he gently took the bundle from her and draped it over one of her shoulders. He brought his lips to the other and kissed it. Mirinae sighed quietly and turned to face him.

“I love you so much, JunHong.” Her tears finally spilled out of her eyes and Zelo wiped them away with his thumbs.

“I love you too, Miri.”

Mirinae stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips.

“Let’s go to the rooftop,” Zelo said taking her hand.

Mirinae glanced towards the door where Zelo’s hyungs were and Zelo quickly walked over to the door.

“Hyung? I’ll be back! I’m going to the rooftop with Mirinae.”

“Be safe!” Zelo heard from inside. He took Mirinae’s hand and they headed up to the rooftop. They leaned on the wall like they always used to before Mirinae had started to meet him at the dorm. It was a nice night. A perfect breeze blew around them while they both stared up at the sky dotted with stars here and there.

“You were right,” Mirinae said suddenly.

“What?” Zelo asked.

“Do you remember? We hadn’t known each other for long and I asked you why you kept coming up here. You said you wanted to talk to me and I asked why. You said I needed to talk and you were right.”

“You remember that?” Zelo asked, smiling.

“Yes, I do, because it was so true. I had so much going on and I thought I could handle it all on my own; and maybe I could have but you made things so much easier. You kept talking to me and even when I was horrible to you you didn’t walk away. Did I ever tell you I was sorry for hitting you? I felt really bad after, I’m sorry. My mom told me to apologize to you but I still didn’t and…”

Mirinae stopped talking and Zelo knew she wanted to cry.

“Your mom knows you were sorry, it’s ok, Miri,” Zelo said, wrapping his arms around her.

“I just miss her so much…”

Zelo kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.

“I know, baby…”

Mirinae stepped back a bit and looked up at Zelo.

“I’m going to miss you…a lot.”

Zelo sighed.

“I’m going to miss you too,” he said, “I really hate that we have to be like this – never together for a proper amount of time.

Zelo frowned and Mirinae brought her hands up to his face to smooth out the lines he was creating.

“You’re worth it, Zelo. Stop beating yourself up about it because that won’t change anything, ok? I love you and I won’t stop loving you just because you’re away for a couple months.”

Zelo looked into Mirinae’s eyes and saw the sincerity and the plea for him to stop blaming himself. He smiled at Mirinae and kissed her softly on the lips.

“That means a lot, Miri.”


Now, over a year after meeting, Mirinae raced down the halls of the building to see Zelo. He was back today from their tour and had called her as soon as he set foot in Seoul. She skidded around the corner and ran to the dorms. She had barely stopped running when she rapped on the door and a beaming Zelo flung it open. He grabbed her and pulled her tightly to him almost suffocating her but she didn’t care. As soon as he let go Mirinae held his face and kissed him. Zelo smiled as they kissed and brought his arms around Mirinae’s waist. When they broke apart Mirinae grinned up at him and he had to grin back.

She looked much better since the last time he saw her. He knew him being away wasn’t draining her of her very existence. She had regained the weight she had lost since her mom’s death and her skin was back to its healthy colour but there was something else too – something that hadn’t been there even when they had first met. There was a different aura about her.

She was happy. She was truly happy.

After everything Mirinae had been through, to think that he had played a part in something as significant to him as her happiness almost made tears fall his eyes. Instead he brought his lips to her forehead and kissed it.

“You look good,” he said softly.

Mirinae blushed and looked up at him.

“Thank you. You do too…”

“Really? How?” Zelo teased.

“You’re even more handsome than when you left.”

Zelo was surprised but pleased at her answer. He kissed her again and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“My hyungs are all really want to see you too. Do you want to join us for lunch?” Zelo asked.

Mirinae nodded and entered the dorm. She was greeted with a loud cheer from all Zelo’s hyungs who hugged her and greeted her one by one. DaeHyun brought in the food and they all sat and ate and talked about how their tour had been.

Zelo watched how well Mirinae got along with his hyungs in comparison to the first time they had met. He couldn’t help but smile at how HimChan cooed over Mirinae and complimented her on how much better she was looking and how well she maturing.

After lunch they all decided to take a nap and left Mirinae and Zelo to have some time together. Mirinae sighed contentedly and rested her head on Zelo’s shoulder.

“I missed you, Zelo. A lot. But after a while I was ok. I still missed you but…I was ok. I dealt with a lot of stuff I needed to and even though I don’t plan on going back to keeping everything bottled up I’m still glad I could do that. If I had never met you in the first place…I can’t imagine how much pain I’d still be in.”

Zelo smiled to himself when he remembered how he’d wanted to put a smile on her beautiful face from the first time he saw her – and he had done it.

He wrapped his arms around Mirinae and pulled her into a laying position on the couch with his chest against her back. She stifled a yawn and idly played with his fingers until she fell asleep.

“That’s what I always wanted,” he whispered to her, “to make you truly smile.”

To Zelo's surprise, Mirinae turned around and kissed him.

"Thank you," she whispered back. 

Thank you guys so much for subscribing and reading! I hope the ending wasn't diappointing (I always at ending fics) and that you guys enjoyed it! Thank you again!! <3

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Chapter 6: AWWWW (': THAT WAS SO ADORABLE <3 author-nim hwaiting!
Aww this was really good!
Chapter 5: :) don't worry. We can wait. :)
Chapter 4: So sad ;-; so many feels, such good writing skills . I'm reading this while listening to a sad song. xD and my feels are every where right now xD
Moooore updates please!!!