Chapter 3

Zelo's First Love



It wasn’t as bad as Zelo thought it would be, meeting with Mirinae at the dorm. One good thing was that she became a lot less shy around his hyungs but on the other hand they had no privacy. Even if they were in the bedroom someone could walk in at any time. Sometimes he even thought they were coming in on purpose to make sure nothing could happen between them. The lack of privacy also made Mirinae hesitant to talk about personal things like she usually would with Zelo. She didn’t want anyone to walk in on her crying.

One day after filming the video for Rain Sound Zelo was in the bedroom sitting on his bed with Mirinae. Zelo could tell she was sad today and that she was trying to hide it which was silly because Zelo knew exactly what she looked like when she was really happy. Her eyes would sparkle when she laughed and even if she wasn’t smiling her eyes always were. But today when she smiled her eyes were dull. She wouldn’t even make eye contact with him because she knew he would see something was wrong. Zelo couldn’t ignore it any longer.

“Is it your mom?” He asked.

Mirinae bit her lip and looked down at her hands in her lap. She nodded and immediately her eyes filled with tears. Zelo put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Is she getting worse?”

“Yes, a lot. I’ve been trying with what money I have to get her what she needs but it’s impossible. I tried to get a job without her knowing but I can’t even find one. I tried herbal medicine but her situation is just too –” She buried her face in her hands and started to cry.

Zelo laid her down and wrapped his arms around her praying nobody would walk in. She cried into his chest while Zelo rubbed her back. What could he do? Then he suddenly had an idea.

“Mirinae, I can help. I can buy the medication –”

“JunHong, it’s really expensive –”

“I don’t care. I want to help you and your mom. I can give you the money.”

He could see her struggling to accept his offer.

“Mirinae, this is your mom we’re talking about. She needs this.”

She was about to answer when they heard someone clearing their throat behind them. They quickly got up to see a stern-looking YongGuk but as soon as the leader saw Mirinae crying his face softened.

“Is everything ok?” YongGuk asked.

Mirinae quickly wiped her eyes and nodded. YongGuk looked at Zelo who gave him a look asking for some time alone. YongGuk nodded and left closing the door behind him. Zelo held Mirinae’s face and kissed her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been able to kiss her without worrying someone would walk in. They lay down again and Zelo resumed rubbing her back.

“Can I give you the money? Please?”

“There’s no guarantee the medication will work though. I mean, it should help but –”

Please, baby?” Zelo begged.

“Fine…I’ll pay you back.” Mirinae said quietly.

“You don’t need to –”

“I will, JunHong. You don’t know how much this means to me. Not just the money but…everything. You’re always here for me no matter how angry or bitter I am. You’re so sweet and patient I just…I don’t deserve you.”

“Hey…don’t say that,” Zelo answered.

“But I don’t do anything for you…”

“You make me happy,” Zelo told her, “When I get back from a long day of practice and I see you it just changes my entire day. It’s like all of a sudden I feel like I have all the energy in the world. I just love being with you whether you’re happy or sad. And when you are sad I love making you feel better, I just do. Also, it doesn’t hurt that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen; but not just outside. You’re so strong and you work so hard and you don’t give up.”

By the time Zelo finished talking Mirinae’s face was as red as a tomato. When she regained her composure she bit her lip and looked at him shyly. Zelo’s breath caught when she looked at him like that and he felt any sense of control melting away.

Things escalated quickly. One second they were staring into each other’s eyes and the next he was on top of her kissing her.

“JunHong,” Mirinae whispered between his kisses, “We shouldn’t…”

Zelo put a finger to her lips and continued kissing her. He kissed along her jaw and then down her neck. Mirinae buried her fingers in his hair.

“JunHong,” she whispered again, “you said we shouldn’t…” Her voice trailed away when Zelo lifted her top and started kissing down her stomach.

There was a gentle knock at the door and Zelo almost screamed in frustration. Mirinae quickly pulled her top down and Zelo called for whoever it was to come in.

“Just making sure everything’s ok,” YongGuk said. Zelo could see the genuine concern on his face and some of his frustration waned.

“We’re fine, hyung,” Zelo assured him and Mirinae nodded.

“Great…but we need to practice,” YongGuk informed them apologetically. Zelo sighed. They would be promoting One Shot and Rain Sound soon. They were two songs he really loved, especially One Shot, but as always he wished he had more time to spend with Mirinae. She stood and Zelo took her hand and walked her out of the dorm.

“I’m sorry,” he said as soon as they were outside.

“It’s ok, JunHong, I understand.”

“I just hate that I don’t see you for weeks at a time whenever we’re promoting and that’s going to happen soon.”

Mirinae smiled sadly and kissed Zelo on the cheek.

“One day we’ll be able to go on a real date,” Zelo said, “I promise.”

Zelo treasured the next few weeks with Mirinae because he knew soon he would barely see her. After their goodbye stage Zelo arrived back in the dorm with his hyungs, excited to finally see Mirinae again, to see a letter for him slipped under the door. He picked it up curiously and saw that it was from Mirinae. All of a sudden he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He gulped as he opened the envelope and started to read the hurriedly scribbled note dated a couple days ago.

JunHong, I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you this in person but I had to leave so quickly. I’m sorry I couldn’t wait to see you. The medication didn’t work and my mom took a turn for the worse today. She’s not going to get better. I can tell. I need to stay home with her to take care of her. I don’t know how long she’ll be here so I’m going to stay with her until her very last day. I don’t know how long it will be until I see you again but I know I will. Please don’t worry too much, JunHong.

I love you,


The note fell from Zelo’s hand and he stood staring at it on the ground. YongGuk noticed him just standing there and picked up the letter from the ground. When he finished reading it he looked up at Zelo.

“JunHong –”

“I need to see her,” Zelo said firmly. Did Mirinae really think he wasn’t going to come after her? He couldn’t imagine her dealing with this alone.

YongGuk hesitated then asked, “Do you know where she lives?”

Zelo nodded. Mirinae had told him earlier in the year but he still remembered. YongGuk went into the bedroom then emerged with a cap, shades, face mask and hoodie.



This chapter is a little short sorry~ >_<

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Chapter 6: AWWWW (': THAT WAS SO ADORABLE <3 author-nim hwaiting!
Aww this was really good!
Chapter 5: :) don't worry. We can wait. :)
Chapter 4: So sad ;-; so many feels, such good writing skills . I'm reading this while listening to a sad song. xD and my feels are every where right now xD
Moooore updates please!!!