How Troubling Fights Can Be?

What's My Story? [Discontinued]

y woman who appeared in front of me for the 2nd time, who hated me and saved from me from that Su-Min in the bathroom and is just so stubborn and in denial with the processing of softening and is practically best friends with Sora who is me (inhales) says what?

“Explain to me why did you let us be here?” Min hissed in my ear, her eyes narrowed at me as her plump pink lips formed a slight pout.

Min and I were in the empty dance studio—no, not in SM. Min couldn’t do so, and not only that, people who are not family members are friends of the idols (friends of people who are friends with idols are not allowed—I’m friends with SHINee so…) are prohibited from entering.

As soon as Min-Ae called them out, right after-school, they were given a plain tee shirt, shorts and sneakers since they were unprepared and did not know of this, at all.

“Because we have to, Min; I know that if we both refuse, she’ll try to ruin my performance as well as you-know-who.” I whispered back as I watched the girls stretch and warm up for the dance—dance cover or whatever.

Min scrunched her face with the thought of Su-Min in her head while watching the girls as the two of us stayed in the corner.

“Ugh, right, her. I cannot believe she’s doing the judging with SHINee-oppas. She better has not laid a finger on Minho.”

Min would practically freak if she found out that Minho was harmed by anything.

“Well, what are you doing to do? You signed up for the showdown and you need to find a song!”

I gestured her to calm down as I said softly, “Calm down, I’ll find a way. I always find a way.”

“Oi, you two, stop your gossiping and get your asses over here!” One of the girls yelled out at us.

Min scoffed and pulled away from me, yelling back, “At least we have a unlike yours which looks like a flat iron board!”

I could have sworn Min-Ae and the rest of the girls were snickering while the female’s face was burning red. Min-Ae cleared and furrowed her eyebrows at us as she said, “Just come over, you babos, we got a video to show. We are deciding on a song and we found one, so shut up and come over.”

Aish, bossy much?

I walked away from the corner and went over to the group, looking down to see the laptop in front of them. We were watching SNSD’s ‹I got a Boy› dance version of the music video.

Oh god, we are doing that? Don’t get me wrong, I like SNSD, but sometimes, even though I used to do dancing (but still do it, whenever I got time), even if I managed to do it, when I’m off-stage, I get all embarrassed.

We watched the video a couple of times until Min-Ae clapped her hands, signaling us to get into place. Min and I exchanged looks before we sighed.

And let the day begin

No, youre doing it all wrong!

Thats not how you do it, Mi-ja! Its like this!

You look so awkward right now…”

Youre going too slowly, speed up!

Youre too fast, slow down, gosh cant you learn?!

How annoying, your hips are too stiff, I doubt anybody would like you.

Ugh, I cant take this anymore! Min screeched, startling all of us as the brunette stomped over to Min-Ae and pointed her index finger up into her face.

“You stop bothering her right now! Mi-ja is doing perfectly fine, you are just jealous that she danced better than you!”

Min-Ae scoffed, her eyes wide at her words, “Excuse me?! I am not jealous! She should know how to dance properly but I bet she couldn’t because she’s a nerd who doesn’t even know how to do ballet!”

An arrow just stabbed my heart and my eyes burned in flames—that was harsh. Nobody can say that to the talent I love to do the most.

“What did you say!? Of course she ing knew how to dance ballet—why’d you think Taemin danced with her!?”

The girls around Min-Ae gasped and I mentally face-palmed—just tell me; tell me why did I tell her about that day?

“She what!

“You heard me! SHINee-oppas liked her because she’s different than any other girls. And say that she’s faking an act and I’ll make sure I won’t recognize that ‘pretty’ face of yours.”

“Tsk! You can’t do that! I’m on the same black belt as you!”

“Oh, jeongmal, Min-Ae, you wanna try now?” Min taunted, rolling up her sleeves. Min-Ae cracked her knuckles and smirked.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to try it on you right now!”

You two are ridiculous! I screamed at them, my voice so loud that it probably shook the room as the group was startled. Never in their life had they wished to see the nerd (me) so angry. My eyebrows were furrowed and my hair looked redder than they thought as my eyes were fierce and stern, fire burning in my irises. “You two are being so ing ridiculous, I could just throw myself off the building.” I hissed at them, my voice full of spitting fire. “I know, Min, you were trying to defend me, I appreciate it, but I’m tired of having someone fighting my battles for me.” I assured her before glaring at Min-Ae.

“And you,” She was shocked when my finger came right into her face, “Don’t even dare insult my dancing. Have you been dancing for 4 ½ years, hmm? I don’t think so. So let’s get this bull over with so I can go prepare for my performance.

“I can hardly give a if you want me to lose and gain SHINee’s…whatever you want from them, the whole being friends and me being the loser thing, but sadly, I’m no Cinderella and you are no evil step-sister either. Yes, I just told you off, go ahead and tell my father, I’m sure he’ll be pleased after I explain what happened to him about us first.

“…So? Whatever! I danced with Taemin! I didn’t even know he was in the dance studio at SM (The girls gasped in jealousy at this) when I was playing with the music box. He just came in the moment and we danced, thats all. Stop acting like it’s a crime! So please, stop fighting and let’s get on with the dance practice, jebal?” I finally finished, heaving my sigh, tired from my ‘speech’ before turning to the other girls who were staring me dumbfounded.

“Go ahead; talk trash about me tomorrow, as if I give a .” I mumbled before turning away from the duo. Then I began to have second thoughts and shook my head, walking away from the group. “You know what, forget it. I’m leaving. I do this dance practice tomorrow or after a week. You two totally ruined my mood.” I said and went over to the corner, grabbing my bag.

“Yah, Mi-ja, you can’t! We have 5 weeks to do this!” Min-Ae cried out and I turned back to her coldly, my eyes glaring right into her.

Five weeks, I spoke out, stunning them a bit with my English before I continued, “That’s enough time; you can practice without me being there for a week right? Oh, and tell me whose parts I’ll be singing—if you want me to sing, seeing that we are in group of eight instead of nine like SNSD.”

I whipped out my white Samsung phone and began texting someone—someone who might help me gets this incident out of my head.

To: DinoJjong
From: Mi-ja ★
Dinooooooooo~ I’m in a bad mood. (ノдヽ)
I’ll explain everything later, just not right now.
Hopefully you’re not too busy?

“Who are you texting…?” Min asked as soon as I hit send and I looked at her from behind my hair.

“Kim Jonghyun, he knows what to do with my current mood.” I told her. I could hear the girls gasp then whisper, She got Jonghyun! And stupid bulls like, I bet she sleeps with him for fun. Heh, totally…”

I glared at the girls and said, “I heard that. Excuse you; I’m no unlike Hwang Su-Min. I have never done such thing and never will I do that unless it’s somebody I truly love.”

Love? How can I say that when I never fell in love before? I sneered to myself: What is love in the first place?

My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked the message quickly:

From: DinoJjong
To: Mi-ja ★
Awwwwwwww, poor Mi-Mi is upset? (´^`)
You’re lucky; I’m just resting from my schedule kekeke~.
Meet me at the café, ne?

“I’m off. Don’t bother calling me until you two have made up.” I told both Min and Min-Ae and left the dance studio, feeling frustrated from the commotion that just happened earlier.

Aish~, because of those two, my real side is coming out too much.

...Pissed Mi-ja is pissed! Just sayin'. .-.

...I'mma put up SHINee macros to lit up the mood.

lol, you dont say? taemin version pfft


Yeah, I'm done. c;   

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I am so sorry! I definitely have it in writing, I swear! :D I'll post it when I'm complete and finished checking over it for mistakes. btw, BLOND TAEMIN.


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may I know the guy in the picture you used as KangDae? Mija's stepbro ? is picture cauhht me hahaha
Chapter 53: WHA-.
I-I'm struck... It took *goes back up to check the chapters* 53 chapters for her to actually lead a kiss?!
But I'm not so surprised, since I knew this would happen... and I don't even bother on siding or wishing for MinMi or TaeMi. I just want Mi-ja to be happy~ cause MAH BIAS IS ONEW NOW AND IT WILL NEVER CHANGE!! Ha! Yeah!
Aaaaanyways, thanks for AKMU cameo~ You kind girl, take this! *throws in tonnes of chocolate confetti and gold and silver (yeah gold, just like how the drumsticks were in chapter 2or3) confetti!* Cause you deserve it~
This is when I notice : I'm actually the first to comment on this chapter! And should I say how good the update was?
thank you! Hope your writers block goes away soon (wish for me too, cus I'm hit with it now... ugh... it's a cruel disease)
Chapter 4: I loved the way you inserted more dialogues...
Chapter 1: WAH! LAYOUTS?
This is soo good!!!! I love it!
Chapter 53: hey! I was re-reading this fanfiction, you know, re-living all those awesome feelings I had...
And that was when I noticed this - I am too much in love with this fic that i cannot take my mind out of it!
Thanks! I hope you update when you can!
I think you messed up with the Character description..... Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum should be swapped.
Chapter 54: I literally squealed when I saw an update from you! I couldn't breathe at all!!
But, your renovating... ALL THE BEST!!!
Can't wait, but you still wrote beautifully, idk why you should think like that.... '-'
Chapter 53: I feel the same with my stories too, so no worries my friend!
Chapter 53: Baby it's okay. ;-;

This was my first and ultimate favorite fanfiction, but I understand your pain.
I haven't been on here that often either and I'm missing the updates.
But I hope you'll be happy with whatever you're doing now!
Good luck, and I'll still be here if you ever wanna continue. < 3
Chapter 53: If I could make a suggestion and please don't just dismiss this. But if you feel you can't write anything or feel like discontinuing it why not maybe find a co-author to help with or even finish the story.