Bad Morning Commotion

What's My Story? [Discontinued]

Finally, we have a whole day full of rest. No schedules; no concerts; no practices; nothing but sleep and our own plans.

I snuggled into the warm comfort of the surprisingly soft pillow—though it’s a little hard but I can manage it. My legs were tangled with something and I pulled the blanket over me.

I smiled in my sleep as I snuggled my head against the stomach of my pillow.

Wait a second.

Pillows don’t have stomachs.

Hell, I don’t remember hearing them snore.

Are those arms I’m feeling around my legs?

I blinked my eyes open, staring up at the ceiling.

The hellwhy the ceilings yellow? I could have sworn my bedroom ceiling is completely white…

I looked at myself and saw that I wasn’t wearing the clothes I wore yesterday at the amusement park, but instead, I was wearing a black oversized shirt that obviously doesn’t fit me and it belongs to a male, along with large blue pajamas pants.

Okay, who the changed my clothes!?

I looked around to see five men sprawled on the floor, snoring loudly. I recognized them straight away.

SHINee just slept with me in the living room.


And one of them changed my clothes.

I raised a shaking fist as a vein on my gauzed temple pumped in anger. I slowly looked to see that Key was holding my legs, using them as pillows and Jonghyun’s stomach was the ‘pillow’ I had been sleeping on. Taemin was sleeping on Minho’s arm as a pillow for his head and Onew was just there, sprawled on the ground with the blanket over his head.


WHAT IN THE MOTHERING HELL IS THIS!?! I swear; my voice probably woke up the entire world this early in the morning.

SHINee was lined up in the living room, yawning and blinking tiredly. Minho stretched, his shirt rising up to reveal his defined abs (and his pink underwe—pfft, pink, ­hahaha~!) in which I tried so hard not to blush from (that failed—epically).

I stared at all of them; they were really tired, judging from their appearances and actions. Jonghyun was sitting on the floor, his eyes half-open with his messy hair, his blond locks sticking out everywhere. He looked like a grumpy puppy. Taemin was trying so hard to stay awake, but he kept failing to do so as he kept dozing off, his hair flapping with each shake of his head he makes. Minho was covering his mouth, blocking his yawn which happens every five minutes (hey, he’s really that tired), and hung his head back (in which I could see those Adam apples - there was two of them—two) as he stretched, arching his back forward. Onew had himself wrapped around in the blanket and I could see his pimples. At least he’s the most natural one when it comes to puberty. And Key… well, Key was sprawled on the ground, still sleeping. Is that drool coming out of his mouth? Eww, thats unhealthy, Key-umma!

I shook my head, not wanting to let my mind wander off the topic and glared at them.

“Alright, who the changed my clothes last night?” All but Key tensed up, now fully awake as their eyes popped open and is fully aware of my change of tone. Well, that got their attention. I could see them not saying anything, their cheeks tinted pink as they looked away. I gaped at them, oh my lord, this is not happening. “Aish, mwo—you got to be kidding me! Are you saying that you don’t want to tell me who did it!?” They all nodded without hesitating. I blew a lock of my hair away from my face. How typical. I glared at them long and hard and they (again, all but Key) tried to avoid my gaze.

Onew couldn’t have possibly done it—hell, he couldn’t do it for his life, neither can Taemin as he had never seen another female’s body nor had Minho. (Remember in Star King, he looked away after he caught a glimpse and realized that the woman was going to change clothes? Hahaha, yeah~)

I glared at Jonghyun—he’s the most possible to even sneak a peek of my underwear.

“Yah you, Kim Jonghyun, look at me! Did you do it?!”

He looked shocked, his eyes wide open and yelled, “Mwoya!? Mi-Mi, I would never! I haven’t gone into a girls’ bathroom ever in my life! The only time I did that was when I was in the show dressed up as a girl and I hadn’t got much of a choice! It wasnt me!” He ended in his weird English.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “Yeah, right~ we all know that you play with girls and tease them a lot.”

Jonghyun shook his head in denial and looked at s for confirmation and he was surprised to see them actually agreeing with her for once.

“Sorry hyung, but you have to admit: that time when you tricked a girl into thinking that you liked her back at the university was a bit harsh…” Taemin mumbled.

Minho hummed, “Or that time when you made a girl faint after flashing off your topless body in the gym.”

“Or when you grabbed a girl into the closet then she came out crying after and you were just there, smiling like a hyper kid.” Onew deadpanned.

The brown-haired male pouted, “Okay, so those were my intentions (even though they should know fully well that they’re not the one for me, though they think I am the one for them) but I would never go and cross the border line of seeing a girl’s body.”

I glared at him before looking at the others. “How about you, Taemin, did you do it? Or perhaps it is you, Minho? You two may look innocent, but looks can be quite deceiving. I’m not surprised if you were actually erts.” I narrowed my eyes when they started protesting, their eyes wide with terror.

“Mi-ja-ah, that isn’t fair, you can’t accuse us of being erts! We would never do that to you! Even Taemin can’t do it as he has manner hands!” Minho yelled out, earning a slap on the arm by Taemin.

“‘Manner’ hands, mwo—what does that supposed to mean!?”

“You fully know what I mean, Taemin,” He deadpanned, rolling his eyes at him while the latter pouted at the dark haired male.

I sighed, not really believing this. “Well, I’d know Onew wouldn’t do it but if it wasn’t either of you, who was it then?”

“It was me~!” Key chimed, raising his hand up in his so called sleep.

I (and SHINee) gawked at him as the black-haired male stretched his back (like a cat—wow, he’s flexible, probably more than me) and sat up, wiping his drool from his mouth. His feline brown eyes met with ours, giving us all a cocky smirk.

“Because you guys were so passed out, I had to change her. She cannot sleep in those clothes—she’d be too hot.” He said, yawning as he fixed his hair. He then continued his point of view on the story, “When Onew-hyung carried you in, he practically passed out on the living room floor, along with the rest of you. You were half-asleep so you were leaning against me all the time, telling me that it’s hot and you’re tired and you want to take off your clothes.”

I blushed—did I really say that? Man, being extremely tired gives you the same effect of being drunk. You just forget everything that happened on one particular moment.

So, I had to give you my shirt and my pajamas pants and changed you. I know, I’m shameless, I don’t care; I am Key. I do what I want.” Key scoffed, flipping his bangs in a diva-like fashion.

“So, these dorks right here,” I said, pointing at the four members sitting at the floor, ignoring their shocked looks, “What did they do? Did they do anything to me?”

Key tsk’ed, “Mi-baby, you should know that even though they are my best members, I would never let them have dirty minds and do such things to you—otherwise they’ll be facing the wrath of my spatula and my ing. Plus, they’re too much of a coward to change you. Even the so called ‘manly’ Minho cannot put his hands on you and hope not to get slapped by you.”

I looked at Minho who was avoiding my eyes, his big eyes pretty much glaring at the floor while his cheeks burned pink.

“So~ they let me do it. Whatever, I chose to do it, and I did. Whoop-dee-ing-doo, Im in trouble!” Key waved his arms in the air in mock-surprise and I could only chuckle nervously.

Wow, so much for accusing SHINee for something that they hadn’t done and unable to do so. I won’t be surprised if their fans barged into the room and decided to kill me like I don’t know… right now. Their glares were boring into my eyes as I suffered the wrath of the four members of SHINee narrowing their eyes at me with hurt and insult.

“How could you accuse us of doing such a thing? That isn’t nice of you. I never even watched !! We are not erts, you babo!” Taemin argued and I shuddered at his deep tone. I watched as he stood up and walked away somewhere inside the house.

“T-Taemin, I…I didn’t—!”

“Shut it, Mi-ja. Next time, you need to ask nicely instead of waking people up so rudely and scream into their faces.” Jonghyun sighed and got up as well, going up the stairs.

I bit my lip and yelled out in the direction of the stairs, “Yah, Jonghyun, I swear I really—!” I jolted hearing the slam of his door.

“Mi-ja, you babo meanie” I slightly jumped from his voice that appeared in my ear and I quickly turned to see Minho’s face. His lips were turned into a smirk, but it quickly faded into a small scowl. “You know that we are all innocent yet you say that to us. Huh.

I bit my bottom lip again, trying to refrain myself from breaking down to the floor and become a crying mess as I watched the tall male going up the stairs as well.

Onew got up, still huddled up in the blankets and stood in front of me. “Hey…”

I looked and I froze under his eerie aura, his eyes serious as he stared at me. “You know, you’re my friend and all, but you really messed up our morning. And we were planning to do something fun today with you too.” He shook his head in disappointment, “I’m afraid that won’t be happening in a little while.”

I gaped at him, blinking back my tears as I watched him go down the hallway and enter a room.

The atmosphere started from warm, then cold in an instant. I don’t think I feel like living at all…Someone just seriously, kill me now, seriously, kill me.

I knew it was wrong of me to jump to conclusions and accuse them—not to mention insult them. It was the shock and the adrenaline that rushed me and caused a bad morning commotion like this. And they had plans for me….? Wow, I feel like the biggest in the world. See?! This is exactly one reason why I like to be a wallflower and stick to being a wallflower. Who knows what will come out of my mouth when I’m showing the real me. Thus is why SHINee should not try to bring this side of me too much. So much for heeding my warning

I felt warm lips on my forehead and a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Key smiling warmly at me. I smiled back weakly but it just wasn’t enough for him to say that I’m okay. Must I be okay? No, I mustn’t. In fact, I shouldnt. Can you be okay after making somebody who deeply cares for you, who gave you so many happy moments, that one friend who is like a part of your family, mad? I just made SHINee pissed off as hell and I’m bloody sure that they won’t be happy with me for a while.

I sighed as I was then taken to the dining room. I sat down at the table while Key went into the kitchen to cook up some breakfast, even if it was early as hell—at what, 6:40 am in the morning? I drummed my fingers on the table, humming a song but stopped when I felt the emptiness of the dining table when I looked at the seats. There were six more seats left and those seats were SHINee’s (plus Min, if she ever comes here). The atmosphere would be so lively with them here talking and playing around like five-years-old children.

But now…it doesn’t feel that way anymore. It’s like they had just died and is no longer here in this world.

Now I can see why I need them the mostI can see why they came to me to become my friends.

“Right…” I mumbled to myself, my fingers digging into my palms as I clenched my hands into fists. “They made it this far to become my friends, even if it means taking a big risk and going against their reputations…” I hung my head low, “Even if I turn my back on them…even if I was at my hardest…” They were always therespending as much time with me

I looked around the area, staring out at the living room as I scanned for something. I spotted the animal plushies Minho won for me, sitting there on the couch. I bit my lips then groaned as I got up from my seat. Ugh, stubborn SHINee, you better appreciate my apology. I muttered grumpily, my head switching to English, feeling irritated now that a headache was pounding in my head. What’s worse is that I have gauze wrapped around my temple still. Whoop-dee-ing­-doo

I walked up to the couch and grabbed up the first four—the bunny, the dino, the frog and the puppy, leaving behind the fox on the couch. I stared at them in my arms and smiled. “They’re stubborn but…I can’t really afford to lose them…” And with that, I dashed up the stairs, trying to find the others.

I didn’t see Key smiling so proudly at me as I left the area.

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I am so sorry! I definitely have it in writing, I swear! :D I'll post it when I'm complete and finished checking over it for mistakes. btw, BLOND TAEMIN.


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may I know the guy in the picture you used as KangDae? Mija's stepbro ? is picture cauhht me hahaha
Chapter 53: WHA-.
I-I'm struck... It took *goes back up to check the chapters* 53 chapters for her to actually lead a kiss?!
But I'm not so surprised, since I knew this would happen... and I don't even bother on siding or wishing for MinMi or TaeMi. I just want Mi-ja to be happy~ cause MAH BIAS IS ONEW NOW AND IT WILL NEVER CHANGE!! Ha! Yeah!
Aaaaanyways, thanks for AKMU cameo~ You kind girl, take this! *throws in tonnes of chocolate confetti and gold and silver (yeah gold, just like how the drumsticks were in chapter 2or3) confetti!* Cause you deserve it~
This is when I notice : I'm actually the first to comment on this chapter! And should I say how good the update was?
thank you! Hope your writers block goes away soon (wish for me too, cus I'm hit with it now... ugh... it's a cruel disease)
Chapter 4: I loved the way you inserted more dialogues...
Chapter 1: WAH! LAYOUTS?
This is soo good!!!! I love it!
Chapter 53: hey! I was re-reading this fanfiction, you know, re-living all those awesome feelings I had...
And that was when I noticed this - I am too much in love with this fic that i cannot take my mind out of it!
Thanks! I hope you update when you can!
I think you messed up with the Character description..... Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum should be swapped.
Chapter 54: I literally squealed when I saw an update from you! I couldn't breathe at all!!
But, your renovating... ALL THE BEST!!!
Can't wait, but you still wrote beautifully, idk why you should think like that.... '-'
Chapter 53: I feel the same with my stories too, so no worries my friend!
Chapter 53: Baby it's okay. ;-;

This was my first and ultimate favorite fanfiction, but I understand your pain.
I haven't been on here that often either and I'm missing the updates.
But I hope you'll be happy with whatever you're doing now!
Good luck, and I'll still be here if you ever wanna continue. < 3
Chapter 53: If I could make a suggestion and please don't just dismiss this. But if you feel you can't write anything or feel like discontinuing it why not maybe find a co-author to help with or even finish the story.