Day 2 11AM KST

The Generation Chronicles: 1990

                Rome’s intense gaze made me shrink back. I felt kind of uneasy around him. There was just so much power radiating off of him that I wasn’t used to and I didn’t know what to think of it all. He also didn’t seem to understand personal space. The tiny kitchen table was a small enough barricade between us, but I didn’t hold him back from leaning forward a bit. I don’t know what he was doing. He just kept staring at me, almost like he was trying to figure me out or something.

                Could I trust this guy? He was freaking me out. And I was already freaked out enough.

                He must have noticed my unease finally, because he leaned back. “What’s your name?” he asked in a soft voice, still staring at me.


                He frowned and tilted his head to the side. “Is that your real name?” my confused expression must have answered his question for me. “You don’t have a code name?”

                I shook my head, still looking at him in confusion. He took a sip of his glass of water with a thoughtful expression. He stayed quiet for a while. “Well, you need one. It’ll protect you.”

                All of this vague talk of protection was getting to me. “Protect me from what? I don’t get why I need to be protected suddenly. What’s happening? Why is it happening to me?” All the pent up emotions that I had been pushing to the side were beginning to surface now and I found myself rambling on about how unfair it was that my dad and Miyoung had to die for something like this. I didn’t even realize I had started crying until I was sobbing uncontrollably.

                Rome waited until I had calmed down again to speak. “How much do you know?”

                I thought of all that Miyoung had told me. “My dad’s old company that he used to work for is hunting me down or something because of the abilities they gave me when I was a baby and—“ I looked at him with suspicion. “—I don’t know anything else.”

                He smirked. “Yes you do. You just don’t trust me enough to tell me the rest. Which is understandable, sounds like you’ve been through a lot today.” He raised his hand over his glass of water in an air of carelessness. The water rose out of the glass and flowed around his arm with ease and control that could only mean one thing. He looked at me, studying my expression.

                So this guy was like me.

                He allowed the water to fall back into the glass and let his hand drop back onto the table. “I was born on September 16, 1990. Same year as you, right?” I nodded mutely. “They tested on me too when I was a baby. In fact, they tested on every child born in that year. Most of them didn’t survive, or the effects they wanted never happened, but the lucky few—meaning us—made it onto their List. The scientist—like your dad—just thought that they were creating some cure to help the future of the human race, but in reality, all they were doing was building up the world’s first superhuman army. Or at least, that’s what Research wanted them to do.” He let out a bitter laugh. “Lucky us, right? We were chosen.” He noticed the still confused look on my face and continued, “Research is the name of the company that your dad worked for. Or at least, that’s what we all know it as. Their sole purpose is to take over the government. Not just here, but everywhere. They want to control the world and everything in it, but they need power for that and what better way than to get something stronger than nuclear bombs? People.” He took a deep breath. “Your dad must have given you a file, am I right? Do you have it with you?”

                I shook my head. “He did, but Miyoung put it in her bag back at the café. I had to leave without her so—“ I glanced down and stopped talking abruptly. The bag at my feet was not my own. In fact, it belonged to Miyoung. It was her bag.

                She’d handed me her bag instead of mine. The file was in there.

                Rome must have known, because he gestured to the bag and asked, “Can I?”

                After a quick nod of approval, he reached over and dragged the bag towards himself and began rummaging through what was in there. He pulled out the file and placed it on the table, opening up to the first page. Like Miyoung, he tensed at the sight of the emblem.

                “It’s the symbol for Research.” He muttered before I had time to even ask. He glared at it for a moment before turning away to scan the rest of the page. “Do you know what this ‘Return Age: 18’ means?” He glanced up in time to catch me shaking my head.


                “You were supposed to start combat training as soon as you turned eighteen. You never went, I guess.” He closed the file. “Me neither. Took off before they could catch me. That’s how I met mega. She saved my life.”


                He waved the question off. “Long story. Anyway, you can stay here. There’s an extra room. My advice to you: lay low, don’t get caught. They can’t catch you if they can’t see you. That’s the last thing you want to happen.”

                I let out a shaky breath a nodded gratefully. “Thank you. I would go to Miyoung’s family, but I don’t want to put them in any danger.”

                He nodded. “Logical thinking.”

                I stood up and began walking back towards the front door.

                “Where are you going?”

                “I need some air. To clear my head and stuff.” I stepped out of the front door and appeared in a park where Miyoung and I had used to go whenever we would visit. I walked for a while, keeping my head low and steering clear of large crowds, and mulled over everything that had happened.

                So I was part of some government project gone wrong. Now, not only was my life in danger, but really anyone I came in contact with. I thought of Sam, Yun, Teo, and Emi. Had those guys gotten to them too? Or were they okay and just wondering where I was? Should I call them just to give them the heads up?

                No that would probably be too risky. They could track a phone call, easily.

                Shaking my head slightly in an attempt to clear it, I decided to head back to the apartment. I turned and was right back in front of the door again. Realizing that I had no way of getting in, I knocked.

                The door opened, but it wasn’t Rome that had answered it.

                It was another guy. He was extremely tall. So tall, that I had to crane my neck to look at his face. He was good looking too. In fact, he left me somewhat speechless. He wore nothing but a simple white t-shirt and jeans, but he looked like had just stepped out of a magazine cover or something.

                He was also blocking the entire entrance.

                “What’s the password?” he asked, a smug smile playing at his lips.

                “Excuse me?”

                “You heard me. You want in, give me the password.”

                “R-Rome never gave me a—“

                “Kris.” An exasperated voice said from behind him. “Just let her in.”

                The guy—Kris—smirked before stepping to the side and allowing me to walk passed him. “It’s monkeys by the way. The password is monkeys.” And then he shut the door behind him as he followed me down the hall and towards the sound of Rome’s voice.

                Rome sighed, shaking his head. “So, you’ve met Kris. He’s my roommate.”

                I glanced back at the guy, who was leaning against the doorway with a smirk. “Oh.”

                “You’ll either get used to him or learn to ignore him, trust me.” Rome studied my face for a moment. “How are you doing?”

                “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me—is Kris like us?” Kris chuckled, making me turn to look at him.

                “What? You thought you were the only one, princess?” he cooed, giving me an attempt at a sympathetic expression. “That’s cute.” I narrowed my eyes at him, before turning back to Rome.

                “Yes, Kris is like us.” He said, shooting said male a warning look. “He’s also an idiot so I suggest that you learn to ignore him.”

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Chapter 9: Wow, Barom, Yongguk AND Kris - all of my bias' - in one story!
I am subscribing! :D

Anyway, this is absolutely fantastic so far. Keep up the wonderful work! :D
wow, your story's great so far.
keep it up, & i'll be waiting for your next update ^^
Hi ^^ New reader here :) I just finished reading all the chapters and I really enjoyed all of them <3
Tbh I'm quite shocked why you don't have more subscribers or comments because this story is really good ^^
You are an awesome writer and I can't wait to read more <3