

'Nothing!Absolutely nothing!'I groaned as I rolled around in my bed.

'That's cause you are too picky.' Zico commented as he entered my room and I wanted to glare at him then of course failed when I saw he was holding a big delicious looking bowl of popcorn.

'Am not!What am I supposed to take the club offer?I'm not barista material.' I said,thinking about my stubborness and short temper.

'But it said they are looking for dancers too.' He pointed out.

'Strippers.They were talking about strippers.' I pursed my lips together and narrowed my eyes at him.'But you wouldn't mind it.' I implied sarcastically and he smirked.

'Well...'He drawled,most likely already imagining things.

'You are aware there would be loads of filthy man around right?' That got his attention.'I mean,it's not like you can keep me for yourself as I had to do my job that I would be paid for-'

'Nope.' He cut me off,looking pised at the thought.'Definetly not suited.Any other sugestions?' He continues and scrolled down the page.

Me and Zico were debating over some online job offers for me that we found on the internet after we got back to my apartment.Blockk B was 10 days away from their comeback and my contract would expire the same day,leaving me unemployed.When I first took the job 6 months ago I thought I would be returning to the States but stuff happened and I began considering moving in Seol for some time so I needed a job.Now I could do without a job with the savings in my bank account but I wanted to keep my apartment and I couldn't just stay all day without doing nothing.Didn't go well with me.

'Mmmmnhhh.'I mumbled with my head planted in the covers.'Why the heck you're eating all that alone?!' I acussed when I rolled on my back and caught Zico red handed,attacking the popcorn bowl.

'You don't have to take it all!' He whinned and reached over as I snatched the bowl.

'Enough for you or you'll get fat!' I taunted but he didn't listen.'I'm warning you,!' I put the popcorn out of his reach so he kept trying to reach it.By going over me.Fortunately I kept the bowl safe,pushing his head off me with my free hand.

'Are you there B.B?' Someone suddenly hollered from the halway.

'Wrong apartment.No dips allowed!' I yelled back to Chris.

'Think I found her...' Chris said in his phone as he entered the room then hung up.

'Who was it?' I questioned.

'Andre.' He said smirking.'Did I interrupt something?I'm-'

'No you are not sorry so don't waste precious air.'

'A man can try.' He shrugged.



'So you are idols,huh?' Chris asked an hour later,after all the guys came, and they all nodded.We were all sprouled on various places in the livingroom,Zico making himself a bit too comfortable with his head on my lap.

'And you are?' Kyung chipped in.

'Part time college student for now.Fulltime oportunist.' 

'Also a living,breathing lump of stupidness.Quiet an achievment,isn't it?' I cut in.

'Because you're such a smart .'He snickered.

'Wanna bet?' I proposed,half-joking.

'Come at me.' Chris said,opening his arms for emphasis.

'Then...we can all play.' By now we got everyone's attention.'I'll publicy demonstrate the poor state of your mentallity.But it'll be too boring if nothing's at stake.You can bet your 'dignity' and I...a date.' I began,the plan already forming in my mind.

'What doy ou mean by dignity and a date?'

'You'll find out later petunia and a date means a date.'I explained the last part slowly and paused,liking how Zico tensed as I spoke.'I'll set you up and pay for the date.'

'I guess I'm in.' Chris shrugged.



'So...the shower?' Kyung voiced the guys confusion.

'Yup.' I said,looking at the bathtub filled with water.'Now we can begin!Before I start if any of you wants to express an opinion you're in for the challenge.'I clicked my tongue and turned towards my audience.

'As you can see we are-'

'In your bathroom.' Chris interrupted.

'Yeah...and I prepared-'

'A bathtub?' Kyung continued.Those ed don't know when to shut it...

'With water.'I pointed out.'My question is simple,if you have a cup,a bowl and a bucket,which one do you use to take the water out of the bathtub as fast as possible?'

'I heard of a great restaurant with italian food in Gangnam but they are busy so you have to book in advance.' Chris said as he went for the bucket but Kyung beat him to it.Even better.'

'Cut the crap it's obvious anyone would choose the bucket and I want italian too.' Kyung cut in and grabbed the bucket,which resulted the 2 es to restle over it,until they noticed we we're on the floor,laughing our asses off.

'What's so funny?' The both glared at us.

'Hyung,didn't thought you would fall for that!' P.O said inbetween laughs.

'Even better than I thought!' I chirped,while whipping a imaginry tear off.

'What the heck?We won you have to pay.'

'Actually you didn't.' I went over the the bathtub and took off the stopper,letting the water drain by itself.'That is what normal people do and because your stupidity you'll have to suffer the consequences.' I looked at the others and they we're more than happy to help.

'S-stop!'           'Let us go you traitors!'   

'Nuh-uh.'I said inbetween their screams as the guys tried to imobilize the 2 Damsels in distress.'Enough talking it's time to set my plan in motion.Turning dumb guys into hot girls!'

As I listened to their desperate scream I couldn't help but think how fun it is to do these types of things.As long as you are not Chris'n Kyung,in our case.Hehe.

Dragging them to my room was a challenge.At least it seemed like one.

'Quit struggling!' U-Kwon barked several times but it was no use.

'Honestly what do you eat?5 full sized cows or?' Zico huffed as he dragged Chris by the foot after they gave up trying to carry them.I motion the guys to put the experiments on two chairs and hold em still as I prepare my makeup kit/torture device.

'What shade would suit you ladies better?' I wondered outloud in a serious tone but almost cracked up at their horrified faces.

'No...No!' Kyung looked like he entered denial.

'Please.You can't do this...' Chris smiled and pleaded and I smirked even wider.When I decided on what goes where and placed what I needed o the table beside they kept eyeing the makeup like the could make it dissapear.

'You aren't going to make it vanish so it up.' Zico seemed to be thinging the same.

'You don't know that...yet.' Chris grumbles and even Kyung appeared hopeful.

'Now since I still want you to maintain your pride I'll let you go in tank tops.' Relief wached over him.'Let me finish...Kyung,you will be wearing the hello kitty shirt.'I chucked it towards him and I guess they lost hope because he let the boys dress him,but eyed the in disgust.I would too that shirt was too pink and had soooo much glitter.'Now Chrissie wanna see what I prepared for you?'I ask evily as he gulps.I went for a purple tee and when he sees it his face paled a little.The shirt had a picture that said 'I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER',in big,bright pink letters with hearts and a few glittery things too.

'Y-you can't be...' He stuttered.
'Oh but I am.And don't forget the skinny jeans...'
After I give Chris a dark blush,Kyung a light coat of whatever,Chris some pink glitter that goes on the eyes and Kyung a dark thoughts were stopped when I felt someone behind me breathing on my neck and grabbing my hips.
I wanted to make it a surprise so I told the others to wait in the living room as they tied Kyung and Chris to the chairs and they couldn't escape anymore.
'What are you doing?' Zico breathed in my ear as both Kyung and Chris ewwed.
'Going Toodlers&Tiaras on their asses of course.' I explained,ignoring another round of whinnings.
'You're doing a great job baby.' He chuckled.
'Dude I can't feel my freaking balls.' Chris screamed,wiggling his legs.
'If you don't stop complaining I'll make sure you have a on your face when I'm done too.' That shut him up pretty fast.After 10 minutes I was finally done.
'Aren't you gonna untie us?' 
'No.What if you go wash it off?I don't trust you.Plus after all my hard work to only be washed...I don't think so.'
'You're right we would've done that.'
After humiliating both of them in front of the guys,loads of laughter and tons of pictures we let them go and they bolted for the bathroom.While they screamed bloddy murderer and made us laugh even harder a phone went off.It was Zico's.No one paid attention but from his look it must have been important and probably work related.I was surprised they managed to get the day off in the first place.He went into the living room then came again to say he needed to get going,something about a meeting along the lines, and he left.



     I'm gonna skip the part where I explain why it looked like I died(didn't upload and stuff) and get to what's important.By now EVERY BBC knows Block B are back and better than ever and I'd try to find time to write more!


       Cheers for SevenSeasons and Block B!


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Chapter 31: I love this story!! Please keep going! ^_^ ♥♡
LOVE. <3 It's funny because I want to just go to a university, get a boring stressful job get married have kids and die. xDDD TOTALLY SUBSCRIBING~!
blockb2012 #3
Chapter 26: Ok im going to be honest, ive been reading this buut i havent comment, why? Im lazy as , so my bad :c buuut i love this chap sooo much that even if here are 3:16 am i have to say something, soo im waiting for the next update, cuz this one was kinda hot, u know what a i mean ê u ê

wtf did i just say? Sorry is too late,and im too sleepy bye <3<3
blockb2012 #4
Chapter 18: LOOOOOOL IHDFBHDSFJSOGIJIOFSGF I CANT OMG AFHIOSDHFS ANDRE VS ZICO DFJKSDGAS i love this fic so much dskfklga update soon <3
HunHanShippz #5
THIS fic is great!
blockb2012 #6
Chapter 11: gsssjsnssisbshw i cant with this chapter is so y gaashwksvsu <3
blockb2012 #7
Chapter 10: OMGGGG zico kissed her hsjvshsjsu im going to die whit this ;-; looool soup? yeah right e u e
blockb2012 #8
Chapter 8: omg i love this fic so much, they are alredy liking each other ;-; cute cute<3<3<3
blockb2012 #9
Chapter 2: I LIKEEE THIIIIIS<3<3 please update soon<3<3