Just friends


      It was Sunday!And I had a full day ahead.I could have spent all day sprawled on my bed but instead I decided to go with Taeyang,Seungri and Daesung at lunch and visit GD and T.O.P at their studio after.I was sad when they told me McQueen was busy that day,but I said I'd thank them for my apartment.After that I promised P.O and the others we'll have a movie night at their place.And they got over the spicy food incident well.Yun-Ri said she's visiting her family but she would come if she could.Talking about her,I wanted so much to introduce her to T.O.P.He is a great guy,she's a great girl so to me it was already a good deal.

      I took a shower and dressed in a sweater,jeans shorts and ballet flats.I blowdried my hair so it was back to it's curly fluffiness and applied some makeup.Last time I've seen the guys I was close to a mess so I wanted to be pretty.No one could escape GD's critic eye.I thought as my phone buzzed.

      *Be there in 5.*Taeyang texted.It took a bit longer than five minutes to gather the things I needed in my bag so when I got out they were already waiting.As they saw me Taeyang smiled,Daesung waved and Seungri winked.

       'Hello beautiful.' Seungri smirked at me.

       'That's what you call 'fashionably late' right?' Daesung questioned.

       'Hello to you too.' I laughed and went to open the backseat door.

       'Wait.' Taeyang,who was driving his shiny black Mercedes,said.'Maknae move.'He commanded to Seungri who was in the passanger seat.

       'Son of a...'I heard him mumble as he got out but he turned and smiled to me.'Mylady.'And gestured to the open door.

       'Thank you Michael.'I chukled and got in.

       'Always wanted a butler named Michael.' I smiled sweetly,the boys laughed and Seungri narrowed his eyes as me.Lunch was great and after they wouldn't let me pay arguing that they'd rather lose their manhood than let a 'pretty girl' pay for their food but I could repay them with my company any other time.Chivalry didn't day.Yay me.We got into the car and went to YG studious.When we got there we couldn't even see the entrance because of the mass of cameramans,reporters and photoreporters.

       'Drive.' I told Taeyang as I ducked my head under the board.Unfortunately, they recognized his shiny,expensive car and turned towards us.

       '!'I heard Seungri mutter from the backseat,voicing my thoughts,as Taeyang went for the underground parkinglot.We got out as soon as the car stopped.Daesung put his jacket on my head because the paparazzi could come any second and we couldn't take any risks.They got me through security and we didn't stop until we were in a recording room.

       'Easy.What's with the rush?' GD asked as we burst in.

       'One word.Paparazzi.'Taeyang replied

       'Who died here?What's with all the fuss?' I asked.

       'We're working on our album and it'll be released soon.Plus they still bother us with the airport thing.'T.O.P explained and I sighed.

       'Now they are in the parkinglot too.'Seungri said.

       'But they hadn't seen you so it's alright.'Taeyang tried to assure me.

       'How am I gonna leave now?'I groaned.I said I'd be at the movie night and I wasn't supposed to be with them in the first place.I must've looked down 'cause GD slung his arm around my shoulder in a side hug.

       'Don't worry fluffy thing.We'll figure something.' He patted my head making me feel like a pet.It's not bad at all.I thought of his gesture.Zico must be a happy pup most of the time.Wait.Why am I thinking about him when I have a major crisis to deal with?He wouldn't care if I didn't show up tonight.He'd devour  my popcorn boul happilly.

        'Right.' GD said and stood up.'We were working but it's time for a break.Why don't we reharse a bit with our very own audience?' He suggested looking at the others and gesturing at me.I was having fun and almost forgot about our situation downstairs when my phone started ringing.Yun-Ri.I went in the halway and answered.

        'Hey Blue.I managed to get back sooner so I'll be at the boys apartment in an hour.'I hadn't said anything.'You there?'

        'Yes.Uhm...Ri.I'm kinda stuck with some problems...Think I'll be late.'

        'Alright.See you there.'She said after a pause.

        'See ya.'I hung up and leaned on the wall,looking at the ceiling.If this goes wrong I'll be in so much truoble.Yun-Ri will be pissed,the guys will be pissed,the agency will the pissed,Big Bang would be in as much trouble as I would be in and if dad founds out...I said I would manage to live alone,I can't just go back!

       'You ok?' Seungri interrupted my train of thoughts.

        'Wonderful.Any chance of getting out of here?'

        'Not impossible.Me and the others have an idea.'Going on with that idea,GD,Seungri and Taeyang would go to the front and make some 'big' announcement as a distraction.Then the paparazzi from the parking lot were supposed to leave.It was past ten so I was already late and my phone kept ringing but I was going to make something up when I got there.Daesung,T.O.P and I rushed to the car and they drove me home.I quickly thanked them and hurried inside,I changed and got to Block B's apartment as fast as I could.Once I was there,I realised they were sleeping.I sighed and plopped on the couch,panting slightly from the run I made there.

        'We were worried about you.' Someone said above me.I lifted my head and Jaehyo petted me.I could get used to this.

       'Sorry.I was kinda...well...stuck.'Was my lame explanation.

       'It's alright.'He smiled reassuringly.


       'Minhyuk took her home.We didn't have much of a movie night as at least one of us would call you again and again.We just thought something happened.It's fine if you're alright.'

       'Thank you.And sorry.'I mumbled.'I should head home.

       'I'll come for a walk too.' He walked me home and we didn't talk on the way.It wasn't an awkward silence.It was comfortable.Jaehyo's an easy going person.

       'Take care Blue.'He said while hugging me once we got in front of my apartment and I nodded.Today was close.I thought as I stared at the light above my bed.And the lights are pretty.I continued,lifting my arms to reach them.If the media founds out who I am and the news went to the States dad would ...With that I drifted to Dreamland.

       The next morning we had dance practice again and I was surprised they were already there.Even Yun-Ri was.

       'Hi guys!'I said and went to drop my bag.

       'Don't 'hi' me!' Yun-Ri greeted and stopped me in my tracks.They were all staring at me.'When were you going to fill us in about this?Close to never?'She said raising a newspaper which had a photo of me Daesung and T.O.P,facing backwards(Thank God they didn't saw my face)and getting into the car.I didn't reply,just stared back at them.P.O. wasn't looking at me,Taeil and Jaehyo gave me simpathetic looks and the rest...I almost flinched when I locked gazes with Zico and Kyung.U-Kwon and Minhyuk looked torn between the two sides.

       'Why?'Kyung asked.

       'I apologize for being late yesterday but you don't have the right to question me Kyung.'I told him,my tone stone-cold.'I'm sorry I hadn't told you about Big Bang but we accidentally met in town and they just helped me out.

       'So they helped with the apartment...'I heard P.O mumble,eyes still on the floor.

       'The girl everyone is looking for'.How do you feel about the title?'Kyung continued sarcastically.'Why don't you go to them if you like them so much.Fancying Daesung?'He mocked,reffering again to the photo,where Daesung had his arm around my shoulders.

       'Shut your mouth Kyung.'I hissed.'Who the heck are you to talk about my private life.This is frigging work so suit yourself.I can know another people beside you.I have a life too,it's not over when you are not with me.'Zico got up as I yelled at Kyung,passed by me and without a second glance left the room.

       'You don't say so.I'm amazed.I'll let you and your life alone.'He said as he stormed past me.

       'I wouldn't have been mad at you,you know?Thought you would have told me if something happened and we could work it out...' Ri spoke.

       'I am sorry.Really...It just happened then they offered to help me...They're good people and even apologized for everything...'I told her sincerely.'Even as I met them I asked T.O.P for an autograph but then remembered I couldn't give it to you...'I blurted,totally out of the subject and saw her trying to hold back laughter.

       'I hadn't forgotten you already.'She sighed.'But your face isn't showing,so guess it's alright.' and I jumped on her.

       'Thank you ,thank you,thank you!'I shrieked.

       'Make sure you're careful when you meet with them,'She laughed.

       'When we will meet with them!I can't wait to introduce you to T.O.P and plan the weeding!'I clamped my hands together as Yun-Ri turned as red as a tomato and the boys laughed.'Sorry again guys.'I said apologetically. 

       They smiled at me and U-Kwon said.'We're fine but you should go and clear things up with Teedle-Dee and Teedle-Dum.'

       'Right!' I got up and went to find Kyung and Zico.I found the first soon after,sitting on a bench.I sat next to him but he didn't look at me.

       'Kyung...'I began.

       'It's alright.To meet other people.It's alright and you could've told us.Sorry I snapped at you...'

        'I kind of deserved it.And I was ing at you too...so sorry.'I said and he laughed a little.'I thought it would be harder.' I said and let out a breath of relief.

        'I was an easy one.Wait 'till you get to Zico...'He chuckled and I gulped.'When Ri showed us the photo and we figured things out he looked beyond pissed.I was surprised he hadn't said anything but I mostly covered it didn't I?' Now it was my turn to laugh.Why was Zico angry?

        'I'll go and find Grumpy-Pants now.' I said and went to the boys apartment.I got there and heard the shower running so I waited,making myself comfortable on the couch.He got out soon after,his hair damp and with a towel hanging low on his hips.Sit hormones!Sit!Now it is not the time!

       'We need to talk.' I said after darting my eyes off his body.

       'No.' He stated.

       'Yes we do.'

       'Can you leave?'He raised an eyebrow at me.

       'What?I mirrored his expression.

       'I want to change.'He lifted his clothes for emphasis.

       'Not until you agree to talk.' He came in front of me,his eyes boring into mine.My first instict was to back down but I forced my feet and stood my ground.He leaned into me and I went dead-still.

        'Five minutes.' He whispered,his breath tickling the side of my face and shut the door.I waited and he came after changing.

        'I am sorry.' I said sincerely but also found a sudden interest in the carpet.We were facing each other and I could feel his eyes on me.'I'm sorry for being late yesterday,not for being with Big Bang.' I continued,looking up and saw him smirking.And I'm bipolar?

        'And you came to tell me this because?'

        'Because I want to get along.And be...friends?' I finished the last sentence more like a question.

        'And what if I don't wanna be friends with you?'He came closer again.'You'll go to Big Bang and cry a little?Maybe Daesung?Why did you have to bring that up too?

       'I'm just friends with them.JUST friends.Nothing more or less.'I stated.Too close.

       'What about us?'

       'I like you guys.You're crazy,annoying and weird but I like you.We're friends...too.'

       'What if I disagree?' He whispered,repeating his question.

       'So you don't want to be friends...' I said looking at the ground.And I thought we're good now...He lifted my chin and made me look at him.

       'No.I don't.'He said and closed the pace between us.He kissed me.His kiss was soft,like he was letting me back off if I wanted.But that wasn't in my plan.I pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss.He was surprised but smiled through the kiss and held me closer.His arms went around my waist and mine were locked around his neck.Hundreds of other thoughts and sensations swirled in both my head and body..I won't make a friggin cheap drama and be all surprised.I like him he likes me.End of the story.I pulled back a little,teasing him but his arms pinned me into place.He pressed another kiss on my lips and then...Bit me.

       'Can't believe you bit me!You...You dog!' I shrieked and pulled back.That was funny but it hurt!

       'Don't tell you didn't like it.No one would believe you.' He made fun of me and pouted.I don't look like that!

       'Don't make fun of me!' I punched his arm.

       'We could make many other things.' He wiggled his brows.

       'Yeah.Like soup.I like soup.' I said cheerfully and he narrowed his eyes at me.

       Let's see where we get from here.Either way it's gonna be something since we aren't 'just friends'.

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Chapter 31: I love this story!! Please keep going! ^_^ ♥♡
LOVE. <3 It's funny because I want to just go to a university, get a boring stressful job get married have kids and die. xDDD TOTALLY SUBSCRIBING~!
blockb2012 #3
Chapter 26: Ok im going to be honest, ive been reading this buut i havent comment, why? Im lazy as , so my bad :c buuut i love this chap sooo much that even if here are 3:16 am i have to say something, soo im waiting for the next update, cuz this one was kinda hot, u know what a i mean ê u ê

wtf did i just say? Sorry is too late,and im too sleepy bye <3<3
blockb2012 #4
Chapter 18: LOOOOOOL IHDFBHDSFJSOGIJIOFSGF I CANT OMG AFHIOSDHFS ANDRE VS ZICO DFJKSDGAS i love this fic so much dskfklga update soon <3
HunHanShippz #5
THIS fic is great!
blockb2012 #6
Chapter 11: gsssjsnssisbshw i cant with this chapter is so y gaashwksvsu <3
blockb2012 #7
Chapter 10: OMGGGG zico kissed her hsjvshsjsu im going to die whit this ;-; looool soup? yeah right e u e
blockb2012 #8
Chapter 8: omg i love this fic so much, they are alredy liking each other ;-; cute cute<3<3<3
blockb2012 #9
Chapter 2: I LIKEEE THIIIIIS<3<3 please update soon<3<3