New Year's Resolution

It's more than a Show

What to do...

Maybe it's just me being lazy, but what have I really done in my life so far other than be L's girlfriend and work at Starbucks in the meantime? Not saying that working at Starbucks isn't stressing enough with a boss like mine, but I am getting another year older and I should really grow out of making a life out of brewing coffee all day. 

Myungsoo oppa was back, but that didn't mean he was free. There was so much going on when he got back. Christmas just passed and he had the SBS Gayo Daejun to attend. With today being the 31st of December, I guess I was speding it alone...again. Not that I really minded, but since I did have a boyfriend, it would have been nice to actually spend it with him. But he was probably busy. They did amazing at SBS Gayo Daejun as I watched them on TV along with everyone else. 

As I watched the rerun on TV again, it truly made me feel blessed to have a boyfriend like him. Through thick and thin, we've been together for this long. As we approached the next year, a warm feeling radiated within me. 

A text interrupted that warm feeling I was getting from the thermal blanket I was sitting underneath. I opened my eyes as my mind took its steps back to reality to open up the text message.

From: L-ove oppa

Hello to my wonderful Seohyun that I missed so much!

What are you doing?

I was a bit overwhelmed by the message itself as I choked out a laugh. My smile only grew bigger as I replied back, knowing that this couldn't be L.

From: Seohyunnie

Nice try, Woohyun oppa.

I just finished watching the rerun of Gayo Daejun. 

What are you guys doing...with Myungsoo oppa's phone?

There was a bit of silence before my phone vibrated again. This time it was a call. Without much thought, I answered to have a bunch of guys scream into my ear.

"Seohyun-ah!!!" I held the phone at arm's length, and even that wasn't enough to maintain the volume.

"H-hi?" I answered hesitantly as I couldn't tell who was who at this point.

"Seohyun, do you know how to cook?", "Can you cook us dduk-guk?", "We are 7 guys in one house and we are starving...feed us!" With all these requests jumping at me, I stood there, stunned. 

Now that I thought about it, I have never cooked for them, or L at that. Not that I was good at cooking. The best I could do is cook ramen, and they wanted dduk-guk??

"Uh...uhh" I responded, not knowing how to answer this, until I heard that oh-so-familiar voice

"YAH! HYUNG! Give me back my phone! Are you out of your mind? Have you tried her cooking??? What if she poisons all of us??" And...Kim Myungsoo came out. This wasn't L anymore.

At that, it became a challenge. OPERATION DDUK-GUK!

"I'll do it," I responded over the line. There was a pause on the other side before Sungyeol's voice was heard, "Okay! Uh..we will see you at your place? See you sooooon!"

I sat on the couch, pounding on my head with the two fists I have, wondering why I was so thick-headed. I just could not cook even if my life depended on it. And now, 7 guys were on their way for a nice, New Year meal to start their year.

I the stove, staring that the recipe for dduk-guk that I found on the internet. Luckily I had all the ingredients needed as my boss gave out free rice cakes to all her employees. As I tried the broth that I followed so meticulously to make, I froze. My whole body kind of spazzed out as my brain shut down before I came back to Earth. It. was. disgusting.

I checked the time, knowing that they would be here within the next 30 minutes. Initially given two hours, I had only half an hour left to clean and have a miracle happen to make the food presentable and edible. 

Screw it.

I closed my laptop that was next to the stove, and looked over at the left over vegetables. Without a second thought, I chopped away, cutting up everything and anything that was edible and put it into the pot. While the broth (which was a slight green, by the way) was cooking, I just stuffed all my clothes into my room, in which they were NOT going to enter, and made the house squeaky (well..kind of) clean! I went back to check up on the soup and I immediately retreated backwards. Not only was it just green (which is not suppose to happen!), there were pieces of red pepper (I have no idea how that got in there... x.X) in the soup, along with uneven pieces of rice cakes that I had unknowingly cut up in my rampage of OPERATION DDUK GUK. I stood there by the stove, speechless.

And as if on cue, the doorbell rang. My eyes slowly ran to where the door was, but my body would not move. Soon enough, another bell followed. "Seohyun! We're here! Let us in...quick!!!" I heard whispers as I came back to my senses. I took one last look over my shoulder at the bubbling green soup with hints of red from the peppers, gulped and went to open the door.

"Hi oppa! Uhh..come in!" I smiled and lead them into my shoebox apartment. They all filed in and their eyes wandered around my small, cozy place as it was their first time being in here. 

I shied away from their gaze and quickly went over to the stove, wondering what to do. Soon enough, Sungyeol oppa and Sungjong looked over my shoulder to see my progress, and their expression afterwards...I'd rather not say

" that edible?" Sungyeol oppa questioned as his left eyebrow rose up and his index finger pointing at the bowl that I had prepared.

Sungjong tried to be a bit more polite but he also failed, "Noona! This looks" His voice faded as he tried to come up with a non-insulting word for whatever this thing-of-a-dduk-guk it was. 

I scratched the back of my head as more INFINITE members gathered around the table with an appalled expression as soon as they saw the soup that lay before them.

"Wow...this is rather...colorful..." Dongwoo smiled after he made the sarcastic remark.

"Will I DIE after I eat this???" And of course, this would be no one other than Leader Gyu, himself.

L had no words as he just stared at the green bubbling soup that was in the bowl before him. He closed his eyes and remained quiet, before he lifted up his spoon and took the first sip.

Everyone stared at him, scrutinizing his blank expression as he chewed on the rice cake and finally swallowed the thing altogether. He looked at the others, including me, before he responded, "What? What are you waiting for? You guys were the ones that wanted to come here, right?"

Woohyun looked at his soup and reluctantly picked up his spoon to try his first sip. His expression changed into a relieved one as he continued to eat. The members slowly all started trying and silently ate. I looked down at the bubbling concoction, before I put the spoon into my mouth. To my surprise, it was actually...not bad. In fact, it was good, no better, it was freaking amazing. My eyes grew large as I swallowed the soup and looked up at everyone.

They all had sheepish grins as they stared at me and I could only laugh and rub the back of my head. "Aha, I guess it tasted better than it looks!" I started but as I continued to talk, I gained my confidence back, "And you said I was going to poison you...freaking A, have faith in me!" I pointed to myself before I let out an accomplished grin.

The members simply waved me off before they continued eating.

"How about next time, you make your food a little more presentable?"

"There is no way something like this could just taste good. This is so luck"

"I thought I was going to die."

"It was GREEN for goodness sake!"

"Yeah, I don't think dduk-guk is suppose to be green..."

"And why is there pepper in dduk-guk? Are you trying to kill--"

"Ahhhhh! Just eat! In the end, it came out great. That's all that matters! AND there's nothing wrong with a little color in your food to start off your New Year!"

"Happy New the way," L flashed a smile towards me as he knocked my foot with his.

"Happy New Year!" add cooking into my New Year's resolution


Ah, I have updated! Happy New Year, guys! I really hope you enjoyed this segment.

By the way, dduk-guk is a Korean food, mainly consisting of rice cakes and soup, and it's normally eaten on New Year, so I thought I'd introduce it to everyone who isn't Korean. 

I hope you have all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year! Let's all start this year fresh! Yay!

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Ctb...L 8/4/13: Helloo lovely readers, you guys are awesome! Thank you for all your support and you guys seriously make my days :) YAY! Thank youu!


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Linhtran1994 #1
Chapter 21: I read everything in a short amount of! He said he "...was almost two years older than her," wouldn't that make her younger or around the same age as Sungjong? @@ just wondering....
JaeziL #2
love your fic author nim, please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Omg, when Is the next update author-nim
Chapter 18: Please update soon!!!! :)
Chapter 16: Please update soon!
Okay, I'm really sorry for the late reply in comments guys. So in this case, I'll just reply all at once x.x

@adlinad: ahh thank you soo much! I know it's been a while since you have commented and I'm super sorry for not replying! I had to study for a huge test that would determine my life x.x

@oshvns: aww thank youu! so so so sorry for not replying sooner! it's been hectic for me ><

@bubblepoppish: haha I'm really glad you liked that chapter ^^ it actually came to me when I was watching this show called Ancient Aliens and I thought of L-ien, which is lame and cheesy but could happen XD

@ShinLTaec: by the way, did I ever tell you that your username is freaking awesome. I love Taecyeon from 2pm too and I love how you just incorporated all three into one name. ANYWAYS, I digress LOL. The movie White was pretty awesome. But it's kinda sad too. Made me wonder if it's really like that in the idol world sometimes where they're fighting for lead x.x I mean, not to that extent but I'm pretty sure there are conflicts due to the lead x.x

@theazelina: I really want to go to their concert when they come to LA in America x.x but unfortunately my friends arent interested in KPOP and I don't want to drag my bf to an Infinite concert LOL soo I might have to pass this opportunity as well :( soo sad T__T

Okie dokie...srry for not responding sooner x.x blahh bad me >.< I love you guys! and all my readers as well! thank youuu!
thazelina #8
Chapter 15: Aw~ how i wish i can go for their concert~ and also they have reached Singapore~ i wanna see Myungsoo~
Anyway, love this chapter!! update more ~
ShinLTaec #9
Chapter 14: Lol yes I've already seen the movie White. It is scary, but how you put it into infinite as if they were experiencing it was even scarier. lol. but great update. :)
Chapter 11: I'm An L-ien! Are you an L-ien?