Scary Movie Night

It's more than a Show

Lesson #1

"Out of all the movies you could have chosen, you choose a scary one.." Dongwoo commented as he looked at the cover of the DVD, White: Melody of Death.

"Out of all the scary movies you could have chosen, you choose something that we celebrities should be afraid of..." Woohyun followed up as he glanced at the synopsis online.


You were in the kitchen, preparing popcorn and chicken bites, while L and Sungyeol were bickering over which drinks to bring out. 

"Dude, soda is the best for movie nights, especially with popcorn and chicken bites," L exclaimed as he gathered the 2-litter soda bottles.

However, his hand was slapped away by the refuting Seunghyol, "Carbonated drinks are bad for you. Did you mother not teach you that? We are drinking juice," and with that, Sungyeol reached for the lemonade and orange juice.

"The calories are the same! Plus lemonade has more sugar!" L reasoned

Soon you reached in between them, pullig out both the soda bottle and the lemonade carton. "Gosh, what are you guys? FIVE? Help me get the cups."

The two glared at each other for a moment before grumbling curses under their breath.


Infinite members all got comfortable in their spots around the TV. Dongwoo and Hoya were on their stomachs on the floor. Sungyeol, L, you, and Sungjong sat on the floor, backs leaned against the couch and the two eldest, Sunggyu and Woohyun, sat on the couch.

With the movie playing, everyone remained silent as the characters were introduced. Suddenly Sungyeol pointed out, "Hey, isn't that Ham Eun Jung from T-ara?"

"Shhh!" was what spewed out of everyone's lips.


You were cuddled tightly next to L, as you held onto him, turning away from the screen with your head dug into his chest every time the ghost subtly made its appearance. As much as you loved the thrill, you often stayed away from horror movies since you lived alone. However, seeing that it was with Infinite, you decided to challenge that fear, only to fail.

L noticed your fear as you practically dug your head into his chest. He could only smile at your naive, childish actions as he turned his attention towards the TV. The movie had a couple jumpscares and some creepy parts. He always found it funny to have seven guys huddling around the TV to watch a movie, but since you were there, he thought why not. You always held onto a cushion and kept it in front of your face to "hide" and "protect" yourself when a scare comes along. L observed your actions carefully on the side while he kept his attention on the screen, a smile occasionally curling upon his lips.

"Noona, it's a little hot in here, right?" Sungjong whispered seirously, but slightly with his teasing aegyo.

Suddenly, the thunder cackled and the remaining lights that were on, switched itself off. Sunggyu groaned as he got up from the couch to try to switch on the lights, but to no avail. The power was out. Sighing to himself, he went around back to find some candles, making rustling sounds as he rummaged through the drawers in the dark.


You scrunched yourself up as you gripped tightly onto L's shirt. He noticed you were quivering and held you tightly next to him. "It'll be okay, it's just thunder. The guys are finding flashlights and candles."

"Yah! Where's Sungjong?" Dongwoo asked as he a couple flashlights that he had found.

Everyone looked around, but Sungjong was nowhere to be found.

Your mind suddenly flashed back a couple minutes ago.

"Noona, it's a little hot in here, right?"

A little hot in here...a little hot in here...a little hot in here...

His voice echoed in your head as you tried to shake it off. That quote was said in the movie before something bad happened to each of the characters that said it. Your superstition started to kick in as you feebly got up from your spot and asked for a flashlight.

"Oppa, he said the words..." Your voice quivered as you told L.

L shrugged it off before replying, "He's probably joking around." 

As soon as he said that, the song from the movie started to play, quietly at first but louder and louder.

Song link to be found here<--click

The group, who were all together in the hallway checking every room, huddled back to the living room where the TV was to find a figure with its back towards them.


Long, white hair flowing down the figure's shoulder. Feminine and petite in frame.


Everyone froze in their tracks as the figure remained still.

"It''s a little hot in here, right?" The figure asked, not moving from its position.


You held onto L tightly in fear as the figure still remained looming in front. L's heart was beating rather quickly as well. He squeezed your hand nefore you guys heard Sunggyu.

"Dude Woohyun, he likes you best...go talk to him." And with that, Sunggyu pushed Woohyun forward. Woohyun glared at the group behind him as you all motioned him to take the initiative.

Thunder and lightning struck, startling you as you jumped in L's arms. 


Woohyun took cautious steps toward the figure, whom you all thought was a pranking Sungjong. However, with the lights out, the atmosphere was still rather tense.

"Leader Gyu...L hyung..." the figure spoke in a very eerie voice, staying rigid in the same position.

Woohyun backed out as he crawled back towards the group. Sunggyu and L froze in their places as they heard their referring name.

"The main spot was mine...and you guys took it," he whispered, still looking out ahead into the window.

"S-S-Sungjong-ah..." Sunggyu stuttered as the Woohyun now pushed Sunggyu towards the figure who was supposedly Sungjong.

"Shut up, hyung...why did you do it?" The figure questioned, his voice did not even sound like his voice, making everyone really wonder what's going on.


You looked up at L, who actually had a sense of fear in his eyes. You always found it weird to see his reserved figure break down when it does. You swallowed hard before you spoke up, "Sungjong-ah..."

The figure stiffened before he spoke, "Noona...noona, help me...she's, she's here...with us..."

You felt the hair on your neck stand as you felt goosebumps all over your body.

"Sungjong...if this is a joke...y-you have your laugh...c-come on.." L tried to settle as he took a deep breath, attempting to stand strong.

Suddenly, Sungjong started giggling before he stated, "You still don't get it, huh? Hyung, main is mine. It was always mine. You're both in my way."


Lightning and thunder struck once more, making a couple members jump. 

The figure bent over for a second before his head started to turn. The long, white hair blowing with the still wind. 

Sunggyu's and L's eyes widened. It was the first time you had seen them so helpless, along with the other members. You hid behind Hoya now, since L stepped forward. You tried to pull him back but he squeezed your hand before letting go. 


"It'll be mine tonight..." he whispered.

His head stopped, so that we couldn't see his face. All we could see was the side of the long, white hair.


"And tonight...was great because your expressions are priceless"


The room was quiet as everyone registered the last statement.


"No way..." You heard Dongwoo whisper as he fell to the ground.

"Are you serious?" Woohyun cracked a laugh.

"Freaking a...I knew it.." Hoya sighed in relief, as he lightly pulled you from behind. 


Sunggyu and L remained in their position, still in shock that the maknae had pulled that off. Sungjong took off the white wig before dropping it on the floor. He stretched before he turned and smiled his signature smile, "That was fun, was it not, hyungs?"

You went over to L to give him a hug, and you poked Sunggyu on the shoulder, "Wow guys, do the maknae some good. He especially got you two real good..."


L relaxed his shoulders to hug you back before he glared at the maknae, who sheepishly waved back.


Sunggyu finally straightened himself out before clearing his throat, "Psch, I knew all along it was a joke.."


There was a teasing snicker and some laughs shared when they heard Sunggyu's defense. Sungyeol crushed the leader's pride as he announced, "Please don't, hyung. You were the one frozen in that spot when Sungjong called out your name. And L, I have never seen you so scared in my life. Oh my god, that was priceless...ahahahahaha"


And the rest of the night, you guys stayed away from scary movies as the elder and the face of the group were traumatized from that prank pulled by Infinite's one and only maknae.


Never...underestimate the maknae..


Aha, I got scared just thinking about this scene in reality. 

Anyways, the movie mentioned is called White: Melody of Death.

It does revolve around celebrities, and I feel like the starting rookie idols do go through this, without the ghost and the horror parts but yeah...check it out if you dare. XD


Hope you enjoyed :)

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Ctb...L 8/4/13: Helloo lovely readers, you guys are awesome! Thank you for all your support and you guys seriously make my days :) YAY! Thank youu!


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Linhtran1994 #1
Chapter 21: I read everything in a short amount of! He said he "...was almost two years older than her," wouldn't that make her younger or around the same age as Sungjong? @@ just wondering....
JaeziL #2
love your fic author nim, please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Omg, when Is the next update author-nim
Chapter 18: Please update soon!!!! :)
Chapter 16: Please update soon!
Okay, I'm really sorry for the late reply in comments guys. So in this case, I'll just reply all at once x.x

@adlinad: ahh thank you soo much! I know it's been a while since you have commented and I'm super sorry for not replying! I had to study for a huge test that would determine my life x.x

@oshvns: aww thank youu! so so so sorry for not replying sooner! it's been hectic for me ><

@bubblepoppish: haha I'm really glad you liked that chapter ^^ it actually came to me when I was watching this show called Ancient Aliens and I thought of L-ien, which is lame and cheesy but could happen XD

@ShinLTaec: by the way, did I ever tell you that your username is freaking awesome. I love Taecyeon from 2pm too and I love how you just incorporated all three into one name. ANYWAYS, I digress LOL. The movie White was pretty awesome. But it's kinda sad too. Made me wonder if it's really like that in the idol world sometimes where they're fighting for lead x.x I mean, not to that extent but I'm pretty sure there are conflicts due to the lead x.x

@theazelina: I really want to go to their concert when they come to LA in America x.x but unfortunately my friends arent interested in KPOP and I don't want to drag my bf to an Infinite concert LOL soo I might have to pass this opportunity as well :( soo sad T__T

Okie dokie...srry for not responding sooner x.x blahh bad me >.< I love you guys! and all my readers as well! thank youuu!
thazelina #8
Chapter 15: Aw~ how i wish i can go for their concert~ and also they have reached Singapore~ i wanna see Myungsoo~
Anyway, love this chapter!! update more ~
ShinLTaec #9
Chapter 14: Lol yes I've already seen the movie White. It is scary, but how you put it into infinite as if they were experiencing it was even scarier. lol. but great update. :)
Chapter 11: I'm An L-ien! Are you an L-ien?