05. first teaser

✈fly to love ↷ apply open!

"This is the Park residence, how may I help you?" Jiyoung asked, picking up the phone and struggling to jam another book in her suitcase.

"This is Saemi!" the voice chirped from over the phone. "It's coming up so soon, I'm excited!"

"Yeah, but packing's been a hassle. I mean, if I don't bring the English language guide, we'd -"

"Be fine. I speak English, remember, unnie?"

Long pause. "Oh. That'll help."

Saemi laughed. "So unnie - are you packing now?"

Jiyoung grunted in response. "And I texted Soohyun but I have no clue if he's showing up, but I hope he'll come to the airport. Hey, did you know that on most airlines, all the pilots eat different meals to minimize the chances of all the pilots getting sick?"

"O-oh, really? Cool. ...Are you sure Soohyun's going to be okay with things? He's kind of..."

"I know. He'll be fine," Jiyoung said sharply. "You're bringing Taeho, right?"

"Yep!" replied Saemi. Jiyoung could feel the other girl smiling from over the phone. "He's really happy to be going with us, too. So where are we going first?"

"Los Angeles." Beep, beep, beep. "Crap - somebody else is calling me. I'll get back to you in a sec, alright?"

"See you, then!"

a/n: short, crappy teaser is crappy. cough.

but, congrats to escapisms ^^

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✈fly to love - teaser coming. ouo


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This looks like a great apply fic.. :)But i think you need someone that's really good at html.The front page doesn't really look pleasing to the eye. Especially with the small font. I suggest a coauthor. Maybe he or she will help you enhance this apply fic..that way you can gain more subscribers and applyers. Hope you dnt take this the wrong way..^^
Chapter 5: yay! o u o;
thanks for choosing me. c:
the teaser was short & sweet.
i liked it. i can't wait for
more! good luck to the other
Chapter 5: congrats to escapisms~ xD
can i change some stuff about the personality?
Chapter 5: Congrats to escapisms! I look forward to more ^^
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl; what are you talking about? ; n ;
my coding compared to others, tbh.

thank you, i'm glad you think so! c: i tried
really hard to match her personality for
the chick. LOLOL, yup. u - u kindergarten
teacher. i want to be one when i grow up,
as well. but my family seems to be a bit
against it, especially my mom. orz. . - .

anyway, thanks for the wonderful review!
LOL. adorafluffy? well, that's an amusing
word. thanks, again! good luck with this.
Chapter 3: thanks for the review ;-;<3
yes her mother's cooking ouo
i realized there wasn't a trivia section so idk where to put those random things about her orz
yep but you can change the love interest to b1a4's jinyoung if you want xD
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl; i love lunafly. o u o; ♡
seeing an apply fic that mentions them
excites me! i'll definitely apply for this.
i can't wait until the story starts. hwaiting!
Chapter 3: Wait. Why is the second app the same exact one of the first one? What. o.O
Chapter 3: I made her a year older and changed the first and back up ulzzangs, I'm glad you like her personality :) Please tell me if anything else needs to be fixed ^^