03. applicants.

✈fly to love ↷ apply open!

✈character name.


plotline - age - faceclaim - love interest - link - review.


✈kim hyun ju.


the lancer - 18 - park min ju - lee tae min - link - thanks for applying~ i was afraid this fic would go unnoticed by everyone sobs.  i'd prefer if she was a little bit older, since the chick is the maknae and whatnot, but it's fine~ ouo. i think your backup ulzzang suits the plotline a bit better than ahri does. and those piercings are so cool omf. her personality fits the plotline so well it's astounding, and her future plans are nice as well~ ouo. awesome app, all in all, and good luck♥

✈dewitt aura-elizabeth.


the hero - 19 - go a ra  - lay  - link - okay, her personality is that of the hero but her love interest goes with the big guy...? it's just a mistake and probs my fault for not clearing who goes with who well enough. she's a really great motherly figure for the group, which is awesome ouo.  her background is pretty good too, and i like her aspirations to be a voice actress, that's badass. i can kind of see how she interacts with lay, too, which is awesome! all in all, good app, and good luck ♥

✈woo jang mi.


the big guy - 18 - jang chom mi  - lay  - link - thanks so much for applying! i was afraid the big guy wouldn't be popular but you proved me wrong ;u; nice faceclaim, and i think her piercings are awesome. she reminds me of those characters who are so freaking caring and kind and unexpectedly deep, and then they do a complete 180 when they're mad c: awesome. she can't start her day without her mother's cooking? that is just...yes. i'm not familiar with the love interest, but from what you've said + the plotline that's already there, i think i'll work something out. i really like the small details in your app, but there's not enough of them - i want more. it's an awesome app, though, and thanks for applying!

✈yang xiaoyu.


the chick - 17 - park hwan hui  - teo  - link  - you made the app look so pretty. teach me your coding skills ;_; the fc really fits the plot~ ouo. her personality is so detailed, it's awesome and really really fitting for the chick ^u^.  and yay that she's mixed ouo. a kindergarten teacher? that...yes. very much yes. teo fits how nice would it be really well and i love the way you wrote his personality. i can see them being the adorafluffy couple that every fic needs! ♥

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✈fly to love - teaser coming. ouo


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This looks like a great apply fic.. :)But i think you need someone that's really good at html.The front page doesn't really look pleasing to the eye. Especially with the small font. I suggest a coauthor. Maybe he or she will help you enhance this apply fic..that way you can gain more subscribers and applyers. Hope you dnt take this the wrong way..^^
Chapter 5: yay! o u o;
thanks for choosing me. c:
the teaser was short & sweet.
i liked it. i can't wait for
more! good luck to the other
Chapter 5: congrats to escapisms~ xD
can i change some stuff about the personality?
Chapter 5: Congrats to escapisms! I look forward to more ^^
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl; what are you talking about? ; n ;
my coding compared to others, tbh.

thank you, i'm glad you think so! c: i tried
really hard to match her personality for
the chick. LOLOL, yup. u - u kindergarten
teacher. i want to be one when i grow up,
as well. but my family seems to be a bit
against it, especially my mom. orz. . - .

anyway, thanks for the wonderful review!
LOL. adorafluffy? well, that's an amusing
word. thanks, again! good luck with this.
Chapter 3: thanks for the review ;-;<3
yes her mother's cooking ouo
i realized there wasn't a trivia section so idk where to put those random things about her orz
yep but you can change the love interest to b1a4's jinyoung if you want xD
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl; i love lunafly. o u o; ♡
seeing an apply fic that mentions them
excites me! i'll definitely apply for this.
i can't wait until the story starts. hwaiting!
Chapter 3: Wait. Why is the second app the same exact one of the first one? What. o.O
Chapter 3: I made her a year older and changed the first and back up ulzzangs, I'm glad you like her personality :) Please tell me if anything else needs to be fixed ^^