01. plotlines.

✈fly to love ↷ apply open!

✈the girls.

✈the hero.


the hero - every five-man band needs one, don't they? she holds the group together as best she can, even though it's kind of - well - hard? impossible? her friends are so different it's a miracle they've stayed sane and together for this long. she's a bit obsessive, and always, always, always stressed out about something. letting her friends bring guys on a trip, for example - she still ended up bringing somebody, but that doesn't stop her from being a skeptic about it. she's very much a realist, and always sees the ways things can go wrong.
traits:  caring, often worried, stressed out, motherly, uptight.

✈the lancer.


the lancer - if the hero is too uptight, the lancer is too relaxed. she takes life one day at a time and stays mellow throughout all of it. she's known for putting off work, and is easily the laziest person going on this crazy trip.   she's the hero's best friend, despite the fact that they're so different; she keeps the hero sane, and in return, the hero makes sure that the lancer finally gets done.
traits:  mellow, relaxed, lazy, jokey, girly.

✈the big guy.


the big guy - if grades decided friends, she'd be right down with the slackers and rebels. the big guy might not be the brightest, but she's definitely the physically strongest of the bunch. during school she was a sports star, doing everything from soccer to running track and, briefly, cheerleading. she shows her love through punches and big, tight bear hugs. she's the team dad, for sure, but even dads love their children.
traits:  hot-headed, strong, unintelligent, caring, spunky.

✈the smart guy - park ji young.


the smart guy - need a computer set up? lost? not sure the cost of a cinnamon bun? well, the smart guy is your girl. it seems like she knows everything - she graduated at the top of her class, and she's constantly spouting random trivia. she's the weakest of the group physically, but mentally - well, don't play games against her. you will have met your match pretty damn fast.
traits:  intelligent, snobbish, determined, competitive, quiet.

✈the chick - yang xiaoyu.


the chick - if you've made it this far, you know that these girls are so different it's not even funny. as such, some fights are inevitable. see, that's the chick's job - she's the group's youngest and most level-headed, and acts as a peacemaker. she sees fights coming from 30 miles away, and stops them before anyone  can get hurt in any way, shape, or form. if the fights start, well, she'll start moping. oh well?
traits:  sensitive, level-headed, peaceful, calm, friendly.

✈the boys.



superhero - he's the leader of the boys by default. he's quiet for the most part, but swoops in to save the day, clark kent-style. he puts up his guard before he gets close to people, resulting in a lot of hurt feelings from all sides, his included. but if he can make it up to you - if there's a thread of forgiveness left there - he will surely will.
traits:  quiet, heroic, heavy-hearted, guarded, focused.
reccomended idols:  kris, dongwoon, hoya.

✈what's your name?


what's your name? - he's had a crush on the lancer for the longest time. he's bright and friendly, but his shyness prevented him from approaching the girls until their last year of high school. he's amazed she invited him on this crazy trip, in fact, but hey - if it means going with her somewhere, he's fine with it. he's a bit like a lost puppy that the lancer just so happened to find.
traits:  friendly, funny, bright, easily impressed, good listener.
reccomended idols:  lee joon, minhyuk, henry.

✈one more step.


one more step - he's the bad boy - he fell in to the big guy's heart with a guitar and hand and a song escaping his lips. the problem? he's a bit of a player. he flirts with everyone , regardless of if they reciprocate it, and has a bad tendency to charm people's hearts with a song. it's not like he means to do it - he's just naturally flirty, and the big guy fell hard for him, even though she knows it's gonna come back and bite her.
traits:  flirty, rebellious, musical, romantic, mischevious.
reccomended idols:  yun, baro, aj.

✈clear day, cloudy day - kim soo hyun.


clear day, cloudy day. -  ah, yes. he has his ups and downs, from days where he's the brightest star in the sky to ones where he's the darkest stormcloud. he keeps a smile on his face, however, believing that it's to everybody's benefit that he keeps quiet about how he truly feels. that includes the way he feels about the smart guy - he's got a thing for her, but well, he'll keep it under wraps.
traits:  manic-depressive, shy, quiet, introverted,  caring.

✈how nice would it be.


how nice would it be - he's the dreamer, constantly spacing out and living in his head as opposed to reality. he prefers to stay with his head firmly planted in the clouds, believing that reality is a lovely place - he just wouldn't want to live there.  when he thinks of love, he thinks innocence - chaste kisses, holding hands, and simple gifts. a relationship like that - how nice would it be?
traits:  spacy, romantic, loving, caring, feminine.
reccomended idols:  sungjong, d.o., teo.





and if you've made it this far, the password is a gif of jia from miss a. ♥

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✈fly to love - teaser coming. ouo


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This looks like a great apply fic.. :)But i think you need someone that's really good at html.The front page doesn't really look pleasing to the eye. Especially with the small font. I suggest a coauthor. Maybe he or she will help you enhance this apply fic..that way you can gain more subscribers and applyers. Hope you dnt take this the wrong way..^^
Chapter 5: yay! o u o;
thanks for choosing me. c:
the teaser was short & sweet.
i liked it. i can't wait for
more! good luck to the other
Chapter 5: congrats to escapisms~ xD
can i change some stuff about the personality?
Chapter 5: Congrats to escapisms! I look forward to more ^^
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl; what are you talking about? ; n ;
my coding compared to others, tbh.

thank you, i'm glad you think so! c: i tried
really hard to match her personality for
the chick. LOLOL, yup. u - u kindergarten
teacher. i want to be one when i grow up,
as well. but my family seems to be a bit
against it, especially my mom. orz. . - .

anyway, thanks for the wonderful review!
LOL. adorafluffy? well, that's an amusing
word. thanks, again! good luck with this.
Chapter 3: thanks for the review ;-;<3
yes her mother's cooking ouo
i realized there wasn't a trivia section so idk where to put those random things about her orz
yep but you can change the love interest to b1a4's jinyoung if you want xD
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl; i love lunafly. o u o; ♡
seeing an apply fic that mentions them
excites me! i'll definitely apply for this.
i can't wait until the story starts. hwaiting!
Chapter 3: Wait. Why is the second app the same exact one of the first one? What. o.O
Chapter 3: I made her a year older and changed the first and back up ulzzangs, I'm glad you like her personality :) Please tell me if anything else needs to be fixed ^^