Danger Danger

The Spy Who Stole My Heart


Because Aiden didn’t have a bit of trust with Marcus, he followed them to the mall and as he was near the establishment, Sophie’s homing device set off indicating that she was in danger, he drove as fast as he could to get to her immediately…
At the parking lot:
Sophie: MARCUS! Wake up Marcus!! Let go of me you jerk!
Sophie stomped at the man's foot which caused him to release her. She ran away from them but on of their members got to her fast and carried her to their van.
Aiden arrived just as they left, he found Marcus lying on the ground waking up.
Aiden: What happened?! Where is she?!
Marcus: (hisses in pain) Who? Oh my … SOPHIE!!
Aiden: Tell me what happened!
Marcus: We were heading back to the car when a group of guys attacked us, I tried to fight them off but I didn’t stand a chance, the last thing I remember was Sophie screaming for help.
Aiden: This is all my fault! I shouldn’t have let her go! Aish! (pulls out his phone and dials a number) Yes, please get me an ambulance ASAP here at 27th Street Mall.
He hung up and looked at Marcus.
Aiden: You stay here and wait for help. I’ll go look for Sophie
Marcus did as he was told and then Aiden rushed off to his car. He took out his phone and called Vincent.
Aiden: Vince? Its me Aiden
Vincent: What’s wrong bro?
Aiden: Sophie was kidnapped can you help me find her?
Vincent: WHAT?! Who was she with?!
Aiden: With her bestfriend, that I don’t trust one bit.
VIincent: Okay bro I’ll look for her give me just a minute to … She’s now in a van going South of the city
Aiden: Thanks bro. Hold on Sophie, I’m coming for you
With that info at hand, Aiden followed Vincent’s instruction and went to the location. 
Nightime. In a high rise building.
Sophie was unconscious and is situated in the middle of a room where the light on is the spotlight that shone over her. She was slowly opening her eyes.
She surveyed the room with her eyes and when she tried to stand up, she realized that her arms and feet were tied to a chair then she began to panic
Sophie: Marcus? Aiden?? Where am I?? HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!
???: Now, now, don’t waste your precious energy on screaming coz no one can and will hear you.
Sophie: Who are you?? Show yourself!
???: That would ruin the fun wouldn’t it? I’d rather enjoy torturing you for a little while
A hand comes up from behind her and pulls her hair and running a knife onto her skin. Sophie screams in pain as the blades penetrate her skin.
???: That’s it scream! Nobody’s gonna hear your cry for help
Sophie: You are one sick guy you know that??
???: So I’ve been told, so where’s your boyfriend?
Sophie: Boyfriend? Who are you talking about??
???: Don’t play dumb with me! I know it wasn’t the one in the parking lot.
Sophie: Oh my gosh Marcus!! What did you do to him?!
???: He’s probably in the morgue by now, chilling with the everybody! (evil laugh)
Sophie: (Looks at the masked guy sarcastically) Seriously? That’s the best you can come up with?
???: (Slaps her in the face) Well well well, such a comedienne are you? Let’s see if you’d still laugh if I do this!
The man slashes the knife through her arm which caused her to yelp in pain.
???: Still think that this is all fun and games? Let’s see who gets the last laugh while you bleed to death! You! (referring to the guy on the door) guard her!
The man walks away leaving Sophie in the middle of the room again. Time passed, Sophie sat in the chair motionless, the guard feared that she might be dead so the guard approached her and checked if she was breathing, when he held on her shoulders, she gave him a heat which caused him to lose consciousness.
Sophie: Dummy
She loosened the grip of the cloth on her wrists and when her hands became free; she began untying her feet and tiptoed her way out of the room, when she successfully gone out of the room she went to look for the stairs and when she did she was about to open the door a guard saw her and started chasing her down the stairs, she went down as fast as she could. The pain in her arm was taking over and she looked up to see where the guards were, then when she turned around,
She bumped into a man whom she thought was one of the guards so she screamed and he cupped , she saw Aiden in front of her and guided her into a small room to hide from the guards. When they have passed, Aiden immediately hugged her.
Aiden: Oh my god! I thought I would never see you again!
Sophie: I thought you forgot about me
Aiden: Now why would I do that? (Notices her arm is bleeding) What happened to you?!
Sophie: The guy behind all of this decided to play with me so he drew on my skin with a knife.
Aiden: Oh my dear (Hugs her again) 
Aiden rips the end of his shirt and uses it to put a bandage on Sophie’s wound and to stop it from bleeding.
Aiden: Let’s get out of here shall we?
They sneaked out of the small room and made it out of the building but unfortunately the moment they step out of the building 
They were both surrounded, they couldn’t go anywhere and the mysterious man appears again. 
Something hit their heads and lost conciousness.
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Chapter 12: asdfghjkl This was so cute ! I'm glad everything is fine ^__^
Chapter 11: I'll wait :) ^^,
Chapter 10: Oh my god.. No, she can't die.. they're like.. oh my god.. perfect for each other! Sophie~ T^T
mcdgee #4
Chapter 10: Do you have an alternative ending where they lived happily ever after???? Please!
mcdgee #5
Chapter 10: Why??????? :(
mcdgee #6
Chapter 9: Please update again! I really love this story so much! Please update now. Hehe
iamparkcheonsa #7
Chapter 4: woah your so mean monkey.. you dont do that to giraffe XD

eee .. sophie's getting close to aiden.. gonna watch out for more kilig moments xP
Chapter 6: That was cute and awkward.. x3
Chapter 5: No! What will they do?! They can't kidnap Aiden! Gah.. I want to kick their butts.. -_-
Chapter 4: Aish..I hope she just walked away to surprise Aiden, though I have a bad feeling.. >,>
I will, author-nim (^_^)/
their album cover is so funny.. hahah xD lol and damn..those lucky fans.. T_T