Bubble Tea date

Exo's collection of short stories


Sehun looked up at the ceiling and sighed. It was a day off for EXO K and he was lying on his bed.
How long was it been ? he pondered
Exo had already debuted for nearly half a year were amidst their promotion. Always, the list of activities, events and performance seem never ending.Even though he was truly ecstatic that they finally debut; joining their seniors on the big glamorous stage, he missed spending time with their other half, EXO M.
Specifically Luhan.
Fondly, Sehun reminisce the time spent together. Luhan was the one who had introduced him to bubble tea and he was addicted ever since.During their trainne days, the two of them would go for buuble tea whenever possible.  Despite his older age, Luhan was always so friendly and approachable. Affable. Building his trains of thoughts, Sehun’s phone buzzed.
Luhan hyung calling
‘’ Hey Sehun, we’re coming back later to SM at 6pm. Do you want to grab a cup of bubble tea together ? ‘’ Luhan asked, tone as cheerful as ever.
‘’Chincha hyung ? ‘’ Sehun asked, unable to contain the excitement in his voice.
‘’ Chincha ‘’ replied Luhan, chuckling.
‘’ Okay ! lets go for bubble tea ! Meet at our usual place ? ‘’ Sehun confirmed gleefully, looking forward to meeting the boy.
‘’Ne Sehun ! ‘’ answered Luhan brightly.
Delighted to be able to see his hyung after such a long time, Sehun was about to get up and do a dance of pure joy when Luhan added his last sentence.
‘’Oh, I nearly forgot, Xiumin would be coming with us as well. ‘’ Luhan ended his call.
Sehun looked his phone and frowned, his face an expression of discontent. The overwhelming sense of happiness he felt was replaced by deep unsatisfcation. As much as liked Xiumin hyung, he would very much like his bubble tea trip to be a two person date.
‘’Ugrh ! ‘’ he groaned into his pillow, kicking wildly at his blanket.
Grudgingly, Sehun trudged to the bubble tea shop. Its was a cozy little café; other than bubble tea, the place serves appetizers, desserts and other baked treats. Sehun pushed the door and entered the place, expecting to see two familiar figures discussing about soccer again. The golden bell attached above the door rang softly. To his surprise, Luhan was sitting alone at their table.
‘’Hi Sehun ! ‘’ Luhan greeted him happily as Sehun sat down. ‘’Xiumin couldn’t make it.’’ Luhan clarified.
‘’Oh,’’ said Sehun, unsure of what to reply to avoid revealing he was actually glad that this happened.
‘’ So hyung, what are you getting ? ‘’ asked Sehun, his mood once again good.
Luhan was about to reply, before his attention shifted to the door and started waving.
‘’Over here ‘’ Luhan mouthed in Korean. Curious, Sehun turned to where Luhan was looking at.
Walking in towards them was Chanyeol.
Huh ?
 ‘’ I thought since EXO M was finally back in Korea after so long, we should gather everyone and catch up a bit.’’Luhan told Sehun, sensing his confusion.
Continuously, the bell above the door rang as various memebrs of Exo came walking in the the café.
‘’ Hey Baekhyun ! what’s up !’’
‘’ Ah Chen , long time no see !’’
‘’ Looks like Tao grew taller ….. again ‘’
‘’Dancing machine and Kai reunited ! ‘’
Hi five were exchanged and greetings filled the shop. Smiling, the boys grabbed a chair and surrounded the table Luhan and Sehun were sitting at. Hungry, the boys fought for the menu. 
Looks like we’re not alone after all 
Hahaha, i decided to do a HunHan story which ended up being a not so HunHan story.
Let me know what you think !
Update: i added this oneshot to this collection
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Kaistal26 #1
Chapter 1: Yuhuuu good