To be close

Until You're Mine

Good night, my beloved. We'll meet soon. I promise...

He was close, so, so close that it physically hurt. He could sense him, someone, nearby, but nothing disrupted the eternal blackness that always surrounded him. He reached out his hand, desperately grasping in the dark, trying to make contact with something

Lee Hyukjae woke up, hand futilely outstretched in the air and tears rolling down his face.

- - -

Donghae inhaled and exhaled slowly, rhythmically.  He sat cross legged, focused on the lit candle in front of him as his eyes followed the flickering of the flame. He felt that familiar sense of pride as it grew and shrunk at his whim, its life being fueled and manipulated. Feeling his powers were stable at the moment, he reached forward and drew the flame into his hand, cupping it gently and appreciating the new warmth.

“Nice to see that you’re feeling better this morning, Donghae.”

He smiled. Clenching his fist, the tiny flame extinguished, faint smoke the only remnant.

“Hankyung-hyung,” Donghae greeted his visitor, who was leaning casually against his door frame. “Good morning to you too. It’s a bit early, isn’t it?”

“Heechul sent me first to make sure you were getting ready,” the Chinese man replied, moving into the room to his dongsaeng’s couch. “You know how he is. No wasting time.”

“More like no wasting his time,” Donghae laughed, drawing himself up and heading to his kitchen. “There’s nothing else for me to do this morning, we just have to wait until his majesty arrives. Tea, hyung?”

Hankyung accepted the offered cup, settling and getting comfortable as Donghae plopped down in front of him on the carpet. Taking a sip, his sharp eyes missed nothing as he scanned the younger, taking note of the dark circles and red rimmed eyes.

“How are you really, Donghae?” he asked, tone gentle.

The younger smiled lopsidedly, and his shoulders slumped. “As well as I can be, I guess. You know, for a person losing his sanity.”

“You mustn’t give up hope,” was his hyung’s reply, not liking the despair in the other’s eyes. “You have us, we won’t give up on you. No matter how today goes, there are other places to check as well, and we have the resources to-“

“Resources, but not time,” Donghae interrupted bitterly. “I’m not giving up hyung, especially not on my Guide. It’s just a little hard, I feel like every academy we try and fail I’m that much closer to going crazy.”

He sprawled on his back. Hankyung had nothing to say to that, and continued sipping his tea quietly. He didn’t, couldn’t understand how his dongsaeng felt. A life without a Guide, without Heechul, was unfathomable, and trying to emphasize wouldn’t help. It was frustrating, but he needed to funnel that emotion into productivity and do what he could.

There was that tickling at the back of his head, followed by the smell of apples and sharp spice. Hannie…

What is it, princess?

I’ll be down in five, make sure that idiot’s ready to go and looks presentable. We have places to be, people to see, and an ignorant Guide to track down!

Hankyung chuckled. We’re only waiting on you, Chullie. Oh, and your Gucci bag is on the top shelf of our bedroom closet. It was getting in the way when I was cleaning yesterday, and I know you don’t like your bags in the shoe closet since they’d get dirty.

And that’s why I put up with you. Be there in a bit, Chinese man~ 

Hankyung smiled before returning his attention to his friend. “Heechul just said he’s coming, Donghae. You might want to brush your hair a bit before he throws a fit.”

Donghae looked at him, envying the gentle smile and loving look the other sported that was associated with linking with his guide.

Hankyung had been one of the lucky ones, having found Heechul at the first Academy he tried. The two had been together so long, their Bond forged but continuing to grow. Their strength and relationship served as a foundation and example for their all the guild members, along with Leeteuk and Kangin.

He bit his lip in dismay. What he would give to have what Hankyung, and the rest of his guild members, had, to possess that type of stability and understanding. More than that, he yearned for his soul mate, his second half with whom he could have share that type of connection. Someone who he could convey his every thought and emotion to, someone to love and protect. Someone who was his, and his alone.

His heart raced in excitement at the thought. Every time that it seemed hopeless, just thinking about his unknown Guide rekindled his faith. He vowed that once he found him, he would never let go.

You're mine, beloved...

And who knows, perhaps today would be the day?

His door slammed open. "Kim Heechul has arrived! Sogang Academy, here we co- Donghae, why the hell is your hair sticking up like that? You look like a bird dropped its nest on your head! Hannie, did I not tell you to make sure he was presentable?!"

Both males groaned. It would be a long day with queen of divas Kim Heechul.

- - -

“Big stick on the count of three, Mr. Lee. One, two…”

The doctor sighed exasperatedly when his patient flinched and drew his arm back before the final count. “Mr. Lee.” Junsu wasn’t able to completely stifle his laugh, grinning wickedly. “You’re how old again, Hyuk?”

“Shut up.” The tips of his ears were turning red in embarrassment, lips jutted in an adorable pout. I hate needles

He felt the doctor pull his left arm forward again, and clamped down harder this time to prevent him from moving. “Let’s try this again? One, two, three…”

His nose twitched in an unhappy response as the needle pierced his arm, lingering for a few seconds as the blood was drawn before being retracted. The blond let out an inaudible sigh of relief, and his other hand reached up to rub against the band aid the doctor had placed on the offending sore spot.  Hate, hate, hate, hate needles.

“All right, Mr. Lee. Within the next week or so, we’ll…”

Hyukjae zoned out, having already been used to the procedure. For the past three years, after a particularly vivid or haunting dream, his parents had insisted he see a physician and have tests run. Each and every time it was the same, they were told no abnormalities and inconclusive. His doctor had suggested on multiple occasions that he speak to a psychologist, but much to his parents’ dismay he blatantly refused. The one time they’d forced him, he had sat tightlipped for more than an hour.

Deep down Hyukjae knew speaking to someone, other than Junsu, would help. Professionals would be able to help him decipher his dreams perhaps, make sense of them. But…

He couldn’t explain it. Those dreams were his, were so personal that he wouldn’t share them with anyone else. Not even Junsu was allowed all the details. And he knew that they were so much more than dreams, as strange as that sounded.

How could he say that someone was calling for him in his dreams? Searching for him?

No one would understand, and these dreams were his alone.

- - -

He stalled, drummed his fingers against his desk impatiently before finally picking up the phone. The number he dialed was one he was very familiar which, and each time weighed on his conscience.


“Director Lee? Your son just left my office with his friend, I performed the usual tests. They suspect nothing out of routine.”

“Good. You will continue to keep this secret, is that clear, Mr. Kim?”

His heart ached at having to lie to Hyukjae. While there was nothing physiologically wrong with his patient, the emotional burden was clearly weighing on him. But hiding the truth was better than involving the innocent boy in that power struggle, and the world of blood.

“I understand. It’s been so long, it should not be much more before this is all over.”

- - -

Junsu looked at his friend worriedly, the hand he had slung over the other’s shoulders tightening the slightest bit, as he navigated them through the afternoon crowd. Hyukjae had been quiet ever since they left the doctor’s office, expression pulled in the slightest frown as he was left to his own thoughts.

“Hyuk?” he ventured cautiously

The blonde’s sightless eyes blinked, before he turned his face towards his friend. A small grin. “What’s up?”

 "Shouldn't I be asking you that? What's on your mind?"

He hmm-ed, and casually shrugged. "I'm just tired, Su. These episodes are becoming more frequent, and for some reason they just emotionally and physically wear me out. Pretty stupid to make such a big deal over some silly dreams, right?"

"If it's something that's affecting you this much then don’t downplay it," his friend scolded. "If you ask me, you're probably just anemic. You've had blood drawn so many times, there's probably not be enough left! Must be why you're nothing but skin and bones, myeolchi," he added cheekily, relieved when Hyukjae's scowl deepened and he elbowed him in annoyance. "Ouch."

“Shut up! At least I don’t have a screechy laugh!”

“Who has a screechy laugh?!” Junsu drew his friend closer in a headlock, laughing as the other flailed and spluttered indignantly. “Yah, what are you doing?! Let go of me servant!”

“I’’m sad you regard me as such,” Junsu said, pretending to be sad. He released the blond, hand resting over his shoulders. “In fact, that makes me so sad, maybe I should just take you home. And to think, we just reached our destination too.”

Hyukjae stilled, taking in his surroundings. The distinct excited chatter across the street, audible over the passing cars, the chiming of school bells to suggest a new hour. Next to them, the ring of a bell as a door opened. And he knew that smell…

His lips twitched and formed into a gleeful grin, gums showing. “Ice cream!” he cheered, dragging his friend towards the direction of that sweet scent. “I want a strawberry shortcake sundae, with extra strawberry sauce and nuts! Can we get our usual table on the second floor next to the window? It’s so nice outside today!”

Junsu just laughed and pulled Hyukjae to the right before he ran into the building, letting him chatter on excitedly.

“You really are such a kid, Hyuk. Who gets this excited over strawberry ice cream?”

“Only good people can appreciate and have a deep love for strawberries. You’re not worthy!”


- - -

“Thank you for having us.” Hankyung bowed stiffly to the Academy’s director, out of formality more than respect, once more before the glass door swung shut behind him.  The Sentinel hurried to catch up with his companions. Heechul looked furious, continuing to lash out at the ‘incompetence’ and ‘uselessness’ of the Academy’s staff. While Donghae

Donghae had that dark, hopeless look again.

He would nod every once in a while as appropriate to satisfy Heechul as the latter ranted, but his eyes were focused on nothing, mind far away.

Hankyung sighed. That had not at all gone as planned.


Their hearts grew heavier and spirits dimmed as Donghae continued down the long line of students presented to him. Making eye contact with each Guide, There was no ‘spark’ or obvious sign that he’d found the one.

It certainly wasn’t due to lack of trying. The Sentinel was undeniably attractive, well-built, and known for his strength as well as good humor and personality. Each of the Guides couldn’t help but hope that maybe, just maybe they would be that one for him, be the one that had been eluding him for so long.

But it was not meant to be. The Bond either was or wasn’t, there was neither rhyme nor reason. And like so many times before, his Guide simply wasn’t here.

Donghae turned away from the students, and shook his head towards his hyungs. Hankyung exhaled in defeat, and Heechul’s shoulders slumped.

Failed again.

The three of them were escorted to the director’s office by his meek assistance, waiting to sign off on the last of the required documents before taking their leave. As if the experience already hadn’t been enough, two of the Academy’s employees were gossiping around the corner, unaware that Donghae and his friends were just within earshot.

“Have you heard? Lee Donghae was here today looking for his Guide!”

“Again?! I wasn’t even sure he was still around, what is he, twenty-three or four now? Not much longer before he loses it. Rumor has it he’s already got a foot in the door.”

“I know, right? Shame such a strong guild has to put up with that. His powers are supposedly unparalleled, but what’s the point if you can’t even control them?”

“They should just drop him and be done with it.”

Heechul had heard enough, lunging around the corner and jumping on the two surprised speakers. A split second behind, Hankyung was able to restrain his enraged Guide before too much damage was done, the staff members muttering out apologies as they hastily hurried away. Heechul continued to screech out insults in fury, only calming when they had left his field of sight. But it didn’t matter.

How could Donghae disagree when what they had been saying was absolutely right?

“Anyways, forget those dickheads, Donghae! The nerve of those people, saying to drop you, I’d like to drop something all right, preferably really big and heavy over their puny little unthinking heads-“

Donghae let out a small chuckle at that, making Heechul pause mid rant and grin in triumph. “I’m sure you could get Hankyung-hyung to help you with that.”

“Of course,” the Guide sniffed haughtily. “Hannie can do anything, and he would if I asked him to, right Hannie?”

“Of course princess,” was the dutiful answer, and Donghae snorted in response. “I don’t know hyung, if my Guide ends up even a bit like you, I’m not sure I could survive.”

“You’re lucky you’re my favorite dongsaeng, punk, or else I’d knock you silly for that. Your Guide can only wish to be a quarter as fabulous as me. Forget that dump, we have the rest of a beautiful afternoon to enjoy. What should we do next?”

Donghae and Hankyung paused and looked around, skimming the surrounding area in hopes of finding a way to entertain the diva.

“Looks like there are a few clothing stores?” Donghae suggested.

“I highly doubt they’d carry my favorite brands,” was the arrogant reply.

“There’s an ice cream shop across the road?” Hankyung tried.

“Hannie, as great as my metabolism is, do you want me to get fat?” Heechul asked dangerously. The Sentinel paled and chuckled nervously, looking at his younger friend in a plea for help.

Donghae sighed. The things he did for hyungs (and that they did for him). “… There’s a bookstore nearby?”

“Why do I even bother with you morons?” The Guide cried, throwing his hands up exaggeratedly. Hankyung sent Donghae a thumbs up as Heechul was successfully distracted. The younger sighed again.

- - -

Junsu froze when he heard the familiar ‘Fantastic Baby’ ringtone. Hyukjae was not to be disturbed from his sundae and continued to eat, but raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

The other fumbled, going through various pockets before finally finding and pulling out his phone, and he squeaked happily when he saw the name flashing on his screen.

“Is Yoochun calling you?” Hyukjae asked, amused when the other spluttered in embarrassment. “You would only make such a weird noise if it was him. Go ahead, take your boyfriend’s call before he sends a search team after you.”

“You sure you’ll be okay, Hyuk?”

“Fine, fine. What’s the worst that could happen in a dessert shop?”

Junsu smiled at his friend gratefully, knowing that while the other couldn’t see it, he’d be able to tell. “Thanks, I’ll be downstairs right in front of the store, all right? If you need anything, just tell one of the waiters. Or you could just yell for me, realllllly loud, and I’ll-“

“Yeah, yeah, mom.”

- - -


Sunny yelped in dismay when someone whacked her across the back of her head. She rubbed the sore spot and looked up at the offender, pouting pitifully. “Unnie!”

“Sunkyu, what do you think you’re doing, sitting in the back texting while the rest of us are working our butts off in the front?” Sooyoung demanded, tapping her rolled up Vogue magazine against her hand menacingly. “But unnie, I’ve done my job for the day! All the cakes and cupcakes have been baked, I deserve a break!” she whined.

“You’ve been on your ‘break’ for more than an hour now! Up to the front with you, you can help Seohyunnie serve ice cream.”

The shorter girl stomped childishly. “Mean unnie,” she muttered. A second whack to her head. “Yeah yeah, I love you too. Let’s go!” Sooyoung cheered as she pushed the other out of the front.

Distracted, neither of the bickering girls noticed the growing fire in one of the ovens.

- - -

He should have noticed it before the situation escalated to what it did. Even at a distance and with his tuned senses, the scent of smoke was easily discernible. But he hadn’t been minding his surroundings and was enjoying daydreaming under the sunlight from the window.

Hyukjae was ripped from his thoughts at the sound of an explosion from below, followed by the ensuing screams. Alarmed, he stood up too quickly, ankle catching on the leg of his chair and sending him stumbling. Flailing for support, he pulled the tablecloth with him and the dishes that had been resting on top were sent flying to the floor, shattering on impact.

Panicked, Hyukjae tried to push himself up, and cried out in pain when the shards dug into his palms. The sudden shock sent him to his elbows, and tears streamed down his face as the burning sensation rapidly shot up his arm.

He blindly reached out trying to orient himself, struggling to push down the rising hysteria. He and Junsu had been the only customers on this level and had chosen the table on the far side of the doors, there was no one around. Hyukjae tried to in air to scream out for help, but gagged and spluttered when he inhaled smoke.

The temperature escalated as the fire spread at an unbelievable rate, and his sightless eyes stung from the fumes. Coughing and keeping as low as possible, he began to drag himself across the floor.

The greatest source of heat was coming from in front of him. Most likely, the blond rationed, as the fire had started downstairs, that would be the door. His chest clenched uncomfortably as he realized that his only way out was effectively blocked, and sans jumping from the window, he was trapped.

His best hope would be to retreat, and stay as far away from the flames for as long as possible. But in doing so he would be cornered, and all he could do was pray for rescue.

I don’t want to die! he mentally anguished, tears continuing to flow.

Please, please, someone help me… Hyukjae coughed violently, gasping for breath as the smoke thickened. His eyes drooped, suddenly feeling fatigued and horribly aware that he wouldn’t last long.

Help me, please…

- - -

Even in hindsight he wouldn’t have been able to define it, but Donghae felt his heart twinge and was suddenly uneasy. He was momentary distracted from refereeing his two hyungs (more like preventing Heechul from bulldozing over Hankyung) when the sensation blindsided him.

And that’s when the screaming started.

All three males stopped and turned towards the source of the noise, watching as people poured out from the dessert shop across the street, and cries of ‘Fire!’ were heard. Racing across the Academy campus to reach the site, they watched in horror as they flames grew and engulfed the entire first floor.

Donghae elbowed his way through the hysterical crowd, Hankyung and Heechul just a step behind. He made it to the front, eyes glued to the crackling flames viewable from the window. He felt that familiar, carnivorous burning sensation from within that was always associated with fire, and took a step back when he realized the display was awakening his instincts.

He felt a firm grasp on his elbow, and turned to see Hankyung holding him tightly. The other Sentinel had sensed his internal struggle, and Heechul arrived on his other side to sling an arm across his shoulders, sending waves of comfort in an effort to calm him down.

Donghae exhaled, feeling that burn simmer and nearly extinguish. His friends were pulling him backwards, willing him to walk away before his powers flared, but there was something holding him back. He couldn’t leave…

“Let go of me!”

His head whipped around, watching as a brunet struggled against the other customers restraining him. “I have to get back in there, my friend’s still in there! Let me go!”

“You can’t help him now, stop trying to be a hero! You’ll die!”

“I can’t stand here and do nothing, you’ve got to let me go! I have to try!” the brunet sobbed. “He can’t see, he’s blind, he won’t be able to find a way out! You have to let me help Hyukjae”

That name kept repeating in his head, Hyukjae, Hyukjae,Hyukjae

Please, please, someone help me…

He felt his heart, his whole world stop. He couldn’t breathe, he knew that voice, had heard it before somewhere…

Help me, please…

Donghae broke away from his hyungs’ holds, grabbing the hysterical brunet by the shoulders to still him. “Where is he?!”

Junsu froze when he was suddenly grabbed, unsure. “W-what-“

“Where is your friend? Where was he when you last saw him?”

He couldn’t dare to pray, couldn’t wish that a stranger would risk his life for his best friend. But this person’s eyes were determined, strong. And there was a glint of something that he couldn’t define, and he felt his hope rise. “O-on the second floor, near the windows. The staircase is in one of the corners near the back, but it’ll be engulfed by the fire by now…”

Before the Sentinel could reply, he felt a firm grasp on his elbow.


Donghae looked at Hankyung, who was staring back at him worriedly. “I know what you’re thinking, but-“

“I have to go,” he whispered, but his voice left no room for argument. “I may be going crazy, but I heard his voice. And I can’t let that go, never, I have to go in there-“

“Are you insane?!” Heechul shrieked. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t go in there playing hero, with all that fire your powers may go out of control-“

“No.” Heechul’s argument died, and he looked at his partner in disbelief. “Hannie?”

The Sentinel was smiling. Despite the circumstance, he was actually smiling. “Why-“ “Donghae will not lose control of his powers anymore,” the Chinese man said, his hand dropping to his side. “Isn’t that right?”

Heechul turned to his dongsaeng, ready to demand an answer, when he froze. Donghae’s eyes were bright, with strength, with life. His entire aura had changed, and not for the world would Heechul have diminished that pure hope and joy.

Donghae grinned. “Hyung, I think I’ve found my Guide.”

The diva’s eyes blurred, and he wiped at the cascading tears. “Stupid, there’s no way that’s possible. You have to see him, the Bond is forged when you first make eye contact you can’t just-“

“I don’t know how, but I can already hear him. He’s in there, and I-“ he flashed that boyish, charming smile that Hankyung and Heechul hadn’t seen in the longest time, and their hearts swelled.

“I’m going to get him, and I’m never letting him go.”

Heechul grabbed onto his Sentinel’s hand, squeezing it and seeking comfort. The taller man pressed a kiss to his partner’s temple in response, the two watching as Donghae ran straight into the flames, wishing the best for their dongsaeng.

The young Sentinel felt alive for the first time in so many years. As he entered the store, even the fire seemed to curl away, leading him toward his destined.

I’ve finally, finally found you beloved. At last we’ll meet…

To be honest I'm not 1000% satisfied but... My writing is so sloooow ;~; Just a question for the readers, is the story bogged down with too much detail? 8 pages and the moment we're anticipating still isn't here yet, but everything (almost) has been set up! Sorry it took so long to update, but hopefully it's been made up with an extra long chapter? *smacked*

But thank you for all the subscribers, comments and upvotes, I'm so thankful for all your support! Any feedback, including constructive criticism, will be appreciated. And who in the happy world of Kpop would you like to see as Hyuk's parents? They'll be cast in a 'minor' negative light, but just someone protective? Thanks again for reading, hope it met your expectations!

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257471 #1
Chapter 2: Waiting for the next update,,, Good luck :)
barani #2
Chapter 2: I like your story. can't wait for next chapter. please continue this
Chapter 2: Omg! I like it so much. Can't wait for Haehyuk to meet, can't wait for the next update .
Btw, i like long chapter *grin*
Kaname12 #4
Please update soon T.T
Chapter 2: KYAAA~~

Hae has finally found his beloved >.<

Can't wait to see what happens next~
Kaname12 #6
Chapter 2: Please update soon please. Make them meet please
I can't wait anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please hurry T.T
samanthabrown #7
love your story. please update soon!!
hikaruvirgo #8
please!!! i cant wait!!
hope you update soon!!!
Kaname12 #9
I can't wait for them to meet :)

Please update fasttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt T^T
Chapter 2: Yaaaaaah.they're going to meet at last, right? I'm so excited. XD