Like chemical bonding I

Even if I'm in jail, it's okay - if only I have you, I can still live.


“Ya kim himchan, youre not waking up? What time did you came home last night, huh?” I pulled his blanket off and even open the curtains. “Ya! Hurry wake up!” Himchan moan and asked for the time now. “It’s 6.15 now, we have 45minutes left to class, and I’ll prepare your breakfast” I went out to our small living room for ramyun. Himchan drags himself, barely opening his eyes to the bathroom.

From: Daehyun

Yongguk hyung, where are you? We’re all here already!


To: Daehyun

Himchan’s taking his shower right now. If it seems we’re taking too long. You guys can go ahead first.


From: Daehyun

Yes sir


Himchan came out with towel on his head, “Is this mine?” he points at the ramyun I’ve prepared. “No, I’m eating two cups today, Of course it’s yours!!” I sarcastically answer him and went to pack my backpack. “Aigoo, thank you yongguk aa~ I’ll eat it well~” He’s pulling my hand and shoved away from him “stop being weirdly cute to me!”. He starts slurping the noodle and quickly finished it up. We went down to the lobby and guess they went off early. “They’re not waiting for us? What is this?”

I shook my head after hearing his complaint. We made it to registration class on time. After hearing all the announcement and attendance, we went out to our respective classes.

Zelo and Jongup – Dance class.

Daehyun and Youngjae – Vocal class.

Himchan – Traditional music class.

Me – music composing, song-writing class.

Haerin’s POV

“Excuse me, is this the music composing or song writing class?” You knocked the door and not one answer was heard. Soon after that the lecturer was right behind you saying you are in the right class. You sat really up front, left corner with a guy. One table fits for two persons. The whisper you can hear from the female students:


“Did you hear? Last night Himchan was being so close with her” “Who does she think she is?” “She’s a new girl here; she knows nothing about our Himchannie”


You pretended not to hear them and hold your temper.  

 “Alright class, let’s ask our new student to introduce herself”

There was a dead silence. You forced yourself to the front and bow.

“Hello, I’m Hae—“

“Sorry I’m late!” I frozed after hearing a knock on the door, “Bang Yongguk, that’s a warning. Proceed please”

“I.. I’m.. Hi, I’m Haerin. Kim Haerin” you bowed. They were expressionless.  “Welcome!” said one guy but his partner stopped him and frowned.

“Okay, Thank you Haerin, You may take your seat now” The lecturer went on, “Last week, I told you about our new project assignment, This class was 23 before, but thanks to Haerin, we can make it fairly two person per group” He pulled out two transparent container with small roll of papers in it. “I’ll call out the name from the guys, and then the girls, alright. I’ll give out the instruction sheet after this”

“Ahh, I hope I’ll get yongguk oppa!” “no no, It’ll be me!” “ya ya, stop dreaming, my name will be call out after him”

Pathetic. Why did I end up here?

12 names were already called and partnered up. “Bang Yongguk”

“me me me  me” “please call out my name, please” “ssam, it’s me right””dear God, I pray..”

“Kim haerin” All the girls slammed their desk, feeling demotivated to even listen to the lecturer. Someone threw erasers and some rolled papers to you. “Alright, girls, move to the respective partners seat” You went slowly with your bag towards Yongguk’s table. Yongguk’s serious expression made you hesitated to sit right beside him. Yongguk suddenly pulled the empty chair beside him and said “sit, are you going to just stand the whole day?”

You slowly sat down, not replying anything, feeling all so awkward.

“Pass this instruction notes backward” The lecturer told the front seat, the girl right in front of you harshly placed the paper on your desk and glared. “Tsk..” You sigh.

“why are they being mean to you?” “I don’t know. Cause of Himchan” “Himchan?” You nodded. “Himchan was just helping me with the camera, but people misunderstood us” “That’s it? Cause of Himchan?” You nodded again. You pulled the paper and began reading the details..

“This assignment consists of 20% of your coursework. You are to work in pairs, and create a song. A duet song. It doesn’t matter what kind of feel you are implying. It needs to be well interpreted. Two weeks given till due date” You stared the paper; Yongguk didn’t say anything until the lesson ends for two hour.

You stood up and pack your stuff, Yongguk showed his phone to you. “Huh?” Yongguk looked at you, “I’m not giving you my phone, I’m asking for your phone number so we can discuss where to meet” You frowned and take it “You can ask properly you know, you don’t have to be so cold” You typed in your number and name. “Here” You pull out your phone to ask for his number but he starts walking away. “Ya! Bang yongguk!? Aish..”

You went for art class till its lunch time and then for photography club.

“It was kind of pain how girls react towards me just now” You mumbled all the way to search for the class. You scanned the club’s members. “Oh, there’s Himchan. obviously with them girls” You opened the door and went in.

“Oh! You’re here!” said Himchan approaching you. You waved your hand. The girls start to laser gazing you. “Himchan, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea if I join this club” Himchan gave the what-expression. “I mean, your fans are like, as if they’re gonna kill me anytime” You look at their expressions. “Cause I was being so close to you last night? Like this?” He placed his hands over your shoulder “Ya!” You pushed him to the side quickly.

“Don’t worry” He walk behind you and placed his both hands on your shoulders, pushing you to the front desk “Here, sign up here” He sat on the table, smiling while you write down your name. “How does this club run actually?” Both of you found an empty seats to sit. “Well, actually it’s quite an informal club. We do have a club’s president. The thing is, the activity we do is quite fun. Every week, we’ll either go for field trips and capture any good scenery. The best picture will be publish on the school’s weekly magazine, alongside a short story of the trip.” You nodded to show you understood what he said, “Plus, since you’re from the states, I figure out it’ll be nice for you to go out and make good memories and experience Korea, right?” You smiled after hearing his statement, “Right! I guess, I wont feel regret to join this club then”

“Of course you wont, and Haerin” “Em?”

“Don’t worry about them. I won’t let them do anything bad to you” You blushed and slap his arm, “what the heck Himchan” both of you laughs.

“Alright alright, where’s your camera?” Himchan asked you. You took out your camera and pass it to Himchan. “Haerin, the least you can do before the club is to charge the camera you know. It’s like 30 percent now” You giggled, “Well, I forgot to do so. Believe me, I know nothing with the functions” You grab the camera and showed the display setting “This, this, that, I just don’t know, look, what is this for?” Himchan slowly moved his seat closer to you, you can feel his head that near to your head too, staring on the display screen, “This one is the brightness setting, and then this one” He placed his hand just like last night, on your left hand guiding to the next arrow button.

You frozed and quickly pulled your hands off, Himchan back off too, “Sorry, but, I don’t think the others will..” You didn’t finish your sentence and clenched your fist under the table. “Did I not tell you, not to worry?” Himchan ruffled your hair. “Ya! What was that for!” Himchan lean closer again, “you re blushing, your cheeks” You rub your cheeks and look away “I’m not, okay.. you’re supposed to teach me about this camera” “I will, if you stop blushing” You nudge him hard with your elbow.

This time, for real, Himchan seriously taught you all about using the DSLR. “Now, was that clear enough?” “Yeah, I guess so. I’ll get use to it once I start to take pictures”, “Alright, if that’s fine, we can end here though. This is only the registration day, we’ll prolly start on some activity next week” Both of you stood up and start packing the camera properly.

“Hey Himchan, I’ll go first okay” “No, wait” He grabs his bag and stand beside you. “I’ll walk out with you” “No! you don’t have to actually!” “If I don’t too, we’ll still walk the same directions by the way” Himchan smirked.



 “Oh! There’s Himchan hyung!” Youngjae yelled.

“He’s with Haerin?” Daehyun questioned.

Himchan went all the way to the main gate and wave goodbye to Haerin. He’s approaching towards us after that. “Girlfriend?” I asked. “Eh? No. She’s just a friend, she joined photography club”

I don’t have anything to argue about except the fact the situation he made towards her where all girls are hysterically over-reacting about them. Why do I even worry about her?

“It’s Saturday tomorrow, what should we do?” Zelo’s skating back and forth. “Karaoke? Or shopping?” Youngjae suggested the activities. “Em, Sorry guys, I don’t think I’ll join you guys tomorrow. I have an assignment to do. I have to meet up with my partner to discuss about it” I explained to them, Himchan went on saying “oh, that’s bad. It will be much more fun to have you with us tomorrow”. “Sorry guys” I apologized once more.

We went back to our dorms later that day.



Ya, do you have time later? –Bang Yongguk.


Oh, hi. Around what time?


After lunch, 1pm or so?


Sure, where?


There’s a coffee shop one block in front of your apartment. I’ll see you there.





I guess he’s not here yet” you checked the time indicating 1.16pm. You waited while listening to your iPod. After few minutes, someone pulled your right earphone, “You know, that guy behind you kept watching you standing alone. What did I tell you for not being unaware of your surrounding?” You switched off your iPod and put it in your bag. “It’s bright in the afternoon, what could go wrong after all. What do you care?”

“That you’ll be a damsel in distress sobbing for---“

“alright! Alright! Sheesh!!” You crossed your arm and went into the coffee shop. “Here?” You point an empty table near the window. Yongguk pulled his chair and sat. “Hmm” You sat down too opposite of the table. He placed his laptop on the table; you took out your notebook and pencil. The waiter came to ask for orders.

“one caramel ice-blended cappuccino”

“one caramel ice-blended cappuccino”

Both of you look at each other after overlapping the sentences, “two, make that two” Yongguk reclarified the orders. He bit his lower lips and start typing something on his laptop. “Are you typing something already?” You asked him. “Em..” was his only answer.

“Ya, you texted me to meet you up and discuss, but you’re just sitting there facing your laptop screen” “Hm? here.. I’ve actually outlined the genre we’re going to do and some base of the story line” “Oh..” Your voiced sank, looking through what he already prepared. “But you may change anything if you’re not satisfied with”

“No, no, it’s fine already I guess. So, you want it to be a love-story accompany by a jazzy sort of ballad R&B vibe?” “Yes, exactly!” Yongguk re-position his sitting posture. He went through all the music making software, telling which beat and rhyme to arrange. “Here, listen to the intro’s beat” It started of slow, yet soothing to hear. You nodded along with the beat. You began your work by applying what’s next and slowly proceed to discuss about the lyric to suit with the music. You ordered a slice of cake, and some snacks to eat while working on the lyrics with Yongguk.

A group of friends passed by and you overheard them “Oh! That song? Well, the beat’s not that catchy at all, to be honest, so dull, you can’t sing along with it too” Yongguk look towards their direction.

“I don’t get those kind of people” You uttered, Yongguk turn away and look upon you, “meaning?” You start writing down yet continue answering Yongguk, “I don’t prefer listening to the beat or harmony whatever when I listen to any music. It’s the lyric what matters”

Yongguk clapped his hand once and agreed with you, “True! I don’t mind how the flow is, the content or story behind it is what’s best to uncover” He turn his head and look outside the window, “Every time I Perform, fans only hear the rhythm I made, how fast my pace is when rapping” He turn back to you, “They don’t listen to what I’m trying to say in my lyrics”

You interrupted after that “other than that, I guess cause how handsome and cool you are?” There was an awkward silence for awhile. “Are you saying that I’m good looking?” Yongguk pointed himself.

“No, I mean for them.. they.. i.. no.. hey!” And for the first time you saw Yongguk smiled. When he smiles, It makes you, feel that bright aura came out from him. That gummy smile he has. Yongguk bit his lower lips, “Let’s call it off for the day, we’ll work out with the verse tomorrow then” He smiled. You agreed and start packing your stuff.

“Ah, Haerin, you’re going home?” You stopped for a while and think, “Um, I’m heading over to a stationary shop, I need some supplies to buy” You continued packing while Yongguk went to the counter and out to the entrance.

“How much is the total?” The cashier peeked from which table you came from. “That man paid for it already, come again!” The cashier bowed. You were not sure how to react and quickly ran to Yongguk’s side. “Why did you pay for it?” You slap his arms once.

As always, Yongguk ignored and said “Stationary shop? There’s one over there” He went to that direction, walking like a bad boy across the street, only carrying with one strap on his right shoulder. You tag along quickly and enter the shop.


She went gathered a sketch pad, few different types of pencils. She draws, I assume. “Color pencils?” She asks while walking passed behind me, “Ya, here” I pointed where it displays in front of me.

“Oi Ya! Bang Yongguk!” “Oh! Hyung!!” It’s them. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked, Himchan pointed at Zelo, “that kid is searching for a new notebook” Zelo ran towards the notebooks section to choose. “I’m done” Haerin appeared after paying her stuffs and saw the others, “Eh?”

“Oh, It’s Haerin! Annyeong!” Himchan messed with her hair once. “Ya! What did I told you?! Don’t do that!”

Why my heart beats this fast after Himchan did that? I mean.. Ergh.

“Ja-jann!” Zelo showed the notebook he chose. “Oh, Pororo! That’s so cute!” Haerin pointed the notebook. Zelo nodded cutely and blinking his eyes. He cuddled the notebook towards the cashier’s counter to pay for it.

“Haerin you like cute stuffs? Want me to show you what’s more cuter than that?” Haerin stood still looking at Himchan,


Himchan blasted an aegyo in front of her. Haerin’s expression was priceless. The fact that it gave goose bumps, Haerin rubs her neck and said “You know what, I’m going back home now, see ya guys”

“Ya Haerin aa! Was that not cute enough? Ya!” I patted Himchan’s shoulder and laugh it off. “Seriously dude, what the hell was that”


Done! lol what do you guys think? More to come soon~ Please wait and do drop off some comments or queries~?^^



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sjlover19 #1
Chapter 3: Please update cant wait to read the rest