- Chapter Twenty-Eight -

Secrets Beyond Love's Horizon

• Kalena's POV •

"Hajoon oppa, i'm so sorry!" I hugged him.
"Ah Kalena, I told you it's alright. I know your working hard at work." Hajoon hugged me back.
"But I feel really bad because I forgot." I pouted. 
"What can I do to make sure that i'm fine? Kalena, I know your working really hard at work and trying to get a scholarship for college." Hajoon smiled.
"I don't know.." I frowned.
"Here, do you want to meet at the park later? Remember the one we met at?" Hajoon asked.
"Really?" I asked.
"Hm, at let's say..seven?" Hajoon asked.
"I'll be there." I smiled.
Hajoon smiled and ruffled my hair. After that, he walked to class. I sighed and turned around. I walked towards the stairs and fixed my hair. 
"Hey Kalena." 
I looked up and saw Hansol. What does he want? I just gave him a bored look.  
"Hi Hansol?" I said in a questionable tone.
"Um..can we talk?" Hansol asked.
"Didn't we have the talk three months ago?" I asked coldly."I gotta get to class."
I walked pass him and sighed. Idiot. Why does he want to talk to me? Look Hansol, you broke my heart. That's it. I'm done with you. 
• Jasmine's POV •
I looked at Kalena and she was drawing in her notebook. I sighed and shook her arm.
"Hm?" She looked at me.
"Did you change your bandages yet?" I asked.
"Oh." She touched her forehead. "I'll go do that right now."
I nodded. Kalena stood up and walked away. She left her notebook on the table. I grabbed it and stared at it. 
I flipped through the other pages and looked at her other drawings. I tilted my head and stopped at one. It was a picture of a girl crying. I looked towards the corner and it showed the date. 
Today's date, three months ago. I looked around at the drawing and Kalena wrote something at the bottom. 
'Nothing isn't the same. I don't know what to do anymore.'
I sighed and looked towards Hansol, who was feeding Chohee a cherry. I don't understand how Kalena and Hansol can still sit at the same table. 
I looked towards Kalena's spot, which is usually in front of me. She has been acting weird since this morning, but she did come home very late last night.
"Are you okay?" Wonwoo asked.
"I'm okay." I nodded."I just don't know if my sister is okay.."
• 3rd Person's POV •
Kalena sat on the ledge of the water fountain and stared at the sky. Kalena was trying to hold her anger in because Hajoon wasn't there.
It was already eight pm. Kalena fixed her hair and stood up. She grabbed her bag and flipped it over her shoulder. 
Kalena sat down on the swing and ate her ice cream. She sighed and stared at the sky. Staring at the million of stars. She fixed her hair and continued to eat her ice cream. 
Hansol walked down the sidewalk and looked around. He looked over at the playground and saw Kalena sitting there alone. He walked towards her and stared at her.
"Are you okay?" Hansol asked.
"Um..yeah." Kalena nodded slowly.
Hansol nodded and sat on the swing next to her. 
"I thought you were meeting Hajoon." Hansol spoke up.
"How did you know?" Kalena looked at him.
Hansol just shrugged. Kalena sighed and looked back at the sky.
"He stood me up." Kalena said. "But I kinda deserve it for yesterday."
"About your anniversary or-" "Both."
Hansol looked at Kalena and she just stared at the sky. She sighed and started swinging a little. 
"Do you remember when we came here and ate ice cream?" Hansol asked.
"Oh yeah." Kalena nodded."That was such a..crazy night.." 
Hansol smiled and nodded. 
"Well mind as well ask, do you want to go eat McDonalds then?" Hansol asked.
"Huh?" Kalena looked at him."Well.."
"You know..just as friends." Hansol said.
"It's not about that. I don't really want to deal with your girlfriend about it." Kalena said.
"Oh.." Hansol nodded slowly.
"Your dating my enemy and i'm dating yours. Sometimes I just feel like because of them we can't be friends." Kalena looked back towards the sky.
"Well, who cares what they say." Hansol said."If we want to be friends, lets be friends. Just because we use to date doesn't mean it should effect our relationship somehow."
Kalena just stared at the sky and didn't bother to answer. 
'Yeah..friends..' Kalena thought. 'Like he'll care..'
Kalena shrugged and looked at him.
"Let's go." 
• Hansol's POV •
I looked at Kalena and she was just staring at her phone. She's been doing that since we got here. She put her phone down and sighed annoyingly.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, just a little annoyed." Kalena said.
"Hm, why?" I asked.
"Fighting with stepmother." Kalena said. "She won't give us half of the promised money that dad promised us in his will."
"Oh.." I nodded slowly.
I forgot her dad is dead. 
"Hey, how come when you came out from the club last night, you looked pretty beat up. What happened?" I asked.
"Ah..you know..people want to mess around with me." Kalena said.
"So you didn't fight back?" I asked.
"I don't fight anymore." Kalena boringly said.
"How much did you change?" I asked.
"I don't know." Kalena shrugged.
Kalena looked out the window and looked around. 
"Hey, when we came here before, why were you kicking me?" I asked.
"Number of girls checking you out." Kalena said.
OHHH. I nodded and continue to eat my food. Kalena fixed her hair and looked at her phone. She picked it up and stared at it weirdly.
"Your stepmom?" I asked.
"No, Jasmine." Kalena said."She sent me a picture."
Kalena stared at her phone and her facial expression turned grim. Oh, so..who is the person she's going to kill? 
Kalena put her phone down and sat back. She stared at table for awhile. 
"What's happened?" I asked.
"Hajoon is what happened. I shouldn't have dated him." Kalena mumbled.  
I grabbed her phone slowly and looked at the picture. There it was, Hajoon with another girl. 
"I shouldn't haven't even tried to go back to dating." Kalena said.
"Why did you go out with him then?" I asked.
"Why do you think Hansol?" Kalena asked."Because when I found out you were going out with Chohee again, I literally tried to kill myself. I still loved you and it was painful for me to see you everyday with her. Why did you think I tried to move on? Jasmine has Wonwoo, you have Chohee. I didn't have anyone to go to at all. I was alone."
"Did you think I ever stopped loving you?" I asked her."I try talking to you but you never seem to care what I say. You just want to ignore me now? You always cut me off when I try to talk about us! It hurt me also when I found out you got another boyfriend too!"
"You were the one who broke up with me!" Kalena yelled at me.
Were having an argument over us in McDonalds. Kalena stood up and grabbed her stuff. 
"Yah! Where are you going?!" I asked.
"Far away from you!" Kalena yelled.
I sighed and stood up. As I walked out the door I heard a loud crash. I looked around and heard people screaming. 
I looked over and saw glass laying on the road. 
Crap. Kalena? Please don't tell me...
• 3rd Person's POV •
The doctor walked out from the room and stared at his clipboard. He walked towards Jasmine, who was standing there worriedly.
"I-is she a-alright?" Jasmine asked.
"I'm sorry.." The doctor bowed his head. "You'll have to say goodbye to your sister."
Jasmine covered . 
"I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor bowed his head.
Jasmine nodded slowly. She turned around and stared at Seventeen. 
"Kalena is... dead.." Jasmine blinked."I broke my eonni's promise. I lost... Kalena."
Jasmine broke down into tears and dropped to her knees. Hansol just stared at the ground.
"H-How am I gonna tell Samuel?" Jasmine asked herself."Yah Choi Hansol!"
Hansol couldn't even progress what was happening.
'I lost Kalena..' Hansol thought. 'What have I done?' 
Jasmine was crying into Wonwoo's shirt. Wonwoo patted her back and looked around. 
"I didn't mean to do anyth-" "You killed my sister!!"
Hansol closed his mouth. It was useless to try to talk to Jasmine. Hansol stood up and walked towards the emergency room. He opened the door and saw Kalena laying on the bed. 
He walked towards her slowly. He fell towards his knees and stared at her.
"I-I didn't mean..to..kill you." Hansol said."I-I'm so sorry f-for hurting you."
Hansol started crying. He held onto her hand and started crying into the bed. 
"I'm so sorry.."
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Don't worry, there is another update coming up later tonight at 12am, CST.


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Third story next!!!!!
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 13: Oh my god!!!
This was too cutee!!!
I cried so much at this!!!
Ahh that cheesy part but hey thats just who Hansol is:P
KpopForever171 #3
Ok so I just want to know where you can get these amazing graphics
I mean I saw the one in the other stories too and I just wanted to know where to get them because they look really good:)
Chapter 5: ohh,i just hate Chohee, she is just, uggh
B2UTY-K #5
Chapter 34: you don't understand how f-ing happy i am at the moment !!
Chapter 34: yyeeeeeeeeeeeyy
who freakin voted for a no? TT
Chapter 30: awww i'm a little late but
omg she's dead lsnojdzozjk
808dbtd_rj02 #8
Chapter 34: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Ommgggg yes I love you gaaisss!