- Chapter Twenty-Six -

Secrets Beyond Love's Horizon

• Hansol's POV •

I sat in Kalena's room and we just stared at each other. Well I was staring at her while she was just hugging Daniel. 
I'm so jealous of this little boy. 
Kalena wouldn't look at me all morning. I sat down next to her and stared at her. She was quietly singing to Daniel. Daniel was falling asleep on her lap. 
Kalena fixed his hair and sighed. She put Daniel down onto the pillow and fixed her hair. 
"I'm going to stay in California for another week." Kalena told me without looking at me. 
"Arasso." I nodded slowly.
"Are you.. going to go back home?" She asked.
"I don't know." I said. "Do you..want me to stay?"
"I think..I can handle this alone right now." Kalena nodded slowly. "You should go back home."
"Arasso." I said. "Kalena..i'm sorry.."
"You don't have to be sorry for something that you didn't cause." Kalena said."If I only earlier, he would've got helped. He would still be alive.."
I dragged my luggage down the stairs. Kalena stood there and stared out the doorway. She looked at me and walked towards me.
I smiled at her and hugged her. She hugged me back and smiled.
"I'll miss you." Kalena told me. I looked at her with a grin on my face. "I will miss you also." I told her.
She nodded slowly and let go of me. We stood there awkwardly. Kalena rubbed her neck and turned around. 
I don't want her to leave. I grabbed her arm and she just looked at me oddly. 
"I..love you." I told her.
"I love you also, pabo." Kalena smiled.
~ One Month Later ~
• Kalena's POV •
Since I had to take a later flight then Jasmine and Samuel, i'm not in the best mood ever. I walked down the stairs of the airport and sighed. I fixed my hair and continue to listen to music. 
I walked outside and it was raining. I sighed and held onto my bag. I put my hood on and walked down the sidewalk. 
It feels so..different now.
I looked around and saw a cupcake bakery. I walked in and took my coat off. I put my stuff into a shelf and fixed my hair.
"Oh my god, your that model!" The guy couldn't contain his feels.
I just nodded slowly and looked at the menu. I can see him and his friends jumping around in the corner of my eye.
After I ordered, I just sat there and stared out the window. I looked around and all I saw were couples around me. 
I looked back out the window and a familiar figure caught my eye. Hansol was standing in front of the restaurant across the street. 
A girl walked up to him and smiled. He smiled back at her and they both walked into the restaurant. 
I stared at the restaurant. I looked away and crossed my arms. I'm only gone for one month and I come back to see my boyfriend with another girl. Alright Choi Hansol, be that way. 
I smirked to myself and shook my head. Someone sat in front of me. I looked over and saw a guy staring at me. I just stared at him and tilted my head.
" Kalena?" He asked.
I smiled and nodded."Hi Hajoon. Nice to see you again."
• Jasmine's POV •
I walked into the studio and saw Kalena standing there. She was talking to one of the guy models. She laughed and smiled at him.
I ran towards her and hugged her. 
"Eonni!" She laughed.
"Oh my god! Don't leave that long ever again!" I smiled."Who's this?"
"Oh, this is Hajoon." Kalena smiled.
"Hajoon?" I asked.
"Nice to meet you." Hajoon shook my hand.
"You too." I nodded."So.."
"Hm, i'm gonna go buy some coffee, do the two of you want any?" Hajoon asked.
"Mm! I want one! Can you also get me a cinnamon roll?" Kalena asked.
"Of course, anything for you Jasmine?" Hajoon asked.
"I'll take a coffee." I nodded. "Thank you."
Hajoon nodded and walked off. I looked at Kalena and crossed my arms while she fixed her hat.
"What?" She looked at me.
"Did you talk to your boyfriend, yet?" I asked. "You do remember Hansol right?"
"Of course I remember him." Kalena rolled her eyes. "I'm mad at him at the moment."
"Wae?" I asked.
"Geez eonni, I come back today and that's the first thing you ask me ?" Kalena asked.
I shrugged and tilted my head. Kalena sighed and walked away. I shook my head and walked towards the designers.
After an hour, we decided to take a break. I sat down and sighed. I stared at Kalena, who was eating her cinnamon stuff and talking to Hajoon. 
Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Wonwoo. I smiled at him and waved.
"Why didn't you bring anything to eat?" He asked as he set the bag onto the table.
"I forgot." I shrugged.
"Well I know your a forgetful person so I bought you something to eat." Wonwoo said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Gomawo oppa." I said. "Where are the rest of the guys?"
"There here..somewhere." Wonwoo said. "Kalena is back?"
"Yup." I nodded. "She's been acting strange."
"How so?" Wonwoo asked.
"She doesn't bother to ask about Hansol and last time I checked, the two haven't talked ever since we left California." I said."Are they on a break again?"
"Not that I know of." Wonwoo shrugged. "But they'll settle it soon. They always do." 
"But Kalena is different. She can change her opinions pretty quickly." I said while tapping my chin. 
I shrugged and continue to eat. I looked back at Kalena and she was sitting alone at the table. She was flipping through some pages of a textbook. Oh she's doing homework.
I looked around and saw Hansol looking around. He saw Kalena and walked towards her. He covered her eyes and Kalena just did nothing. Kalena moved his arms away and looked at him. 
Kalena just stared at him then looked away. She looked back at her homework and continue to work. Hansol sat down next to her and stared at her. He said something to her and Kalena just glared at him. 
Aw man. 
• Wonwoo's POV •
There goes the Hanlena couple fighting again. The guys and I just stood behind the door and listened to them yell at each other while Jasmine was leaning against the wall and not bothering to eavesdrop. 
"Stop eavesdropping you guys." Jasmine said. "This is their problem." 
"Haha that's never gonna happen." I said while listening.
"Maybe we should end our relationship for good then!" 
It became silent. The door opened and Kalena stared at us. She pushed away and walked off angrily. Jasmine sighed and looked into the room.
"Hansol, i'm going to kill you later." Jasmine said."I'm gonna go get Kalena."
Jasmine walked after Kalena. I sighed and walked into the room. Hansol just stood there and looked around. 
"You and Kalena.." "Were done."
We all looked at him in shock. 
"We don't even wanna be together anymore." Hansol sighed.
"Hyung, her dad just died. She's having a hard time and of course she's gonna be moody but she needs someone there." Chan said. 
Hansol just sighed and sat down.
"I don't know if I even want to be with her." Hansol said.
Jasmine walked back into the room and crossed her arms. 
"Kalena disappeared quickly." Jasmine said."So, you don't wanna be with my sister anymore?"
Hansol just didn't give us any response.  
"She has a ton of other guys chasing after her. She can replace you that easily. But you also have a lot of other girls after you and you can replace her easily too." Jasmine said."But once she moves on, she may seem happy and calm, but she isn't going to forget about you. I'm gonna go now."
Jasmine turned around and walked away. I sighed and looked at Hansol. He just stared at the ground and played around with his fingers.
• 3rd Person's POV •
Kalena sat in the library and stared at her textbook. She flipped the page and continued to read. Other hand, Hansol just walked into the library, not knowing Kalena was here. 
He walked towards the tables, passing the computers. He sighed and looked around for an empty table. He stopped when he saw Kalena sitting alone and studying to herself. 
All the other tables had pairs or groups of people studying together. Hansol huffed quietly and scratched his neck. 
Kalena felt more awkward for some reason. She tensed up and fixed her school sweater. She sighed quietly and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 
Hansol tried to build the courage up. He walked down the stairs and towards a table, trying to make sure that Kalena doesn't notice him.
Someone pulled a chair up next to Kalena. Kalena looked up at stared at the person. 
"Hajoon?" Kalena smiled.
"Hello." Hajoon ruffled her hair. "You don't mind if I sit here?"
"Um ani." Kalena shook her head.
"You seem different today." Hajoon looked at her.
"I..um..my boyfriend and I broke up last night." Kalena said."But i'm trying to be strong."
"Oh, i'm not gonna ask why." Hajoon said."I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's fine." Kalena said."I was..trying to get my mind off things by studying."
"That's good." Hajoon nodded."Let's study together."
Kalena smiled at him and nodded. She sighed quietly to herself and looked down at her textbook. 
Hansol was at two tables away. He stared at Kalena and watched her as she had that sad facial expression on. Hansol wanted to run up to Kalena and hug her. 
Hansol sighed and shook his head. He put his homework onto the table and tried to work on it. Kalena looked up from her textbook and looked next to her. She smiled as she saw Hansol and looked towards the ground.
"Pabo." Kalena whispered.
Hansol looked around when he heard that. He looked towards Kalena and saw her staring at the ground. Kalena fixed her hair and went back to studying. Hansol smiled a little and looked back down at his notebook.  
"This is for the best.." Hansol mumbled to himself.
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Don't worry, there is another update coming up later tonight at 12am, CST.


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Third story next!!!!!
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 13: Oh my god!!!
This was too cutee!!!
I cried so much at this!!!
Ahh that cheesy part but hey thats just who Hansol is:P
KpopForever171 #3
Ok so I just want to know where you can get these amazing graphics
I mean I saw the one in the other stories too and I just wanted to know where to get them because they look really good:)
Chapter 5: ohh,i just hate Chohee, she is just, uggh
B2UTY-K #5
Chapter 34: you don't understand how f-ing happy i am at the moment !!
Chapter 34: yyeeeeeeeeeeeyy
who freakin voted for a no? TT
Chapter 30: awww i'm a little late but
omg she's dead lsnojdzozjk
808dbtd_rj02 #8
Chapter 34: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Ommgggg yes I love you gaaisss!