
Daiquiri: An SM TOWN Collection


[ f(x), EXO | kaistal | 307 words ]

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The night is hot, the humid air a thick blanket that presses upon sweat-dampened skin. He finds her outside the café, red hair curling over bare shoulders, cigarette dangling from delicate fingers.

Got a light? he asks as he approaches.

She holds up the lighter and with a click, a burst of flame materializes at the end. The light drenches her face in shadow, illuminating her dark, unreadable eyes. He tucks a fresh cigarette between his lips, leaning close enough that he can feel the heat on his skin and see the flash of desire in her half-lidded gaze.

She had not spoken a word to him, back at the coffee shop. Instead, she had stared out the window as Jinri chattered on beside them. In spite of her silence and stony countenance, he could sense it‒an insatiable hunger that burned beneath her icy mask.

They smoke together in the quiet darkness. He steals glances at her from the corner of his eye and in between drags, he catches her staring back. When her cigarette finally burns down to a stub, she drops the glowing on the ground. He watches as she crushes it with the toe of her ballerina flat, eyes drawn to the pale flash of ankle beneath her flowing skirts.

And then she is leaning in, those delicate fingers plucking the cigarette from his mouth. Its absence is replaced by insistent lips that are as hot as the summer air. Her tongue sweeps lazily across his bottom lip and just when he is about to pull her forward and sink into the kiss, she steps away, dancing out of reach.

See you around she whispers, husky voice and hooded eyes full of sinful promises. Slipping his cigarette into the corner of , she turns on her heels and disappears into the night.  


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Chapter 3: Oh my god this is so beautiful
Tears every chapter :')
Keep up the amazingness!
Chapter 7: ohmygod this is my Krystal. I loooveee Krystal's character AND JONGIN FOLLOW HER! lol Thanks authornim. being a KaiStal fic writer, you inspire me. ♥
Hey I'm that yunboa shipper on ask! Haha! Pls write more yunboa :)
Chapter 2: I have a thing for Yunboa - haha they would make the best real life couple. >.< too cute.
Chapter 3: Love reading them <3
Chapter 1: oh my god. this is just so nice! ><
Chapter 1: aww, that was so sweet <3