After Sunset

Daiquiri: An SM TOWN Collection

After Sunset

[ f(x), EXO | chanlli | 362 words ]

Inspired by

Dedicated to BlueViolets



As soon as they are released from the wedding reception, they sprint out of the stuffy ballroom with the speed of escaped convicts. Although their get-away car is a tad too small for a pair of giants like them, Jinri laughs anyway as she gathers the heavy train of her ivory dress and climbs in. It’s a Saturday evening, all summer breeze and tangerine skies, and Chanyeol turns up the radio as they drive home.

I think you should carry me, she teases as they stand in the lobby, eyes following the elevator countdown. Up all twelve floors.

Humoring her was part of the verbal contract he had committed to that morning at the altar, so he lifts her in his arms when they enter the elevator. Looping her arms around his neck, she presses her lips against his to silence the you’re heavy on the tip of his tongue.

When they arrive at their floor, he nonetheless has to set her down in order to fish his keys out of his back pocket. Perhaps it was for the better, because it gave her time to remove her tortuous heels and fling them unceremoniously into the closet. In her bare feet, she is now the perfect height-just short enough to rest her head on his shoulder and just tall enough to lean in for a kiss.

I could get used to this, he murmurs as they stumble towards the bedroom. She lets out a breathless giggle and pulls away, wriggling out of the confining dress and kicking the heavy fabric aside. A mischievous grin grows on her face as she jumps onto their bed.

Maybe I shouldn’t make it so easy then. The mattress sinks beneath his feet as he climbs on. With squeals of delight, she dances out of reach until after several failed attempts, he successfully tackles her and they fall down in a mess of limbs and ringing laughter.

They told me you would be difficult. The whisper grazes her collarbone and he lifts his head to stare into her eyes. Guess I should have listened.

Well I’m glad you didn’t, she grins and pecks him on the lips.


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Chapter 3: Oh my god this is so beautiful
Tears every chapter :')
Keep up the amazingness!
Chapter 7: ohmygod this is my Krystal. I loooveee Krystal's character AND JONGIN FOLLOW HER! lol Thanks authornim. being a KaiStal fic writer, you inspire me. ♥
Hey I'm that yunboa shipper on ask! Haha! Pls write more yunboa :)
Chapter 2: I have a thing for Yunboa - haha they would make the best real life couple. >.< too cute.
Chapter 3: Love reading them <3
Chapter 1: oh my god. this is just so nice! ><
Chapter 1: aww, that was so sweet <3