Chapter 8

Point Charge

Kim Taeyeon was thinking.


In particular, she had just now been thinking about how funny it was that she was thinking so much and how thinking was getting her absolutely nowhere. The general notion that she had always perceived was that if you thought hard enough, you could solve any problem. It usually worked for her homework, anyway. But this thinking dealt with her feelings, and that was something even she could not begin to understand.


Like, for example, the dilemma she was faced with when a guy had asked Tiffany out in front of her. At first, Taeyeon blamed her immediate resentment of the guy on the fact that he probably didn't even really know who Tiffany was. Tiffany, to her relief, had declined politely with an apologetic smile, claiming it wasn't what she was looking for at the moment—but, no worries, because she knew that he was a great guy. And come to think of it, when Taeyeon thought about what she said more, she realized Tiffany was right. He was a decent boy. He worked hard in class, got along well with the professor, and had only said kind words to people.


Taeyeon thought it was jealousy maybe, but whether it was because of Tiffany or the guy, she could not honestly tell. She knew Tiffany was quite pretty, and such an attribute inevitably called for these kinds of situations.


With an older brother, Taeyeon had grown up with boys before and was used to them. She more than often felt more at ease when she was with the opposite gender. At times, to her dismay, she found herself thinking just a little too much like her male companions.


Still, it wasn't that she wanted a guy to ask her out on a date. Certainly not. But it surprised her and worried her, that Tiffany probably actually considered these guys. She was so content with being together with her that she forgot Tiffany wasn't actually hers or anything.


The idea of liking Tiffany itself was something she was still, even now, adjusting to. Unfortunately, she understood with a rather sudden and horrible shock that sometime soon a Prince Charming might whisk her away, even if she thought that kind of idea was tacky and very cliché. Well, Tiffany would probably love the idea. She was a romantic, after all. And how could Taeyeon possibly think she would wait for her forever or something?


So that was how it was. That was how she had gotten to this point, with the unthinkable being chewed at endlessly in her mind. 


Could it be? Could she even do it?


Taeyeon had always been passive. She waited for things to come her but wasn't disappointed when they didn't either. Asking Tiffany something so important was going to take some work. Even now, she couldn't believe she was actually considering it.


To like a person was one thing, but to ask him or her to be yours...


She wondered how in a million years she would ever manage that.




Lately, the anxious feelings in Taeyeon's stomach had multiplied. Feeling somewhat trapped by her senseless contemplation, she began to realize it was not the unbearable idea of Tiffany losing interest in her but the intense and sudden urges to want the girl all to herself that made her so unsettled.


When it came to a partner in crime for her classes, the first person who always came to her mind was Tiffany. When she stood in line to buy coffee, she would instantly wonder if Tiffany was in her room, in need of one too. Sometimes, when they would walk together, her hand accidentally brushing the other's, Taeyeon would have to gulp and resist the temptation to grab Tiffany's hand.


It was a frustrating cycle where she couldn't quite figure out what to do.


Within the past week, Taeyeon appeared to have gained a heightened sense of what was around her. In particular, of a certain person who was constantly around her, and of the thought that even the universe was being impatient of her inaction.


This was why she could still remember the exact time that flashed on her watch as she stepped into the dorms one afternoon, ready to go for her last resort.


Taeyeon took a final deep breath and willed herself to speak.


"Yuri... I need some advice."


There was a moment of silence as the younger girl remained hunched over her desk, scribbling on an assignment, until she realized that she had been addressed.


"Me? You're asking me?" Yuri widened her eyes in unmasked surprise upon finally interpreting Taeyeon's statement. She was ever the impromptu performer, Taeyeon thought, and even added a rather fake gasp to go along with her reply.


Taeyeon rolled her eyes and sighed as she crossed over to Yuri's side of the room. She slouched slightly in resignation, her hip bone just barely leaning against the hard wood of Yuri's desk as her hand clamped onto its edge.


"Yes, I am that desperate. And it's important."


Yuri sat wordlessly for a moment to weigh Taeyeon's answer seriously. As usual, however, she opted for the lighter end of things.


"It must be," Yuri bobbed her head in excitement as she quickly shoved her work aside.


She leaned in dangerously close to Taeyeon so that their noses were almost touching. "Spill."


Taeyeon sighed and turned the girl's cheek away with her hand. "Personal space, please."


Despite the displeasure she was receiving, the younger girl did not have a single worry about the older. She practically welcomed it with open arms.


Yuri had taken Taeyeon's recent confession as a great obstacle she had crossed in their friendship. Their comfort had grown to the next level. Well... at least for her, it might as well have. These days, Yuri was one hundred and ten percent sure that Taeyeon's threats were empty whenever she invaded the girl's bubble and became overly pestering. Taeyeon let the girl's antics slide because she was her dongsaeng, so she secretly cared for her a lot, and besides, she wouldn't be able to deal with any teasing if Yuri decided to go down that route for revenge.


Grinning, Yuri obediently returned to her former position. "Tell me what you need advice on, then."


Taeyeon scrutinized her carefully, as if to gauge the sincerety behind Yuri's encouragement, but eventually nodded and slowly took a breath. She realized she really had no choice but shifted a few steps back for good measure.


"How do I, um... ask out someone out?"


For a moment, Yuri simply stared at Taeyeon with a blank look. Naturally, the smaller girl stared back, waiting for some reaction. Taeyeon blinked several times, discreetly wiping the sweat on her palm on the fabric of her pants before Yuri suddenly burst out with one of her unabashed statements of shock.




Taeyeon flinched in surprise, but she nodded cautiously, beginning to frown. "Yes..."


Yuri pointed a finger at her before deciding to scramble out of her chair and probe the girl with questions up close.


"Are you really doing this? You? I mean, who are you even asking? I can't beli—Ow!"


Rubbing the spot on her shoulder that Taeyeon had smacked without warning (although she really should have it seen coming on her part), Yuri shrank back in mock indignation.


"You know who I'm talking about!"


The tall girl instantly perked up, forgetting her previous blunder. "Tiffany-unnie? Is it her?"


Taeyeon gave her the most exasperated look known to mankind, which she could've sworn was what Yuri was actually aiming for.


"What? Just checking," Yuri gave her a lopsided, carefree smile in response. "It's not like I snoop into your love life or anything. You could have a change of heart. You're so fickle with the way you treat me anyway—OW! Okay, I'll stop!"


Again, she rubbed the same spot that had been hit, pretending to be the helpless victim of a ruthless, albeit abnormally short villain. It wasn't long when she decided, after noticing the lack of entertainment that came from not having anyone else to sympathize with her in the room, that such an act was too tiresome to carry out any further.


Yet just as quickly, she returned to normal antics. Yuri began to jab at Taeyeon's sides with her fingers repeatedly in growing excitement. "Wow, Taeyeon-unnie! I can't believe you're actually going to ask her out. I never expected you to do this at all."


Taeyeon tried her best to keep a straight face, but the barrage of pokes tickled her and she began to laugh out loud. She couldn't save her composure, much less her poor sides, no matter how she swatted at Yuri's hands. Her words came out muffled in between her quick breaths and bouts of laughter.


"Will... you... help me?"


Typical Yuri slung an arm around Taeyeon's shoulder.


"Of course I'm going to help you," she said confidently. "My services have a one hundred percent success rate!"


Taeyeon wanted to scoff, but her relief and previous attack of pokes kept her grudgingly quiet.


As she found herself taking deeper and more even breaths again, her mind wandered again back to Tiffany and the challenge she was forced to face. Meanwhile, a curious Yuri glanced at the ceiling and did not think twice about saying what was on her mind.


"Say, unnie... does this mean you're gay?"


Not that Yuri had expected a response right away, but she had thought it to be something of a logical question to ask. However, Taeyeon did not seem to think so, because her eyes grew considerably larger in size. She stood up, effectively flinging Yuri's arm off her body.


Her heart began to pound a little too noticeably for her taste against her chest. As she followed suit with Taeyeon, Yuri struggled to conclude whether she had indeed finally reached the breaking point of the other girl's tolerance for her. She knew that for many people, this topic was a sensitive one. She thought the right thing to do then was to apologize, but the expression on Taeyeon's face changed quitely suddenly and made her hesitate.


Taeyeon did not look angry nor offended but rather very confused.


She gave Yuri the bewildered look of a lost child and spoke as if she had never once bothered to ask herself the same question.


"...Does it?"




Taeyeon could remember a time back when emailing and texting weren't quite everyday habits. Granted, those were the memories she found a bit of a struggle to picture clearly, but they had existed once upon a time. Back then, people used to write letters on colorful stationary to their friends and secret love letters to their significant others. Technology was one of the most notorious perpetrators of a terribly shallow form of affection that didn't require much meaning or spoken words, after all.


But thank God there was the Internet. That was the one thing that Taeyeon had to love about technology. History's lovesick fools may have had become the ingenious poets and writers of their time, but Taeyeon still had the creativity of a peanut.


Her foot tapped persistently on the ground as she squinted at the screen, clicking on the empty bar of the search engine webpage.


"How to ask someone..."


"Ways to plan a perfect date..."


"How to make a good impression..."


Ridiculous as it was, she scrolled through at least a good fifteen articles before she stopped. Being a meticulous and organized person, Taeyeon had a method planned out.


For what seemed like the billion and third time in a row, she wiped the sticky sweat that stuck to her palms onto her jeans.


Then it hit her.


She was going to ask out someone. And not just anyone, but a girl, for that matter.


Of course, the first question was instant. Was she gay now? Such a foreboding question loomed over her. It held premonitions of inevitable burdens and difficulties ahead. People might stare knowingly at her, and her own parents might not ever fully be able to grasp such a concept. Granted, they never did seem to wholly understand her in the first place, but her entire life could change simply by admitting her feelings toward the person she liked. It wasn't a relationship status that was changing for her. It was something more like her entire life. And Tiffany appeared to have a much better handle in that department than she did. Although who she liked and how people perceived her made up only a fraction of her life. But, it was still important anyway.


At least the people here, the few that she cared about, did not think anything of it.


It was funny when she finally began to dig just a little more into her thoughts, though. It had always scared her, trying to dive more into the topic. She was always afraid that she would find something that she never meant to find. And yet...


This was Tiffany. In the grand scheme of things, there was nothing complicated nor shockingly crazy about the situation. She just really, really liked her and that was it. People who liked other people did this kind of stuff all the time. In the end, she just wanted to be with Tiffany. The gender part didn't matter. She just loved her, her personality, her smile, her voice, and everything about her. (And besides that, she was undeniably and wildly attractive.) There was no other person she could even remotely think of being with in the present and in her future. That was reason enough, she ultimately concluded.


So maybe there wasn't really a need to clarify her ual orientation this way, either. Love was love. Yes. High school did have its own few and noteworthy boy crushes, but college was where Taeyeon had met someone she felt was much more than just another small, one-sided romance. Here, she had truly experienced the real deal.


Often times, people tended to push away qualms about what was ahead and the risk of being hurt later on in favor of living happily in the present. This was one of those rare moments where the normally sensible and rational Taeyeon chose to do exactly this.


It would be a while, but she was going to discover that sometimes it wouldn't be so bad of a thing to do, either.




"Hurry up!"


Sunday morning Jessica found that herself on the streets, blocks away from her apartment, instead of buried in the familiar comfort and warmth of her sheets. She was dragged groggily out of bed by a restless Yuri and forcibly taken out. Even as she lifted a hand to stifle a yawn, Yuri's hand was still clamped tightly over hers, pulling her. Although lack of sleep had a tendency of irritating her, the issue at hand seemed urgent. It was definitely unusual, to say the least.


She watched curiously as she was ushered into a flower shop. Yuri, oblivious to everything else going on about her, sped over to a row of roses almost instantaneously. 


"Sica!" Yuri called out while raising a small bundle in the air. "Do you think these are good?"


Jessica took her time to walk over. With an eyebrow raised, she decided to play along and make her judgment.


"Depends. Who're they for?"


Yuri stared at the roses in her hand and placed them back. She was too preoccupied with something and instead moved on to the next group of flowers. She muttered comments to no one as she examined them. "No, you're right. Too common. Maybe these would be better..."


Knowing her all too well, Jessica followed her. 


"A family member?" She asked casually, glancing at the array of colorful flowers before them. "Red tulips mean a declaration of love, by the way."


"Really?" To Jessica's amusement, Yuri immediately plucked a few from a vase.


"Kwon Yuri, are you cheating on me?" 


Ever the adorable and innocent girlfriend, Yuri's eyes enlarged to the size of dinner plates. 


"Of course not!" Yuri responded quickly. "I'm helping out my roommate!"


Jessica hesitated.


"Wow, she's confessing her love?"


"Yup. You know your American friend? She's confessing to her."




Yuri nodded enthusiastically as she saw her girlfriend think.


"I have to say, I really want to meet this roommate of yours now," said Jessica, sounding impressed.


"I told you. She's actually really great. So do you think a bouquet would be better or what?"


"Just get one. I think that would make it more meaningful."


"Okay," Yuri agreed. "You can head outside, first."




Stepping outside to take a breath of fresh air, Jessica squinted at the bright sun above her. She checked her phone for any messages and was relieved to find that there was nothing out of the ordinary. Then, she proceeded to hum and wait patiently for the other girl to pay. Early weekend errands weren't really her thing, but she could make an exception today for the sake of love.


As soon as Yuri spotted her, she walked toward Jessica cheerfully.


"Got the goods?" Jessica smiled.


Yuri raised the bag and reached inside to take out the red tulip. "One flower for the roommate."


Jessica expected her to be satisfied then. However, when she placed the flower delicately back, she seemed to be looking for something else.


"And..." She gave a self-satisfied grin. "One flower for the lady."


Yuri held out the orange lily to Jessica, who was frozen in surprise. Seeing that expression could make her the happiest person in the world at times. She loved the side of Jessica that let down her guard. Besides, somewhere among her unvoiced musings, Yuri was well aware that she was really touched by small acts.


"Yuri, you sneak!" Jessica accused her as she took the flower, but her face was beaming. "Thank you."


"It's my pleasure," said Yuri as she grabbed Jessica's hand. She swung their arms together, pleased with the outcome of her little burst of spontaneity.


The lily was one of Jessica's favorite flowers, although Yuri tended to prefer the more obvious rose. To many people, the rose was a clear symbol for love: deep love, eternal love, and true love. A rose was fearless. A flower with no room for misintepretation or mixed signals. But the lily, and more specifically the tiger lily, was a simple flower. Not enveloped by so many petals, no thorns to prick unsuspecting victims blinded by love. It was a subtle gesture of affection, and a much greater type of audacity. Jessica didn't know the extent of Yuri's knowledge in floriology, but the tiger lily meant "dare to love".  


Dare to take a leap of faith and jump into the irrational and inconsistent thing that was love. Dare to take ahold of the person's hand and charge straight ahead into unpredictability. Dare to face everything the world had to offer. Because did anything else ever really matter?


Jessica thought the act was fitting for Yuri as always. It was just like her to make every second they spent together worth the fullest it would ever be. Sure, much of it might've been unintentional, but Jessica still loved that about Yuri. Yuri was brave and reckless in a way that a person in her position could only dream of being. Yuri was her escape from the real world. 


The raven-haired girl must have been having similar thoughts about flowers, because she began to wonder out loud.


"Roses generally mean love, don't they?" Yuri said. "Do the colors have different meanings?"


Jessica blinked and nodded. "Yep, each color means something different."


"So red means romantic love. How about white?"


"Purity, I think." 


Yuri wrinkled her forehead in thought. "But you gave me red and white roses the other day."


She grinned and waggled her eyebrows. "I'm not sure how much we can stretch that concept by now."


"Don't be so erted," Jessica rolled her eyes, hiding her smile. "Red and white together mean something else."


"What is it?"


"Unity." She hesitated, unsure of whether Yuri wanted to hear more. "Because I need you with me."


"Wow, really?" Jessica saw a flash of Yuri's wide smile before the other looked down. "That's even better than the message from my lily."


"You knew?"


"Of course, I asked the florist. You didn't think I'd just choose a pretty flower and hand it to you, did you? I couldn't let you outdo me with your smooth moves."


Jessica laughed. Definitely another defining aspect of Kwon Yuri. Competitive, but certainly competent.


As she glanced ahead, she found that her stomach felt slightly empty. It was no coincidence, then, that her eyes had caught the colorful sign of an open restaurant.


"I have an idea that's even better than any flower," she announced as she steered Yuri toward the place. 


"What's this?" asked Yuri as she peered in. 


"A restaurant. You may have a roommate to attend to, but I accompanied you here when you know I love spending these gorgeous Sunday mornings inside. You owe me a nice breakfast. Now, less talking and let's go."


It was Jessica who was doing the dragging now.


"O-kay, Sica. Whatever you like!"




Taeyeon was laughing at Tiffany's jokes especially hard today. She had come to learn more about her nervous habits in the past few hours than she had ever done in her life. For starters, the sweating wasn't as embarrassing as the emotional rollercoaster her heart was riding on every time the other girl so much as smiled at her. She had to practically remind herself that she still needed to breath whenever Tiffany averted her gaze from her and focused on something else. She blurted things out more often and mentally slapped herself more times that she could count on her two hands. And goodness, why did it seem so difficult to resist the urge to hold hands when they innocently bumped into each other? Her palms were in no condition to survive such a stunt, anyway.


After having a typical study session, Taeyeon had suggested that they take a break and go for a walk. Little did Tiffany know that Taeyeon had an entire confession planned out once they reached the end of their stroll at a place very important to her. She had even quite literally written a script with Yuri on what to say. Yes, she wanted to be that prepared.


"Oh, this is the place you're always at when you're alone," Tiffany said earnestly.


During that very moment, Taeyeon could only swallow and feel just how dry was. "Yeah."


Their footsteps became more in sync as they approached Teayeon's favorite getaway. Before Tiffany could reach it first, Taeyeon willed herself to step in front of her and block her view. At this point, she knew there was really no going back now.


"So this is the bench you sit at all the time." Tiffany turned around with a somewhat awed look. "I've never really been this close and seen just how out in the open it is. It's really the perfect for sitting by yourself and yet staying surrounded by everything else happening around you."


"That's what I think, too," Taeyeon said, stopping a second to take in what Tiffany was seeing as well. She was trying hard to gather herself and keep the flower that had been lying on the bench behind her back where the other could not see. Yuri had left it there earlier as requested. Taeyeon hadn't actually meant to pick it up, but her anxiousness and Tiffany's convenient diversion led one thing to another.


"May I sit?" Tiffany gestured toward the bench, noticing the uneasy tension afflicting the atmosphere.


"Yeah, of course!" Taeyeon replied hastily. "It's not mine or anything."


Maybe it was blatantly obvious by now that Taeyeon was up to something as they both sat down. But still, Tiffany hadn't exactly looked in her direction for a while now. 


It was lame, Taeyeon told herself. Her heart was jumping all around, Tiffany was right next to her, and all she could think about was how lame she was being. And she was realizing at an alarming rate that her expectations for herself had been placed much too high. She had long past the point where she could whip out the lines Yuri had convinced her to say.


"It's a nice place for a confession, don't you think?"


Taeyeon gasped as she felt her heart stop for a split second.


Was Tiffany trying to say something? Did she understand her intentions?


"Hey, are you okay?" Tiffany's voice sounded concerned.


Taeyeon lifted her head and they locked eyes. A jolt of electricity seemed to shoot between them, and she struggled not to look away.


Love was a funny matter. It often had no rhyme or reason. Heck, it never did.


So how was a person supposed to go about and figure it out?


It wasn't like a math equation. There wasn't a clever way to solve it, just the right combination to find. There wasn't a preset formula for a concrete solution. There weren't even numbers at all. Just a lot of variables and only one given statement: that it existed.


There were lots of books about love, too. Questioning it, embracing it, attempting to understand it. It had always been there, within everyone's grasps, but then it always fluttered away at the last instant like a dazzling and unattainable butterfly. It was a fleeting moment that stuck with some people forever.


Love made you feel special, like you were the only person in the entire world. Unrequited love could be painful, but the beginnings of a new love interest was always beautiful, a flower finally mature enough to bloom. It was weird because one person—a single individual—was merely a speck in the universe. A dot of dust in an old room. A blip on the monitor. A mass of atoms vibrating against the billions of others. A point charge in an electric field. Something seemingly insignificant, and probably insignificant in reality, in the big picture. 


So how it came to happen to her was a mystery. A perplexing one, at that. Because her importance had always been minimal, and she was completely fine with that. Because she never asked for anything, so she was met with neither extraordinary nor particulary ordinary throughout her life.


But when Taeyeon thought about it some more, seeing the warm, adoring eyes that likely—very likely—mirroed her own, she figured it didn't matter. Away with the elaborate plans. The neverending questions. She'd do this her own way, even if it meant being her awkward, over-analyzing self.


"I'm okay," said Taeyeon as she stood up, "but I have something to say."


Hand clutching the tulip's stem tightly, she presented it to Tiffany.


"This is for you."


Much to Taeyeon's relief, Tiffany seemed genuinely surprised as she took the flower and inspected it.


Her eyes shaped into crescents immediately when a bright smile lit up Tiffany's entire face.


"It's so pretty... I don't know what to say."


Taeyeon felt a smile on her own lips, involuntarily comforted by Tiffany's such behavior.


"Just listen, okay?" she said. She tried to keep her voice light, but the seriousness in her tone caused Tiffany to put the tulip gently aside and silently look up at her.


Here Taeyeon was, standing there staring at a Tiffany with that friendly expression on her face while she sat on the bench, hands placed on both sides of her legs. Dressed in her ordinary shirt and discolored jeans, Taeyeon's shoe squeaked a bit whenever her foot fidgeted unintentionally. Her hair was still loosely tied up from their studying before. By this time, they both knew. Tiffany was practically reassuring her with her eyes. So an anxious Taeyeon took one last deep breath and began.


"When I first met you, I thought you came with a catch... and now I know you do." Taeyeon swallowed slowly, hesitating for a moment when she saw Tiffany frown a little. It was probably not the opening sentence she was expecting, but she continued anyway.


"Because even though I'm an absolute nobody I can't help but be attracted to you."


The girl was too nervous to look right at Tiffany just then, but she knew she had gone far too deep to be able to return alive in the same way ever again.


"I'm cold, I don't express myself well, and I have a lot to work on, but you've made every day for me an adventure. I know it took time to get to where I am now, and it's kinda crazy... because it feels as though it's been forever even though it hasn't. I also know that being with you has changed me and is probably going to change my whole life. But I've finally realized that I want to live. I want to be able to really live, and more importantly, I want to be able to do it with you by my side."


Taeyeon tried her best to keep her voice steady as their gazes locked once more.


"Would you be my girlfriend?"


For a moment, there was complete silence. The birds stopped chirping, the leaves stopped rustling, and the pin was dropped but made no sound. It was the big question, and yes, Taeyeon could rationally assume that she knew the answer to it already, but just for a second, she could feel the rush of hopefulness and fear that hit afterwards. And silly to think that the world was still moving along as they were there, because it didn't feel like it at all.


Luckily, Tiffany did not keep her waiting long. She glanced away suddenly and then her eyes came back with an embarrassed smile. Taeyeon saw the almost imperceptible hint of color in her cheeks, and she confirmed right there and then that Tiffany was by far the cutest, most wonderful person she had ever met. Girl or boy.


"Truthfully, I feel even more at loss at what to say than five minutes ago, but..." She gave Taeyeon a slightly admonishing look. "How could you say that about yourself?! Kim Taeyeon, you're beautiful. You may seem unapproachable at times, but you actually have the most considerate and caring heart of anyone I know. You're funny and dorky, you're gorgeous, you're unbelievably smart and talented, and there hasn't been a single day that I have been bored around you."


Unable to hold back anymore, Tiffany rose from her seat and took a single step forward, slowly wrapping her arms around the other girl's neck. She didn't stop smiling when she spoke.


"So yes, I would be your girlfriend because I like you, and I want to be with you. Now, tomorrow, for as long as you need me."


Taeyeon blinked, and for some time that was all she could do. But then her arms found their way around Tiffany's waist, pulling her closer into an embrace that was much overdue. Feeling her heart thumping against her chest and the warmth of Tiffany's body, she suddenly could not have felt more complete. 


"Then I guess you'll have to start getting used to me being here for a long, long time."


And if you ever asked Taeyeon afterwards about that afternoon, she would've told you that she wouldn't have traded it for anything else in the whole wide universe.



Not sure if my flower facts are accurate as most of them are from the Internet and movie knowledge, but let's go along with it.

Hi, it's been a while! Time has flown by so fast, and I have finally graduated and gotten into the college of my dreams. That being said, I will have to work very hard again! But that's okay. It was rather difficult to write this chapter, hence it took so long... I'm sorry for that, and I'm sorry if this chapter isn't fulfilling... ;___:. 

But, now TaeNy is official! What will unfold next? The story is only half-finished at best... now comes the latter half that I have been looking forward to writing for some time. There's so much left to say still. Oh, and somewhere within this chapter, did you notice a reference to the title? Anyways... thanks to the people who have been waiting so patiently. I'll keep updating! 

Also, I have made minor edits in the previous chapters after looking them over again. :)

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Thank you!
Update coming by the end of March....


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Chapter 9: Hi author-ssi, how are you? I know the last update of this story was from long years ago but i’ve been hopeful that you will continue this by miracle. I came upon this story on my long list of subscriptions and I’m really glad i chose this for the night before going to sleep. You wrote this story beautifully, and my taeny heart is soaring high again and made me missed them so so so much. Thank you author-ssi for this story and i really hope you will come back :)
lau0601 #2
Chapter 9: damn this is hella great. i really love the way you write, and as I was reading i kept nodding to myself at your characterization. it really felt like they were real people, with real traits and quirks and motivations. not sure where you are now, but i just wanted to say thank you, really, for this story. i've really enjoyed reading it!
taejellybean #3
Chapter 9: "Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning." (couldn't agree more)

This is just one of those stories that can't mix. Also, I really love how you divided attention to both pairings without making it seemed like another couple is just an extra (something that happens quite often.)

Even though, you mentioned that it is only halfway of the story and well... it has been two years (probably even more), it somehow feels finished in a away. So I'm glad about it. I wouldn't mind reading a continuation if some day you will decide to carry on, but at the same time I'm quite okay with pretending that this is the happy ending that we got :)
OMG! Author please update this (Point Charge)! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talents!
Chapter 9: Oh my, I just came across to this fanfic and it's amazing! You write well. This story is so cute, i feel like this last chapter is the ending already haha but I know it's not yet done, right? So I hope you could update this. :3
Chapter 9: Perfect! Thank you for this wonderful story (: I am a fan of this work of yours!
Coleeee #7
Chapter 9: I read all the chapters in one go. This is just awesome. The interactions, conversations, and series of events were immaculately done and written really well. It feels like I'm actually in the story with the characters. As of now, I'm actually more drawn with Yulsic's plot because the way you present their personalities is so spot on on what I perceive them to be. As for Taeny, I can feel Tae's struggle and I'm glad that they're official already but I haven't really got immersed in their plot. Maybe after reading a few more chapters then I'll be able to connect with it. Anyways, kudos to you author ^^ You just made me a fan.
lovinstop #8
Chapter 9: Another good taeny fic and that confession part was really adorable
452312 #9
Chapter 8: I see other stories on aff get more updates and upvotes and (not to be mean) those are absolutely terrible on so many levels. But I recently discovered yours and I'm happy I did because it's really good, yet it doesn't get the attention it deserves. But keep it up ! happy new year !