chapter 6

Unexpected vacation

I wake up this morning happily. I feel excited because we will go shopping at Myeongdong, I’ll buy a lot of clothes today. After I take a shower I choose a floral summer dress.

After I put some make up then I grab my phone and my bag. But before I go out from my room suddenly my phone rang.


“Noona, you’re still at the guest house right?” Dongwoon asked enthusiasm.

“Yes, why did you ask?”

“Just come down, we already outside the guest house. You said that you want to see us dance, today we will practice that’s why we come to pick you up.”

“Eeee!!!! Why don’t you told me first. Today I will go shopping with my sister, and I don’t think that she will allow me to go out with you guys again.”

“It’s okay noona, Kikwang hyung already asked her about it. Just come down already.” Said Dongwoon cheerfully.

“Eeeee!!! How can?” I just run down to the dining room.

When I arrived I saw my sister talked with Kikwang.

“There she is. Make sure you bring her back to me safely.” She said when she saw me coming.

“Okay noona.” Kikwang said while he walked to me and then pulls my hand to go with him.

“But sis, I want to go to Myeongdong with you. And why you just easily let me go with them?” I asked while Kikwang drags me to the exit.

“We can go there another day, just go with them now. Bye.” My sister said and waves her hand.

Aiissshh, why my sister becomes like that, what Kikwang said to my sister. Actually I really want to go shopping at Myeongdong to buy clothes but I guess I must go with them now.

Inside the van.

“Yah Kikwang! What did you say to my sister? Why did she allow me to go with you?”

“Hahaha... maybe your sister can’t resist my charm.” He smiled widely.

“Stupid, you don’t say anything weird right?” I asked while look suspiciously at him.

“Ehem, guys don’t forget that we are in this van too.” Suddenly Junhyung said to me.

“Oh, Hi guys. So where will we go today? And why did all of you want me to go with you?” I asked curiously.

“This maknae the one who insist to take you to our practice session today.” Dujun explained to me.

“And why is that Dongwoon?” I looked at him.

“Because it will be fun if you go with us, hehe...”

“And beside there is someone who will happy if noona go with us.” He said the rest in Korean while looked at Kikwang.

Then suddenly Kikwang takes Dongwoon’s head and ruffled his hair. I don’t know what he talking about but now everyone except Kikwang have that suspicious smile again.

When we arrive at their studio, they change their clothes and start to practice their dance.

Wow, their bodies are good, no wonder a lot of girls crazy about them. I just sit at the floor and watched them dancing, they use fiction as the background. And I can’t take my eyes off of Kikwang, his dance is very good. Then suddenly he looked at me and I looked away, don’t want him to know that I stared at him.

Then suddenly Hyunseung pulled my hand and asked me to dance with them. Of course I refused it because I can’t dance at all.

“It’s okay noona, it’s not that difficult to follow. Let’s try the penguin dance.” Dongwoon said and show me the dance.

It’s looks easy, he put his hand on his hips and move his legs to right and left. I stand between Dongwoon and Kikwang, the rest stand in front of me. I try to do the dance but it seems the move is difficult to do. We do it at the same time but I can’t do it correctly. Kikwang teaches me how to move the legs and help me step by step. We practice seriously, and then I just realized that the others just stand and stared at us. Suddenly I pulled away from Kikwang and my cheeks flushed, heart’s beating so fast. I looked at Kikwang and he blushed to. He is sooo cute and hot at the same time. No no... Focus stef focus, everyone was looking at you now.

“Eeee, why did you stop? Just continue teach noona the dance, hyung. We just watch from here.” Said Dongwoon cheerfully.

“Why don’t we eat now? I’m hungry.” I said to cover my shyness.

“Okay let’s eat first, I think our manager already prepare lunch for us, I’ll take it.” Said Doojoon and he exit the room.

I just sit on the floor and Kikwang give a bottle of mineral water then sit beside me.

“Thank you.” I said then open the bottle.

“So do you go to college?” Kikwang also opens his bottle.

“Yup, I’m on my third year. I take Hospitality management.”

“Oh, I see. Do you only have 1 sibling?” he asked again.

“Yup, only me and my sister. I’m used to be closed with my sister so when she got married I felt lonely and when she asked me to go Korea with her I’m so happy.”

“I’m sorry that we kind of ruined your vacation with your sister.” Kikwang said and looked at me.

“’s okay. I can meet with all of you is a rare opportunity. If any your fans girls knew this, I’m sure they will kill me to take my place.” I said jokingly.

Then Dujun come and bring the lunch boxes. We gather around and eat while talking and joking. After we eat they continue their practice. At around 3pm they stop their practice.

“Noona, why don’t we watch movie after this?” Dongwoon asked.

“Are you sure? Are you not afraid if one of your fans saw you?”

“It’s okay, there is a place that we usually go and no one ever caught us.” Hyunseung explained.

“Okay. Then let’s go.”

They all prepared themselves with some disguise. Then we go to the cinema. There is a lot of film shown there. After we buy the tickets we enter the cinema room. I sit between Dongwoon and Kikwang. Then I realized that I don’t know what film we will watch because Junhyung the one who bought the tickets.

“Ne, Dongwoon what film will we watch?” I asked.

“It’s a horror movie noona, they said it’s really scary.”

Oh no, I hate horror movie, I always afraid something like that.

“Are you okay?” asked Kikwang because he saw me looks scared.

“Actually I hate horror movie. It’s make me can’t sleep at night.”

“Just close your eyes when you are afraid.” He said try to make me calm.

“Okay, I’ll try not to be afraid.” I make sure he doesn’t worry.

And the movie starts. As I expected the movie was very scary. I just closed my eyes and unconsciously hold Kikwang’s hand tightly. Suddenly he let go my hand and I feel something covered my ears. I open my eyes and see Ki Kwang’s hands cover my ear. I feel my cheeks flushed, thanks God its dark so he can’t see me clearly. And now I can’t concentrate at the movie at all because of Kikwang, my heart beats so fast. Kikwang still concentrate to the movie but his hand still covers my ear. I hope the others won’t see this, and as I can see they all concentrate to watch the movie. I think they loved horror movie.

Finally the movie ended. We stood up and walk to the exit. When we are walking, I pulled Kikwang.

“Thank you.” I bow a little to him.

“My pleasure, it’s our fault that you must watch horror movie.” Kikwang grin at me.

“It’s okay, because of you I’m not that afraid. Thanks again.” I replied simply.

After that we decide to have dinner, we will eat dukbokki. I’m so excited because I never try that before. At the restaurant they said that they are very sorry because they make me watch horror movie. I just said that’s its okay because from the start I never told them.

On the way home they asked me to watch them live tomorrow at Music Core. Because I really want to watch their performance live then I just said yes. After we reached the guest house, I said good bye to everyone.

Before I enter my room, I just go to my sister’s room and said that I go back already. I also told her that tomorrow I’ll go to see their performance. But before that we still can go shopping and I can go there around 2pm. After that I enter my room and take a quick shower. Because I’m a little bit tired I just fell asleep not long afterwards.


AN: i know that there should be Mnet countdown before music core, just pretend that there is only one music show. Thanks for reading ^ ^

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fani308 #1
thank you :)
like it.....
Woah stef is so lucky~ update soon (:
update sooon(:
fani308 #5
Thank you for reading my story ^^. i'll try to update it as soon as possible.