The Cafe

Stupid Love, Hateful Love


“Yah, Lee Soomi what happened? why is your face so dark ?” calls out my friend Jangmin. For the past hour, I have been sitting in the comfy small sofa seats in our cafe, simply glaring outside the window and not saying a thing. I was still angry about that obnoxious guy who I slapped the other day, such a waste with a face like that and such horrible personality. I sipped onto my caramel latte from the cup and saw his rude face in my head again.
“AISH, I keep seeing that bastard’s face !” I swore with an aggravated sigh. I ran my fingers through my thick black ponytail and attempted to answer my dear friend.
“So you see, the other day in the lecture I met this hot guy.... “ I continued my story and just like my bestfriend Jangmin was, she agreed on what a bastard he was and even attempted to cheer me up.
“Soomi ah, forget about that bastard ok ? Our princess shouldn’t talk to such ugly faced people okay? Next time just sit elsewhere, understand?”Jangmin tells me with a comforting smile. She always makes things seem better in the end no matter what, thats why I love her so much. Jangmin had been my best friend ever since the start of high school. We met coincidentally during homeroom, because her name was Lee Jangmin and I was Lee Soomi, we sat together in name order. The instant we talked, we clicked and it was one of the best thing that ever happened to me - then from then on, we stuck to each other like super glue. Most people called us twins but we look nothing alike, Jangmin was thin and had very pale skin with a pair of gorgeous eye-smiles and also owned a pair of never-ending legs. She was always the quiet type - but never shy, she would speak up if she wanted to but just never bothered or cared enough to. I like to call her my cool chic, because the way she carried herself was definitely something to be jealous of, the mature aura along with the I-don’t-give-a- about you expression made her my idol. I, on the other hand, was always the outspoken one of the two, loud and almost noisy at times. I get quite stubborn on things if I put my mind on it and won’t back up at all if I think I am right, it doesn’t get me a lot of friends I assure you.  I am slightly shorter than Jangmin, falling at 163cm while Jangmin stood at 168cm, both of us were quite tall considering the typical short height of asian girls. I have thick long black hair that was slightly wavy no matter how much I brush it, and large dark brown eyes - which was probably the only good feature on my face. I always had some baby fat that never left me even as I past my puberty stage, especially on my cheeks and arms at which I was always very conscious about. I wasn’t the type to brag about my weight but I wasn’t overweight or anything, I mean I could do a bit better with some exercise here and then but seriously, where does one find time to do exercise when one has to balance work and university work. I never believed in diet anyways, I mean what does it mean by “We are what we eat”? how stupid... I eat chicken, does that mean I am a chicken? I also eat beef, fish and pork - so does that mean I’m part fish, cow and pig too? I love my food and my food loves me.

“Jangmin ah, thank you. Okay, I understand.. I have decided to sit as far away from him as I can. Aish, lets stop talking about him and just talk about us.” I said to Jangmin.
“So... where is that boy huh? our little puppy who always follows you around?” I ask her and gives a sly grin.
“I don’t know. He hasn’t called or texted me today like his usual, but he probably will come by soon. “ Jangmin says in a bored tone, inspecting her nails like some posh lady.
“Aigo, Minnie ah ~ if you keep treating him so coldly, he will leave you one day” I said calling out her nickname that I had made.
“Hah, not in a thousand years Mimi. I tell him I hate him all the time, I wish he would leave me but he just doesn’t ever get tired.” Jangmin says nonchalantly, as if she didn’t care. This guy we are talking about is Jangmin’s lifelong follower. At first we never noticed him but during our junior years in high school, we saw him stuffing letters into Jangmin’s locker and after a confrontation from an angry Jangmin, the weird sort-of friendship started. His name is Park Taejin, to be honest, he was quite the nerd-kind of creepy-next door neighbour's son type. But once you got to know him, he had the corny-dorky cute kind of vibe going on and eventually all three became friends, or more like unrequited for Taejin. He had confessed probably a million of times by now, but gets rejected by Jangmin every time. If one day he gets rejected, and he happens to finally give up I would be devastated because I had been always rooting for them two to actually get together, they would be the cutest couple on earth in my mind.


“What about you? You and Seokmin? I seriously don’t believe you guys are JUST friends. Its impossible to be such GOOD friends without having feelings for each other, it doesn’t work that way.” Jangmin exclaims to me
“No. We are strictly FRIENDS, really really good friends. You think too much, Jangmin ah” I reply with a final sigh. Kim Seokmin, age 23 - in college 4th year and studying something related to research chemical science. He is and I repeat, my good friend since high school period, we met at my tutoring place and we kept in contact after, and as I got into college this year he had helped me out with all the enrollment mumble jumble. Seokmin oppa is a really nice and gentle guy, he is funny and tall - he is my ideal type but for some reason I just never considered him anything but my brother. It is quite sad, I - Lee Soomi, age 18 have not had a boyfriend before, and no guys have actually courted me, well - seriously courted me before. I don’t call online high school period flirting as dating, it was simply cute online messaging between two young innocent kids. All my other friends have boyfriends now and its quite depressing to see them all lovey dovey, posting pictures online and seeing them bring their man to our lunch/dinner reunions. On the other hand, Jangmin had a fair few boyfriends in the past, all in which she had dumped within the first three months- maximum. Don’t mistake me, Jangmin wasn’t a or a or whatever people call girls these days, she simply couldn’t find a guy that could retain her attraction to them more than a month. But anyways, back to Seokmin oppa, he is seriously handsome - he is the type of guy that attracts attention when he walks down the hallways and girls actually give him a four, five glances whenever they see him. He had broad shoulders and very nice muscles, thanks to swimming. He was in our college’s swimming club and had won many medals in the past competitions, he almost practices every 2nd day or something if he wasn’t busy with his research assignments. He has a pair of really cute eye smile that melts girls when he smiles at them, and a really nice smile- the cute lopsided grin that cute boys do. He is the perfect guy in any girls mind, but Seokmin oppa never really pay any attention to girls in his college - according to him, he did had a fair few in the past during high school but because of his study and sports commitment, he simply had no time to accommodate a girlfriend just yet. So that is him, Kim Seokmin - the dream man in every girls mind and also my good friend who I don’t see very often, perhaps once every two weeks because he goes crazy during his research period.

“No, pabo. Such a hot guy, it is a waste not to go out with him. You should just ask him out, say you don’t care about not seeing him that often. You guys look so cute together.” Jangmin says and looks at me.
“No, I told you a thousand times already, no is no. I like him, as a friend okay?” I repeated again with an audible sigh. I look around the small cafe and notice that most of the crowd had left, probably to do assignments and such. It was getting a little darker and there were only a few customers left, on their laptops, sleeping or chatting away like Jangmin and I. This little cafe is situated right beside our college, well partly inside as well and we are regular customers, where we had already became quite close with the cafe owner and the workers. The cafe owner is quite young, around 30- I think, and he is pretty chill with the place, he basically lets us stay as long as we want and sometimes gives us free cakes and specials. It gets quite busy in the afternoon and morning when people come over to grab coffee before their classes and lectures, but Jangmin and I normally just laze around in our usual spot beside the large window pane in the small comfy red cushion seats all day, even if we don’t have class on the day.

“Yah, who is that? Such a hottie ! wow, I haven’t seen someone that hot for a long about eye candy.” Jangmin exclaims and points out the window. I immediatly look in the direction, because its a instant reaction-action when we hear

hottie - and my eye widened in shock as I see my worst nightmare making his way into our cafe.

“...” I said aloud, gaining a few stares from other customers, including the bastard who had just walked into the cafe. We

exchanged a moment of eye contact and the instant he recognised my face, a big ugly grin slid across his face.

“Why hello there, I missed you too” He announced loudly in a mocking tone.


AN: Sorry, haven't been posting... got caught up with life, exams etc. But here it is ! :) More characters.. I should put some MBLAQ characters in soon too? :) heh ! Please leave your comments down below and tell me how it was ^ ^ Thanks for reading yet again and putting up with my late updates. 

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Chapter 4: Will there be an update soon?
Chapter 4: interesting this is so different from all the other seungho ones PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: I love how Seungho isn't the sweet guy in this story, compared to all the other Seungho stories I've read. I love it! I hope you are able to update another chapter soon!
Chapter 4: *pouts* No Seungho games ~
Chapter 3: Ahhh dingle berries! ♡
Chapter 2: Still waiting!
Chapter 1: Oh Yes! ;D I thought she wasn't going to hit him, I would be an and punch him lol.
cericeria #8
Chapter 1: woooo seungho is really a jerk here.but the story is interesting..pls update soon.fighting! ^^