Our First

Stupid Love, Hateful Love


I sat behind him in the lecture hall, the seats narrow and so close together - I could even see what he was doing on his laptop. He was the first guy I had set my eyes on ever since university started a few weeks ago. He always sat on the same seat, in the same row with the same navy backpack on each week. Why did I set my eyes on him? The class wasn’t very big in the first place and by far, this guy was the most good looking guy in the bunch. He doesn’t notice me - I think he barely notices anyone, or talks to anyone. He would come into class right on time, put down his backpack, take his macbook out and lean back in his chair and prepare for the lecture. His jet black hair always stayed in the same hairstyle, slightly messed up in a y - I just woke up - kind of way, a fringe on the top - swiped perfectly to the side. This guy wasn’t skinny or lanky, but rather he had some meat on his bones, not exactly muscular but was tall and had broad shoulders. The feature that caught my attention was his lips, he had thick red lips that was very kissable and I always seem to remember him either them or biting them in concentration during class. His style was perfect, handsome - clean cut and fitting. Stylish yet not feminine, cool but not exaggerated, handsome yet not too eye-catching. He would sometimes wear just a black t-shirt and black jeans to class and still look like he came out from a photoshoot. I have never heard him speak before nor see him interact with anyone, mainly because no-one sat next to him. This guy would give off the dangerous , don’t come near me kind of aura and most people would either admire his looks quickly or just not look at him altogether. I never felt this way about anyone before - this strange sense of attraction towards this guy was addictive. I would be attentive to his every little action, checking his iphone or flicking the pen - I would see it all. At times, I would feel anticipation before class started, knowing that I would see him soon. On that particular day, however, this guy I have been admiring for weeks suddenly turns around and looks at me straight in the eyes. I can’t see surprise anywhere on his face, and I watch his eyes scan my face before lowering his gaze towards the rest of my body. I felt blood rush to my face, and my cheeks heating up at his once-over- I literally wanted to hide in the corner of my bed and disappear.

“Hey, can I... borrow a pen?” a voice asks me. Wait, a freaking y voice ask me. That low baritone, y and manly voice ask me. I looked at his lips again - yes the sound did come from those lips.
“Hey ! OI ! pen?” the voice asks once more in an irritated tone this time. Even his annoyed voice was y - oh my god please save me.
“OI! what the... fine I’ll get it myself” the y voice says...  

I hear rustling sounds of pens somewhere near me, but all I see was his long muscular arms reaching around the seat towards me - his brows furrowed in concentration at whatever he was doing. I was speechless - distracted from admiring his perfect features at such a close angle and didn’t even notice this hot guy ransacking my pencil case without my permission. My pink polka dot pencil case was thrown back onto my desk carelessly, waking me up from my odd trance. Before I had the chance to decipher what had just happened, he had already took a pink lollipop pen and turned back around in his seat. My favourite and lucky pen that I treasured throughout my high school life - basically the lucky pen I relied on during my exams, it was one of the pen I didn’t even use other than during exam times. No matter how hot this guy was, how dare he just grab a pen without asking - and my favourite lucky pen on top of it.

“YAH ! YOU - Give me back my pen ! I didn’t even say you could borrow it.” I exclaimed at the back of his head. He slowly turns around again, and looks super annoyed - brows furrowed again and a small frown gracing his lips.
“I asked you politely? But you were too freaking busy drooling over my hot looks to hear !” He says to my face in a bored and haughty tone. THIS GUY !

“W-WHAT ? N-NNO... I wasn’t admiring your good looks ! Aren’t you embarrassed saying these things? How obnoxious can you get ?! “ I said to him angrily and slightly humiliated because he caught me staring at him before.  I reach forward and attempted to grab my lucky pen back - but before I had the chance, he lifted the pen out of my reach and smirked.
“Are you stupid? Pabo ani-ya? I borrowed it so I’ll it back to you when I finish, arasso?” He says, giving me the “are you stupid” look and pushed my hand away. He spared me another glance and smirked that cute one-sided smirk of his before turning back again as the lecturer began the class. I spluttered soundlessly, shocked at this guys obnoxiousness but couldn’t do anything or say anything in rebuttal as the lecturer started his long speech. How dare this guy do this? treat me like I’m no-one ! Just he wait until class finishes - he is dead.


Finally, the lecture reached its end when the lecturer waved us off in relief after two hours of talking about absolutely nothing interesting at all. I see him beginning to pack away his notes and laptop as if nothing happened, and I reached over and whacked him across his head angrily.
“YAH ! WHO ARE YOU? How DARE you take my lucky pen ! YOU STUPID MAN” I yell at him in anger, scaring some students and see them scurrying away in a hurry.
“BOH? WHO DO YOU THINK? HOW DARE YOU HIT ME !” he shouts back and flips around quickly, glaring at me.  
“YOU THINK COULD GET AWAY FROM STEALING MY LUCKY PEN, YOU PIECE OF ” I yell back at him, unable to control my anger and I see a few remaining students cringe at the oncoming fight.
“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, ? ITS JUST A ING PEN ! GET THE OVER IT” he yells angrily, moving to stand up. I follow his movement and stood straight up and glared right into his eyes - matching his equal death glare.
“NO YOU ! THATS MY PEN? NOW GIVE IT BACK BEFORE I SLAP YOU AGAIN !” I threaten him menacingly. He smirks at the mention of my threat and looks at me without a single concern.
“, you think you can just slap me like that? Hah ! I’ll like to see you- “
“SLAP” echoes the awfully quiet room as I slapped the left side of his face with force. How dare this man think he can belittle me, I am not afraid of this bastard. Silence fills the room and the remaining students gasp and cringe at the sound of the slap.
“ ! YOU... WHAT THE ? YOU SLAPPED ME! YOU REALLY SLAPPED ME YOU ” he exclaims loudly and eyes widens in total surprise, as if not expecting a petite girl like me hitting him with such force.

“NO, YOU ! you think I’m scared of you or something? Think again you little piece of . you can shove your obnoxious fat back in yourself before stealing my pen again. Remember my name, Lee Soomi and don’t you dare cross me again you worthless trash!” I growl out coldly before grabbing my pen and making my way out of the lecture hall, leaving him rubbing his cheek and wince in pain - speechless at my actions.


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Chapter 4: Will there be an update soon?
Chapter 4: interesting this is so different from all the other seungho ones PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: I love how Seungho isn't the sweet guy in this story, compared to all the other Seungho stories I've read. I love it! I hope you are able to update another chapter soon!
Chapter 4: *pouts* No Seungho games ~
Chapter 3: Ahhh dingle berries! ♡
Chapter 2: Still waiting!
Chapter 1: Oh Yes! ;D I thought she wasn't going to hit him, I would be an and punch him lol.
cericeria #8
Chapter 1: woooo seungho is really a jerk here.but the story is interesting..pls update soon.fighting! ^^