Chapter 3 - A 2nd chance ?

I promise you this.


                         This is it…. You were finally dying. You felt the air surrounding you as you kept falling. Falling into the abyss. While you were falling you felt such great peace within you.  You felt euphoric….But you know this was all going to end….But it was alright as long as you weren’t here in this world anymore. You opened your eyes to see Jongup at the edge of the building reaching his hand towards you as he yells. He constantly kept yelling but you couldn’t make out what he was saying to you. Memories of you and him started flashing before your eyes and you held your arm back out.
“JONGUP-AH!” You yelled. What have I done? Why? Why did I do this ? I’m so stupid. You closed your eyes in deep regret getting ready to hit the floor….I’m so dumb.
                   All of a sudden you felt a great shock as you hit the ground and you open your eyes to see that Jongup was still standing right there. You were at the edge of the building….What just happened ? You were getting ready to fall…. and just when you were about to hit the ground you find yourself standing in front of Jongup again. Is this a second chance? Jongup had his hand out just when you were about to fall off the building. He got you right on time. He grabs your wrist and pulls you in closer. He carries you as he jumps over the fence and brings you back to safety. He hugs you tighter and tighter as you hug him back. He was never going to let you go again. 
“Please…..Don’t leave me….” He whispers and kissed your cheeks. He wipes the tears away from your eyes and touches the scar that was on your face. You flinch and bring yourself back. He pulls his hand back hesitating to touch it. 
“Don’t touch it… just reminds me of how ugly I am…..and how ugly my uncle made me feel.” He shakes his head in disagreement and puts his hand back on the scar…then he kisses it. “This scar is beautiful. It’s what makes you… you and I love it. I’ll turn this scar into a good memory. I’ll make it into a good memory.” He kisses your forehead and grabs your hand as both your fingers start to interlock with each other.
“But…..Jongup-ah…you have to leave. You’ll be leaving me alone.” He holds you tighter as he puts your head on his chest. He shakes his head,
“I’m not leaving anymore…”
“How? Won’t your parents get angry?”
“I talked to them this morning asking them if I could stay at a relatives house. I told them how much you meant to me and how much I didn’t want to leave you. My parents are already on the airplane headed for Canada. They already found jobs their so they couldn’t stay behind. But, I begged and they realized how much I really loved you. So they let me stay. I was going to tell you as soon as I got the news but then you called me.” He smiles and flicks my forehead. “This time….things will change. I won’t let anyone harm you….No one will bully you….No one will touch you and I’ll make your uncle suffer.” 
“It’s okay Jongup-ah…As long as you’re here…as long as you won’t leave me…I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll make him pay for what he did.” You felt his voice crack as he puts his arm into a fist. You grab for his face and bring it in closer to yours. You search into his eyes as he searches back into yours. He leans in forwards planting his lips on yours.  You bring your hands around his neck as you bring him in closer. The more he kissed you the more all of the bad memories started to disappear….one by one he made them disappear. 
“I love you Jongup-ah” I whisper into his ear as I lay my head on his shoulder.
He brings his hand down my spine and pulls me in as he whispers back, “I will always be here to protect you…I promise you this.”



yay :D Sorry it was so depressing. Was just inspired by the things around me. I promise happier stories from now on :D But yeah to anyone whoever feels like commiting suicide we don't get 2nd chances. So if you're suffering or having a hard time I'll be here to listen. Whatever it maybe. :) 

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Chapter 3: I have been crying ever since the 1st chapter. oh my god I love touching stories like this. ASDFGHJKL Great story author-nim!!
JustLiv #2
Chapter 3: Really loved the little plot twist at the end! :)
Chapter 3: Author-niiiiiim. I cried. So hard :'(((( great story
Chapter 1: Jonguppp ~ <333
ChiMarie #5
Chapter 3: I love it <3 but I hope the people who bullied her will regret all the crap they caused her ~