Chapter 1 - Goodbye

I promise you this.



                     You head towards the roof of your school and lie amongst the floor. Looking up at the great blue sky above you. In your hand was another warm hand in place. The grip gets tighter as you both think into deep thought. You turn your head towards the left and see Jongup lying right beside you.  His side profile was so beautiful to you and him just lying under that light made him illuminate more then he usually did. You both knew the days ahead of you were going to be hard. Both of you weren’t ready to accept it yet. You wanted to stay in this position just a little bit longer. You wanted to be in this dream world for just a little bit more. But you knew that reality was knocking on your door and you had to let go sooner or later. Jongup was leaving tomorrow to go to Canada. His family decided that it was better for them to move there because it was better for Jongup to continue his studies overseas. Plus, his parents were worried for him because he got into constant fights with other students. But, here was the thing about Jongup. He didn’t get into fights because he wanted to. He only got into fights because he was defending you. Many of the students constantly made fun of you because of the way you looked. Ever since you transferred into that new school everyone pointed fingers, mocked you, called you names, bullied you, and harassed you. You were everyones’ toy and they loved playing around with you. But then one day, one boy changed all that. Jongup was the guy who just transferred schools right after you. Everyone thought that he was charming, mysterious, and eerie. People were afraid to approach Jongup but they admired him from afar. He was pretty popular among the ladies but every time someone confessed to him he would break their hearts. Jongup would constantly stare at you every time someone bullied you. Till, it got to one point where he couldn’t handle it anymore.
People constantly kept pushing you around. Passing your body from one person to the other, treating you like a basketball.
“You’re so weird! You should’ve stayed back at your old school!”
“No one wants you here !”
“This is so much fun !”
“Oh my God ! She looks like she’s going to cry soon!”
“Aw is the little baby going to cry soon?!”
Someone grabs onto your hair as they pull you up to the front of the class. Someone yells out, “ Hey! Look” The person points towards your lips. “She’s wearing lipstick for the first time !” The laughter of the students gets louder. The president of your classroom walks towards your direction. She looks at you in the eyes. She brings her hand up forward as she wipes away the lipstick from your lips. 
“Someone pass me their lipstick!” She shouts. 
“Ew. I don’t want my lipstick touching her lips.”
“Just give it to me.”
Someone hands her their lipstick as she takes off the cover of the tube. She places the lipstick upon your forehead as she writes out loser of the year. Everyone laughs in unison like a bunch of disgusting hyenas. You bring your hand across your face as you try to hide the tears from your eyes. These people don’t deserve your tears. They weren’t worth a drop. Then as you were about to walk away two people grab a hold of your hands and bring you back to the front. You beg and you plead for them to leave you alone but no one would listen to your screams of agony. Just then the guy you’ve been crushing on for so long comes up with a bucket filled with water,
“You kind of smell,” he says to your face. “Why don’t we give you a little shower so that you’ll smell a little better?” He dumps the water all over your head as he drops the bucket to the floor. He gives his friends hi5s’ as if he had accomplished something so great. You felt the air around you get heavier as you fall to your knees. Just when your world was crashing down you felt a warm presence around you. You open your eyes to see someones jacket covering you. 
“Bro, I was just kidding around ! Don’t take it too seriously!” You see Jongup, in great rage, holding onto your crushes collar, pinning him up against the wall. Jongup brings his fist in the air and swings it as his fist met his face. Jongup constantly kept beating the guy up. You took all the energy you had left in you and walked your way towards Jongup. You grab his hand and pulled it down. You looked at him in the eyes searching for his sanity. As you looked deeper it was like Jongup wasn’t there anymore….it was like someone else took over his body. When he finally got to his senses he grabs your wrists and brings you to the roof . He finally lets go when he realizes he was holding onto you. 
“Why’d you do that?” You asked.
“Not, even a thank you.” He snickers. You bring your head towards the ground as he bends down and says,
“ I don’t understand why you’re not standing up for yourself…. I remember…..when we were younger you were always the stronger one…. And you would always be the one defending me…. Don’t you remember?…….. Don’t you remember me?”
He looks up towards you as you stare him in the face confused. 
“Remember you?”
“I told you I was going to go get stronger next time we see each other so that when we do meet again…….I would be the one protecting you,” he smiles giving you chills down your spine as you remember who he was. He was the rich kid who would always get bullied for being fat. You would always defend him from the other kids and you two became the best of friends. But then one day he had to leave….. Without leaving you an explanation…..and now…He’s back. You felt yourself tear up as you rushed to hug him.
“You idiot. Why do you only come back now ?”
                       Memories of you and Jongup started to fill your brain. From the moment you first kissed, to the moment he asked you out, from the constant disagreements you two had, from the constant laughs you shared. You try to control yourself from crying because this was the last day you’ll be seeing him and you didn’t want Jongup to see you crying. You didn’t want his last memory of you to be in tears. As the sun finally sets Jongups’ phone rings. 
“Yeah…uh-huh. I’ll be there soon.” He hangs up and turns towards me.
“It’s time to go now,” he says staring at you with those dark sad eyes. He tries really hard to smile. But you both knew that you were just kidding yourselves. You both got up from your spots as you head downstairs and out the building.
“I’ll walk you home,” he suggests.
“It’s alright. I don’t want your parents to get mad at you again.”
“It’s alright. They can wait. Plus…’ll be my last time walking you home. Let’s make every minute count.” As you both walk home no one mentions or budges to talk. You were both too afraid to say anything that might cause the both of you to cry. You finally arrive at your front door and turn towards him.
“Well…this is my house. Good….” You couldn’t seem to bring yourself to say the words ‘goodbye.’ You felt a great big lump forming in your throat as you try to say your farewells.
“G-g-g-oodbye…Jongup-ah.” You slowly felt the tears roll down your face as you looked at the boy you’ve loved . He was going to leave you and you still couldn’t accept that reality. You laugh insanely as you try to wipe the tears away from your face. 
“Sorry… I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” You felt a pair of arms wrap around your body. You lay your head to rest on his chest. You felt his heart beating faster and faster. His tears slowly rolling off his face to your head. You still try your best not to cry but it just keeps getting harder and harder. He pulls away and brings your face to his. He kisses you deeply and passionately hoping you would remember this last kiss. As the kiss became deeper the tears decided to roll out on its own. You’ll never be able to kiss him like this again. You won’t be able to see his face again. You won’t ever get to see his smile again. You pushed his body away from the kiss because the deeper you got the more you wouldn‘t want him to leave. You head for the door without even saying your final goodbye and slammed the door in front of his face. You slid down with your back against the door as you felt Jongup smash his hand against it…..crying out your name.His screams pained you. The only thing separating you now is that door and tomorrow it will be distance. You bring your hand to your mouth as you try your best not to let out any sound escape . Goodbye Jongup-ah. 


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Chapter 3: I have been crying ever since the 1st chapter. oh my god I love touching stories like this. ASDFGHJKL Great story author-nim!!
JustLiv #2
Chapter 3: Really loved the little plot twist at the end! :)
Chapter 3: Author-niiiiiim. I cried. So hard :'(((( great story
Chapter 1: Jonguppp ~ <333
ChiMarie #5
Chapter 3: I love it <3 but I hope the people who bullied her will regret all the crap they caused her ~