When Faith Turns To Blood.


When Faith turns to Blood...


What do you do, when something doesn't go according to plan?

And not just any plan, but a plan that has the potential to save, and destory the world as we know it.


How will you react, when something that was created for good intentions, makes devestating results?

The results of innocent victims murdered each day.


Will you fight, if it means saving thousands of lives, yet up to someone else's mistake?

The mistake, that happened over 50 years ago.


When science goes wrong, how can you fix it?


What happens when someone tries to play God?


73 Saviours.

7,500 Corrupted.


And if the Corrupted win,

Humanity is lost.

And if humanity is lost,

then who will save them?



Can Love save us all?




*Dum-dum DERRR*



Heey GUISE! Sorry for STILL not having done the main pic, but photoshop is being a right b*tch right now (okay, my computer is old and the program advanced), but I'm getting there, I am.

Okay so, first of all, I don't know What I'm doing writing another story when I have 12 EXAMS IN THE NEXT 4 WEEKS England really loves watching its students suffer

So yeah xD Anyways, the chapters for these will be shorter than my Being more than Capable story (10-15 microsoft pages) but longer than my Animal Love story (3-4 pages, with regular updates)







Youngguk POV


It all started when I'd been forced to visit the church for the first time.


I remember how I'd protested against my parents; saying that they were dead wrong about the cause to my 'rebellious attitiude', how a church visit wouldn't change anything. I remember having a shouted arguement with them; ending in tears for them, and blood for me.


I suppose I was wrong... That church visit did change me, although perhaps not in the way that they'd wanted.


I remember when it had finally ended, the choir, the prayers, the ceremony. I remember the sigh of relief when those old doors opened and people began scurrying away, all to busy chatting worhtless talk to another to realize the young boy in the front row having been left behind. That young boy had only found one thing interesting during the entire 3 hours of forced boredom:


The artworks.


Paintings and paintings covering the walls, in thick and thin brushes and dashes of all the colours imaginable.


But there was one painting, in particular, I couldn't look away from:

It wasn't any... different from the rest, I guess. It still had to have a moral message about God or some crap like that to be able to qualify being hanged up on the wall, I suppose. But if there was, I couldn't see it... All I could see was the animal: A snake eating a human, some limbs sticking out of its teeth-filled jaw, blood streaming down its narrow body, coating the ground. The snake, too large to be real, was staring right at the painter, evil clouding its eyes as it devoured the human, its gaze so intense with with pure hatred it almost seemed to be alive... A painting skill obviously used by the artist to frighten its viewer.


But not me, no I was far, far from frightened.


I was intrigued.


See, that young boy had been me, and one painting had changed my entire life.


"What's that?" The young me had asked, mostly to myself.


The priest in the back, packing up the last from todays ceremony, chuckled. "It's a painting to resemble the balance in nature"


I'd cocked my head the side. "How?" I asked. It was so, so strangely beautiful. The predator overpowering its prey, the sense of ulimate  power, of complete dominace.


"The predator is taking its prey; its the cycle of life." He said.


"Is that... Right?" I asked, mesmerized.


"For animals, yes. It's their way of survival..." He said, walking next to me. "It's also a battle between the stronger and the weaker." .


"And for ...humans?"


"For humans, its wrong. In our species, there are no weaker or stronger. We're all equal." He said, walking away.


And you were right, even to today. Except for that last part. That last part, you were very, very wrong.


Looking over the city from above, the electric lights ablaze, shining over the ignorant people as they all carried out their worthless lives, it was more clear than ever: We were all varied within our human forms, in strength, in faith, in survival.


My job, was to rid the world of the weaker, for they, simply did not deserve to live.


I brought my dangling chain-cross to my lips, kissing it lightly. Like the snake today, I had a mission. And like it's food, it was a task for survival.


And with that thought in mind, I leapt from the building...


... Landing the 200 ft drop with both feet squared.








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Chapter 3: Oh wow! Yongguk with his dreams and then how he almost choked Daehyun to death was pretty interesting. And I can't wait to see what is going to happen when they do their raid! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 2: Oooooooo I liked this chapter a lot!!!!! Thanks for the update
Chapter 1: This is amazing!!!!!! I am so excited for the coming chapters and what they will bring. The introduction was excellently written and I can't wait for more!!!!!!!!! <3
4everyung96 #4
Chapter 1: This sounds amazing!
I cant wait to read the first chapter:)
thank you for writing this!