Can't be better than this

What is love?

Bi was dumbfounded at that particular sentence. “M…mweo?” she asked. “I know that this is so sudden but yeah… I’ve been having this crush on you since…. Well since you show up at SM building every day to say ‘hwaiting’ to other people but not me” Sehun explained. “It’s a bit complicated but yeah, that’s how the story is.” He continued.

Bi tried to hold back her laughter, but she disappointed herself. She burst out laughing and said, “THAT trick is not going to get me anywhere, young man.” She said, giggling. “What are you trying to do? You really think I would buy that joke? Psh.” She continued. Sehun stopped, still tucking his hands behind his back, carrying Bi. “You think… that’s a joke?” he said. “I wish.” He murmured.

“Don’t tell me you meant it,” Bi rolled her eyes. “So what if I do?” Sehun said, started walking again. “Then… then nothing.” She said, smiling. “You know, one thing I hate about guys is when they’re lying. So… yeah I’m not going to trust you that easily.” She said again, hands on Sehun’s neck and her head on his shoulders, looking comfy. “How to make you believe what I said?” he asked, stopped again. He chuckled as he tries to gasp for air, since Bi was typically strangling him. Blame inertia.

“Ahhh sorry. You shouldn’t have stopped so sudden,” she giggled. Sehun coughed, but smiled. “Kya doesn’t that mean that you owe me something. That might have cost me my life!” he giggled. “I doubt that,” she chodingly let out her tongue to . “So… you’re not going to answer me?” he asked.

“Molla, I still can’t trust you kkkkk” still laughing, she replied. “What is it that is so…. Funny that you can’t stop laughing? Pabo” he said. “Uh, hello, let me guess, maybe it’s because you ridiculously said that I almost killed you, psh.” She answered. “You sure? It’s not that you’re happy you’re at my back?” he asked. “Nope, not at all!” she lied. “Keurae… in time you would trust me well enough, wouldn’t you?” he stated. 

It's possible. 

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namstarWifeyy #1