
Why me


The van arrives in front of a tall building. The building had so many stories even tilting your head all the way back it seem like you wouldn’t be able to see the top. Jin turns around and says, “Wake up girls”. Jihyun opens her door and then the big door. She reaches for Jiyoon and says, “Jiyoon-ah, wake up.” Jiyoon slowly rubs her eyes and glance at Jihyun, then to Jin and then back to Jihyun. Gayoon also opens her eyes and sees that they had reach their apartment. She turns around and reaches for Hyuna and Sohyun, gently shaking them and saying, “It’s time to get up.” Hyuna and Sohyun both rub their eyes, and the four of them got out of the van. “I’ll meet you guys in your apartment after parking the van”, says Jin. Jihyun nods her head and turns her ensuring her members were walking into the building. She follows behind as her mind where fill with anxious. The 5 member enter the elevator and Sohyun pushes number 6 and the elevator door closes. Hyuna puts her arm around Gayoon’s shoulder and says, “We were awesome out there.” “Yeah”, reply Gayoon and both of them start laughing. The elevator door opens and all of them walk out of the elevator. Sohyun runs toward their room and saying, “I’m going to be taking a shower first.” Jiyoon runs after her saying, “I’m already first.” “You’re always first. I want to be first this time”, say Sohyun.  The both of them push each other as the other three were still walking behind them. When they reach the door, Jihyun reaches for the key that is stash away in her purse. Jiyoon and Sohyun both look at Jihyun’s hand as she slide the card into the machine. Jihyun opens the door and was push to the side as Jiyoon and Sohyun race inside.

Jiyoon and Sohyun both tumble to the apartment silk, smooth granite floor. The both of them brawl each other. Hyuna starts laughing at the both of them and went and sit in front of the tv. Gayoon let out a small laugh and went to her room. “Let go of me”, say Sohyun. “Just give it up”, say Jiyoon as she have her leg wrap around Sohyun’s waist, hands holding Sohyun’s arm up high. Jihyun smiles at their brawl and went into her room. Hyuna quickly glances at Jihyun without her noticing and turns back to the tv. She raises her thumb to her lip and nibbles it while thinking. – What’s wrong with GiGi. She has been acting strange for these past days now. Is she hiding something from us again? I really don’t want to remember what happen when she did that.

 Gayoon opens her door and sees that the two were still brawling each other. She walks over to them and smile saying, “I’ll been taking a shower first then.” She quickly walks to the bathroom ignoring Jiyoon’s calling her to stop. Jiyoon pushes Sohyun to the side saying, “Look at what you did.” Sohyun pouts and says, “But your always first.” Jihyun lies on her bed with her back palm resting on her forehead. She lets out a low sigh loud enough for her to hear. She stares into the pitch black ceiling. The room was pitch black that one could barely see the family photo frame standing on her desk. If you don’t close enough you wouldn’t see the line of the posters and papers that were on the wall. Jihyun turns and look at her family photo and reaches for it thinking – Do I really have to go. I hate talking to the CEO and it’s not that I hate him. It’s just… - Jihyun’s train of thought stops when she hears Hyuna whining about being hungry. She sets her photo down on her desk and walks to the door.

Sohyun gets up and sit down next to Hyuna. The both were busy watching tv and Jiyoon was in her room listening to her ipod. “Ahhh, I’m starving. I could die any minute now”, say Hyuna. Sohyun just looks at her with a weird look, thinking – Unnie doesn’t eat at this time of night. What is she planning to do? – Hyuna glances at Jihyun as she walks out of her room and closing it to head toward the kitchen. “I’m just going to cook ramen. Is that okay”, says Jihyun. “Yeah”, says Hyuna as she glances as at Jihyun quietly without her noticing. Hyuna turns her focus back to the tv and Sohyun snuggle closer to Hyuna whispering, “What was all that about?” Hyuna ignores her for a bit and Sohyun elbows her nonstop. Hyuna leans in and whispers, “Have you notice how strange GiGi is?” Sohyun gives her a weird look and says, “You’re just thinking too much.” “Maybe”, reply Hyuna.

Jihyun puts a pot onto the stove and lets the water boil. As the water boils she begins adding the ramen and its ingredient into the pot. Jihyun watch the noodles carefully not wanting to feed burnt noodle to her lovely members. Gayoon opens the bathroom door and says, “I’m done. – She smells the delicious aroma of the noodle – Something smells good. Are you cooking Jihyun Unnie?” “Yes. Go get change it’s going to be finish in a bit”, reply Jihyun. Gayoon quickly walks to her room and change. Jiyoon looks at her and ask, “What’s with the hurry. Are you going somewhere?” Gayoon shakes her head and says, “We’re having ramen for dinner.” Jiyoon stood up from her seat and walks out of the room and follow by Gayoon. They both squish into the couch sandwiching Sohyun and Hyuna together. Hyuna pushes Jiyoon off the couch saying, “You’re too heavy”, says Hyuna as she refocus her gaze onto the tv. “Why you”, says Jiyoon. She gets up and puts her arm around Hyuna’s neck and says playing around, “What did you said about being heavy.” Hyuna let out a choking laugh saying, “Unnie, you’re being scary.” Jiyoon lets out a scary laugh. Hyuna looks at her and try to push her off but end up falling too. Crash. Sohyun quickly yank her feet up to the couch and look at Gayoon and then to Hyuna and Jiyoon.

Jihyun was at the kitchen focusing on the noodle. As she hums a tune in her head she hears a loud crash coming from the living room. Jihyun quickly turns the heat low and runs toward the living room and ask, “What happen. Did anyone get hurt?” They all turn and look at Jihyun who is worry like a mother. They all let out a laugh and Gayoon reply, “No one is hurt. You just go back and look at the noodle.” Jihyun looks at them and nods her head and went back to the kitchen to look at the noodles. The members start playing around and Jihyun sighs low enough for her to hear only. “Get back over here Jiyoon”, yell Gayoon. Jiyoon runs over to Jihyun and gets behind her back and says, “Help me Unnie. Gayoon is trying to kill me”, says Jiyoon as she sticks out her tongue to Gayoon from behind Jihyun. Gayoon reaches her arm over the side of Jihyun trying to get to Jiyoon. “Ah, be careful not to get yourself burn Gayoon,” says Jihyun as she panic. The both of them ignore her cries. She sighs again and give both of them a small and gentle smack on the side of their head. Both of them looks at her and pout. “Go set the table. The noodle is ready now,” says Jihyun as she refocuses her attention to the noodles. Gayoon grabs the plates and Jiyoon grabs the forks. Both of them walks over to the table and set up the utensil and Gayoon says, “The noodles are ready.” Hyuna and Sohyun both walk over to the table and take their seats. Jihyun walks over carefully with the pot of noodle in her hand and sets onto the table and says, “Let’s eat.” The member digs in into the noodles. After finishing the noodles Sohyun helps Jihyun washes the dish. “Unnie, you look tire. You should go and rest, I’ll wash up the left over”, says Sohyun.  “It’s okay. I’m not that tired anyway”, reply Jihyun as she gives her a small smile.

After a few minutes, both girls had done with the dishes. “I’ll be going in and taking a shower”, says Sohyun.  Jihyun just give her a nod in response. Sohyun skips happily to her room which she share with her three other members. She grabs her towel and went into the bathroom. After cleaning, Jihyun turns off the lights and went into her room. The room was pitch black until she turns on her nightlight, which dimly lights up the room allowing one to see the posters on the wall, papers and photos on her desk. She slowly walks over to her bed and grabs a book from the top of her desk. She flips to her bookmark page and starts reading. After reading a few pages she hears the water turns off and assume that Sohyun was done with her shower. She walks over to her closet and opens the closet door. Her closet was filling with clothes that are neatly organize and folded. She grabs her towel that is hanging on the hanger. She opens her door and steps into the bathroom. After half an hour later Jihyun gets out of the shower and quickly walks over to her room. Jihyun slips into her pajamas and dries her hair and then went to sleep afterwards.

~ The next day ~

Jihyun’s alarm went off and she reaches to her desk to turn off her alarm. She gets up and slowly grabs her towel and head to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, she hangs her towel on the small rack and turns on the warm water. After the water is warm she slowly rinses her face. Letting the warm water roam her face until her face was sparkling and silky clean. She grabs her towel and gently pats it on her face to wipe off the water. After wiping her face dry she walks over to her room. She looks at her cellphone and sees that she stills have 30 minutes left. She quickly changes out of her pajamas. She grabs her black skinny jean, a pale white shirt and black cardigan. She reaches for her purse and walks out of her room. Before leaving the apartment she quickly walks over to her member’s room and opens it. She peeks inside and sees that her members are still fast asleep, and knowing that there isn’t any schedule today they’ll wake up after noon.  She closes the door and walks out the apartment room and lock the door before she proceeds to the elevator that is taking her down to the first floor.

As Jihyun walks out of the building door, she sees Jin outside in the van waiting for her. She opens the door and takes her seat in the passenger sides and asks, “Did you wait long?” Jin glances at her and smiles at her and reply, “No, I just got here.” There was silence in the car. Jihyun was listening to her ipod as her head leans onto the window. She looks outside and lets her mind wonders. Jin glances at her and think – I know that Jihyun is awkward with people but she has never been this quiet around me. Is something wrong with her? – Jin clears his throat and Jihyun removes her ear buds and ask, “Yes.” “Jihyun-ah, don’t be too nervous about the meeting with the CEO. Just relax,” says Jin. “Don’t worry. I’m fine”, says Jihyun as she thinks – if you really know what the meeting is about. You probably wouldn’t say that. – There was silence in the car once again. After a long ride they finally arrive at Cube Entertainment. Jihyun looks at the building and sighs low enough for her to hear, yet Jin hears her sigh. “I’ll be out here waiting for you”, says Jin. Jihyun nods her head and walks out of the van and into the building. She walks up to the elevator and pause for a minute before she decides to push the up button. Jihyun walks into the elevator, pressing onto the number 5 and closing the door in front of her. After a few minutes the elevator stops and the doors open. She walks out and stare ahead of her was the CEO’s office. She slowly walks to the door hoping that all this was a dream and that this talk won’t be happening anytime soon.  She reaches the CEO’s door and she gives a few knock onto the door and waits silently. “Come in’, says the CEO. Jihyun opens the door and steps in. . 

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