The conversation

Why me


Inside the CEO’s room, there was lots of paper that are stack on the CEO’s desk. Jihyun walks over to the desk and waits silently until the CEO says something to her. Jihyun fumble her thumbs together and keeps her gaze on the floor. She was nervous more than ever before. – What is the Mr. Hong going to ask me about this time? Am I going to get yell at or what? – Jihyun thinking to herself. She refocuses her thoughts again when she hears the CEO clears his throat and looks up.

 CEO Hong glances at her and sees Jihyun looking at the ground. He clears his throat and says, “Take a seat.” Jihyun looks up and quickly pull the seat and sit down. Once again the room was silence. CEO Hong puts down the documents and asks, “How is the group doing?” “The group is doing great. Everyone is putting a lot of effort into their parts”, replies Jihyun. “I see”, says CEO Hong as he raises his tangle finger together to his chin and leans on it. Jihyun starts to panic, seeing that pose doesn’t mean a good sign. There was silence in the room, “I hear that you aren’t improving at all in your vocals and the members were misbehaving. It seems that your dongsaeng have caused another uproar again. What do you have to say to this Jihyun?” Jihyun starts fumbling her thumbs again panicking and cold sweats were breaking out. “I’m sorry,” reply Jihyun as she keeps her gaze at her feet. “I told you already that you have to keep your members under control. I’m tired of hearing the problem your group was causing. You were the oldest so I trusted that you will be able to handle them, which is why I selected you as the leader. But I guess I was wrong. You have disappointed me once again Jihyun.” Jihyun held her tears in not letting the CEO, sees how weak and fragile she has become. “Are you just going to sit there and not reply to me?” Jihyun took a deep breath and respond, “I have no right to say anything at this point.” She looks back down again.  “Very well then”, says CEO Hong. CEO Hong sighs and says, “Back to your vocals and dancing. – Jihyun eyes shot open and gaze up to the CEO and listen to what he has to say to her. – You have not improved at all, yet the rest of the member had improved tremendously. You had done nothing to contribute to the group but only let it get in trouble. Since we’re on this topic lets talk about your contract. – CEO Hong pulls out Jihyun’s folder. Jihyun eyes just get bigger and panicking more than ever.

Outside Jin was waiting in the van for Jihyun, as he constantly looks at his watch. “It’s taking longer than I thought. What are they talking about”, Jin ask himself. Jin starts to ponder about the stuff that has been happening lately. The problems among the group and how the CEO hasn’t called him up to talk about the problem he had received. Why all of a sudden Jihyun’s personality has changed. How Jihyun has been acting before the meeting with CEO Hong. Jihyun’s contract is also coming to an end in a few months. How the other 4 members are improving, yet Jihyun only show small sign of improving. Do the other member care for her like she does for them. All these questions where just coming in into his head, like someone has just open the door for it. After piecing all the parts together it hit him hard in the head. “How can it hit me this late in the game. CEO Hong not contacting me, Jihyun’s switch of personality, her contract, and this meeting. He’s planning to let Jihyun go by all this commotion. All this pressure will cause her to leave 4minute,” says Jin as he tightens his fist. All he could do was waiting for Jihyun and ask her what her answer was. 

“It’s seems that your contract will come to an end of next month. Also the promotion for ‘what’s your name’. If you can’t improve I suggest you not to renew your contract. As for the leader, I think Hyuna will do a better job then you. What’s going to be your answer”, says CEO Hong as he holds her document. Jihyun was shock with what CEO Hong has just told her. It took a few minutes for Jihyun to properly digest everything and says, “I understand… I – Jihyun was cut of by CEO Hong saying, “I don’t want to hear your answer right now, since I know what you are going to respond. Go back and think about it. On the day your contract ends come back to me and tell me your answer.” – Yes.” “You may leave now”, says CEO Hong. Jihyun gets up and bow to him before leaving. “You don’t have to come back to report to me”, says CEO Hong. Jihyun can only nods to him. She closes the door behind her and quickly walks to the exit stairs. Once she was inside and no one was insight, she let it all out. Her tears where coming down like there was no tomorrow. How she wanted to stop those tears but couldn’t, and she continues down the stairs.

Kikwang was outside the building wearing a white v shirt and black jeans with his hair slick back. After receiving a phone call he enters the building. As he walks in he notices that the elevator was being fixed. “Just my luck”, says Kikwang as he took the stairs. “I can’t believe I’m being called in by the manager on this rare break we’re having and all the other beast members are busy,” says Kikwang as he continues up the stairs. Kikwang hears someone crying and he tries to see who was crying, but no one was in sight. He stops in her steps and continues walking up the stairs as he paces himself. As he continues to go up he sees a figure. “Is that a ghost or what? There can’t be ghost in broad day light can there be?” Kikwang ask himself. After squinting his eyes for a bit he realizes the figures and that it belong to no one else other than Nam Jihyun.

Jihyun was busy crying that she didn’t realize that Kiwang had spotted her. She wipes off the tears from her already red nose and cheeks, but more tear was just falling down. Kikwang walks over to her and ask, “What’s wrong Jihyun?” “Jihyun looks up and sees Kikwang, and quickly wipes off the tears. “No-hic up-thing –hic up- is wrong. –Hic up- you see….” says Jihyun and without finishing Kikwang pulls her in into a warm embrace. He slowly brushes her hair. Jihyun couldn’t help but let her tears come running down. – Why is Jihyun crying? Who made her cry? – Kikwang let these thoughts sink into his mind as he embraces her. After a few moments, Jihyun gently pushes him away and says, “Thank you, but I must be going now.” “Are you okay”, ask Kikwang as he already know that she isn’t. Jihyun smile and nods at him and walks away. Kikwang looks at her go as her shadow disappear from his sight. Kikwang continues up the stairs once again after he sighs.

~ In the room ~

“Are you guys done with the decoration”, ask Doojoon. “Yeah, the decorations are finish”, reply Yoseob. “Okay. Did you call Kikwang already”, ask Hyunseung. “I did. He said he is coming up right now”, reply the manager. The members were getting into their positions. They hear someone walking down the hall and the door knob turning. Slowly the door opens and everyone in the room sees a silhouette. The silhouette reaches to turn on the lights. Once the lights were turn on everyone jumps up and yells, “Happy Birthday Kikwang!” Kikwang was surprise at was s doing. Everyone sings happy birthday and gives birthday presents. There was talking among each other. Kikwang was laughing at what s was talking and the scene where Jihyun was crying pop into his head. He stops laughing and think about the reason behind why she was crying. “Is something wrong”, ask Junhyung. “Nothing is wrong”, reply Kikwang. The both continue to enjoy the party.

~ Outside ~

Jihyun walks out of the building and sees that Jin was still waiting for her. Jin sees Jihyun walks over to the van through the side mirror. Jihyun opens the door and sees Jin looking at her carefully. Jin starts the car and once again there was silence in the car. Jihyun leans her head onto the window and let the CEO’s word play over and over again in her head. “Jihyun-ah, are you okay”, ask Jin. Jihyun didn’t respond. Jin knows that she had been crying because her eyes were red, and her cheeks were bright pink. After a few minute Jihyun answers, “Jin.” “Yeah”, reply Jin. “You knew what the meeting was about didn’t you”, ask Jihyun. Jin nods his head and respond, “After a few moments after you left to meet the CEO. What did you reply to him?” There was silence in the care and the atmosphere was so thick that you could barely breathe. “I didn’t say anything. The CEO told me to wait until the day comes to give him my reply”, says Jihyun. Jin knows what it means and didn’t ask any more question about it and ask, “What about your members?” “I don’t really know. I don’t want to think about what their answer will be. It might be even harder for me”, reply Jihyun. “I see, but you should tell them how you feel. You might feel better”, says Jin. Jihyun didn’t reply to his question but think about how her members had always acted around her. Sometime they could be so secretive around her or will sometime leave her out on what they were doing. “Jin, could you keep this a secret from them. I don’t want any awkwardness before I make my decision,” says Jihyun. Jin nods and Jihyun says in a low voice, “Thank You.”  Before reaching their apartment Jihyun says, “Stop. I want to get something before going back.” Jin stops the van and says, “I’ll come along.” “It’s okay. I’ll be quick”, reply Jihyun.

Jihyun steps out of the car before Jin could respond to her. Jihyun enters the mini market and says, “Hi ajumma.” “Ah,  I have been doing okay. What about you. You seem to be in lots of stress”, says the lady. Jihyun pause for a bit and smile back to the lady and reply, “I’m okay.” “I see. That’s good to hear then”, says the lady. Jihyun walks around the store looking at her members’ favorite chips and candy. She grabs the stuffs and puts it in her basket. Once she was done she walks over to her cashier. The lady scans the items and says, “It’ll be 20.35.” Jihyun reaches for her purse and hands the lady the money. “Thank you and come again”, says the lady. Jihyun smiles at the lady and walks out of the store. Jihyun begins to walk to the car when 2 girls walk up to her and ask, “Aren’t you Nam Jihyun, the leader of4minute?” Jihyun smiles at the two girl and reply, “Yes, Yes I am. Did you need something?” The two girls smile and handed her a bag and says, “It’s for the members.” Jihyun smile and responds, “I’ll give it to the members. They’ll definitely like what you give them.” Jihyun walks away and hearing one of the girls says, “I heard that the leader was nice, but I never thought that she’ll be this nice.” “Yeah but she got nothing, but only her face and personality”, says the other girl. Jihyun was hurt by their remarks but hold it in not wanting Jin to worry any more. Jihyun opens the door and says, “I’m back.” She sits in the van and Jin asks, “What did you buy?” “Just some snacks for the other. They deserved it after all their hard work”, reply Jihyun as she smiles to Jin. “You too”, reply Jin. “I know. Now let’s hurry back to the apartment. They probably haven’t wake up yet but you never know”, says Jihyun as she smiles to herself.

After a few minutes they arrive at the apartment. “Thank you. Would you like to come in and had a coffee,” ask Jihyun. “Thank you but no thanks. You see I have a date to go to”, reply Jin. “I won’t bother you then. Have a good time then”, say Jihyun smiling. “Yeah. Thank you”, reply Jin. “No problem”, Reply Jihyun as she runs to the door. Jin droves off thinking – hopes nothing happen. – Jihyun walks down her floor. Slowly thinking what her members will think if she had left the group. Will they be happy or sad? She reaches the door and pulls the keys out of her purse. She enters the key into the key hole and turns it. Slowly she opens the door and sees the house all messy. Clothes were all over the living room. There was small faint smear of flours on the floor. Jiyoon was chasing Sohyun with an apron on and a whisk in her hand. Gayoon was in the kitchen yelling, “Yah! Stop chasing her and come and help me!” “Ah, where is Jihyun unnie,” yells Hyuna as she lies on the ground with the tv on. Jihyun was speechless at the shocking scene her eyes lie upon. Slowly she tooks off her shoes and no one has realizes that she was standing in front of the door. Sohyun runs over to Hyuna saying, “Help me unnie.” Hyuna smiles at her and Jiyoon got her by the neck and say, “Didn’t I told you to clean up the mess.” Sohyun raises her hand to hold onto Jiyoon hand. Gayoon walks over and point at them saying, “Yah! Get over here and help me. Geez where is Jihyun.” Sohyun looks up and says, “Oh, it’s unnie.” Everyone turn their gaze over to the door and Gayoon ask, “Where have you been this morning? It’s a disaster without you cooking breakfast for us.” Jihyun was shock at how Gayoon was speaking to her. “So I’m only needed for cooking”, says Jihyun in a low voice that no one could catch what she was saying. “What did you said”, ask Sohyun. “Nothing. Anyway let’s clean up and have some snacks”, reply Jihyun. The members run toward her and grab the bag and say, “After eating.” Hyuna with the bag went straight and sit on the floor with the snacks at hand and the other members sit next to her. Sohyun reaches for the other bag and ask, “Unnie, what is this?” “Oh, that. The fans gave it to me to give it to us”, reply Jihyun.

Everyone starts eating while Jihyun sighs and start cleaning up. – I feels as if I;m the mother of 4 children. Cleaning up after them is tiring. Maybe I should leave. It seems as if I’m not needed. – Jihyun trains of thought stop when Sohyun ask, “Unnie, hyuna won’t share the snacks.” Jihyun walks over and gently smack her head on the side and says, “Share. I bought everyone their snacks.” “Then what about yours”, ask Jiyoon. “I don’t have any’, says Jihyun as she continues to clean up the mess her members cause. The members were so focus on eating and tv that they didn’t realize how pale Jihyun looks. Gayoon glances over to Jihyun and ask, “GiGi, are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine”, reply Jihyun. “Are you sure. I think you should rest. Me and the others will finish up cleaning”, says Gayoon. “Eh, I don’t wanna. I didn’t make the mest at all. It was Jiyoon and Sohyun”, says Hyuna as she pouts to Gayoon and Jihyun. “It’s okay. I’m almost done anyway”, says Jihyun as she stands up.

The moment Jihyun stands up from her position her head was spinning. “Unnie”, says Sohyun. Jihyun drops the item and clothes she was holding and collapse to the ground. The member rushes to her side calling, “Jihyun. Unnie!”  All Jihyun could see was the blur of her member’s face and white ceiling. she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer and decided to close her eyes. Everything was pitch black and the sounds surrounding her started to fade out. Jiyoon violently shook Jihyun and says, “Unnie, Jihyun unnie wake up!” Gayoon quickly runs to her room and grabs her cellphone and call for help. “Hi this is the help line. How may I help you”, say the voice. “I need help immediately. Hurry. Unnie has fainted and she’s burning up”, reply Gayoon. “Help is on the way”, reply the voice. Gayoon quickly runs back out and Sohyun was crying and Hyuna was holding onto her trying to calm her down. Jiyoon held onto Jihyun as she cries. Gayoon was in a turn-oil, she was now the oldest among her members and didn’t know what to do. “It’s okay. I already called for help,” says Gayoon. Everyone look up to her and then back to Jihyun who was lying on the ground sweating and panting for air.  


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