Comeback Stage

Why me


4minute was in their changing room getting ready for their comeback on M Countdown with their new song “what’s your name”. Jihyun is sitting on a chair as the hair stylist was doing her hair.

“Ahhh…get away from me”, yells Sohyun as she runs away from Hyuna. Hyuna chase after Sohyun saying, “Come back here.”

Jihyun sees the both of them running crazy around the room through the mirror. She sighs and palm her face. “Hyuna, stop chasing her around.” Hyuna replies, “She started it first.” Hyuna finally catches Sohyun and lock her head between her arms. “What are you going to do now Sohyun”, says Hyuna,

Sohyun reaches for Gayoon and pleads with puppy eyes, “Help me.” Gayoon looks at her and smile saying, “You shouldn’t have done it.” Gayoon turns back and continue talking to Jiyoon. Hyuna starts knuckling her head with her right hand, and Sohyun struggle to get free but it was futile.

The stylist was done tying her hair into a ponytail with some hair left untie. Jihyun gets off her chair and walks over to Hyuna and smack her head. Hyuna turns and look at Jihyun and pouts at her saying, “Unnie.” “Didn’t I tell you both not to play around too much”, says Jihyun. Hyuna starts doing her aegyo and so did Sohyun, both trying to make their leader smile. Jihyun smiles and the both of them hug her.

One of the crew a member come in and says, “4minute in 5.” The members gather together and the makeup and hair stylist crew hurry and did their last minute touch before the members going up and perform on their stage. The younger members start playing around and Jihyun stood still as they fix her mike.

~ Flash Back ~

Jihyun was sitting in CEO Hong Seung Sung’s office with his desk separating the both of them. Jihyun keeps her gaze on the ground while CEO Hong looks at his pile of documents stack on his desk. After a few moment of silence CEO Hong asks, “How is the group coming along?” Jihyun looks up and reply, “They’re doing okay and is having lots of fun together. They are all hard workers.” “I see. It’s been almost 5 years since you guys have debut.” says CEO Hong. “Yes”, reply Jihyun. “Yet you can’t keep them under control at all”. Jihyun could only look down, too afraid to look up at their CEO’s face. She knew what face he was making without looking at him. “You’re the leader of the group, and it seem like you aren’t trying to prevent the commotion at all. What have you been doing all the time your members are making a commotion? You need to step up to the plate and make sure you get your members under control. Do you hear me”, says CEO Hong as he tries his best not to raise his voice at her but it was useless. Jihyun just nods to his lecture. “If I receive another report about 4minute creating a problem again you’ll be hearing from me.” Jihyun nods again. “You can leave now”, says CEO Hong as he glance back to his documents. Jihyun nods and turn around and took a few steps before CEO Hong says, “You are to report your improvement twice every month starting next week.” Jihyun nods again and quickly walks out of the office. She took the elevator down but it stops at level 5, and Gikwang enters the elevator. He turns and looks at Jihyun and sees that she looks down. “Are you okay”, ask Gikwang. Jihyun turns around and give him a small smile and reply, “Yes, I’m fine.”

~ Flash Back Ends ~

Jihyun returns to the present as she hears a loud crash. Jiyoon accidently bump into Sohyun causing her to bump into one of the staff and a loud crash was heard. Everyone took a look and sees the staff on the ground with the makeup and comb scatters onto the ground. Jin Taek turns around and asks, “What happen?” “It was an accident. It won’t happen again”, says Jihyun as she bows. Jin Taek just raises his brows and look at look at the younger members.

“After a year leave, they have come back with an electro hip hop song. Let’s welcome 4minute and their song ‘what’s your name’”, says the mc. 4 minute forma small circle and put their hand in the inner circle and says, “4minute fighting!” They went up on the stage and starts dancing. The crowds went crazy as the music begins to play.

After the performance is finish, 4minute went back to their room. “An awesome performance you guys did out there”, says Jin Taek. “Thank you”, says Gayoon. The members were all talking about their performance and it is full with laughter. The staff was smiling and enjoying the happiness that was spreading among the girls. Some staff glances at them in annoyance. Jihyun stop laughing. “It’s time to go girls”, says Jin Taek. The girls bow and walk out of the room. Jihyun turns around and bow saying, “Thank you and sorry for the disturbance that happen earlier. I’m sorry once again.” The staff looks at her and Sohyun comes back for Jihyun and link their arms together saying, “What’s taking you so long. Let’s go already.” They both bow again and left the room which was full of staffs. the both of them walk down the hall trying to catch up to the rest of 4minute. Jihyun sit in the front seat next to their manager. Gayoon and Jiyoon in the center. Sohyun and Hyuna both sat at the back of the van. The members were tired that they fell asleep instantly as their manager starts the car and drive away. Jin makes sure that the other members were fast asleep and says, “Jihyun-ah.” “Yeah”, reply Jihyun. “You’re doing great. You know that right?” says Jin. Jihyun nods her head in response. There was a small silence before Jin asks, “It’s tomorrow right?” Jihyun nods again and ask, “Can you come and get me tomorrow?” “I’ll come and get you tomorrow at 8. So be ready by then”, says Jin. “Okay”, Jihyun whisper so low that Jin almost couldn’t hear her response. 

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