Who's Your Favorite?

Uncle Seungri! Papa Youngbae!

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" Youngbae started hearing little voices as he walked down the hallway with EunMi. She stopped talking, and at the same time they both turned around and saw the two little kids running towards them.



"Jae-hwa!" Youngbae shouted as he picked up the first one to get to him, "Jung-hwa!" he then picked up the other. "I missed you guys!" Jae-hwa grew a cheeky smile as he wrapped his arms around Youngbae's neck and hugged him. Finally he got to see his favorite uncle, and not...Seungri.



"Don't care," Jung-hwa said in a monotone voice as he shook his head. This kid never comes up to him just by wanting to. If he comes to Youngbae, it better earn him something rather than those 'I miss you' or 'You've grown so much'. "How's Eunji?!"



"I'm not going to tell you," Youngbae said as he handed Jung-hwa to EunMi, who he favors, a lot. Immediately, the boy cuddled up to her as if she's the softest teddy bear he has ever hugged. Youngbae always seems to be offended by this.



"Eh?! Wae?!" Jung-hwa's eyes burst open as Youngbae's words finalize in his three year old brain.



"Because...just because," Youngbae said as he motioned EunMi to start walking again to his office.



"You always say 'just because'! You need to give me a reason!! I wanna know!" Jung-hwa wailed as EunMi started to have a hard time carrying the child as he squirm around.



"She's doing really well, Jung-hwa. She's in school right now, studying her very best," EunMi answered, not wanting Jung-hwa to accidentally smack her in the face with his clenched fist. And now she suddenly miss Eunji, who hates her and don't ever want to be near her, unlike Jung-hwa.



"Ah! Chincha?!" Jung-hwa asked brightly with his cheeky smile rather than his everyday furious look. Gosh, this kid is going to get wrinkles in a young age if he keeps on glaring and frowning everyday.



EunMi was cut off by Youngbae's phone ringing. He took out his phone, and not looking at who it was, he immediately answered it.






Youngbae let out a groan as he felt his ear about to explode. "What?! Damn, Seu--" he let out a scream once he felt a pinch on his sides. He then looked at Eunmi with a glare.



"There are kids," she murmured.



"Seungri, it's early in the morning, don't scream so loudly. What do you want?" Youngbae asked in a rather angered tone. He never changes.



"I...I..." Seungri sounded as if he was both panicking and in verge of bursting into loud cries.



"You what?" Youngbae asked as he rolled his eyes looking at Jae-hwa who was shaking his head no, disapprovingly of basically Seungri just being Seungri. When Jae-hwa is with Youngbae, everything he admired about Seungri changes, that's why he's acting like this.



"I..I lost the kids!!" Seungri shouted back as he started panting. "What am I gonna do?! I can't lose the kids! Hyung will kill me! Noona will bury me alive! And...and...my Chaerin will never marry me and have kids with me because I'll be dead by then!! HYYUUUNNNGG!! Help me!"



"Is JiHye with you?" Youngbae asked as he rolled his eyes.



"Yeah..." Seungri answered weakly as if he just realize that his life span has decreased dramatically.



"Come to my office with the girl, you irresponsible pabo," Youngbae said as he hanged up the phone with a furious look. He then looked at Jae-hwa with surprise. His eyes were shinning as his hands were clasp together staring at him in admiration. "Wae?"



"Uncle! You are sooo cooool!!" Jae-hwa shouted as he grew a big ear to ear smile. "When I grow up, I want to be just like you!!" the little boy the squealed as he hugged Youngbae tightly.



"So...why didn't you take care of the Kwon kids instead of the Choi's?" EunMi asked as she carried Jung-hwa, who seems to already have fallen asleep in her arms. Weird kid. Then again, he's parents is Kwon Jiyong and Sandara Park, so...maybe this was expected.



"Because..." Youngbae left his mouth hanging as he stared at EunMi thinking of something. "It wouldn't be a fair challenge for both me and Seungri if I took care of the Kwon kids. They are close to me. Seungri isn't close with any of the children. Do you see why Chaerin doesn't want to have kids with him this early?"



"Now that I am thinking about it, why did Jiyong and Dara let Seungri take care of their kids when they know him perfectly well?" EunMi asked as they turned a corner.



"Believe it or not, the Kwon kids can fend for themselves, you just have to feed them and everything else is up to the kids. So I don't really get why Seungri is having such a hard time," Youngbae tilted his head to the sides in question.



"Uhh maybe because these children are very hard to handle because they feel like Seungri is easy to pull tricks and pranks on and would have the heart to let them do whatever they want," EunMi answered for him. "Unlike you."



"Seungri is just way too gullible and uh kind-hearted then," Youngbae answered as he shrugged.



"A child only plays with a child."







Seungri ran as fast as he can towards the office that he forgot one little thing.



"PANDA!!" JiHye shouted as she folded her arms with a furious look. It was unbelievable even for a three year old. She was forgotten when she was clearly there! Even if she only existed in this world for three years, all her life, she hated being invisible by those who treat her preciously. "Are you forgetting something?! Or SOMEONE?!"



"Right!" Seungri said as he completely stopped and turned his heels to jog back to the little girl. "Sorry sweetheart, I'm just in panic." Seungri said as he picked up JiHye and gave her an apologetic kiss on the head.



"Panda, you should take a pill," JiHye said patting Seungri on the head.



"Where did you hear that from?" Seungri asked.



"Oh, Umma says it a lot to Appa whenever he is...uh crazy," JiHye said as she then patted Seungri on the head again. "And that too....But there's some more, but I think only Kitty can do that for you..."



"Ah, I get it. I get it, thank you sweetie, you are such a great kid," Seungri said as he let out a chuckle.



"Ah, umm, Panda?" JiHye pulled on Seungri's tie as she looked down. Her facial expression was new to Seungri...it felt sad and lonely. Her eyes watered a little as her lips form a pout as if she was thinking something sad but holds it in. He's familiar with those expression. Chaerin always wears those kinds when they first met.



"Yes babygirl?" Seungri asked as he slowly walked over to Youngbae's room. "What's wrong?"



"Uncle," JiHye started as her bottom lip trembled as she held onto his tie tighter. "I...JiHye is always going to be your favorite niece right?"



"Of course, wae?" Seungri asked looking at the little girl suspiciously.



"No," JiHye shook her head as she looked around. "I mean, I will always be your favorite and never Jung-hwa oppa and Jae-hwa oppa right?" She then folded her arms as she finally looked at Seungri eye to eye with a scowl. "You have to promise!"



"Why?" Seungri asked, confuse to why he had to promise her. JiHye didn't say anything else as he opened the door to Youngbae's office. "Hyung!"



"We had your other two kids hostage the whole entire time," EunMi said as she let out a giggle carrying Jung-hwa in her arms, who was sleeping.



"Oh thank god!" Seungri let out all the tension he built up trying to find those two with a relieved sigh. "Hyung! You could have told me they were with you the whole entire time!! Gosh, I made myself look like a fool! And I have been so much in panic that I might get wrinkles on this perfect, handsome face of mines earlier than planned. Hmmph!"









"Duh!" Seungri said as JiHye shook her head.



Seungri the notice that Jae-hwa was laying on his stomach on Youngbae's office table playing something on Youngbae's Ipad. That is until it suddenly turned off leaving the small boy to gasp too dramatic to be even called a gasp. "It died!!" He pointed at it with his eyes widen to it's limit as he looked at Youngbae with his jaw dropped.



"Sorry bud, I told you to go charge it," Youngbae said as he grew an eye smile as he ruffled Jae-hwa's hair.



"I have to go to work," EunMi stated as she looked at the sleeping baby on her arms. "But this cutie pie...what should I do?"



"Stupid oppas," JiHye mumbled under her breathe as she looked away from her brothers in which Seungri notice.



"JiHye?" Seungri asked looking at the little girl. "Are you jealous of your brothers?"



"No...!" JiHye shook her head. "Why would I be jealous of them? Panda, you must be really dumb to think that."



"Okay then," Seungri said nodding as he looked over to the other two. He then started to realize something he was completely oblivious to.



Seungri remembered the time when he visited the Kwons months ago with Chaerin. Jung-hwa would always follow Jiyong everywhere, while Jae-hwa, being the mama's boy, followed Dara everywhere while JiHye would try to communicate with Seungri and Chaerin.



Right now, Jung-hwa is with EunMi, who he likes very much and who is always with whenever his father isn't around. Jae-hwa would always be in Youngbae's office playing around, but never bothered the latter unless if he needs something. While JiHye always tries to find someone to be with and if she can't she would always enter her father's office and play in the corner.



Now he gets why JiHye gets really excited when Seungri is around and always runs for him whenever he shows himself. Or even ask for many things from him, which he would gladly give to her, unless if its impossible to get of course, like the tiger he promised.



JiHye was lonely and felt unwanted. She wanted to be someone's favorite to, so that's why she asked Seungri before. "Hey, Tiger," Seungri spoke up as he looked at JiHye who was looking at the ground sadly. "I promise." JiHye looked up at Seungri confused as he let out a chuckle and gave JiHye a peck on the forehead. "Want to talk to Kitty?"



"Can I?" JiHye asked as her eyes widen and sparkled. Seungri nodded as he took out his phone and headed out the door.



"Anything for you, baby Tiger."

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swttwnkl #1
please update? it's been so long and this is so cute!
Chapter 8: how evil bom kkk xD
poor yongbae hahah

aishh my lovely couple ririn why so cute ><
n yes seungri is creeper ckckc xD
hanbinxxi #3
Chapter 8: I wanna hear a phonecall from the great kwon jiyong.. Lol
hanbinxxi #4
Chapter 8: I wanna hear a phonecall from the great kwon jiyong.. Lol
Chapter 8: no jiyong and dara phone call?
hahahaha creepy seungri
swttwnkl #6
Chapter 8: ahaha creeper!
Chapter 7: kwon kids so weird lol

nice update!!! seungri's becoming more like a father now, yeeeeeeeey!
hanbinxxi #8
Chapter 7: Aigoo~~ jealous little girl. So cute duncha worry kid you've got your Panda and I'm sure your mom and dad loves you three more than anything else in the world.. I am so engrossed to read story with kids, esp Kwon kids.. Lol!
hanbinxxi #9
Chapter 7: Aigoo~~ jealous little girl. So cute duncha worry kid you've got your Panda and I'm sure your mom and dad loves you three more than anything else in the world.. I am so engrossed to read story with kids, esp Kwon kids.. Lol!
fydapanda #10
Chapter 7: aww~jihye is jealous ? but im jealous of you sweetie bec you got panda there =D hihi. and cant wait when seungri hv his own kids..update soon ! hee