Morning Disaster

Uncle Seungri! Papa Youngbae!

Youngbae yawned as he felt the warmth of the sunlight outside of his windows. It took his a couple seconds for his eyes to open. But when it did, he notice a few things. There's something clawing on his arm. There's something heavy on his chest. He felt his shirt...wet with something. Snores that did not belong to him. And then he notice, it was still dark.


"What?" Youngbae asked himself as he tried to fix his vision in the dark. His free arm slowly raised as he felt his shirt and the first thing he felt is warmth soft thing. Then he remembered. He has kids living in his house. "Woobin? Eunji? Who are you?" he asked as he felt the little kid on his chest. His hands traveled to its' hair an notice it was short and curly. "Woobin."


He soon heard mummbling from his sides. ".....Appa....."


Youngbae wore a poker face as he stared into the ceiling hearing the soft breathing girl. "Eunji."


He wanted to sit up so bad, but he felt that if he did, he would wake the kids up. So he looked to his sides, to look at his digital clock. It was only five in the morning, three hours earlier than his usual time.


"What is that?" Youngbae asked as he felt something on his shirt. Then, just like a lightbulb, Youngbae's face scrunched up in disgust. "Woobin...are you drooling on me?" He asked knowingly that he wouldn't get a response. Slowly with one arm, he carried Woobin off of him and to his sides. When he succesfully did that, he tried to prey his arms away from the petite girl, which is a lot easier.


"Hyung, noona, is this how you feel everyday?" Youngbae asked as he sat up and wiped his face with his hands as he sighed. "Do you seriously wake up this early in the morning and...."


"School starts very early for them, oppa. Around six you have to wake them up. Give them breakfast, unnie should have told you what they usually like. Afterwards, make sure they brush their teeths for two minutes and then get them dressed, neatly. Woobin is very cautious about his hair, while Eunji always needs to have a hairband and her ice cream bobby pin. You have to, have to, fix their hair on your own. Don't trust the kids to do it themselves! All this should be done in less that 45 minutes. Now after all that, make sure they have everything in their backpacks; homework, pencils, erasers, paper, and of course their lunch...ah! Lunch! Yes. You pack Woobin corn bread muffins. You only have to microwave them oppa. And for Eunji, pack her some sweets and a peanut butter sandwich. Don't give the kids ice cream and corn! Just a big no-no!...I think that's about it. If you have any question, just call. Just remember that school starts at 7:20 and I'll send you the directions. Bye oppa."


"I guess I have to get ready too," Youngbae said as he closed his eyes, both cheeks on his fists, elbow propped on his knees trying to remember every word Minzy told him. "I love these kids, but I didn't know their schedules are so pack."


"Afterschool, which is at twelve, Eunji has violin practice and Woobin has piano practice. That will be an hour and half. There practices are usually held in the Choi Corporation building, so you know where that is. Just ask the clerk where the room is, and they'll lead you there. Afterwards, Eunji has gymnastics and Woobin has taekwondo classes. Both classes are held in different locations, so you have to manage your time wisely. You will have to pick up Woobin first then Eunji, two hours later. Please don't pick up Eunji late, she gets easily scared. Give them snacks once you are in the car with them, and give them twenty minutes to finish everything. After that, drive to the Kwons...I think Seungri oppa will be there with the Kwon kids. They will have a play date for an hour. Then drive home, and make sure, they do their homework right afterwards before you give them dinner. After dinner, a bubble bath, and then make them brush their teeth, then sleep after drying their hair. Remember that they should be asleep by 9:30. Do you got it?"


"That's so much," Youngbae said as he ruffle his hair. Good thing that he put Minzy in record in case he gets lost between time schedules. "I don't have to do this when I was a kid. I was free from four to ten. The Choi's are really something."


Youngbae looked back at the kids with a gentle smile. They looked very cute when they sleep. Getting out of his bed, he turn back to the kids. He grabbed the blanket and tuck them inside. "I'll be back in an hour, Papa just needs a lot of coffee," Youngbae said as he ruffled Woobin's hair and kissed Eunji on the forehead.






Seungri shot up from the bed as he heard a sudden crash. And then another one, waking up Chaerin, who also sat up.


"What was that?" Chaerin asked looking at Seungri in horror.


"This is not good," Seungri whispered as he quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of his room. He heard another crash from his kitchen and ran as fast as he could. Panting, he stopped to see JiHye with her eyes widen, while Jae-hwa's hand on his mouth. You can see fear in their eyes. "What are you two doing here?"


"It was his fault!" JiHye shouted pointing at Jae-hwa as her eyes widen in completely fear and utter shock. 


"What?! NO!" Jae-hwa shouted back as he looked at Seungri, then at JiHye, then back at Seungri shaking his head no, trying to tell him that he's innocent.


Seeing a broken plate, bowl, and glass, he quickly picked up the two from the ground and walk out the kitchen. He then walked over to the living room and put them down the couch. "What happen?" Seungri asked.


"JiHye wanted to make some pancakes. I told her to wake you up, but she said the door's close..." Jae-hwa said as she played with his fingers looking down at his lap.


"But...I...But oppa said he was hungry and that he wanted pancake!" JiHye shouted as she glared at her brother. "I wasn't going to cook, I swear!"


"What happen?" Chaerin asked as she walked down the stairs with Jung-hwa on her arms, still asleep.


"I guess they broke somethings in the kitchen trying to make batter for pancakes, but got into a few accidents," Seungri said as he checked for any injuries on the two. "Did you two get hurt?"


"No Panda," Jae-hwa said shaking his head no. 


"Next time, wait for me to wake up," Seungri said as she wipe the flour off of JiHye's cheeks. "I'll leave the door open, so you can wake me up as well. Then I'll make you pancakes."


"Baby, you can't cook," Chaerin reminded him as she sat down on a couch with Jung-hwa resting on her chest.


"And your auntie can make pancakes," Seungri corrected himself with a sheepish smile. Chaerin nodded at the two as they show their bright smiles. "Now, stay here, I'll go clean up the mess, just play or watch t.v, arasso?" Seungri asked as he ruffled Jae-hwa's hair and stood up to clean the kitchen.


"'s time to wake up," Chaerin whispered to Jung-hwa rocking him a bit so he could wake up. His eyes slowly opened and then closed when he yawned loudly. He started to rub his left eye with his index finger as he blinked a few times, hands on both of Chaerin's shoulders, not knowing where he is. He then looked back at Chaerin, blinking in confusion. And then leaned and rest his head on her shoulder, forehead on her neck, as he went back to sleep. " are so cute..."


"See, oppa isn't a big boy after all," JiHye said as she climbed down by the couch, which took her some time, considering that she's really small. She then ran over to Jung-hwa, followed by Jae-hwa. She then took another challenge as she tried to climb up the couch.


"'re oppa might get mad Tiger, we don't want the werewolf Jung-hwa do we?" Chaerin asked her. JiHye giggled and shook her head no as she took her brother's hand and played with it. 


"Kitty..." Jae-hwa shook Chaerin's hand as he looked up at her with those puppy dog eyes. When Chaerin looked at him, she fell in awe on how cute he was. "Do you love Panda?"


"Very much," Chaerin said with a smile forming.


"Are you two married?" JiHye asked with her head tilted to the sides.


"Not yet, but we will soon be," Chaerin answered.


"Appa said that if Tiger is a good girl, Tiger will become a flower girl for Kitty. What's a flower girl?" JiHye asked.


" means you will be one of my little kittens during my wedding. You'll be dropping flowers on the aisle when you walk," Chaerin explained.


"Kitty, when will the stork give your baby?" Jae-hwa asked as he sat on his knees looking over his sleeping brother.


"Huh?" Chaerin asked looking at Jae-hwa. She couldn't help but laugh a little. Guess the three have asked the famous question 'Where do babies come from?' and then the famous answer 'Well a bird called a stork will deliver the baby to us'. "Oh, I don't know yet."


"Hmm...Tiger wants to be a bribe to," JiHye said as she pouted.


"Then who would your groom be?" Chaerin asked.


"Oh, Woobin said he would be Tiger's groom. We promise each other that we will get married someday," JiHye said as she giggle. "I think Woobin would be a great husband for Tiger, because he is cute."


"What about you, Jae-hwa, who will be your bride?" Chaerin asked.


"Eunji," Jae-hwa nodded proudly.


"No," Jung-hwa hissed as he pushed his brother hearing what they're talking about. "Eunji is mine!"


"Nuh-uh!" Jae-hwa said as he pushed his brother back.


"Hey now, don't fight. We don't even know if Eunji wants to marry yet," Chaerin said calming down the two way faster than Seungri can.



While this happens, Seungri watch his fiance talk to the kids, with her bright gorgeous smile. "I'm so happy you'll be the mother of my children," Seungri whispered as he grew a heart warming smile, still watching them. "I love you, Chaerin."

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swttwnkl #1
please update? it's been so long and this is so cute!
Chapter 8: how evil bom kkk xD
poor yongbae hahah

aishh my lovely couple ririn why so cute ><
n yes seungri is creeper ckckc xD
hanbinxxi #3
Chapter 8: I wanna hear a phonecall from the great kwon jiyong.. Lol
hanbinxxi #4
Chapter 8: I wanna hear a phonecall from the great kwon jiyong.. Lol
Chapter 8: no jiyong and dara phone call?
hahahaha creepy seungri
swttwnkl #6
Chapter 8: ahaha creeper!
Chapter 7: kwon kids so weird lol

nice update!!! seungri's becoming more like a father now, yeeeeeeeey!
hanbinxxi #8
Chapter 7: Aigoo~~ jealous little girl. So cute duncha worry kid you've got your Panda and I'm sure your mom and dad loves you three more than anything else in the world.. I am so engrossed to read story with kids, esp Kwon kids.. Lol!
hanbinxxi #9
Chapter 7: Aigoo~~ jealous little girl. So cute duncha worry kid you've got your Panda and I'm sure your mom and dad loves you three more than anything else in the world.. I am so engrossed to read story with kids, esp Kwon kids.. Lol!
fydapanda #10
Chapter 7: aww~jihye is jealous ? but im jealous of you sweetie bec you got panda there =D hihi. and cant wait when seungri hv his own kids..update soon ! hee