Aasah!! RunningMan here we come!!

Exo- the bunch of freaks

Gangnam, Seochogu penthouse

When Manager Choi came back to their penthouse again, he was apalled to see all the exo members packing up their clothes and stuff to bring to Jeju.

"Wow! You guys really are obedient now. Is it because you guys are shooting for your favorite programme? Haha.." Grinned Manager Choi.


On the van to Jeju Island, 3pm

All the Exo members were barely listening to Manager Choi's naggy instructions. He was apparently telling them what to do at the studio. The only thing that they heard was probably that there Manager Choi was not going to be with them during the shooting.. 

''OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT!! MY NUMBER OF FAN CLUB MEMBERS HAVE DECREASED BY 5!! I BET THE GIRLS AT THE CLUB WERE THE ONES WHO LEFT!'' whined Kai as he scrolled his Iphone uncontrollably at how so many ppl were upset with his absence at the club yeaterday.

''Shut up will you? I need some peace to think of what to say to Ji Hyo noona! I'm her biggest fan!!'' cried Gyung Soo . All the exo members were wearing a sleepy look but were also quite hyper as they could not wait to meet Running Man!!

Jeju Island, reached destination, Running Man studio

''Okay Exo! We are here! Remember to be kind to your seniors and get an autograph of Kim Jong Kook for me, will ya? See you later at 10pm right here. Suho is in charge. Any questions?'' Manager Choi said.

Exo shook their heads and headed for their changing room. Their coordinaters did some last minute make up for them and got them ready for their mission.


''DAEBAK!! really? Exo for running man? And they are all in my team? Aasah!!'' screamed Ji Hyo in delight.



Sorry for updating so late =.=

and for having 4 places in one chapter.. haha you travelled to so many places with Exo today..

plz dun leave me my suscribers.. I'll try to update more often.. School is taking up all my time:(

and plz suscribe, comment and be my friend!!

stay tuned for the next chapter

love you,










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Lettice #1
Chapter 3: OMG I love it!! Update soon~~
Lettice #2