26 Ready to take next step?

River Flows in Me

ChaeRin sneak back and made sure JiYoung left before she entered into the tiny café with shabby doors. Inside the café was filled with smoke and strong scant of coffee. The warm room with orange walls was lined up with small tables filled with weird looking artist and some old men. She walked to the counter behind where a young girl with red hair cleansing glass with a white towel.

“Is JoonYoung here?” ChaeRin asked in low voice but the girl looked at her with a huge surprising eyes.

“ChaeRin-unnie!” her lips formed a wide O that she saw an unexpected person before her. ChaeRin tagged a faint smile at the corner of her lips and her head turned to the deep corner of the room where the girl’s eyes shifted.

JoonYoung was easily spotted at a small table with two girls with great bodies sitting surrounding him and listening with a great interest to what he was making up talking. ChaeRin crooked her brows and eyed the man who was not changing ever and same playboy as before.

“JoonYoung-oppa, your girlfriend is here for you!” The girl behind the bar shouted cheerfully and shot back a fierce glare at the two girls who looked sourly at her.

“Where have you been unnie? It’s been long time that you disappeared. We miss you like hell!” When she satisfied with throwing thorns at those girls, the red haired girl turned her attention back to ChaeRin.

ChaeRin tried not to look at the man who was now walking lazily towards them. Instead she flick a smile at the girl.

“I planned to live in Seoul from now on. Have you still got the gallery’s keys Yuri? Can I have them back?” She bit her lower lips and asked for young girl’s favor.  Yuri seems quiet surprise.

“Why not! It’s yours unnie. Are you planning on reopened it? If you do, please let me know. Me also have enough collection for next show.” The girl excitedly talked with her eyes scanning the drawer below and pulled out a tag of keys with colorful key chain.

“What made you come and find me? Finished break up with him?” JoonYoung who was now standing beside her with his elbows propped on the bar, asked her with a nonchalant voice.

ChaeRin decided just to ignore his question, controlled her emotions and faced him. A nasty smile was plastered on the tall man’s face.

“Can I talk to you for a moment?” She gestured him to move out. Yuri was continue talking without noticing the tension before her.

“Unnie, you should scold him. He’s worse than ever lately. He flirts with everyone in skirt…..” But she was cut by JoonYoung.

“That’s enough girl. Back to your work and take care of customers, especially that two young ladies.” He wiggled towards the girls plainly staring at them. “I’ll be back soon.”

He walked ahead and opened the door for ChaeRin. ChaeRin eyes squinted by the strong evening sunlight. JoonYoung’s steps were heading towards somewhere ChaeRin was familiar with.

“We can talk at nearby park.” She protested but JoonYoung didn’t bother to look back and still continue walking with increasing his pace.

“Will you promise that you won’t shout me in face or argue out loud? I can’t afford taking any risk baby. I’m now famous. I can’t end up in tabloid with bold black letters.”

 He entered into the building around the corner and walked towards the lift. ChaeRin didn’t want to but she has no choice. She hesitated for a second before she determined that she really need to talk to that guy. She followed him to the seventh floor where his room situated.

JoonYoung opened the door for ChaeRin and let her in first. ChaeRin raised her brows when she realized the room was clean and comfort. That she can sense someone, most probably a girl, must be living here with him now since she know well that he’s not the person who would keep his room spotless clean.

“I kicked her out yesterday.” JoonYoung talked as he can read ChaeRin’s mind. It took a while for ChaeRin to understand who he referred to.

“I was mad and she’s not helping. You know, I hate talkative chicks. That girl is disaster even her ageyo can’t save her.” He talked like it was a normal thing but the feeling of disgusting was crawling under ChaeRin’s skin.

“I’m not asking you.” She made him shut up. JoonYoung chuckled airily at her.

“That’s why I love you. You never put your nose in every other stuffs.” ChaeRin hated him talking especially when he used the word love easily.

“I’m here because for only one thing I want to ask you.” JoonYoung plopped in the couch and looking up at her. ChaeRin swallowed down the lump forming in .

“Why’d you come back?” She tried to asked in cold voice.

“Because I love you.” JoonYoung answered without hesitation. ChaeRin already expected he would give this reason and this is very unacceptable for her.

“Don’t give me that stupid answer. I wanted to know the exact cause after you left in my worse and now you come back again. Do you think I’m that easy?” She can’t control the shaking at the end.

JoonYoung shifted uneasily on the couch and biting his inner cheek. He breathed in heavily.

“I know it’s hard for you. I don’t want to give reason for why I left you at that time because I don’t want to look good, for more over I don’t want to look like that I want to look innocent out of crime. You was severely ill at that time baby. I was poor, broke, not even a penny in my pocket.” He faced palm and rubbed his cheek roughly.

“It’s hard for me to stand and watched you suffer helplessly. I decided to leave you in case I thought you would go back to your family if I was gone. They can give you proper care that I can’t. But you proved I was wrong. I only heard about you stubbornly stay at the spot where I left you and your health became worse and worse. I came back at that news. I came back to you.” He paused and tilted his neck to hide his tears that started pooling in his eyes.

ChaeRin was shocked. Her heart felt sting. No, it’s not sting, it’s pain. Although she was suffered for more than enough and hate him for long time that her heart was too numb to feel everything, she surprisingly found herself that she’s in pain.

“But you were not there anymore. I heard you met your mom and stayed with her.”

“Then why don’t you followed me at that time.” ChaeRin bitterly asked. She find it’s hard to believe his every words.

“Because I know the exact reason why I left you. I can’t be with you if I’m still the same poor dirt without a penny who’s just trying to persuade his dreams. I need money. I need to be strong enough to take care of you. So, I decided to continue walking my path alone before I’m perfect to be with you again.” He sighed and stood up. He closed the pace between them thus his height was towering over her.

“I’m now ready baby. I’m now famous. I signed contract with CJ and ready to debut before end of this year. I earn enough to take care of you this time.” He cupped her face and looked into her brown orbits.

ChaeRin pulled away his slender fingers that creasing her cheek which stained with tears before she can know.

“How’d you find out I went to hospital?”

JoonYoung’s eyes moved away from strong gaze.

“I stalked you since I heard your return. I need to arrange everything to be certain before I can present on you.” He bit down his lower lip. ChaeRin heart was confused with sorrow and hate for him.

“When I accidently found out you are dating with G Dragon, I had to change my plans everything from start. You know, Psy-hyung persuaded me to come YG and I was nearly signed the contract with them.”

“What?!!” ChaeRin can’t believe what she just heard.

“But I refused and considered to make contract with CJ instead. If I want to win you back from G Dragon, it’s impossible to work under the same roof, especially when he is the prince of that company.” He chuckled lightly and stepped back.

ChaeRin stared into his face. She thought he is not Jung JoonYoung that she familiar with : carefree, witty and playboy. He was another Jung JoonYoung that she never knew. But everything was over now and she hated that she can’t feel the way that she supposed to be.

She backed off for a step away from him and avoid JoonYoung’s hopefully sparkle eyes.

“Today, I came here just to tell you that I won’t ever come back to you. Please don’t try any stunts or stupid things like going to my friends who hate enough to kill you.”  JoonYoung took one step closer to her.

“You still care for me?” He said with a deep husky voice. ChaeRin shook her head and thinking how to make things clear to that dumb acting guy.

“No. I just don’t want to bother them. I really meant that we can never be together again.” She has no choice but to throw those harsh words coldly right to his face and her heels to leave.

JoonYoung pulled her strongly form wrist and made her span on spot to face him again.

:”I know you really mean what you meant. But I won’t give up easily too, because you belong with me.” He grabbed her face and kissed her lips unexpectedly. ChaeRin was stunned with surprise at first but she wiggled in his strong hold and pushed him from chest with all her strength. As soon as he let her go, ChaeRin palm landed on his cheek forcefully and left a red mark on his pale white skin.

ChaeRin rubbed her lips hardly with the back of her palms and ran towards the exit.

“I think today what I said were too much for you to accept but … don’t ever forget that I love you. This is the only thing I want you to remember.” His voice painted with sorrow and hurt drained down into her soul. ChaeRin controlled herself not to let out a single tears to drop.

“I don’t love you anymore.” She didn’t look back with her fingers placing on the door knob.

“I can solve this out.” At his words, ChaeRin ran down the corridor to the hallway with rubbing roughly those tears rolling down on her cheeks.

She felt tired and not want to move a tiny bit of muscles when she sink down herself in the leather cushion of the back seat of taxi. She was meaninglessly stared out the window along the way home. The memory of her past with JoonYoung. The worst part of it was that he came back for her. She hated him and at least made sure herself to hate him for this long years but he thought it was an easy thing for her to handle.

No, It’s not.

He destroyed her dreams of a teenage girl in first love and her life by leaving her. Before he left, why he didn’t realize that he was the only thing that made her feeling well and give her strength at that rough time.

The thing that hurt her most is that she knows well that what he care was all about himself and not her. Although he gave excuse about he left for her own good, she can still figure out that he can’t stand the pain to see her suffer and he left her without caring what it would affect her. He was selfish.

ChaeRin get off from taxi and walked into the apartment with carrying her heavy limbs. She entered the lift and pressed the floor number followed with leaning against the cold metal wall. She closed her eyes tight and waited for the lift to reach the floor.

The door opened with a chime and she got out tiredly and walked slowly to her room. But her legs stopped moving when her blurred eyes spotted a familiar figure sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the wall.

“JiYoung!” The name automatically ran out from her lips.

JiYoung looked up at her with his hazy gaze filled with hard to interpret. He handed the rilakkuma to her without saying single words. JiYoung slowly get up with the help of his hands bearing his weight by pushing the floor. ChaeRin quickly helped the shaking man to stand up straight but he slapped her hands away. JiYoung turned his back and started walking towards the lift.

“Ji!” ChaeRin called him softly. She felt she was losing something in her heart. She ran followed him and s her hands around his waist, hugged him tightly, with her face pressing his back.

“Please don’t leave.”

JiYoung’s body was stiffened. His hands were shaken with anger. He pushed her hard but ChaeRin didn’t let him go.

“I saw you with that basterd. You lied to me. Why’d you promise if you can’t keep it? Remember, you said you would never see him again.” He turned around and faced her, held her shoulders tightly and shook her like a puppet as if he could shook out all the truth from her.

“I’m sorry Ji.” ChaeRin whispered under her breath. She didn’t move or squirmier under his strong hands.

“Don’t tell that ing words sorry. Why’d you do this to me? Am I not enough for you.” JiYoung shouted in range. He wished there would be something in the corridor that he can threw or break instead of hurting her.

“It’s not like that Ji. I went there just to make sure that I’m over with him. I would never come back to him.” ChaeRin stared into his eyes apologetically which were red and wet. She can get strong smell of alcohol and familiar sweet scant from his breath.

“Why the is it needed? You can just stay away from him just like before.” JiYoung still sounded angry but seems softer than before. ChaeRin’s hands moved to JiYoung’s hands which were tightly holding her shoulder. She cupped his hands softly.

“I don’t want him to come across my life again. I just wanted to make things clear.” Her fingers brushed over his knuckles which were bruise as he punched something hard not so soon before.

JiYoung stared into ChaeRin’s black eyes. He didn’t need to ask why and he also really didn’t want the answer now. If she’s still with him, it’s perfect for him. Although his heart seems to demand more, he’s still coward to take one step closer at a time like this. Such a perfectionist like him wanted everything comes out absolutely shine and clean. What he can’t accept is an excuse.

JiYoung breath out a loud sigh.

The door across them slung opened and a head of middle aged women with curly hair and oily face ducked out and peeked into the corridor.

“It’s late people. Go and argue somewhere else. Or I’ll call the police.” She shouted towards them and slammed shut the door.

“What the…………….. OFF !!” ChaeRin quickly opened the door to her room and shoved in JiYoung who endlessly swearing at her neighbor.

ChaeRin closed the door and blocked it with her back pressing against it. JiYoung was pacing in the room still swearing but ChaeRin decided to let him be like this since she knew well that he was just letting out all those anger he kept for tonight.

As his temper cool down and came back to normal, JiYoung started feeling the effect of copious amount of alcohol he consumed and sweet smelling weeds he smoked. He slumbered onto the couch and curl up there. The world around him stared to spinning round and round. He pulled ChaeRin ,who was standing beside the couch with worried face , from her wrist and pulled her beside him and pillowed her lap. JiYoung’s hands s around her waist.

“Never ever go behind my back.”

He muttered slurry than closed his eyes and went straight to deep sleep. ChaeRin was left huddling his head and curious of how much he had drank.


The next morning when he woke up, JiYong found himself lying on ChaeRin’s bed with only boxer but nothing else on his tattoo painted body. He held his temple with one palm since throbbing headache made him wince in pain. He found painkiller on side table with a glass of water. JiYong took the pill without thinking twice then he dragged himself to kitchen where sounds and smells of cooking were coming from.

JiYong approached ChaeRin , who was busy cooking, from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder with his hands on her waist.

“Wake up?” ChaeRin tilted her head and asked but JiYong snuggled her neck instead of giving answer.

“What are you cooking?” JiYong craned his neck and looked at the something meant to be eatable in pot.

“Umm…. Hangover soup.” ChaeRin also frowned at her soup with doubt.

“Are you sure?” JiYong took the ladle and taste the strange looking soup. ChaeRin tried to snatched it from him but JiYong looked at ChaeRin’s face which quickly turned scarlet while he was taking a sip. He coughed up after tasting the overpowering chili and some spices he can’t know.

“I know it’s worst you ever taste. I can’t cook but I tried. I just want to…….” ChaeRin’s stuttering was shut down by soft lips touching softly hers.

“You haven’t wash your face?” ChaeRin frowned and asked as soon as he pulled away. JiYong shrugged and placed another smooch on her lips.

“Dirty cat!! Go and take shower now.” ChaeRin pushed the chuckling JiYong into the bathroom.

JiYong chuckled as the door behind him shut with a click. He didn’t bother to locked the door and part of him wished ChaeRin would join his bath but she didn’t show up till he finished taking a long hot bath , alone.

JiYong loosely wrapped the towel around his waist and wiping his wet hair with another one. He was walking back and forth in the bedroom for his clothes that he couldn’t find nowhere. JiYong stride into the kitchen where ChaeRin was busy trying to mend her soup. JiYong hugged her from behind.

“Baby girl, where you hide my clothes? I know you enjoy my beauty but you shouldn’t hide them. Give them back to you Oppa.” He teased the girl who was so immersed with her still visually annoying soup and cooking book, reading instructions.

“Well, that beauty oppa puked last night all over his body and my poor couch.” ChaeRin shot him a glare and JiYong’s lips shaped O with surprise.

“That’s why I woke up in your bed? If I didn’t threw up, u wouldn’t let me sleep on there, right?” JiYoung pinched her cheek and spun her to faced him. ChaeRin tried to wiggle away but he caught her between his arms. JiYoung embracing her waist and caught her soft but perfect lips between his thin lips. It meant to be a brief kiss but it lasted longer when ChaeRin response his lips with her lips also nipping and tracing his lines.

JiYoung’s tongue her sweet lips and requesting for entering and she let him in. The soft moan’s slipping out from her lips were disappeared in his deep kisses.

While her lips were busy with his kisses, her hands exploring his inked skin running from toned chest to navel. JiYong’s hands took her soft palms and guided to the side of his waist to where the towel loosely wrapping around.

His lower body slowly grinded against her groin and let her know about his hardening. ChaeRin tried to back off but she was trapped between JiYong and counter. JiYong lifted her from her waist and placed her on counter top. At that spot her face becomes same level as his.

With his hands on counter top at each side of her, JiYong let their kiss ended. He was breathing fast to fill his lungs with oxygen that was lack for a while with his forehead pressed against hers. ChaeRin, too, was struggling breathing with her arms wrapping around his neck.

JiYong traced her facial features by touching softly with his fingers and memorized them with his eyes close. ChaeRin breath in heavily but evenly and watching his peaceful face trough her half lidded eyes.

Seeing his eyes closing with a soft wrinkle between brows. His sharp nose and thin lips sank into her heart. The lump of guilt suddenly formed in her chest.

“Ji, I’m sorry about last night.” She cupped his hands touching her lips with one hand and held in place. His finger crossed her lips and stopped her from continue speaking.

“Let’s forget about it. I don’t want to recall the unwanted memories.” He cut her off and withdraw his hands. He turned around and faced his back to her.

ChaeRin hugged him from behind loosely. She rested her chin on his shoulder with her face hiding in the crooked of his neck and kissing softly to prominent collar bone. JiYong was not leaving nor moving. He was stay still like this for a mere seconds.

Finally, he patted her hands and gestured to let her go.

“Come baby. While I make a call to my manager to bring me something wearable, you need to collect your necessaries.” He went for find his phone and left ChaeRin in awe.

“For what?” She can’t contained her surprise longer.

“You have to move in with me. I’ll be busy these days so it’s unable to back and forth between you and my place.” He walked back to her and place a pack on the surprised girls cheek.




80 subscribers!!! Omo....... i can't believe my eyes..............

thank you guys for subscribing my stories *80 degree bow*


I also want to beg for my late updates ....... i was busy with this and that .... sorry for my late chapter updates.....  T.T


and Hamtone-sshi......  sorry that i made you waiting long.... please forgive me... ~_~



 the story of love , blood and war.

the story of a young girl with  

the classy bad boys BigBang, the manly bad boys B.A.P and baddest females 2ne1 

Into the Dark


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CLforever #1
Chapter 26: pleaseeee continue the story:(
Chapter 26: update pleaseee :(
hee he. . . . .
ra21ah #4
I mean not essentially!
ra21ah #5
I know you've lost inspiration to continue this and I totally understand since I've also felt the same and then deleted both my fics.the recent incidents shocked us alot. But you see fan fics are essentially connected with real life.our jiyongs and Chaerins are not the real gd and cl. We are just using as an excuse to create our own world.I wanted to suggest if you like of course, i can help you regain your inspiration I d be happy bcuz this story is really beautiful and deserves a good ending ^^
Hamtone #6
Chapter 26: Please update this fic pleaseeeeeee authornim :((((
I really love it i want to translate in Vietnamese !
Please update
KhinDoubleCT #7
Chapter 26: Please, update author nim....=_=
I really wanna know the end of this two cuties......
It's been a long time u didn't update.
Chapter 26: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE .... PLEASE .....
Ravaaaa #9
Chapter 26: update please :(
where r u :(
JessLuv21 #10
Chapter 26: Waaa another update please don't leaves us for so long again ! Oh by the way you spell Jiyong wrong there are no U in Jiyong ! :)