
Green-eyed Monster


Chapter 07. Cidum


“How well do you know me?” Jong In asked in a demanding tone. He stepped forward, trapping the poor servant between him and the wooden wall of the quiet library.

Mi Sang stepped backwards, not caring if her back already touched the wall. Fear was evident in her eyes. Not wanting the young lord to see it, she looked down.

“I’ll ask you one more time, Mi Sang. Answer me.” Jong In leaned near her face and queried in his firm voice, “How well do you know me?”

“I…” She started but was unable to proceed. “I…”

“Say it!”

“I know you very well, young lord!” She finally said it, although it was rather quick.

Jong In gave enough space for both of them as he pulled away. He mused for a while. “Why… do I think I forgot something?” He muttered; eyes downcast.

Mi Sang looked at him with worry. “Please do not think about it all the time, young lord. It was probably nothing.”

The young lord snapped his head and looked at her intently. “I am sure you know something. Why don’t you tell me, Mi Sang?”

“A-About what, young lord?” She stuttered.

“Lord Shin Ho told me something the other day… It was something with fratricide.”

Mi Sang’s eyes grew large. She brought her palms and clamped it over . She looked very surprised.

That just aroused Jong In’s curiosity even more.

“I am right. I knew you know something. You know me more than I do!”

“I-It was nothing! He was probably joking!” Mi Sang tried to think of an excuse and slowly slid herself, but before she could even do that, Jong In gripped her arm.

“Why would someone make fun about a certain thing called fratricide?!”

“M-Maybe he was just trying to shoo the intense atmosphere away? I don’t know! It was really nothing, young lord. Please do not think–”

“…Am I a murderer?”

“No!” She answered right away.

His grip tightened. “What’s weirder is that, he used the word fratricide. I don’t remember having a sibling. I am the only son in the Kim household! How is that even possible?! And if I have a brother, why would I kill him? He’s a part of my family. I’ll love him.”

“Y-Yes you are right, young lord!” Her breathing hitched and sweat beads formed on her forehead. “You are the only son of Lord Mun Wook!”

He let her go. “You’re no use, Mi Sang.”

Mi Sang felt her heart skip a beat. No use? She is their family’s servant for a dozen of years! How dare he!

“I know you know more. I just can’t squeeze information from you.”

“Well, I do not control your mind! It is not my problem why you forgot a certain event!” She retorted, finally losing her temper.

“I forgot a certain event? What is it, Mi Sang?”

The domestic helper shut .

“I don’t want to repeat everything again, Mi Sang. I am your master. You must answer me.”

Yes, he is her master after all. She’s just a mere servant in his eyes and nothing more. Yet… why is she crying?

Mi Sang has now confirmed.

This is just an unrequited love.

She wiped her tears and showed a faux smile to her master. “Your servant has more things to do, young lord. Please excuse me.” She then wasted no time and ran outside the library.

“Mi Sang!” Jong In called, trying to stop her but it was useless.

He sighed and sat on the seat.

“She was hurt, you know.” The girl from his dreams commented as she came out somewhere.

Jong In looked at her. “Do you also know me well?”

She smirked and floated. “Why do you think so?”

“Because you were once in my mind.”

“Right. But that mystery is for you to solve.”


▬ ▬ ▬


Two young boys – the older one is twelve years old and the younger is ten – were playing around near the cliff.

The twelve-year-old had a small, but very sharp knife. He was laughing a lot while waving it in the air.

The younger boy was befuddled. What is he laughing about?

“Hyungnim…” His soft, worried voice called.

The older boy kept on laughing. He was enjoying whatever he was doing so much.

“Hyungnim!” The younger one yelled this time; desperately trying to call his older brother’s attention.

Finally, the said hyungnim stopped and grinned at the boy. “Yes, what is it Jong In?”

“What are you doing?” He asked with his eyebrows raised.

“I am practicing!” The twelve-year-old smiled widely. “I need to improve my swordsmanship skills in order to please Father.”

“Do you really have to do that? You’re too young.” The younger one pointed out.

With that statement, the older one just laughed it off. “Of course! Someday, I’ll become the best general in the history of Joseon dynasty!” He looked above the clear blue skies with eyes full of hope.

“What if you will fail to become one?” The ten-year-old asked yet another curious query.

“Hahaha! There is no way that would ever happen! I will become the very best general!” He repeated. “How about you, brother? What do you wish to become when you grow up?”

“Me?” The younger one paused a bit, thinking of an answer. “I want to be the best son Father and Mother could ever have.”

The older one laughed once again. “That will also never happen! I am here. I am the eldest son in our family. Therefore, I am the very best son.”


▬ ▬ ▬


“Argh!” Jong In grunted loudly in exasperation. He is still awake now, in the midnight. Losing his patience, he tossed the book elsewhere.

The girl who was taking a nap on the table behind him yelped as the hard book hit her square on the face. “Jong In!” She shouted and picked up the book.

He turned around and glared at her. “What is your name?!”

She chuckled in a fake manner and threw the book back to him. Jong In fortunately avoided it. “Why would I have a name?”

“If you are not the Goddess of Death then I am sure you were once a normal person.”

“And? You’re so skilled in absurdity, Kim Jong In.”

“Are you a ghost?”

A loud laughter erupted from the girl. “You accused me of a spirit before and then a ‘Goddess of Death’. Now you’re back with me being a ghost? Some of the screws in your brain has loosened up, Jong In. Fix it.”

He picked up the book she threw back to him and showed her. “I was curious. I want to know how and why this happened. So I did some research. And I found out…”

“What? That I am a ghost? Go ahead, boy. Tell me your proof.”

Jong In wanted to roll his eyes at her arrogance but he didn’t. He opened the book and began his explanation, “Several years ago, a young woman went missing. It was recorded in here. The chestnut tree near the cliff was planted soon after she went missing. It was presumed she was brutally murdered by her lover. But before that, the young woman was seen dating with some other guy. They were very intimate, as if they are lovers. The news spread until her lover heard of it, that she was cheating. And that was probably why she was killed by her own boyfriend.”

She nodded, taking in his words. “Mhm, I was not so faithful, wasn’t I?” She laughed after she commented sarcastically. “You believed in that?”

“Why not?” He closed the book. “I had believed in you. So why not the records? It makes more sense than believing in a girl who apparently came out from your nightmares.”

“So? What do you think of me now?”

“You’re a ghost. And you were buried beneath the tree. No wonder why I started dreaming about you after I took a nap under the tree. You were seeking for help. You were seeking for justice. You cannot stay still.”

“If that is true, then that means you want to help me?”

“I will. In return, will you leave me alone and let me live my life peacefully?”

She chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”

“It will also be my payment for you from saving me.”

“I appreciate that. So, what do you plan to do?”

“I will have some people dig the ground under the chestnut tree tomorrow. We’ll find out the truth then.”

A playful smirk was drawn on her dainty lips. “Good luck, young lord.”


▬ ▬ ▬


Lord Mun Wook patted his eldest son’s head after praising his skills.

The son gave a very big, proud smile.

Meanwhile, the younger one was looking at them from afar, eyes green with envy, as he hid behind the walls of their house.

How come his father never smiled at him like that? Is it because he had never held a sword? What if he will hold one and practice? Will he be proud of him too?

His older brother glanced to his direction and saw him.

He did something the younger boy never thought his older sibling would.

The twelve-year-old boy smirked and stuck his tongue out.

It was just a trivial action coming from a kid.

It was nothing, really.

But to the ten-year-old boy, it was the start of a war.


▬ ▬ ▬


Jong In could not wait.

He cannot waste time. He needs to know the truth behind the mysterious girl in his dreams right away. And so, he hired several men the day after he said that to dig the area under the chestnut tree.

He tapped his feet and fidgeted his fingers while waiting for the men to dig enough length underground.

Jong In could feel the smirk that was directed to him from the girl who was floating in the mid-air near him.

“What if I really have my body there, what will you do?”

“Case closed.” He whispered his answer; careful not to be stared again by the clueless people. “I will leave you to a shaman, and she will take care of you.”

“Oooh. You think I will not bother you after that?”

“No. The shaman will pray for you. With that, your soul will be in peace.”

She chuckled and floated nearer him, “I really appreciate your concern, young lord.” Whether that was sarcasm or not, the enigmatic girl could only answer that. Jong In somehow hoped it wasn’t.

“Young lord!” One of the men yelled as he called Jong In.

Jong In snapped his head to him. “Are you done with your work?”

“Yes. We have found…”

Immediately, the said young lord ran over to the earth that has just dug – his eyes grew large at what he saw.


▬ ▬ ▬


“I can help Mother cook!”

“I rode the black stallion with ease.”

“I can read very well!”

“I’ve memorized several books.”

“I can climb until the top of this tree!”

“Father praised my swordsmanship skills.”

The ten-year-old boy gritted his teeth.

And the twelve-year-old just chuckled at his younger brother’s reaction.

“Now, Jong In. Have you realized how much of a loser you are? I am better at every single thing you do. And what’s funnier is that, you are bragging it.”

“Yes, you are.” The younger boy feigned concession.

The older one has not detected the ireful tone his brother used. He continued insulting, “Hah, just as I thought. I knew you would admit that I am Father’s best son.”

What he didn’t know was that he just added fuel to the fire. He just dug his own grave.

The ten-year-old boy ran behind the chestnut tree and grabbed something.

His older brother stopped laughing as he watched what the younger one is up to.

Few seconds later, the younger boy walked back towards his brother.

In his hands lay a long, dangerous-looking sword.

The older one recognized it.

“Hey! That is Father’s sword! How brave of you to have the courage to steal it!” He stepped forward and reached out his hand in an attempt to get the sword back.

The younger boy stepped backwards. Instead of hiding it behind him, he drew the sword in front of his older brother. In the process, he had slit the older boy’s right cheek, whether unintentionally or not – the ten-year-old is the only one that could authenticate that.

“J-Jong In…” The older one spoke under his breath, too surprised at the movement his younger brother did. Despite the stinging pain, he ignored the bead of red blood rolling down unto his neck. “Put the sword down now.” He demanded. His tone was firm, but he made sure to make it sound as gentle as possible for his little brother.

The ten-year-old shook his head. “Let’s have a sword fight, hyungnim!” He announced, smiling. Beneath that adorable smile lies hidden jealousy. It was not a genuine and happy smile that you see in children in his age.

“You’re too young for that–”

“I am not! I want to become the best in our parents’ eyes!”

“Jong In, no. Put it–”

“What ‘no’?! If I’ll say I will be the best, then I will!”

“You should not play with that! It’s dangerous!”

“I’ll also ride a stallion with ease. I’ll memorize and study every word in the book. And if I win in this fight, Father will also praise my swordsmanship skills!”

“Are you insane? You will never outshine me! Now put that–”

The little boy’s eyes were clouded with anger and hatred. His sight grew dark.

He ran.


▬ ▬ ▬


That night, the young man could barely catch any sleep. He tossed and turned several times on the mattress. Jong In growled with frustration as drowsiness does not plan on visiting him. He sat up and raked his fingers over his ebony hair. Sighing deeply, he finally understood the reason for his sleeplessness.

It was no other than the truth he discovered this afternoon.

There was a corpse. There was a skeleton. It was even put in a woody coffin.

There was a body that was buried there. However, the body was small – as if it belonged to a kid, not to some young woman.

That was truly weird. In the records, it said that a young woman was missing. A few days after she was gone, someone planted a chestnut tree near the cliff. It was suspected that the lover who ‘killed’ her did it as a memento for the memories he had shared with his girlfriend; despite the fact that he killed her, and that he was heart-broken. He must’ve really loved her. Yet jealousy controlled his mind, which resulted into a brutal act.

It was not written that a young child had died at that day, or on the days near it.

He slowly turned his head at the girl who was sleeping peacefully at the corner of his room. It was surely ridiculous of him to accuse her as the ‘Goddess of Death’. So, he’ll now stand at his theory that she is a ghost. A ghost that had her untimely death. A helpless ghost that seeks for justice. That maybe explains the sadness in her eyes when he first saw her in his dreams. Also, she always says ‘Believe me’. Does she want those words to be heard by her lover? Does she want to clear up the misunderstandings before she passed away?

It is a big possibility that she needed him to figure out the cause of her death, but why him? He is not even a shaman. How will he finish this mission?

“So, Jong In,” she suddenly spoke.

The young aristocrat was startled. Placing his palm on his chest, he responded, “You scared me! Anyway, what is it?”

The girl sat up and faced him. When Jong In saw her smirk, his face turned sour. “You did found some truth but,” Her drawl was in a teasing tone; she continued, “it was not what you are looking for. Or is it?”

Jong In frowned at her attitude. He took a deep breath to control himself from starting yet another verbal fight with her. “It was not the truth I have been looking for.”

“Alright, if that’s what you believe. But do you know what that means?” She smiled and scooted close to him. Leaning near his ear, she whispered, “I will not leave you.”

He winced as her cold breath tickled his skin. Goosebumps formed and he shuddered, but he chose to ignore it. “Whatever, you’ll disappear soon. I will do everything to make it happen.”

She laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll disappear soon anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re just a step closer to finding out the real truth, Jong In.”

“What? You knew the reason why you died?”

“I never told you I am a ghost, nor a Goddess of Death. So can I ask you this?” She looked into his eyes. “What am I to you?”

Jong In stood up and faced the wall. “You’re…” He started; his voice trailed. “You are someone who needs my help.”

The girl chuckled. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?”

“Don’t beat around the bush. Tell me now.”

“I am your saviour. Therefore, I helped you. I helped you get out of danger, and now, I’m helping you enter an even worse situation.”

“I swear. If you will not tell me everything you knew, I will surely–” He whipped his head around only to find no one behind him. “Hey! Come out.”

No response.

“Hey woman. Come out now. You still have to tell me some information.”

The noises of the crickets outside were the only sound he heard.

He grew annoyed and so he shouted, “I told you to–”

“NO! PLEASE!” Cutting him off was the scream of his mother.

‘What is happening?’ He thought.

“We can discuss about it! Please–” This time, it was his father’s voice. He sounded so helpless and scared – very unlikely of him.

‘Just what is going on?’

And then a loud, evil laughter erupted.

Jong In wasted no time. He grabbed his thicker robe and slipped on it. He ran to his door and got out and then—


▬ ▬ ▬


He ran.

He ran and stabbed his older brother in the gut.

Blood poured out infinitely.

The twelve-year-old’s eyes popped out as the sword hit him. He held the sharp sword in his hands, attempting to stop it from ing any further inside his stomach.

“J-Jong In…” His younger brother’s name slipped out from his lips, begging him. Waters welled up in his eyes. Pleading once again, spending his very last strength into it, he screamed, “Jong In, stop!”

The younger boy laughed evilly. “Now I will become the best son Lord Mun Wook and Lady Sae Byuk will ever have!”


▬ ▬ ▬


And then—





















More blood





It suffocates him.

It is unbearable.

It is heart-breaking.

His parents lay on the cold ground, bathed in their own pool of red blood, breathless



Author's Notes:

Omg that was just- orz



Cidum - Latin word for 'killing' (Correct me if I'm wrong tho)

Hyungnim - a male's older brother


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'Phantasm' was changed into 'Green-eyed Monster'.


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Chapter 8: Ohmygod, this is sorta upsetting :( poor Jongin