
Green-eyed Monster


Chapter 01. Difference


It was a beautiful, warm spring day. The azure afternoon skies are clear and bright. The golden rays of the vernal sunshine shone onto the green field of grasses below. The various colours of cosmos flowers, most of which had the hues of vermillion, had blossomed prettily on the garden from the faraway backyard of the Kim Residence.

There, under the big chestnut tree, lies Jong In. He was reading a book and had eventually been tempted by the power of slumber.

A young girl walked up to him.

She possesses a beautiful face. Her long, silky raven hair cascaded down her back. Her eyes were deep and those dark brown orbs were tinted with unexplainable melancholy. Those thin, dainty red lips completed all the pretty features of her face.

She reached for his hands and clasped his fingers with her own.

The girl led him near to the tip of the cliff and showed him the breath-taking beauty of the nature.

As he gazed at the wonderful view beneath them, he smiled. He then turned back to her.

She was mouthing something. It was something he cannot understand.

No matter how he read her lips, he can’t decipher what she was trying to tell him.

“Young master,” a timid voice called.

Said young man didn’t stir. And so, the domestic helper reached her hand out and shook his arm gently.

Jong In bolted up instantly, surprised at the sudden contact. So was the domestic helper; she was stumbled backwards. If weren’t for Jong In’s hand, she would’ve rolled down the cliff.

He pulled her up. The girl dusted her bicoloured dress. Jong In stared at a certain part of her body. She noticed this and traced the direction of where his sight was directed into. She let out a small gasp, but it would be more accurate to address that action as a ‘squeak’.

The girl turned around and laced the loosened otgoreum back, tightly.

Jong In tilted his head to the left side, embarrassed of what he just saw. Good thing, she noticed it before her upper garment would split and will reveal her bosom. He blushed at the thought.

She then faced him and bowed, “I apologize for letting you witness something… i-in… inappropriate, young master.” A tone of bashfulness can be heard.

Jong In looked at her back. Every day, it was inevitable for him not to observe the way she dresses. And today, her jeogori is coloured pale yellow. The colour of her chima is as brown as the trunk of the chestnut tree behind him, which accentuated her upper clothing. Thus, making her dress a bicoloured one. It was always the same. Every single day, this poor, young domestic helper had nothing but two colours only. Sometimes, it would be monochromatic; sometimes, it would be trichromatic. And every day, her dress looks unsightly, regardless of the colour actually. It was always dirty. However, her pretty face is a contrast. If only her dress were a bit brighter, then the other aristocrats would definitely mistake her as one of them.

It hurts him to see their domestic helper dress just like that. Had his family not given them enough salary? Or was this girl just wasting her money on material things? No – he knew this girl ever since they were young. He knew she was not that type.

“O-Oh,” was the single word the nineteen-year-old young lord could only utter as he clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes downcast and head tilted back to the left side.

Now, it is Mi Sang’s turn to discreetly scrutinize her young master. With a small smile, she recalled her memories with him when they were children. Being his family’s servant for twelve years, Mi Sang could read Jong In so easily, like the hangul. That was his mannerism when he feels embarrassed. She couldn’t help but notice the number of uncountable times he had done that when he’s in front of her.

His thick lips and charming eyes… Oh, no girl in this dynasty would ever turn their heads away from him! He possesses those lustrous, deep brown orbs that gleam under the sun’s golden rays; it was also the same to the moon’s silver lights. His hair is as shiny and black as a coal. Women are always tempted to caress his smooth hair. This is Kim Jong In. He is famous for his looks. No doubt. Even the women servants of his family, young or not, falls for his handsome face.

That was unfortunate. They were only attracted at him just for that. Exclude Mi Sang, she’s been in love with him for years. His kindness was the one that attracted her. Not just some mere admiration for his looks.

“I am deeply sorry for disturbing your peaceful sleep, young master.”

“No, it’s alright. That unknown maiden is there in my dreams again,” Jong In replied; the latter part was kept low.

It seems that those whispered words has not reached the young domestic helper’s ears as Mi Sang bowed slightly, explaining, “Your mother, Lady Sae Byuk wants you to get dressed right away.”

“For what?” He mumbled.

“It was two full moons ago, young master, that Lady Sae Byuk told you to meet Lady Ga Seung from the Park clan.” She reminded him.

Jong In chuckled slightly, “You were gifted good memory from the Heavens, Mi Sang. You should visit the temples more often.”

It was not a compliment about her beauty, yet Mi Sang’s cheeks were dusted with hues of scarlet. “T-Thank you, young master.”

He smiled and handed her his book. “Leave this on the table at the right corner of the library. And keep the library clean.”

“Yes, I will do what you have said, young master.”

Jong In jogged back to the direction of his house but stopped midway. He turned around at Mi Sang and flashed her a smile. “By the way, I like your hair accessory today!” He then ran back.

Mi Sang could feel her heart pounding vigorously. It felt like it was going to burst out from her ribcage at any moment. She brought a hand up to the back of her hair, where her braid was, and touched the said hair accessory.


▬ ▬ ▬


The temple was filled with the loud and zealous laughter of the heads of the respected families, Kim and Park. While their wives silently smiled and agreed to all the things they had been talking about.

It was none other than the blissful marriage of their children in the future.

The union of these two children was planned even before they were born. Coincident or not, they were born under the same night. Their fate was decided since then. Jong In is going to be the husband of Ga Seung and Ga Seung will become the faithful wife of Jong In.

“Agassi, you are getting prettier and prettier each day!” commented Lord Mun Wook, Jong In’s father.

“I agree. My lovely daughter truly is a great companion for your handsome son!” said Lord Shin Ho in return.

With that, another loud laughter erupted in the whole temple.

Jong In sighed and turned his eyes on the lake where the small temple was located. The early moonlight’s silver rays illuminated the water. The lotus flowers were floating here and there. It was a beautiful sight. He should enjoy it, for it was the Heaven’s creations. But this young lord is not on the mood to do so. With one last sigh, he hopes that this dinner will come to an end soon.

It seems that the Heavens were hearing his prayers, as the two Lords finally stood up and said their goodbye’s to each other.

Lady Ga Seung smiled at the Kim family and shot Jong In a look of which he couldn’t decipher. He returned that with a bow. He doesn’t know what to do. That gaze was unexpected.

Lord Mun Wook cleared his throat loudly, enough to pull Jong In out from his reverie. “It was unfortunate that you have classes tomorrow. I was about to suggest something.”

“What is it, Father?”

“Take the young lady for a walk.”

“P-Pardon?” Jong In asked with disbelief written in his eyes.

“Why don’t we just cancel your classes tomorrow? Getting a girl’s heart is more important.”

“No, Father!” He shouted.

His father glared at him. “Who permitted you to use that tone on me?!”

Jong In bowed and apologized, “I am sorry. That will be the last time you’ll hear me shout.”

“Very well.” Lord Mun Wook raised his hand to call a servant. When the servant reached him, she bowed and prepared herself to listen. “Summon the messenger.” The servant then left.

“Father, there are many more days for that. I can take her on a date the next day.”

“Since when did you have the courage to disobey me?”

“I-I apologize.”

Lord Mun Wook and Lady Sae Byuk then left their son on the temple. His mother patted his shoulder before leaving. He interpreted that act as ‘Don’t complain and just follow your father’.

Jong In couldn’t keep track of how many times he sighed just for this day.

He glanced at his back and saw several servants waiting for the Kim family to leave the temple, or they won’t be able to clean. Jong In smiled at them. The servants looked at each other, wondering why the young lord did that to them. Finally understanding what that meant, they hurriedly walked to the temple and started cleaning.

Jong In walked to the corner and propped his elbows on the wood as he observed the beautiful scenery once again.

He will become a married man after three full moons. His parents kept on telling him that he and Lady Ga Seung are fated because they were born on the same night. At this time, most people believe in that. But not him. Jong In knew there is someone out there that might be his other half; it’s just that he is either too blind or too uninterested to pay attention around his surroundings.

Turning around on his heels, the first person he saw was Mi Sang.

She was cleaning diligently. Too focused on her work, she did not notice the young lord was looking at him again.

An idea struck inside his brain and he smiled. Whispering, he called, “Mi Sang!”

Said girl blinked and halted her work. Was it just me or I heard my name?

“Mi Sang!” He called again.

She turned and found the young lord grinning at her. Jong In took a few steps nearer her and whispered, “Let’s go to the cliff again. I will announce something and you go right away, understand?”

The girl could only nod.

Jong In cleared his throat. “Mi Sang, pick some sweet potatoes from the farm–”

“Y-Yes, young master!” panicky Mi Sang blurted out and ran away without even waiting the young lord to finish his order.

The other servants’ eyes widened. How could a lowly girl like her do that? And especially on the young lord from the Kim household! What an ill-mannered girl!

Jong In laughed a bit, amused on Mi Sang’s reaction and walked out from the temple nonchalantly.


▬ ▬ ▬


“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Jong In said as he gazed up at the night sky.

Mi Sang looked above too. There are indeed lots of stars tonight. The moon shone brightly. She shifted her eyes to the young master under the chestnut tree. He was smiling. However, the sadness in his orbs says he was only concealing his feelings with that charming smile.

“Forgive me, but. I do not agree, young master.”

With that, Jong In instantly looked at her. His eye brow was cocked so high, “Why?”

“I… I can sense melancholy in your eyes, young master.”

The young master looked on his lap and thought for an answer for about a full minute. “Hm, you’re good, Mi Sang. I like that.”

“W-What do you like, young master?” Mi Sang asked; her face flushed into the deepest hue of red.

“You’re so observant. That is one good trait.”

“Thank you, young master.” She muttered.

“Jong In.”

“Pardon me?” Mi Sang asked in bewilderment.

Jong In smiled at her. “Call me by my name, Mi Sang.”

“I-I am sorry, young master. I will never do such unpleasant thing. I might be banished and the Heavens might not ac–”

He chuckled. “That’s not something you can be so fearful about, Mi Sang. I mean, if you were in my shoes; do you like me calling you ‘Young Lady’ yet you call me by my name?”

“You are of noble birth and I am just a mere commoner.” Mi Sang said softly while looking at her toes.

“Well, I am different from other aristocrats. Come on, call me Jong In.”

“Young master, ple–”

“Jong In.”

She bit her lip. Her young master is getting stubborn each second. “J-Jong In…”

“What was that? I can’t hear you.”

“Jong In.”

He stood up and walked towards Mi Sang. The girl looked up to him with eyes widened. He brought a hand up and patted her head.

“Mi Sang.” A pause. “Now, we’re equal. No noble, no commoner.”

“Young mas– I mean, Jong In… I guess I should just call you casually when there’s no one else besides us.”

Jong In smiled. “It’s alright. You can call me ‘Jong In’ when it’s the only two of us, lest my father will punish you.” He chuckled.

“You don’t know how I feel about this.”

That made Jong In stop chuckling and looked at the young domestic helper. Realization dawned upon him.

“I’m sorry,” Both of them said in unison.

Jong In stepped back from her a bit and scratched his nape. “I promise not to make fun of you like that again.”

“I am sorry for that too, J-Jong In.”

He brought his hand over his mouth and said, “I guess it’s getting late. Let’s return now.”


▬ ▬ ▬


When he reached back home, Jong In then did not hesitate on proceeding to the east quarters of the Kim residence – it was where his room was located.

After changing his clothes, he quickly crawled under the warm blanket.

He was so tired. Jong In recalled every activity he did today that might be the cause for his tiredness. He wasn’t even doing a lot of work, why is he already this sleepy?

With a yawn, his eye lids closed as his mind welcomed sleep.

Opening his brown orbs, the first figure that met his sight was that girl.

Again, she reached out for his hands.

Even before she could hold it, Jong In grabbed hers.

It was so warm. Her touch was warm on his palms.

Jong In took a step forward and slowly pressed his frame to her slender body.

The girl pulled away and looked into his eyes.

He leaned and took her lips with his own.

Suddenly, something broke. An invisible border broke.

Both of them fell down, deep into the abyss of darkness.



Author's Notes:

Yes, this was set during the Joseon Dynasty. Circa 1644. I don't know if Kai suits for this type of story, and maybe I made him too OOC but his real name sounds like it belongs in this era. I just wanted to use his name hehe.

I hope this kind of story will get you interested. Writing historical fictions are quite challenging, and you must know the historical facts in order to make it seem more realistic (although this one is an AU and will have some fantasy twist in the future). I chose my fic to belong in this genre for the sake of improving my writing skills. Hopefully...



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'Phantasm' was changed into 'Green-eyed Monster'.


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Chapter 8: Ohmygod, this is sorta upsetting :( poor Jongin