Knowing What I Shouldn't Know..


Baekhyun POV:

It’s been two years since I last saw Annie..

Two years…

That’s way too long..

 and the first time I get to see her is from

the back of her head..

Thanks Tao for the heads up.

I know I’ve been bugging him constantly for updates…

But he NEVER says a thing!

And that just makes me even more agitated!

I know Suho hyung knows something..

But he just won’t say it…..

I need to see her…

We need to talk things out..

                “Baekhyun..?” Someone called from the other side of the door as they knocked softly a couple times.

                “Come in..” I responded as I sat up in my bed. Chanyeol opened the door and stepped in hesitantly.

“Why’d you knock? It’s your room too you know…” I said, confused.

“You feeling better now?” He asked; a comforting smile spread across his face.

“Yea…”I said, looking down, yet again remembering this morning. He walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed, cocking his head to get a better look at me.

“You know…she probably had her reasons for having them keep it from you..” He reasoned.

“Yea…but…I don’t know…I just..miss her more than ever now…especially after knowing she’s here..”

“Well, at least we know there’s a better chance of us running into her now! I mean she’s probably the maknae coordi.. They’re definitely going to have her run errands around the building!” He said, smiling brightly at his idea.

“You’re sure it was her…right?” I asked, doubting him for a second or two.

“YUPP! I saw for sure and it was her.”

“Hmm..let’s hope you’re right..”

“Hehe~” He giggled like a child, satisfied with his usefulness.

“Hey…What did happen with you and Alice..?” I asked. His expression darkened a little and he looked away.

“N-not sure..I g-guess I’m over her..haha..” He said awkwardly. It was obvious he was trying to cover it up, but I knew he still likes her.

It must be hard for him to see her at the company everyday…

“What happened with you guys?” He asked, changing the attention to me. 

“We…kinda drifted apart after she and Annie stopped talking..”

Should I explain everything…?


Not now..

“Oh…wait..what did happen between them?” He asked curiously.

“I…I don’t know…”

But I do know a little….


Maybe Tao left already…

I should try going back.

I need to talk to her..

I can’t give up now.

“Why what?” I heard Annie say and I rushed to get a little closer to her front porch. When I peeked at the door, Alice was standing in front of her. She looked angry and upset about something.

Something’s wrong..

                “You knew I liked him!” Alice raised her voice, making Annie jump slightly.



                “Yea. I saw. I saw everything.”

…she saw what?

                “Alice…I can expl-“ Annie started, but was cut off in mid-sentence.

                “Don’t even bother. This is it. Goodbye Annie.” Alice said coldly before storming off. I ducked behind the bush, hoping she wouldn’t see me. Once I saw that she had entered her house down the street, I quietly crept over to get a better look at Annie, who was hiding her face under the hood of her jacket. She fell to the floor, not able to hold it in anymore and bawled her eyes out. My heart sank.

What just happened?

Their friendship is over?

What happened between the two of them?

I won’t be able to talk to Alice comfortably after this..

And Annie…

Oh god…


I…I can’t talk to her…

I can’t…

She won’t be able to handle everything right now…


                I just stood there for a while, watching her cry her heart out as I felt mine ripping into shreds. When she finally got a hold of herself she weakly pulled herself up and shut the door.


a/n: hey guys~

so how was this chapter?

sorry if it's too short:/

i'll be working on the next update once i post this

so please look forward to it!^^

and please let me know what you think!

comment & subscribe!!!

your opinions mean a lot to me <3


and saranghae <3


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Chapter 22: Please update soon the isn't a really good story I wonder what's going to happen next in the next chapter.
Chapter 22: Can't wait for your next chapter! ;)
Chapter 21: Ohh I can't wait to see the other members of timeless! & so it's gonna be a co-ed group since you said it has 3 boys and now including her 2 girls?
Chapter 20: Yes! I have been waiting for the day when she would be in a group! :D By the way good luck in college! ^^
Chapter 18: omfg.
shes awake!!!
; A ;
such a long chapter!!!! c:
yay thank you so much for the update!
though im still wondering about that "boyfriend" ohohohoh.
and poor suho :(
that shirt doe.
Chapter 17: She has a BOYFRIEND?!!! or maybe a boy friend or a girl friend that calls her Girlfriend? O_O
Chapter 15: I hope she's okay, but I'm really worried about Alice's condition right now! D:
Chapter 15: omg!So much distress. Everyone is hurt both mentally and physically. ;A; I hope they are both alright! :{ amazing chapter, it was worth the wait (: Please update sooooooon~ <3
Chapter 13: oh meh god Annie!!! I hope she's gonna be okay and maybe become an idol someday maybe in the same group as Alice or even a different group ^^
Chapter 10: What happens if they notice Annie and Alice together o.o