These Three Words That I'll Tell You Forever.



     My eyes slowly fluttered open and I couldn’t see anything but a bright white light above me and felt someone’s hand holding on tightly to mine; it was warm and comfortable. I could hear the constant sound of several cameras’ shutters, people yelling to be let in or for someone to answer their questions. I could hear the distant sound of crying from not just one person but many people. 

    After finally registering in my head that I was lying in a hospital bed, I sat up immediately, startling the person that was holding my hand. I turned to see who it was and saw those familiar warm brown eyes that made me feel safe and at ease. He smiled. 

    “You awake? How do you feel?” he asked, tucking a few strands of stray hairs behind my ear. I was just about to answer him when I looked behind him and saw a person in the bed stationed next to mine. That’s when I felt as if my heart sank to the deepest pits of hell. 

    “Alice.” I said, staring blankly at the her and taking in how much injuries she had. Her left leg and left arm were in casts, there was a band wrapped around her head, indicating she had some kind of stitches somewhere, she was bruised all over her shoulders and had several cuts and bruises on her face. My eyes started to sting and I didn't bother holding back my tears and let them flow endlessly. 

    “Annie. Look at me.” He said, taking my face in his hands delicately, turning me to face him as he wiped my tears with his thumbs. 

    “O-oppa…” I said, and bit my lip to hold in my sobbing. 

    “Alice broke her leg and her arm because the car hit her side of the van.” Before he could continue, more tears started to pour down my face and he continued as calmly as he could after wiping my tears for me again. 

    “And she had a minor concussion and had to have a simple surgery done after arriving. The doctor said she’s doing well but that she is now in a coma and they aren’t sure when she will wake up.” I couldn't hold it in any longer and started sobbing. Baekhyun immediately sat next to me and pulled me into his chest as he rubbed my back. His body started to shake too and I could tell that he was now crying as he held me and rubbed my back. I wrapped my arms around him and he shakily whispered in my ear, “Don’t w-worry…S-she’ll wake up….She’ll c-come back to us…”    


    After we were able to get a hold of ourselves and calm down, he laid down next to me on my bed and held me against his chest, not exchanging a single word. 


<1 Month Later> 

    “Sehun-ah, I’m heading out now, so can you please let Kyungsoo Umma that I left dinner on the stove for you guys?” I asked him as I slipped my shoes on. 

    “Sure! Tell Alice I said ‘Hi~’” I laughed and nodded as I walked out of the door. 


    “Whoa! Sorry Annie!” Chanyeol said as we bumped into each other. 

    “No problem~” I said with a smile.

    “Are you heading out to see Alice?” He asked, his eyes sparkling with eagerness. 

    “Yea, wanna come along?”    I asked, knowing that he was waiting for it. 

    “OF COUR-uh…yea…I mean sure…if you’re going…” He said, trying to hide his excitement. It was so easy to tell that he still likes her after all these years. 

    “Okay I’ll wait, you gonna go change?” I asked, pointing at his shiny, and easily noticeable, stage clothes. He looked down and smiled sheepishly. 

    “I’ll be out in a few.” I shooed him and he ran towards his room and I laughed softly as I picked up the fresh bouquet of small soft pink roses and baby’s breath that I had next to my bag. 

I hope she likes these.. 


    “Let’s go~!” Chanyeol said with a huge smile and a Korilakkuma in hand as he rushed over to slip his shoes on. He changed into a complete disguise, consisting of a parka, jeans, a grey muffler, a beanie, and fake glasses, that could probably fool only a handful of people. 


    Once we reached our destination, a bunch of Lovely Ladies’ fans swarmed around me and I pushed Chanyeol out of the way so they wouldn’t be able to recognize him. He quickly got the idea and rushed inside ahead of me. 

    “Unni! Can you please take this to Alice unni?” 

    “Unni! This too!”


    By the time I got inside the doors, I was carrying so much gifts for Alice that I felt like I was going to drop something. 

    “Here, let me take some of that.” I heard Chanyeol say. 


He waited for me?

    He took a lot of the gifts out of my arms and carried them happily towards Alice’s room. I smiled at his kind gesture and followed closely behind. 

    “How did they know you’re going to visit Alice?” He asked.

    “I guess they started to recognize me after she protected me.. There were several videos and pictures posted online so I think it’s from that?” I said, still confused as to how differently EXO’s fans treat me after that incident. 

    “At least it’s good attention?” He said, smiling brightly. 

    “Yea I guess so but their attitude is the polar opposite from before..” I shrugged it off and quickly rushed ahead of Chanyeol so that I could open the door for him. We walked in and placed the gifts next to a pile of gifts that the fans have been sending for her. 

    “Alice-ah~ We’re here. And I brought you some flowers.” I said, walking over to her and placing it on the table. 

    “And I brought you another buddy to keep you company!” Chanyeol said happily as he made the Korilakkuma “dance.” 

    I smiled and picked her hand up and held it in mine. 

    “Alice-ah..stay strong. And please come back to us.” I looked at her face and watched as the machines helped her breathe and rubbed her hand. My eyes began to sting but I tried to hold my tears back. 

    “Alice-ah…you don’t know how scary it is for me to see you like this…Hurry and come back already…It’s been a month already…” My tears started to stream down my face and I could no longer keep it in. 

    “Y-you….how can you do this to us…..Chanyeol, Baekhyun, your brothers, your parents, your band members, and me? Why can’t you just come back to us already?! It hurts so much to see you like this!” I said, holding her hand securely in mine. 

    Chanyeol started to rub my back as he started to cry too. 

    “Alice…Please wake up soon…There’s something I really need to tell you…Please…So many people are waiting for you…” I said and then I couldn’t take it anymore, “I’ll continue to come back daily until you wake up and fully recover. So don’t you dare try to get out of waking up! Love you best friend.” I said and squeezed her hand one last time before signaling to Chanyeol that I’d wait for him in the hallway. 


Chanyeol POV

    “Hey there…” I said with a smile as I held Alice’s hand. After Annie left, I had a sudden urge to tell Alice everything, hoping that some part of her is conscious and will hear everything. 

    “Alice.. Although I joked around a lot throughout the years we’ve known each other…and we haven’t exactly talked since grad…but I need to tell you now. I can’t keep on holding this in…. Alice Kuan. I love you. I love everything about you. From your tough attitude to your big appetite and obsession with food. And your love for music and for green onions. I love that you are no one else but yourself and that you won’t let anyone change that. I believe that we can be together and love each other for the rest of our lives and in the next. I want to be with you. I want to hold you in my arms when you are going through bad times and lend you my shoulder to cry on. You’ve completely changed me from a frequent clubbing playboy to an immature and normal person…no. A man. A man that loves you so much that I don’t care what you look like without makeup, or if you become unattractive, or if you don’t even love me back. I just want you to at least acknowledge my love for you and to let me stay by your side. I’ll wait no matter how long it takes for you to wake up so that I can tell you these three words that I’ll tell you forever: I Love You.” I kissed her hand and placed it carefully under her blanket. Then I wiped my tears and leaned in to kiss her on her forehead. 

    “Please come back soon-“

    “YAH! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING TO MY GIRLFRIEND?!” I jumped and turned to look at the door entrance and saw-




new update:) 

so how do you guys like it?^^ 

I tried my best to give you guys a long update this time!!!

So who do you think this so-called "boyfriend" is???

please leave comments of your guesses and 

also please subscribe if you havne't already! 

Thank you <3

Finally some Alice+Yeollie fluff<3<3<3 hehe~ 

but don't worry this won't be the last;) lol 

Thank you all for reading this chapter and I hope

you all enjoyed it!!!

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Chapter 22: Please update soon the isn't a really good story I wonder what's going to happen next in the next chapter.
Chapter 22: Can't wait for your next chapter! ;)
Chapter 21: Ohh I can't wait to see the other members of timeless! & so it's gonna be a co-ed group since you said it has 3 boys and now including her 2 girls?
Chapter 20: Yes! I have been waiting for the day when she would be in a group! :D By the way good luck in college! ^^
Chapter 18: omfg.
shes awake!!!
; A ;
such a long chapter!!!! c:
yay thank you so much for the update!
though im still wondering about that "boyfriend" ohohohoh.
and poor suho :(
that shirt doe.
Chapter 17: She has a BOYFRIEND?!!! or maybe a boy friend or a girl friend that calls her Girlfriend? O_O
Chapter 15: I hope she's okay, but I'm really worried about Alice's condition right now! D:
Chapter 15: omg!So much distress. Everyone is hurt both mentally and physically. ;A; I hope they are both alright! :{ amazing chapter, it was worth the wait (: Please update sooooooon~ <3
Chapter 13: oh meh god Annie!!! I hope she's gonna be okay and maybe become an idol someday maybe in the same group as Alice or even a different group ^^
Chapter 10: What happens if they notice Annie and Alice together o.o