Chapter 2

The Reunion


(No one’s POV)

“I don’t think I can do this.” Eunhyuk looking at their old schoolmates.

“Come on guys can you all act all normal.” Sungmin said as he greets their old batchmates.

“I shouldn’t have come here.” Hankyung looking around as if he is searching for someone.

“Seems like none of them attended the party. Let’s not spoil the fun come on let’s all enjoy the party.” Sungmin dancing to the music. Kyuhyun just stand their, Hankyung just get a drink, Eunhyuk just sitting at the chair with Yesung. Suddenly someone approached them.

“Yesung-Oppa!, Eunhyuk-Oppa!.”

“Oh… Victoria.” Yesung who is taken aback seeing her, he knew in the past she had a crush on him.

“Why are you just sitting there?”

“Not interested sorry.” Yesung replied.

“Oh if you’re thinking I am still obsessed with you I am married already.”


“Yep” she said as he pointed at a tall handsome guy to which Yesung and Eunhyuk reacts with their eyes wide open.

“Well I better go now bye boys.” She waved at them as she went ot dance with her husband and being left again they sighed again.

While Sungmin and Kyuhyun are taking another drink someone approached them it was the girl they had helped before that had caused the misinterpretation and the end of his relationship with Seohyun.


“You!.” He tried to walked near him but Sungmin was able to stop him.

“Wait, about the incident I am really sorry, and I had explained to Seohyun everything after graduation, she was looking for you she said if we’ll meet again she wants me to tell you that Seohyun wants to see you again.”

“Do you know where she is now?” Kyuhyun eagerly asked her.

“Well I have no idea she is a satr remember?Why don’t you watch showbiz news will you?” she told him finally leaving.


“Sungmin did you heard what she said.”

“Yeah, Seohyun is looking for you.” Sungmin sadly replied.

“Hey are you ok?” Kyuhyun worriedly asked him.

“Yeah I’m fine I suddenly feel sleepy.” “Come on let’s let tell the others. Kyuhyun grabbed his arm and went to his friend.

“Guys! Do you want to have a trip?”

“A trip?” Hankyung asked him confused about Kyuhyun’s idea.

“Like exploring Korea?”

“Why would we do that?”

“Well… I just feel like it.”

Sungmin just looked at Kyuhyun he knows what I sin his bestfriend’s mind. He knew he doesn’t want the real intention behind asking them to go out  the three of them looking at Kyuhyun and Sungmin thinking they are up to something.

“Guys! Look what Kyuhyun wants is simple bonding together you see…”


“What? We haven’t enjoyed things and you just say no look we need to refresh guys.”

“I know you Kyuhyun well why with sudden asking us to go out you have something in that back of your mind spill it. “

Kyuhyun breath heavily  finally telling them of his intention of looking for Seohyun.

“WHAT!” The three of them exclaimed. The three of them went outside. Kyuhyun and Sungmin tried to follow them outside.

“Look Kyuhyun with that stupid ideas of yours.” Hankyung tried to say but Kyuhyun cut him off.

“Remember it was your fault this all had happened if you did not pay attention to that woman, maybe all of us are happy now well, except for Eunhyuk’s situation and don’t you want to meet them the least?”

“I’m sorry Kyuhyun but I won’t.” Hankyung said as he ride on his van along with Yesung.

“Yesung how about you?”

“Not interested.”


“Nah that’s your problem not mine sorry.”

“That’s what all you can say? You know what fine! Starting from today I will no longer need your help, I regret the day I became your friend!.” Kyhuuyn angrily walked away. “Min!” he called his best friend.


“You coming or what?”

Sungmin looks at Hankyung, Yesung and Eunhyuk. “Sorry, Kyuhyun is just desperate but he did not mean what he said I am really sorry Hyung.”

“Just go with him.” Hankyung suggested.

Sungmin get inside Kyuhyun’s car and they go separate ways.


(at Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s apartment)


Sungmin’s POV


I do think this is really not a good idea, see he is now that frantic Kyuhyun like the the guy back in high school, he packed his bags and even mine.

“Min, don’t tell me you’ll really let me do this.”

I rolled my eyes suddenly as I opened the tv I saw Seohyun and she is having an Asian Tour so…. She is not in Korea for now, as I looked at Kyuhyun I don’t know if I will tell him the truth or not but then my little conscience always win.

“Kyu, stop packing your stop we don’t need to explore Korea.

“What!” He suddenly exclaimed at me he looks disappointed. “you will now stop helping me, remember back in high school I helped you out so you can’t back out now.

“I know, you see she is outside Korea, look in the TV that’s Seohyun she is having an Asian.”

“! I don’t have that enough money even with that pay I have in that cheap bar.” I saw Kyuhyun losing hope again, Kyuhyun never asks for my help but this time I will let him help me.”

“I’ll cover the expenses you have a passport right? I’ll help you with the travel ticket, if you feel burdened think of it like you owe me ok?” I suggested.

Kyuhyun suddenly hugged me, I never seen Kyuhyun this lively and this is all I wish to see him happy.

“Oh Min what would I do if you’re not with me?”

“Well buy tickets online and we’ll leave Korea by next week ok?” Up until can I keep what I feel for him, will I ever get tired?


(Hankyung’s POV)


As I got home I kept on thinking what Kyuhyun said, but what’s the need of looking for him he told me that he don’t want to see me. But where in Korea would I look for him? Wait why should I Aish! I better go to sleep. Or else I might think about it again.


(Yesung’s POV)


Where could he be? Yeah I do missed him, never fell in love again after knowing him, yeah I was a bit playboy during high school but being involved with him, everything changes especially my view about love, now I wonder where could he be?


(The next day)

(Eunhyuk’s POV)


Darn that alarm clock it rings late again, I hurriedly took a bath and went to the dance studio. As I arrived I was surprised I am not late I approached IU wondering what’s happening.


“Thank God I am not late.”

“Technically you are the new choreographer got fired, they hired a new one they said he studied in America and now once of the youngest dancer in demand, he decide to go to Korea but he’ll just stay here for like half a month he’ll choreograph one of the new music video of BOA I am do thrilled honestly I hate that choreographer especially what he always do to you.” I laughed at IU’s remark she really looks up to me suddenly our manager went in side.

“You Hyukjae you’re late again.” He said I lowered my head and apologized

“So you heard, you will have a new choreographer he will do the steps for the upcoming music video by one of Korea’s best singer BOA, the thing here is not all of you will make it, we will see who will shine the most and there you will be pick up personally by him he is very excited to see you. Mr. Aiden Lee please do the honors.”


I was surprised, I did not expect to see him again, that short cute shy guy, who had captured my heart in highschool.

“Hi everyone I am Aiden Lee, I’ll be helping you with the choreography as Mr. Park said we’ll do the workshop and the steps and I will personally pick you and had this chance to appear in BOA’s music video if you can’t make there is next time. I hope we all get along well.

I saw him staring at me those eyes, they are somewhat filled with anger I don’t know, God this seems to be like the start of hell.  After 7 years I Lee Hyukjae finally meet Lee Donghae again and it’s no turning back.


I know it is not really like what the movie is but I do want the original of mine so for next chapter will be the start for the pairing hope you subscribe and provide me comments and I do apologize for some grammar errors.

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yah i think i know what movie you are talking about
Wow!!!kewl :D
I am looking so forward to this then omona !!!! >_<
Cutehair24 #4
Was this story inspired by the philippine movie "The Reunion"? Coz i also like that movie just like how i like ur forward. Thanx for making it author-nim! ^_^ i will be happy to read it.