The Past

Morning Sickness

**** A/N:


Good gosh… Wow... thank you so much to ALL who read, follow, commented, and PMessaged me… I can’t believe I’m so blessed to have this sort of reaction in the fandom! To all those who left kind words—thank you. I truly appreciate every single one. You all are amazing—awesome!! Thank you for stopping by!  


Now… *settles into a bomb shelter*… onward with Chapter 4!

It's a bit short... and was inspired by a movie scene (which I'm sure you'll know). But this story is based mainly off my friend-- one who experienced the same circumstances... but got through it all.... through thick and thin... with the love of her life.


...I promise to upload more soon!


Please Enjoy! Reviews are always welcome and most definitely wanted :o) hheehhee.



*runs away*








Chapter 4









His eyes snapped open.



Something felt horribly awry.



Instinctively, he shuffled his arm and frowned when he grasped nothing but the cool sheets. No warmth from the other side of the bed. Blinking away the fading sleep, Seunghyun lifted his heavy head and glanced around the room. Everything was eerily still. Something was off.  Shoving aside the sheets and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he bolted to his feet, planting the soles solidly on the wooden floor.



He stood rigidly, quietly assessing his room. Listening. Eyes peeled for movements. A mild dose of panic began to fume when relentless silence met him. Noiselessly, he walked over to the bedroom door before dislodging it with an audible creak. His feet met the marble floor with calculated ease as he picked up the pace into a light jog to the kitchen.






He jogged to the living room. Back and front porch.



Garage. Basement.



All empty.  



At the doorsill he sighed heavily and shook his head in disbelief. Raising his head, he voraciously eyed the phone plugged against the wall and pitched forward when he suddenly heard it. It was discreet, but his sensitive ears picked it up at once. He screeched to a halt and held his breath. A small thud made him whip his head to his left.



Of course.



The bathroom.



Why was it always the damn bathroom?



Seunghyun tiptoed to the door and pressed his ear carefully against the wooden exterior. He heard the muffled vacuum on the other side and opened his mouth to speak when a loud BANG! severed his thoughts. It was followed by a soft and muted gasp. He jerked his head back, surprised.



"Bom? Are you in there?" He tried for the curved handle. Locked.






"Park Bom? Babe? Are you all right?" Seunghyun stretched against the flat confines and rattled the doorknob again. "Bom?"



"I... I'm fine. Just... leave me alone..." came her quiet voice.



Seunghyun let out a relieved sigh, "You scared me for a second there. I thought you had disappeared on me."



He released his death-grip on the lever and scooted back, chuckling. He felt his shoulders relax. He should have known better-- Bom and the bathroom were inseparable. Yet seconds passed and an odd wave of sinking uneasiness and apprehension settled in his gut. He narrowed his eyes and glared at the door again.



"Bom?... Is your... stomach troubling you again?"



Unnerving silence.



He reached for the knob again and clawed it.



Something wasn't right.



"Park Bom?"



"I told you, leave me alone!" she spat, her voice laced with anger.



He blinked, startled at her sudden outburst. Pushing off the wall and shrugging, he turned and slowly started for the bed. He paused. His body itched and ached with a bizarre and thudding buzz. Instincts raged and clamored ferociously, pulling and tearing at the pit of his stomach as red flags just popped up endlessly. The alarms were going off and he could hear it blaring in his mind, but he just couldn't place a finger on it. Something was wrong.      



“Bom?” he called again.



All of the sudden, another deafening CRASH! filled the air.



That's it.



Snapping his head, he stomped thunderously towards the door and punched it. "Bom, open the door!"



He heard an awful scraping sound and viciously knocked harder. "Park Bom! Open it!"



Another... CLATTER!






"Get away!" she shrieked.



To hell with this.



Finally fed up, Seunghyun stepped back, only to immediately lunge and charge forward. He crashed through the door with a back-breaking crack of the wooden frame. The timber shreds went flying as he with his shoulder as solid leverage. He staggered inside, brushing away the splinters and the now broken wall when he stopped.



And stared.






Completely frozen.



Park Bom was withered on the floor, soaked and drenched in a halo of blood. She sat, hunched over precariously, only supported by her thin, outstretched arms. In her jarringly pale hands, she gripped a long wet, red rag that was anchored on her oddly bent knees. Her long hair was loose, messily veiling her face, caked and splattered with dark liquid. Broken bottles, trays, and shattered cups were scattered everywhere around her and the bathroom. The shower curtain was ripped from the metal ring seams and lay littered on the edge of the tub.



And the blood...



Oh, the blood.



It was so dark, seeping, and just oozing red, flowing and curbing her pale figure ominously.



Her eyes, the once vibrant, brown, and sparkling eyes, shot up and uncannily darkened. Her beautiful face broke from the blank trance and distorted into a dark scowl. She hastily snatched a ruined bottle and flung it at his feet.



"GET... OUT!"



Then just as soon as she turned, she choked on an anguished, awful sob and heaved forward.



Seunghyun’s heart hammered against his chest and felt  it hideously constrict as he continued to look on, mortified and utterly shocked to his core.



Breathing hard, he willed himself out of his paralysis and cautiously made his way towards his wife, curled and trembling violently like a leaf. “…Bom?”



He collapsed to his knees as he crawled and lifted his arms in a placating gesture. “… Baby?”



His eyes darted around and noted the other dripping, blood-infused towel strewn beside her. His heart wrenched and twisted in an ugly and horrible realization when he discovered the focal point of the pulsing red fluid. Her lower half was doused in red-- her nightgown, arms and legs. Red all over. God...Red.



Seunghyun slowly bent his head and thickly swallowed a wretched, harsh gasp and let out a agonizing shudder. He crumpled to his forearm on the cold ground and balled up his fist in burning rage.



Oh, God...





He was in a terrible nightmare-- this just couldn't be real. It couldn't be happening. Not to his Bom. Not to his love.



Mournfully, he forced himself to rise and gaped at the crestfallen Bom. Seunghyun gently placed a hand on her shoulder and immediately recoiled. She was cold as ice. Bom remained motionless, almost lifeless, head hung low as he edged closer. He softly brushed away the curtain of her hair and moved to cup her face with his trembling hands.



“Baby… please,” he rasped, trying to remain composed as hot tears stung the back of his eyes.



He gave her a small shake, "Park Bom?”



The shutters of her comatose eyes flickered as she registered his presence-- for the first time. She gingerly locked her dead fingers on his wrist. “...Tabi?



He bit his bottom lip, so unreservedly pained, and nodded wordlessly as he gripped her firmly. “Y-yeah, it’s me…”



Bom steadily raised her hand to his cheeks. She gave him an vacant look as she trailed his jawbone with her finger. Her eyes then landed on her hand—her bloodied hand. Bom’s expression soured in seconds as ragged horror seeped onto her delicate features.



"There's just... so MUCH, Seunghyun..." she whispered, broken, looking up at him with such a devastated expression. “Why is there so much… blood?



Seunghyun’s heart shattered.



It screamed with clashing numbness and scorching heat from the anger and torment that arose watching Bom’s anguished face. He stared, eyes glassy and furrowed. He clenched his jaws and brutally shook his head before encircling her in between the 'v' of his legs and pulling her into his fierce embrace. Gutted, ruthless gasps swelled at his neck-- ones that want to be sobs, but literally too big, too much, and too painful to escape his throat.



 “It’s ok, Bom. You’re ok! You’re ok…”



Then an unnatural shrill sound resonated against the walls. It was a wet, guttural sound, heavy and excruciating—it took Seunghyun moments to realize that Bom was sobbing-- openly, uncontrollably, and hysterically. Her body quivered in his arms and he only tightened them, desperately praying and clutching her wrecked body to his. He wanted this to disappear. He wanted to wash away her agony—he just wanted it gone. 



Please... Please...




He couldn’t hold back the tears that welled and blurred his sight. Shutting his eyes, he squeezed his wife’s petite body harder against his and cradled her head the crook of his neck. He rubbed his cheek against the softness of her hair. The auburn strands grew wet and dark with his own inconsolable tears as he began to rock them both gently.






“It’s ok, Bom… You’re ok…

                                             You hear me? You’re going to be ok…”











Mr. Choi?


I’m so sorry Mr. Choi…

….But she lost her child.

…She… will never be able to conceive… I’m so terribly sorry...

I’m so sorry…

I'm so sorry...





I'm so sorry....













TBC.... more to come......

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darkestnights #1
Chapter 4: please update :(**
seoinae #2
Chapter 4: 2016 already! Im new reader!! So curious what will happened next so authornim pls update new chap soon!!T^T *wannaknowwannaknowwannaknow*
zaiiacca #3
Chapter 4: why don't you updaaaaaate? :'(
update pleaaaaaase, i'm starving for your update :"@
please please please
Chapter 4: update! update! update!
skatinglover68 #6
Could u please update I want to know what happens!
swttwnkl #7
I miss this. I really want to know how it ends.
swttwnkl #8
update please? this is your once a month reminder from me lol
choiisthename #9
I love it. I freaking love it so much TT_TT I just found this and oh my god I love it so much! !@#$%$^& Update soon please please pleaseeeeee.