A baby

Morning Sickness

For those who are following this story--- YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!! :) Chapter two up! Enjoy!





It was surreal.


Everything was just so surreal. The decorated walls and the waxed crystal floor danced and swayed together as Bom stared on blankly, trying to recollect whatever remnants of sanity she had left. She sat motionless in the crook near the bathtub, her legs folded against her chest, arms hanging on the knees. The pregnancy test lay far from her, long forgotten, as Bom remained stoic, glued to same spot on the floor for what seemed like hours. She became immune to the radiating cold and instead had recently found a small visible crack on the floor immensely amusing.


Her mind rushed and collided with endless strings of emotions, but yielded nothing but empty thoughts. There was a dull ringing in her ear, and despite the heavy fog of silence, everything seemed to scream in perpetual echoes. Her stomach had eventually calmed, the raging instinct to gag disappeared and was replaced with aching numbness. After moments and eons of steady heartbeats, carefully, she lifted her sullen eyes and stared at the two, very distracting pink marks. The two marks meant (according to the now ruined box)…


Bom slowly and carefully slid both her hands on her stomach. Pregnant. That meant...


A child, a human child, was inside her.


Another life… was growing inside her body.


A child...??


Everything then made sense. Everything just clicked: The sickness, her cramps, and her irrational nervousness. Deep down somehow she had known from the start but just was in utter denial. She didn't, and downright refused, to believe it. She prolonged her gaze at the ceiling before lowering her eyes at her belly. She cradled and smoothed her hands in deliberate and gentle motion on her stomach, carefully pressing and feeling around.


She silently pulled herself on her feet and gingerly made her way to the mirror. Shifting sideways, she looked at her abdomen through her reflection. It was even and flat as a plateau as her hands slid down. But she knew, oh somehow she knew, that slowly her tummy would swell.


A baby?


No… a small but firm voice echoed in her head.


My baby.


Then suddenly for the first time in what felt like months, Park Bom smiled. Her amber eyes welled up with unshed tears and despite how horrible she felt, her smile grew wider.


A child.


Her child.


A feeling of pure, unadulterated joy and bliss bubbled inside her chest and climbed aloft until it erupted from . An astonished laugh escaped her quivering lips. Then another, and another until she was full on a fit. Bom couldn’t help the tears that spilled down her face: tears of awe, disbelief, and happiness.


A baby.


A child.


A new and beloved life.


My precious baby!


Her mind trailed to her husband sleeping in their bedroom. Their baby.


And if it was even humanly possible, Park Bom’s grin widened further until she was sure it was permanently hooked on her ears. She was a mother now. And her husband, the father. They were going to be parents!


Oh, she couldn't wait to tell...


Park Bom paused.


And blinked at the sudden thought. Then a wave of uncertainty suddenly overwhelmed her.  Her face immediately fell. She hadn’t thought of him at all. All the while at her new discovery, she was more than thrilled, but… What would he say? Would he be happy?  She furrowed her eyebrows in a deep frown.


Suddenly, the doorknob jiggled. Park Bom literally jumped from her skin and snapped her head to the door. She instinctively backed away to the wall.


“Bom?” came a muffled, deep voice from the other side. “Babe, are you ok?”


Park Bom watched, startled, as the knob shook again. She had forgotten that she had locked it. She her dry lips, unable to control the sudden bodily shudder.


“Bom? You in there?” The deep voice came again, and she detected a rising tone of concern. Bom mentally sighed a breath of relief. It was her husband. She frowned again. Had he been awake all this time? Wasn’t he supposed to be at work by now? Her eyes skittered to the clock.


7:54 a.m. Her eyes widened. Just how long had she been loitering in the bathroom?


“Park Bom?”


Right. She cleared , “Y-Yes. It’s me.”


She heard him inch closer to the door, “You ok? Are you feeling sick? Did you want me to get something to drink?”


Bom breathed in, desperately trying to calm her voice, “N-No. I’m fine. D-did you need to use the restroom to get ready for work?”


She pictured him shaking his head, “No… It’s Saturday, remember?”


Bom mentally smacked herself, “R-right…”


Silence followed for a sturdy beat until her husband gently spoke again, “Are you all right? Did you want me to come in?”


“NO!” Bom cried before she could stop herself. Despite knowing the door was locked, she lunged at the door in an effort to stop him from entering. She stuttered before composing herself. She couldn’t bear facing him right now, not with the unexpected news of…


“I mean, no… it’s fine. But, I am hungry, though….” She said against the door, trying to recover from her sudden outburst that surely would have raised an eyebrow. She imagined him breaking through the door and winced.


Really? Ok, I’ll whip up something real quick for you to eat. Come out whenever you’re ready.”


Bom didn’t miss the childlike excitement in his voice and smiled to herself as she heard his footsteps retreat to the general direction to the kitchen. She released a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Usually he would have put up a great deal of fight… that she knew too well. Yet she knew that was enough to make him go. But it was no lie--to her complete surprise, she was getting a bit hungry for the very first time in a long while. Maybe it was the child in her that was talking for her.


Bom calmly walked to sink and stared hard at her disheveled reflection. Her eyes were still bloodshot (even more so), face completely ashen, with dark circles pulsating around her droopy and dull eyes—in short, she was a damn hot mess. Bom stifled a groan and leaned over for a wash. She had to at least look presentable to hide her previous escapade with life and utter chaos. And Lord knows how long it’s been since she’s last put on or at least looked something decent.


She marveled at her darling husband and his commitment to her despite her ebbing self esteem. Even as he wiped away the sweat and sticky hair that clung onto her forehead, he had done so with tender care, and utmost sincerity. His ebony eyes never showed signs of annoyance or frustration, but was filled with patience and concern-- so much so that it made her cry even more against his broad chest, gripping onto his shirt like no tomorrow. Bom sighed, shaking herself from the past thoughts.


She considered taking a bath, but knew from the subtle flowing scent of breakfast seeping through the cracks of the door, her husband would soon be done and waiting. Taming her wild red hair and with a final brush and touch up on her face, Bom brusquely paced to the door. She stopped when she placed a hand on the curved knob and gulped. Would she tell him now? Was he ready? Would he be ready? Hell, was she ready? Maybe she would wait it out, prolong it until…


Intuitively, her hand caressed her lower stomach. No, it was his child and he had all the right to know. Her hands trembled as she unlocked the handle and after hearing the audible click, twisted it to slowly pull open the door.






TBC....:) thank you all for reading!

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darkestnights #1
Chapter 4: please update :(**
seoinae #2
Chapter 4: 2016 already! Im new reader!! So curious what will happened next so authornim pls update new chap soon!!T^T *wannaknowwannaknowwannaknow*
zaiiacca #3
Chapter 4: why don't you updaaaaaate? :'(
update pleaaaaaase, i'm starving for your update :"@
please please please
Chapter 4: update! update! update!
skatinglover68 #6
Could u please update I want to know what happens!
swttwnkl #7
I miss this. I really want to know how it ends.
swttwnkl #8
update please? this is your once a month reminder from me lol
choiisthename #9
I love it. I freaking love it so much TT_TT I just found this and oh my god I love it so much! !@#$%$^& Update soon please please pleaseeeeee.