
Morning Sickness

A/N: To all those who subscribed and are following this story, again-- you guys are beyond awesome!! Thank you so much for your kind words, via reviews or PM. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!







She was met with a strong waft of mixed bacon, egg, and oranges. immediately began to water as she turned quietly into the hallway. At the threshold, she stopped. Bom spotted her husband, making his way effortlessly around the pantry. She paused. Just how long had it been since she truly looked at him?


He was clad in a simple dark navy sleeveless shirt with loose grey sweatpants that hung tastily low on his hips. She watched, captivated and completely mesmerized as his arm muscles flexed and relaxed all the while he made his way around with his long legs.


She allowed her thirsty eyes to travel lower from his firm pects to his torso. The blue shirt was tight enough to flaunt the fine lines and etches of his rock hard and unyielding six pack. Her eyes honed in on the sliver of skin that showed just slightly above the waistband.


Really, it was no wonder she was even in this pregnant predicament. She should have known better, she thought as she allowed her spellbound eyes to rake over her husband's body not-so-innocently.


He hadn’t noticed her intense watch and presence yet as he literally waltzed around from cupboard to cupboard, pulling and adjusting pans and plates in a premeditated trance. He plucked a glass cup from the dishwasher and placed it on the adjacent kitchen table, facing Bom. Then, immediately sensing another, he came to an abrupt stop and raised his dark eyes. A surprised look flashed briefly before a wide, happy smile graced his lips as he straightened up to approach her with opened arms.


"Hey," he hummed pleasantly, placing both hands on her waist before pulling her in for a tight hug.


She returned the embrace, wrapping her arms on his broad shoulders. Bom sighed contently, relishing the feeling of missed warmth in his hold. She felt his hot lips on her temple before it trailed down her cheeks to capture hers in a deliberate, yet gentle kiss. It was enough to send her heart in a whirlwind. When she had pulled away all too soon, Bom felt his eyes on hers, scanning and searching.


"How are you feeling?" he asked, cupping her face in-between his large hands.


Bom smiled weakly and just gave him a curt nod, "Fine. Just hungry."


At this his eyes sparked up and he held her hand before pulling her gently towards the table. "The bacon is almost done. Give me... two minutes?"


Bom gave a small grin as he sprinted over to the stove and poked at the strips of bacon sizzling on the frying pan with chopsticks. She noticed the hash browns and eggs were done, sprinkled with bits of salsa and the corn that she loved so much. A tall glass of orange juice stood at the side, and from the patches of skin littered on the other side of the kitchen counter, it was fresh--- hand-squeezed.


She slowly sat herself down on the outstretched chair and carefully inhaled the different aroma of breakfast. For a moment she was scared her body would reject it and clutched the edge of the table, ready to dash if the urge to vomit resurfaced. Seconds passed. Surprisingly, none came. Releasing a quiet breath of relief, both out of awe and gratitude, she scooted closer to the table.


She gave him another smile and watched as he moved, lifting the frying pan to slide the newly cooked bacon onto her plate. "Bon appétit."


Forever grateful that her stomach stayed calm, Bom took the fork and poked first at the scrambled eggs. The food melted on her tongue and as the fear slowly receded and her belly felt warm for the first time in ages, she couldn't help but recite a prayer as she blessedly munched away on the strip of bacon. Food had never tasted so... divine. It was suddenly so odd she was able to consume-- perhaps truly, the child spoke for her.


As she probed at the pieces of her corn, she suddenly became aware of the heat from attentive eyes and glanced up to find her firm companion staring fixedly at her.


His ebony eyes were serious, yet they gleamed half with amusement and adoration. The smile never left his mouth as he continued to gaze, almost longingly, at her. Bom felt the familiar heat rise from her neck to her cheeks under his riveting gaze and looked away, suddenly embarrassed and altogether shy.


"What is it?" she murmured, teething a piece of corn and noticing how close he stood.


"Nothing," he shrugged, strutting out his chin. "I'm just… so happy you're eating," he chuckled, crossing his muscular arms on his chest and leaning on the table.


"It's delicious," she praised, taking a big swig of the orange juice. "Thank you."


He gave a small nod in acknowledgment before bending closer. He reached forward to tuck a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Bom immediately tensed, sensing, and all-too-well recognizing the subtlety. The touch, however gentle and mundane it may have looked, screamed of yearning, ache, and hidden passion. Park Bom her bottom lip, trying to stop the way her body quivered under his placid, but heated touch.


Bom cleared and forcefully speared another portion of scrambled eggs before stuffing them in . She swallowed thickly and had her fluttering eyes glued to the plate. She heard him sigh and the air shifted as he moved to sit beside her. His large hand glided to the small of her back as he turned.


"Are you feeling better?" he asked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.


Bom nodded, unable to speak.


"Good," he replied.


Silence fell.


All was quiet and calm, except the flaring heat on her cheeks. It was his gaze, that disconcerting gaze, and the sheer intensity of it, that always threw her off, made her knees and stomach weak. It was his gaze that had her in this dilemma in the first place. Damn this younger man.


Try as she might, she couldn't ignore the burning and radiating heat from his hand that lingered tentatively on her lower back. Bom felt him edge closer, lean on his elbows to look up at her face from below.


"I missed you..."


"It's only been one night," she quipped playfully, inadvertently turning away from him. Gathering the plates, she stood to walk over to the sink. She couldn’t handle being near him all the sudden. She couldn’t think straight.  


“You know it hasn’t been just one night, Bom.”


She her heels. His face was creased together with a knowing look, with a hint of a frown as he repeated, “It hasn’t.”


“I don’t know what you mean,” she lied, turning on the faucet.


She heard him sigh heavily, “Yes, you do. You’ve been avoiding me for the past… I don’t know, three, four weeks?”


When she heard his footsteps approach, her mind panicked. “I haven’t been avoiding you. Why would I do that?”


He appeared suddenly and bent over on the edge of the sink, eyeing her incredulously, “I don’t know? Maybe because… you’re mad at me?”


Bom shook her head in response. He scraped his fingers through his dark hair, a clear sign of growing agitation. He was near the tipping point. His stance and voice screamed it all.


“Look Bom,” he started, his voice startlingly low, “Lately, you haven’t been… yourself. You don’t smile or laugh anymore, for one. You won’t talk to me or even look at me. You haven’t been eating—hell, today was the first I’ve actually seen you walk into the kitchen. You won’t come to bed, you don’t let me touch you, and you’re always locking yourself in the bathroom every chance you get.”


Bom remained silent, eyes darting around as she tried to compose herself. He was reaching his breaking point fast and if she didn’t say or do anything about it, he would detonate—literally.  


He continued, “Whenever I try to ask you a question or try to have you at least acknowledge me, you brush me off. And yet this morning, you seemed different. You at least let me hold you for… three seconds.”


 “Was it something I’ve done?” he asked, his voice growing louder. “Because if it is, and I’ve been too much of an idiot to see it then please tell me. I want to fix it—just tell me.”


Bom opened but clamped it shut again. She didn’t know where to begin.


“I’m… sorry,” she whispered, looking down at her toes.


He sighed and scrubbed his head violently before pulling an exasperated hand down his face.


“I just… I just want to make sure you’re all right, Bom,” he offered. “And that… we are ok. Are we ok?”


Bom nodded. It’s more than ok


“It’s not you, honey. It’s definitely not you…”


He stood up straight with a baited breath before gently turning her on her shoulders to face him.


“Then what’s on your mind, Bom? Please tell me…” He said, his voice and eyes pleading.


Oh, hell. Bom felt her resolve crumble. She couldn’t keep it from him any longer. He had been nurturing the wrong impression and was letting his imagination and love for her run wild. She needed to reel him back to present reality and make up for the misunderstanding and pain she inflicted on him for the past weeks.


“Do you… Do you remember when I visited the Doctor a year ago?” she whispered, looking carefully at the empty mug in the sink.


“Of course I remember,” he responded slowly after a very audible moment of silence. “Why?”


“Well…” she stalled, trying to calm her rapid breathing. Suddenly her eyes welled up, “Remember how… I was told… or we… were told that… I couldn’t. Oh, that… I couldn’t…”


“Bom,” he quietly interrupted. “I know…”


She felt him lean closer before enveloping her in a tight hug. He held her chin between his thumb and index finger, looking dead straight into her eyes. Bom saw a rush of emotions flash for a moment before it disappeared behind his concerned expression. She sighed, gripping his forearms when she pulled back. He immediately reacted with alarm.  


“What’s the matter, Bom? Did you need to see the doctor? Are you not feeling well?” he asked, his voice rising with concern when she didn’t respond.


She shook her head, trying to gather her scattered thoughts amidst the pounding echoes of her beating chest. She breathed in deep, determined to finally speak.


“Sweety, do you remember the Doctor saying… I couldn’t have children? That I was…barren?”


She watched as his eyes darkened a bit before leaning forward. “Yes, I remember that, Bom. But…what does that have to do with this? Why are you--?”


“Do you believe in miracles?” she blurted, unable to contain herself, “Second chances?”


He remained silent, confusion falling over his features as he scrutinized hers. He closed his eyes momentarily before opening them, uneasiness and concern all too noticeable.  “What do you mean by that? What’s…What’s going on, Bom?”


Then all at once, the dam holding the torrents of emotions cracked and exploded. Bom burst out into tears and collapsed against his chest.  She wailed against the crook of his collar, pulling on his shirt for dear life. Her husband responded instantly, holding and cradling her close, his arms wrapping her small figure.


“Hey…” he whispered, gingerly running his hand through her hair. “It’s ok …”


Bom suddenly found herself shaking with uncontrollable laughter. She pulled away and looked up at her husband with an ecstatic grin. Oh, how she must have looked—delusional, crazy, and terrifyingly insane. She saw his eyes widen a bit before his eyebrows knitted together with rising apprehension and utter confusion.


“Tabi! Seunghyun…I.. I..haha… I’m, I’m—”


He rushed forward, reaching out his arms. Laughing and hastily wiping the tears from her face, she snagged his wrist and pressed the palm of his hand against the flat planes of her lower stomach. Seunghyun’s eyes fluttered downward before holding hers again. Raw fear gripped him.


“Bom, wha--?”


“I’m pregnant!” she exclaimed.


Seunghyun remained completely frozen, apparently unable to process her words. Bom stepped closer to bring both their hands together on her stomach. She smiled and laughed hysterically through her tears, staring at her bewildered husband.



“Seunghyun… I’m pregnant!”






TBC... AGAIN... To all those who subscribed.... I'm sooooooo flattered. Thank you for reading and following this story :) :)


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darkestnights #1
Chapter 4: please update :(**
seoinae #2
Chapter 4: 2016 already! Im new reader!! So curious what will happened next so authornim pls update new chap soon!!T^T *wannaknowwannaknowwannaknow*
zaiiacca #3
Chapter 4: why don't you updaaaaaate? :'(
update pleaaaaaase, i'm starving for your update :"@
please please please
Chapter 4: update! update! update!
skatinglover68 #6
Could u please update I want to know what happens!
swttwnkl #7
I miss this. I really want to know how it ends.
swttwnkl #8
update please? this is your once a month reminder from me lol
choiisthename #9
I love it. I freaking love it so much TT_TT I just found this and oh my god I love it so much! !@#$%$^& Update soon please please pleaseeeeee.