Third : The Mommy

Why is This My Life?

If someone asks Youngjae what is the most depressing moment he ever experienced, he would say ‘right now’.

Trapped in a room with someone who is so frickin’ quiet is totally the worst torture ever. Stabbed by a butter knife would be better, really. When the baby ft. toddler accompanied him it was like, super chaos. They were so annoying, so noisy, and so loud, and annoying, and noisy, and loud and yeah, annoying, noisy, and loud. But now,  wow, it’s the total opposite. It’s so silent—no, TOO silent. Way too silent for his liking. The feline guy just sits there in the corner and unpacks Youngjae’s boxes of books quietly. Neatly arranging them on Daehyun’s empty bookshelf—no doubt that Daemoron is absolutely idiot. Heck, it’s really really silent until he could even hear his organs working and believe him, listening to your own guts disgesting is the last thing you wanna do. Trust him. It’s killing him slowly, seriously. If he knows that Himchan is gonna be this quiet then he prefer the kids to be here and do their . It’s better to have more wrinkles than losing his precious sanity.


Oh yes please yes. Youngjae would feel so so happy to have you darlings here—

“Nope, it’s almost lunch time, boys. Why don’t you guys set the table and check if Papabbang is still alive in the room of shame?”

Please NO. NONONO—


NONONO—oh this little !. Youngjae could feel the angels around his head die and burn. He gave Himchan his scariest death glare. If only stare could kill, Himchan would be rotting in hell right now. Ugh, he will surely write this on his ‘Reasons to Hate Himchan’ book. He’s sure it’s gonna be a best-selling book.

“You don’t like silence, do you?”

Youngjae blinked. What?.

“I thought you liked it since you seemed uncomfortable with the boys but yeah, I’m wrong”, Himchan chuckled, “but that means I don’t have to hold myself anymore, right?”

Oh yes thank you so much, God.

“I really really love talking just as much as the boys do, you know!”

Nope. Screw you, God.

“Err o-okay, you’re Himchan, yes?”

“You’ve got that right! I’m Kim Himchan the mom of this family!”, the man cheered happily. He seems like that kind of annoying guy who will always talk and laugh and cheer and do other noisy stuffs. This guy is the total opposite of that angsty-emo Daehyun. Maybe someday he will slice his arms and drown himself on the tub. Yeah, very very emo.

“You look younger than Jongupuppy, how old are you, Squishy-ah?”

“Me? I’m 19 this year and please don’t call me Squishy”

“Woah, really? You’re older than Jongupuppy then! Ugh, your babyface makes me jelly, Squishy-ah! If only I could all your beauty and keep it for myself. Or is it better to rip your cute face and plaster it to mine?”, Himchan blabbered without bothering Youngjae’s request. That sure was annoying but what makes Youngjae cringes in horror is Himchan’s psycho ramble. He doesn’t know if that guy said it conciously or not but it was ing scary. Youngjae never felt this scared—well okay, maybe he did when he met Dae-moron or when a moth perched on his face but this is even scarier. This house is full of crazy people. Great. And by the way, what the heck is Jongupuppy.

“P-please don’t call me Squishy, my name is Yoo Youngjae”, he tried to change the topic, afraid if Himchan would say some psycho stuff he never wanna hear anymore.

“Alrighty, Jaegi-yaaa~”

The .

“E-ehh what—don’t call me that too! T-that’s embarassing!”, Youngjae stuttered. An evident blush crippling on his fair skin. No way in hell he would be called like that. Especially by that super sassy man. It’s still fine if he called him Jae—eventhough only his bestfriends call him that—but, seriously? Jaegi? Who does that guy think he is? His mom?. Holy, he is a male okay, a MALE! A healthy manly male!. Why the hell would he call himself Mama?. Ergh, everyone is sick in this house. He must be entering the wrong house, yes yes this must be a nut hospital and he was wrong. Wait, doesn’t that make him a nut person too?. Okay, mind level 9001.

“But why?”, the taller man pouted, “All my son must have cute petname!”.

“N-no, I don’t need it, thanks and I'm not your son. Just call me Youngjae or—or Jae if you want”.

“Aah, you’re just like Daehoney when he first met me!”


 “What is Daehoney?”

“Oh, that’s Daehyun’s petname! Isn’t it cute?. I had to buy him a fridge full of cheesecake so he would allow me to call him ‘My Son Daehoney’. I like ‘Daerling’ better actually. It’s cuter and more adorable than ‘Daehoney’. But sadly he doesn’t want to be called like that!”.

What the heck.

“Everyone got a petname?!”, Youngjae—too—loudly screamed. So what if he sounds like a sissy girl?. He doesn’t give a . What he cares is this ridiculously stupid petname things.

“I already told you, you know. Of course they do! Yongguk is BbangBbang, me is Hime-chan, Daehyun is Daehoney, Jongup is Jongupuppy, Junhong is Jellobean, and you’re Jaegi!. Aww, the names are just too sweet! I think I got diabetic!”, the man spazzes like there is no tomorrow.

“B-but I—“

“No objection, boy!”, Himchan said with both hands on his hips, “you know it’s rude to argue with your parents, right? Now, tidy up your stuff and go downstairs for lunch!”.

Everyone’s family nicknames really suit them, actually. He looks like his mom when she is nagging. Even his gestures is similar, holy. But yep, he would never ever win this arguement with a mom—or a half-mom, whatever—so he just nods and continues unpacking his stuffs. That makes Himchan smiles in satisfication as he pats Youngjae’s head.

“Good boy”.

After one more pat, Himchan left him. Ah, really. That felt like his mother’s—real mother—pat. Soft and calming. Is that guy really a man?. Despite his tall height and that almost-as-deep-as-Yongguk voice, he is a bit too soft for a man. Youngjae doesn’t sure about Himchan’s real gender. Maybe he is a hermaphrodite. Or maybe he is genderless. He should sneak to his bed at night and take off his pants, taking some photos of his ‘private area’ for proof maybe. Should he do it tonight or lat—

“If you blank out like that you could be possessed, you know”.



That kinda low voice.

That strong Busan accent.


“Hello again, Squishy bunny


Helloooo everyone, remember me?//slapped welp, you better do bc I'm back with another ty chapter lol.

for himchan-biased, sorry if I made our mamachan too sissy jsfgjskdf I'm himchan-biased too actually that's why it's kinda hard for me to write this chapter lmao. it's so different with my expectation : 'mamachan being a fabulous diva' but reality says, 'mamachan being a normal person lol fuq u' djfgjsdfksdhfkdsf WATEVA, SOMEONE TEACH ME ENGLISH.

and by the way, are you guys ready for daejaeeeeee? hohoho just wait for the next chapter, okay!

love you guisee, all my heart is for youuuu <333

replies : 

Kaiten3696 : hauhuehuhuehuahe and I love you for reading this <333333 u 3 u

cocoalakin : EH I KNOW RIGHT jongup is the awkward and quiet type, but when he is with zelo he becomes kind of hyper lololol maknae power, maybe?//wat. sgdkdgfk baby let me love you foreveeeeeer <33

waeusolazy : lmao it begins with kaye////// ahhh, I'm so glad you like it bby, I love youu <33

v3aish : ahhhh our boys are always random e v e /slapped/ here comes the fab mamachannn~

fluffydaejae : uguu baby don't be shy~ let me be the dae of your jae u v u /what/ sdhfdskjf I don't know what to say but I'm so glad you like it//// dkfhksd be ready for the next crappy chapter, ok! > v < 9

BocahHunHan : hehehe, he will appear in all coming chapters! so stay tune! hwaiting! e v e 9

-CheesecakeObsession : kdhfs thank you so much! I will! ^ 0 ^

cheesecakesoulmusic : awwww thank you very much bby! I love youuuu hwaiting! <33

hoshispace : hohoho mom is always scary//slapped u v u LMAOOO nice guess! lololol


PaperSong : maknae rules! u v u a moment of silence for our brother jae lololol ikr dae is such a cute idiot erghh//// ahhh thank you so much!

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If I could, I'd give you an award for 'Funniest Fanfic Ever' and this is really coming from a talented writer. Honey, go out there and make a movie out of this, and don't be too surprised if you find an Oscar invitation in your mailbox.
I'd give this fic an award for 'Funniest Fanfic Ever', it was amazing! Dude/Girl, you have talent, go out there and make a movie with this storyboard, I'm sure it'll be a blockbuster.
lolipopcandy #5
Hey man, I hope you update soon! :D
waeusolazy #6
Chapter 4: Oh, dear, thank you! I like that you answer to readers' comments.
And ma body is ready for DaeJae. :3
Chapter 4: Oooooh I love this already! xD
Please update soon!^^
Chapter 4: of course i remember u..been waiting for 13632454 years for ur update..and channie moments in this chapter oh my. I LOVE FABULOUS HIMCHAN SO MUCH.

will patiently for the next chapter. DaeMoron with Squishy. *sparkling eyes*
Chapter 4: hahahah I love it !!!
Loves you too Author-nim!!!!
v3aish #10
Chapter 4: fab mama-chan is fab. well done!!! :D

and no slapping for you... how bout a fist bump? that seems to be what the latest cool thing to do is these days... i think... meh :P